Jean-Frédéric Schall, La
comparaison (1789)
卷二〈江南婦〉:「官輸未了憂心觸,門外又聞私債促。大家揭帖播通衢,生穀十年還未足。長兒五歲方離手,小女三周未能走。社長呼名散戶田,下季官鹽添兩口。」 〈陌上桑〉:「陌上桑,無人采,入夏綠陰深似海。行人來往得清涼,借問蠶姑無個在。蠶姑不在在何處?聞說官司要官布。」
Henri Peyre, Le
Classicisme français 議論明通。Valéry, Variété
II, p. 15: “Tout classicisme suppose un romantisme antérieur. L’essence du
classicisme est de venir après. L’ordre suppose un certain désordre qu’il vient
réduire”; André Gide, Incidences, p.
38: “L’oeuvre classique ne sera forte et belle qu’en raison de son romantisme
dompté” 之旨,實發於 Nietzsche, Die
Geburt der Tragödie, III,至此書而發揮無遺蘊矣。參觀七三四則。T.S. Eliot, On
Poetry & Poets, p. 35: “Maturity... a classic can only occur when the
civilization is mature” etc. (pp. 44-5, 47-8, 149-50, 334, 228; Cocteau: “L’ordre
après la crise, voilà l’ordre que réclame”). 新古典主義之病,正緣未絢爛而求造平淡,未大胆而衹為小心(語本謝枋得《文章規範》)(p. 219: “Leur réserve n’a jamais connu l’exubérance,
leur sagesse pincée n’a jamais éprouve la folie”),如 Roy Campbell,
“On Some South African Novelists”: “You praise the firm restraint with which
they write — / I’m with you there, of course, / They use the snaffle & the
curb alright / But where’s the bloody horse?”【The London Magazine, July 1959, p. 51, William Plomer 自云 Roy
Campbell 聞其評一南非洲小說家所………著云[5]:“like
a dog-collar without a dog inside”,遂成此詩,此小說家以 restraint 聞名者。(參觀同期 p. 70: “The modern... writing is jamming the brakes on a vehicle which
is scarcely moving....”)】惜 Peyre 引古今英國詩句敷說,偏遺此耳。參觀第七三四則、七六七則。【參觀 H.
Focillon, Vie des Forms (1934), p.
17-8: “Il [le classicisme] est stabilité, sécurité, après l’inquiétude
expérimentale... Brève minute de pleine possession des formes” etc.; J. Dewey, Art as Experience, p. 144: “The ‘classic’
when it was produced bore the marks of adventure. This fact is ignored by
classicists in their protest against romantics”; Mme de Staël on Fr.
Lit.: “Trop de freins pour des coursiers si peu fougueux!” (P. Moreau, La crit. litt. en France, p. 102).】
Pp. 26 ff. 論 “trois emplois
du mot classique”。按不如 Kurt Herbert
Halbach: “Zu Begriff und Wesen der Klassik” 分為 “Wertbegriff”
(“die Besten oder der Beste auf einem ganzen Kultur gebiet im Rahmen eines
Volks oder einer ganzen geschichtlichen Ewe”, Festschrift für Paul Kluckhohn und Hermann Schneider, 1948, S. 169;
“Klassische wäre... so viel wie ‘kanonisch’”, S. 176) 與 “Wesenbegriff”
(“in den reinen wertfreien Stilbegriff als Parteibegriff”, S. 168; “als Ideal typisches
Wesen”, S. 183) 之簡哉。
P. 33: “‘Tout est dans tout et
réciproquement,’ disaient autrefois en souriant les professeurs de rhétorique.”
按此實神秘宗之說,變為老生常談耳。Proclus, The
Elements of Theology, Prop. 103: “All things are in all things, but in each
according to its proper nature” (Eng. tr. by E.R. Dodds, p. 93).
Pp. 46-7: “La ‘grande siècle’ est
venue après une longue suite de guerres extérieures, de discussion religieuses acharnées,
d’incertitude politique... Une époque classique s’annonce en effet par un
soupir de soulagement... Le classicism est ainsi un moment fortuné d’équilibre forcément
instable.” 按 Halbach:
“‘Klassik’ bleibt begrenzt auf jene Hoch-Zeiten der Blüte, in denen sich eine ‘Akme’...
ein unüberbietbarer Reifezustand einer geschichtlichen Entwicklung, eine
Wachstums im Rahmen eines Volkes oder eines ganzen Zeitalters im Abendland
darstellt” (S. 177); “Sie [Klassiker] erwachsen nicht im Augenblick der
Formstraffheit, der Formverfestigung... sondern in einem Augenblick des Schon und Noch: schon Freiheit, Lösung; gerade noch
einmal (und auch: schon wieder) im
alten Sinn Bindung — aus ‘Wellenberge’ (die französische ‘Klassik’ dagegen ist eindeutig
schon wieder Bindung” (S. 185); “‘Klassik’ als Erfüllung durch handelndes
Schaffen, unter Umständen
unter Führung des
Staatmanns und Herrschers: Augustus; Richelieu; Mazarin; Louis XIV — der ‘Klassik’
am Brennpunkt des ‘Leistungscharakters’. Dem gegenüber steht die ‘Klassik’ beim
Brennpunkt des Blossen Wachstumscharakters. Eher unbewusst meist höchstens nur
sehr mittle bar staatlich... Was ist Weimar z.b. politisch-staatlich gegen Rom,
Paris, Madrid oder London?” (p. 189) 可相發明。【Jacques Barzun,
Romanticism & the Modern Ego,
p. 56: “This classical age followed appropriately upon a period of political
disorders, national disunity, & dynastic troubles... Classicism must begin
by making, by manufacturing, its unity. Then, when this artificial unity has
been enforced long enough to have some habitual, classicism pretends that it
has been found ready-made in nature.[6]”】
P. 96 引
Goethe, Was wir bringen, Sz. XIX: “In
der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister, / Und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit
geben” (Goethe, Auswahl in 3 Bänden, II, 155). 按
Hegel, Ästhetik, III Theil, iii Abschnitt,
2 Kap. 論 “Melodie”
語是其註腳:“Denn die echte Freiheit steht nicht dem
Notwendigen als einer fremden und deshalb drückenden und unterdrückenden Macht
gegenüber, sondern hat dies Substantielle als das ihr selbst einwohnende, mit
ihr identische Wesen, in dessen Forderungen sie deshalb so sehr nur ihren
eigenen Gesetzen folgt und ihrer eigenen Natur Genüge tut, dass sie sich erst
in dem Abgehen von diesen Vorschriften von sich abwenden und sich selber
ungetreu werden würde” (Sämtl. Werk.,
hrsg. H. Glockner, Bd. XIV, S. 182).【“die schöne freie Notwendigkeit”】【Kant, Kritik der Urteilskraft, Buch I, ad fon. “Allgemeine Anmerkung” on “die
freie Gesetzmässigkeit der Einbildungskraft” (Werke, ed. E. Cassirer, et
al., V, 331). 】【A.W.
Schlegel: “Briefe über Poesie, Sylbemass und Sprache”, IV: “die geordnete
Freiheit” [of prosody] (Kritische
Schriften und Briefe, W. Kohlhammer, Bd. I, S. 174); T.S. Eliot, On Poetry & Poets, p. 38: “The
liberties that he may take are for the sake of order.” 】【Pascal,
Pensées, Vi, 397-9, ed. Victor Giraud,
p. 209 on man’s self-consciousness is the source of his “grandeur.”】【Cicero,
Pro Cluentio, LIII, 146: “omnes legum
servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus.”】(參觀第六百三十則)即 Wordsworth, “Nuns fret not in the convent’s narrow
room” 一篇(又 “Education of Nature”: “Both law and impulse”)之旨也。Hegel 論人事亦同此意,System
der Philosophie, I
Theil, ii Abtheilung, §158: “Die Wahrheit der Notwendigkeit ist die Freiheit...
Die Freiheit hat die Notwendigkeit zu ihrer Voraussetzung” (Bd. VIII, S. 348-9)。Engels
本之云:“Für ihn [Hegel] ist die Freiheit die Einsicht in
die Notwendigkeit” (Anti-Dühring, I,
xi, Peking ed., p. 147)。 Massimo
D’Azeglio, I Miei Ricordi 亦云:“la
mia definizione: la libertà stare nell’ubbidienza” (“Biblioteca Classica
Hoepliana,” p. 23)。參觀 “Libertas
est potestas faciendi id, quod jure licet”。實則Pindar,
The Pythian Odes, II: “Yet is it best to bear
lightly the yoke that resteth on one’s neck, for, as ye know, it is a slippery
course to kick against the goads[7]”
(Pindar, Eng. tr. by John Sandys, “The
Loeb Classical Library”, p. 89); Ovid, Amores,
I, ii, 10: “Cedamus! leve fit, quod bene fertur, onus / ... verbera plura
ferunt quam quos iuvat usus aratri, / detractant prensi dum iuga prima boves. /
Asper equus duris contunditur ora lupatis, / frena minus sentit, quisquis ad
arma facit.” Orlando Furioso, XXIII,
105 [Orlando’s suspicion & jealousy]: “Ma sempre più raccende e più
rinuova, / Quanto spenger più cerca, il rio sospetto; / Come l’incauto augel
che si ritrova / In ragna o in visco aver dato di petto. / Quanto più batte
l’ale e più si prova / Di disbrigar, più vi si lega stretto” (Ed. Ulrico
Hoepli, p. 245).【Hebbel: “Die poetische Lizenz”: “Nur, dass sein
Geist zur Höhe drang, / Wo man nicht kämpft, nur spielt mit Schranken” (Werke, hrsg. T. Poppe, I, 205). Cf. Th.
Storm: “Ich bedarf äusserlich der Enge, um innerlich ins Weite zu sehen” (Sämtl. Werk., Aufbau 1965, I, 7); Lavater:
“Der Mensch ist frei wie der Vogel im Käfig; er kann sich innerhalb gewisser
Grenzen bewegen.” Cf. Boileau: “Et pour le rendre libre, il le faut enchaîner” —
Landor in the “Imaginary Conversations between Abbé Delille & Landor” calls
this “indeed the most violent antithesis... ever constructed” (H. Cairns, The Limits of Art, p. 84).】【Montesquieu,
De l’Esprit des lois, XI, iii: “La
liberté es le droit de faire tout ce que les lois permettent” (“Bibliothèque de
la Pléiade”) II, p. 395. 此意早見之 Epictetus, Fragments,
viii: “To accept of his own accord what needs must befall him.” (Epictetus, tr. W.A. Oldfather, “The Loeb
Class. Lib.”, II, p. 449); Seneca, Ep.,
XCI, 15: “in gratiam cum fato revertere”; 又第七百三則論 Wordsworth: “The Sonnet”。】曾異撰《紡授堂文集》卷五〈與邱小魯書〉云:「我輩既帖括應制,正如網中魚鳥,度無脫理。倘安意其中,尚可移之盆甕,畜之樊籠。雖不有邱壑之樂,猶庶幾茍全鱗羽[8],得為人耳目近玩。一或恃勇跳躍,幾幸决網而出,其力愈大,其縛愈急,必至摧鬢損毛」云云,則是師儒之至言妙道,不過現禽犢身而說法。誤落世網中人,安得不自哀時命乎!
P. 170: “Un pays qui se souvent qui Diderot lui a été révélé en grande partie par Goethe,
Musset dramaturge par la Russie, Gobin eau par l’Allemagne... que Mallarmé a
prononcé à Oxford des conférences que nul n’eût écoutées alors à la Sorbonne,
etc. etc. Se doit être modeste dans ses prétentions au nationalisme littéraire.”
按 Maurice Baring, Have You Anything to Delare? p. 123: “I once bewailed to a French
writer that French criticism was hard & severe on Maupassant, & I
quoted a sentence. He admitted the sentence was a good one, & said:
‘Heureusement il y a l’étranger.’” 參觀 F.
Baldensperger, Orientation étrangères
chez Honoré de Balzac, “Avant-Propos” 論 Balzac 在德、俄、英皆已享大名,而在法反聲稱寥落,因云:“L’opinion a ton jours corrigé, hors de France,
certaines pusillanimités quelques étroitesse provisoire du goût français. Témoignage
contestables, dira-t-on, parce qu’étrangers? Jugements irrécusables, parce dénués
de la force d’adhésion qui émane de critiques strictement compatriotes de l’auteur? — Soit, mais nous vivons à une époque où
l’on ne va plus très loin avec des ‘valeurs’ cotées sur une seule place” (p.
xiv). T.S. Eliot: “From Poe to Valéry”: “Now, we all of us like to believe that
we understand our own poets better than any foreigner can do; but I think we should
be prepared to entertain the possibility that these Frenchmen have seen
something in Poe that English-speaking readers have missed.” (To Criticize the Critic & Other Writings,
p. 28); R.W.B. Lewis: “Contemporary American Literature”: “American criticism
has lagged behind the Europeans in the very identification of native talent
[e.g., Sartre, Malraux, E. Cecchi & others in the recognition of Faulkner’s
genius & originality]” (L. Leary, ed., Contemporary
Literary Scholarship, p. 214). Croce on the rediscovery of Bonardo,
Ruzzante & Italian folk poetry by English, French & German scholars
(Gian N.G. Orsini, Benedetto Croce,
p. 119). Spanish veneration of Don
Quixote was stimulated by English (A. Close, The Romantic Approach to ‘D. Q.’, pp. 10-11).
Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Eng. tr. by C.B. Gulick, “The Loeb Classical
Library”. 《梁書‧卷十三‧沈約傳》「豫州獻栗,徑寸半,帝奇之,與約各疏所憶」事(又見《太平廣記》卷一九七《盧氏雜說》),此書洋洋數十萬言,莫非因盤飧而搜腹笥。Barbey d’Aurevilly 所謂 “La littérature
qui mange” (參觀 R. Dumesnil, L’Époque
réaliste et naturaliste, p. 80) 又得一解。J. de Maistre: “C’était une assez belle idée que
celle de faire asseoir Bacchus et Minerve à la même table, pour défendre à l’un
d’étre libertin et à l’autre d'être pédante” (Les soirées de Saint- Pétersbourg, “Classiques Garnier”, I, p. 7). 觀是作乃知其說不然,而 Nietzsche: “Wie verstehe ich es, dass Epikur bei Tische sich die
ästhetischen Gespräche verbat? — er dachte zu gut vom Essen und von den
Dichtern, als dass er das eine zur Zukost des andern machen wollte!” (Kunst und Künstler, §79, Werke, Taschenausgabe, Alfred Kröner,
Bd. XII, S. 45) 為近理也。然古來名章隽句,賴以不墜,李穆堂所謂「功同拾骼」者。
第一冊 Bk. I.
3: Apollodorus: “When a man enters a friend’s house, he may discover his friend’s
welcome as soon as he enters the door. The janitor smiles at him, the dog wags
his tail & cornes to him, a slave rises to meet him & promptly sets a
chair for him” (pp. 11-13). 按杜茶村《變雅堂詩集》卷三〈客京師數月與錢漁叟朱越流〉第五首云:「交道看童僕,迎余有好顏。」《潛邱劄記》卷五稱引之。
4: Archestratus of Syracuse: “There
should be 3 or 4 in all, or at most not more than 5” (p. 19). 按 Aulus Gellius,
XIII, 11 引 Marcus Varro 語并說之曰:“Convivarum numerum incipere oportere a Gratiarum numero et progredi ad
Musarum, ut, cum paucissimi convivae sunt, non pauciores sint quam tres, cum plurimi,
non plures quam novem” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, vol. II, pp. 436-8). 按 Kant,
Anthropologie, §88 轉引 Lord
Chesterfield 語而申說之曰:“Zehn an einem Tische: weil der Wirth, der die Gäste
bedient, sich nicht mitzählt” (Werke,
hrsg. E. Cassirer, Bd. VIII, S. 169). 又云:“Allein
zu essen (solipsismus convictorii) ist
für einen philosophierenden Gelehrten
ungesund; nicht Restauration, sondern (vornehmlich wenn es gar einsames Schwelgen wird) Exhaustion” (S. 171). 又拉丁諺云:“Quinque advocavi[17];
sex enim convivium cum rege iustum; si super, convicium est”;法諺云:“Compagne de trois, compagne de rois”;英國 William King,
Art of Cookery: “Crowd not your
table; let your number be / Not more than seven, & never less than three.” 【Leopardi: “Il mangiar
soli... era infame presso i greci e i latini... Io avrei meritata quest’infamia
presso gli antichi” ecc. (Zibaldone,
ed. F. Flora, II, pp. 1012-3).】
7: Nicomedes 欲食魚不可得,庖人治蘿菔作魚狀,調味以進 (p. 31)。按吾國亦有素魚、素鷄、素鴨、素火腿之類,最可笑者,莫如《說郛》卷二十二所載林洪《山家清供》以蔬食作種種張致、般般文飾,「素蒸鴨」、「假煎肉」之類無不有,命名皆取「金」、「玉」、「魚」、「肉」,山人口淡而心濁腸肥矣。《北夢瑣言》:「崔安奉釋氏,鎮西川三年,宴諸司以麵及蒟蒻染色,像豚肩、羊臑,皆逼真。」【《湧幢小品》斯謂「何不開葷」者也[18]。】
17: Aeschylus,
Sophocles 詩詠飲酒半酣,命僕持溺器進 (p. 77)。按 Petronius, Satiricon, XLVII, Trimalchio 尚未至此。
18: “Whereas in the Odyssey Homer represents men as washing
their hands before eating, in the Iliad
one cannot find them doing that. This is because life in the Odyssey was leisurely” (p. 83). 按 Werner Jaeger, Paideia, tr. by Gilbert Highet, vol. I,
pp. 17-18, 22: “In the elder epic we see a world at war.... the Odyssey depicts the existence of the
heroes after the war.... Besides the traditional warlike valour, it also exalts
the intellectual & social virtues” 已發於此。又 Vico 語見第二百九則尾[19]。【18: “Whereas in the Odyssey Homer represents men as washing
their hands before eating, in the Iliad
one cannot find them doing that. This is because life in the Odyssey was leisurely.” 按 Vico 謂 Iliad 與 Odyssey 之作相去數百年,故前書中人 “found pleasure in
coarseness”,後書中人 “found pleasure in luxury” (New
Science, tr. T.G. Bergin & M.H. Fisch, pp. 290-1, §879-880)。此亦一證也。】
Bk. II. 63: “Hesiod calls the snail ‘carry-house’
(Op. 569). Anaxilas: ‘Snails in
distrust carry their houses about with them’” (p. 275). 按 Lyly,
Euphues: “I would it were in Naples a
law, which was a custome in Aegypt, that women should always go bare-foot, to the
intent they might keepe themselves always at home, that they should be euer
like to the Snaile, which hath euer his house on his head” (Complete Works, ed. R.W. Bond, pp.
223-4). John Donne: “Verses to Henry Wotton”: “Be then thine own home, & in
thyself dwell; / Inn anywhere; continuance maketh hell. / And seeing the snail
which everywhere doth roam, / Carrying his own house still, is still at home.” Thomas
Dekker, The Honest Whore, Pt. II, Act
III, Sc. 3, Wife: “I am a Snaile, sir, seldome leaue my house, if’t please her
to visit me, she shall be welcome” (Dramatic
Works, ed. F. Bowers, II, 179).
63-4: The aphrodisiac properties of
the bulb (pp. 27-9). 按參觀 Hans Licht, Sexual
Life in Ancient Greece, tr. by J.H. Freese, p. 513; Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, V, p.
174,皆未引 Ovid, Ars
Amat., II, 420: “Candidus bulbus”, Remed.
Am., 797, Martial, III, lxxv: “erucae faciunt bulbique salaces”。
Bk. III. 105: Epicharmus 稱蝦為 “sea phallus”
(p. 451),以其形似。按希臘人蓋未知有海參耳。《五雜組》卷五[20]:「海參一名『海男子』,其狀如男子勢。」《品花寶鑑》第三十六回[21],奚十一戲杜琴言,夾了一條海參笑道:「別樣或吃不得,這東西吃了下去,滑滑溜溜,在腸子裏也不甚漲的。」
第二冊 Bk.
IV. 129 (p. 95) 所言烤豬腹中以鴨、雀等填實,又見 Bk.
IX. 376 (vo. IV, p. 205), 383 (p. 235),即 Macrobius,
Sat., iii. 13 所謂 “porcus
Troianus” 也。Satiricon, XL: “Secutum est hos repositorium, in quo positus
erat primae magnitudinis aper... ex cuius plaga turdi evolaverunt” (“Loeb”, p.
64) 亦記此饌。後來 Thomas
Nashe, The Unfortunate Traveller:
"Ever at the [German] Emperour’s coronation there is an ox roasted with a
stag in the belly, & that stag in his belly hath a kid, & that kid is
stuffed full of birds” (Works, ed.
R.B. McKerrow, vol. II, p. 253) 可謂踵事增華。Cyril Connolly, Shade
Those Laurels 中,Cressida 所言 “perfect
dish” (Bustard, turkey, goose, pheasant, chicken, duck, guinea fowl, teal,
woodcock, partridge, plover, quail, fieldfare, ortolan, beccafico, a large
olive” (Encounter, no. 30, pp. 32-3) 正襲此[22],與《負曝閒談》第一回陸鵬誇府裏飯菜云:「有一隻鵝,鵝裏面包著一隻鷄,鷄裏面包著一隻鴿子,鴿子裏面包著一隻黃雀,味道鮮得不得了」無獨有偶。參觀《頻羅菴遺集》卷十四〈直語補證〉引《盧世雜記》(《太平廣記》卷二三四〈御廚〉條引):「京都燕設,鵝去毛及五臟,釀以肉及粳米飯,五味調和。取羊一口,剝去腸胃,鵝置其中縫合。炙之熟,便去羊取鵝渾食,謂之『渾羊沒忽』。」(「渾羊沒忽」亦見《南部新書》壬。)時希聖《家庭新食譜》:「套鷄,一稱『三套頭』(鴨中有野鷄,野鷄中有鴿)」亦即此[23]。【Don Quixote, Pt. II, ch. 20: “Sewed inside the steer’s big belly, twelve delicate
little suckling pigs gave it flavour & tenderness” (tr. S. Putnam, II, p.
159: Cynulcus: “These gentlemen... being
troubled with word-diarrhoea (λογοδιάρροια)”[24]
(p. 227). 按法文有 “flux
de bouche” 之說,英文 Coleridge 創 “mouth-diarrhoea”
一字(皆見 De Quincey, Collected
Writings, ed. D. Masson, vol. V, p. 236),而未流行。十九世紀心理學家之 “logorrhoea”
則專門學名 (J.M.
Baldwin, ed., Dict. of Philos. &
Psych., vol. II, pp. 30-1: “Excessive volubility, a symptom of mania”)。至 A.P.
Herbert, What a Word 而庶幾與 Cynulcus 之意隱合矣。Theodor Lipps, Komik und Humor,
S. 177 舉 “die
witzige Wortschmelzung” 諸例有 “Sprechruhr”
(ex “Sprachrohr”),譯此字尤妙。
第三冊 Bk.
VI 此卷寫幫閒食客諛媚無恥之狀,可與 Juvenal, Satura
III 寫 “Graeculus
223: Timocles: “What a benefit the
tragedians are to everybody. The poor man, for instance, learns that Telephus
was more beggarly than himself, & from that time on he bears his poverty
more easily. One has a disease of the eyes — blind are the sons of Phineus”
etc. (p. 7). 按即 Lucretius,
II, 1 ff. 之意,參觀第四十則。Petrarch, Triónfo
di Castítà,: “Io presi esempio di loro stati rei / Facendomi profitto l’altrui
male, / In consolar i casi e dolor miei” (Works,
Bohn ed. P. 361) 亦申此意。
237 (p. 73). 見七六三則。
244: “The nearer the bone, they say,
the sweeter the meat” (p. 97). 按 The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, p. 454 未能溯源引此書。吾鄉亦有「好肉在骨頭邊」之語。周自菴《思益堂日札》卷七引諺云:「骨邊肉,五更睡,雖不多,最有味。」馮夢龍《山歌》卷五〈瘦妓〉云:「闝小娘子沒闝個胖婆娘,寧可增錢瘦個強。你勿見肥豬肉吃子一星兩星便覺油烟氣,骨炙兒牙得裏頭香。」則 Partridge, Dictionary
of Slang, p. 515: “Meat, the nearer the bone, the sweeter” 之說也[25]。法諺則謂:“Il n’y a point de belle chair près des os.”
248 記
Philip 病目,Cleisophus 則以布蔽一眼。嘗會食,Philip 誤嘗苦物,Cleisophus 亦攢眉作欲吐狀 (p. 121)。按參觀 Juvenal, Satura
III, 102-3: “Igniculum brumae si tempore poscas / accipit endromidem; si
dixeris aestuo, sudat.” Charles Sorel, Histoire
Comique, éd. E. Roy, IV, p. 19: “Ce n’est pas imiter un homme de ne faire
que peter ou tousser comme luy.”[26]
註引 Femmes Savantes, I, 1: “Et ce n'est point du tout la prendre pour
modèle, / Ma soeur, que de tousser et de cracher comme elle.” 又
Malherbe: “Mort Dieu! si
je fais un pet, en voulez-vous faire un autre?”《大正新修大藏經‧第四卷‧百喻經之二十六》云:「昔有一人,欲得王意,問餘人言:『云何得之?』有人語言:『若欲得意,汝當效之。』此人見王眼𥌎,便效王𥌎。王問之言:『汝為病耶?為著風耶?何以眼𥌎?』其人答王:『我不病眼,亦不著風。欲得王意,見王眼𥌎,故效王也。」王聞是語,即大瞋恚,使人加害。」《容齋續筆》卷十五云:「楊愿善佞,動作悉效秦檜。檜嘗因噴嚏失笑,愿於倉卒間,亦佯噴飯而笑,左右皆哂。檜察其奉己,愈喜。」馮夢龍《廣笑府》卷一云:「或人命其子曰:『爾一言一動,皆當效師所為。』子領命。侍食於前,師食亦食,師飲亦飲。師嚏,生不能強為,乃揖而謝曰:『吾師此等妙處,其實難學也。』」Demetrius, On
Style 記 Philip 聞人道「眼」字或 Cyclops 名輒大怒 (tr. by W. Rhys Roberts, “The Loeb Classical
Library”, p. 479),則以布障目,豈不適觸其諱耶?(餘見第二百十六則眉[27]。)【[補二百十則]Athenaeus, VI. 248. Du Bellay, Les
Regrets, 150: “Seigneur, je ne sçaurois regarder d’un bon oeil / Ces vieux
Singes de court, qui ne scavent rien faire, / Sinon en leur marcher les Princes
contrefaire, / Et se vêtir, comme eux, d’un pompeux appareil. / ... / Mais ce
qui plus contre eux quelquefois me dépite, / C’est quand devant le roi, d’un visage
hypocrite, / Ilz se prennent à rire, et ne sçavent pourquoy.” La Fontaine, Fables, VIII. 14: “Peuple caméléon,
peuple singe, on dirait qu’un esprit anime mille corps; / C’est bien là que les
gens sont de simples ressorts.”】Cf. Anatomy of Melancholy: “Democritus to Reader”: “Alexander stooped, so did his courtiers;
Alphonsus turned his head, & so
did his parasites. Sabina Poppaea, Nero’s wife, wore amber-colour’d hair,
so did all the Roman Ladies in an instant...” (George Bell, I, p. 71).《韓非子‧外儲說左上》:「魯人有自喜者,見長者飲酒不能釂則唾之,亦效唾之。」Du Bellay, Les
Regrets, 150: “Les vieux Singes de Cour” etc.; La Fontaine, Fables, VIII, 14: “Peuple cameléon,
peuple singe.”
249 記 Cheirisophus 遙見
Dionysius 稠人中笑語,亦捧腹而笑,Dionysius 怪而問之,答曰:“I put my trust in you, that whatever was said was
laughable” (p. 125). 按 Juvenal,
Satura III, 100-1: “Rides, maiore
cachinno concutitur.” 清都散客《笑贊》云:「一瞽者與眾人坐,眾人有見而笑,瞽者亦笑。眾問之曰:『何所見而笑?』瞽者曰:『你們所笑,定然不差。』」可參觀。
268-289 引 Telecleides,
Pherecrates, Nicophon 寫古時酒食遍地,人人饜飫之狀 (pp. 205-213)。按
Lucian, A True Story 亦云浮海至一處:“A sea of milk, with a white island of solid cheese” (“The Loeb
Classical Lib.”, tr. by A.M. Harmon, p. 307),即 “Lubberland”,
“Pays de cocagne”, “Schlaraffenland” 所本。英國詩中寫此者,備見 A.L. Morton: “The English Utopia”, ch. I (pp. 77 ff.)。Morton
知引 Diodorus
Siculus,而未始溯源至希臘詩人,亦其陋也。Merlin Cocaio, Maccaronea:
“Illic ad bassum currunt cava flumina brodae, / quae lagum suppae generant,
pelagumque guacetti. / Hic de materia tortarum mille vìdentur / ire redire
rates... / Sunt ibi costerae jreschi tenerique botiri” (Luigi Russo, Gli scrittori d’Italia, I, p. 391).《大正新修大藏經‧第一卷‧長阿含經之三十‧世紀經(即西晉譯《大樓炭經》、隋譯《起世經》)‧鬱單越品第二》記古時自然衣食一節(參觀《彌勒下生經》)可相發明,左仁、周詒樸同輯《九烟先生遺集》卷五〈鬱單越頌序〉所謂「思此趣為神往」者也。餘見第三十三則。
270: Achaeus 語見第百四十三則。
第四冊 Bk.
VIII. 349 (p. 83). 按分別見第百四十三則及第八十六則。
B. IX. 370: “So help me cabbage!”
(p. 177). 按意大利人尚有 “Cavalo!”
之語,詳見 Julian Sharman, A Cursory History of Swearing, ch. iii。
第五冊 Bk.
XI. 494: Aeschylus: “Not by others, but by thine own feathers art thou caught”
(p. 199). 按 Gulick 註謂:“The eagle in Helm, Aesop. Fab. 4, Chambray i. 44, La Fontaine, Fables, II. 6.” 笑林每載 “A boot-maker:
‘I went to collect a long standing account for a pair
of boots & the fellow actually licked me out with them’”; “A dentist: ‘She
not only wouldn’t settle the bill but even bit me with the teeth I made for
her. No wonder I should have felt hurt!’” C.A. Alington, Things Ancient & Modern: “Gore on drinking chocolate &
eating a chocolate-cake: ‘This is the nearest approach to seething a kid in its
mother’s milk that I have ever encountered.’” 皆煮豆然萁之類。又第七百二十八則。【Herodotus, IV. 61 on
the Scythians cooking a victim’s flesh by using its own bones as fuel.】【《百喻經》:「一者念言:『甘蔗極甜,若壓取汁,還灌甘蔗樹,甘美必甚。』」】【《樊山集》卷一〈東溪詩〉:「舉網得雙魚,貫鰓行自語。本藉溪水活,更就溪水煮。」】【《封神演義》八十三(萬仙陣):「原是他的寶劍,還絕他的門人。」】
Bk. XII. 535: Pherecrates:
“For although Alcibiades is not a man, yet he is today the one man of all the women”
(p. 417). Gulick 註引 Diog.
Laert. iv. 49; Suetonius,
Iul. 52; Cic. Verr. ii. 78 (192)。按 The Greek Anthology, Bk. X, 272: “The cinaedi denied their manhood &
did not become women, nor were they born men, as they have suffered what women
do; nor are they women, since a man’s nature was theirs. They are men to women &
women to men” (Eng. tr. W.R. Paton, “The Loeb Classical Library”, IV, p. 199). Diog. Laert.: “When he was a young boy he
lured husbands away from their wives, but when he was a young man he lured
wives away from their husbands.” 尤可與 Lucian, A
True Story 論月中人云:“They marry men & do not even know woman at
all! Up to the age of 25 each is a wife, & thereafter a husband” (“The Loeb
Classical Library”, tr. A.M. Harmon, I, p. 275) 參觀。馮夢龍《山歌》卷五〈姹童〉按語云:「張伯起先生有所歡,既婚而瘦,贈以歌云:『個樣新郎忒煞矬,看看面上肉無多。思量家公真難做,弗如依舊做家婆。』俊絕,一時誦之。」亦其類也。
Bk. XII. 554 記
Syracuse 農家二女皆擅「白玉綿團」語本袁子才《子不語》卷二十一〈蔡京後身〉條[28],子才蓋亦賞此者,參觀卷十六〈全姑〉條所謂全姑「兩臀隆然,如一團白雪,日炙之猶慮其消」,又卷二十三〈風流具〉條[29]。至〈蔡京後身〉之「紅霞仙杵」,則卷十九〈錢仲玉〉條所謂「紅鮮如玉」者之美,不肯相下,乞富人二子衡鑑,遂各娶作婦,因為 Aphrodite Kallipygos 建廟[30] (pp. 519-521)。按 The Greek Anthology, Bk. V. 35: Rufinus: “I judged the hinder charms
of three... Et prima quidem signata sulculis rotundis candido florebat et molli
decore; alterius vero divaricatae nivea caro rubescebat purpurea rosa rubicun
dior; terbia velut mare tranquillum sulcabatur fluctibus mutis, delicata eius
cute sponte palpitante” (tr. by W.R. Paton, “The Loeb Classical Library”, I, pp.
145-7). 據 Hans
Licht, Beiträge zur antiken Erotik,
S. 115-6,尚有 Alciphron
一函寫 Thryallis
與 Myrrhina 賽臀 (Alciphron, Bk. IV, Letter 14, “Loeb Class. Lib.”,
pp. 297-9),J.F. Schall “La Statue ou la comparaison” 一畫可參證。又 Charles
Sorel, Histoire Comique de Francion, éd.
Émile Roy, T. III, pp. 8-10: “[La femme montra] une paire de fesses des plus
grosses et des mieux nourries du monde... Raymond dit: Je prends autant de
plaisir à voir le [cul] qu’un sein, n’a-t’il pas la même forme, et si n’est il
pas tout aussi plaisant à manier? Il n’y arien que l’opinion du vulgaire qui l’ait
rendu désagréable... Il faut que chacun fasse hommages a ces belles fesses cy”
etc. 可參觀。Heine: “Citronia” (Werke und Briefe, Aufbau, II, 407-9) 則讚臀而并及餘竅。
第六冊 Bk.
XIII. 558: Anaxilas, The Chick: “To
cut it short, not one of the wild beasts is more devastating than a harlot” (p.
21). 按 Iwan Block, Die
Prostitution, Bd. I, S. 331 引此謂已開 Zola, Nana
為 “[die]
Schilderung des einem alles verschlingenden Ungeheuer gleichenden destruktiven
Elementes im Dirnentum”。又 Plautus, Truculentus,
569-70 謂妓女貪得無厭,物來斯受,有如大海併吞不溢 (meretricum ego item esse reor, mare ut est: / Quod
des devorat nee datis umquam abundat) (“The Loeb Classical Library”, tr. P.
Nixon, II, p. 282)。
560: “Even the gravest wars have
broken out because of women. Helen was the cause of the Trojan War” etc. (p. 27). Gulick 註謂 “Cherchez la
femme” 之意,可參觀 Aristoph.,
Ach., 523 ff.; Herodotus, Priapeum XXIX; Tristram Shandy, Bk. VI, ch. 32: “Was
I not as much concerned for the destruction of the Greeks & Trojans...? Had
I not 3 strokes of a ferula given me... for calling Helena a bitch for it?”
(Modern Lib., p. 418); Giuseppe Artale: “Elena invecchiata”: “La rovina del
mondo e rovinata” (G.G. Ferrero, Marino e
i marinisti, p. 1029)。按即吾國傾國禍水之意。吳巢松《鳳巢山樵求是錄》卷六〈題寇白門小像〉云:「縷杉檀板記當年,嗚咽秦淮比杜鵑。自古興亡家國恨,个中偏要著嬋娟。」余嘗笑其小題大做,若移詠褒、妲,便是絕好議論矣。《隱居通議》卷十一論「一代之亡,必有誤國者為人所指目,見於吟咏」,所舉女禍,如李泰伯咏漢宮云:「哀平外立國權分,只為當時乏嗣君。試問莽新誰佐命,衹應飛燕是元勲。」鄭獬咏范蠡云:「十重越甲夜成圍,宴罷君王醉不知。若論破吳功第一,黃金只合鑄西施。」趙漢宗咏張麗華云:「陳事分明屬綺羅,香塵吹盡井無波。行軍長史何勞怒?次第論功妾更多。」然而羅隱(一作狄師昌)〈題馬嵬驛〉云:「馬嵬烟柳正依依,重見鑾輿幸蜀歸。泉下阿蠻應有語,者回休更怨楊妃。」(「阿蠻」即唐玄宗。《酉陽雜俎》卷一:「玄宗自稱阿瞞,亦稱鴉。」柳珵《常侍言旨》亦記:「上皇泣曰:『阿瞞將爲兵死。』」)又〈西施〉云:「西施若解傾吳國,越國亡來又是誰?」韋莊〈立春作〉(庚子年冬大駕幸蜀後作):「今日不關妃妾事,始知辜負馬嵬人。」徐芳《懸榻編》卷一〈褒姒論〉云:「天下美婦人多矣,豈盡亡人之國者?呂雉、賈南風,一老一短黑,以亂天下有餘也。使遇文王、太公,姒雖美,宫中一姬耳。」王安石〈詠宰嚭〉云:「但願君王誅宰嚭,不愁宫裏有西施。」《王荆文公詩箋註》卷 48:「謀臣本自繫安危,賤妾何能作禍基?但願君王誅宰嚭,不愁宫裏有西施。」呂江〈姑蘇懷古〉云:「自是誤君由宰嚭,孰云亡國為西施?」(陸心源《宋詩紀事補遺》卷十八)方回《桐江續集》卷二十四〈西湖答〉:「濃粧淡抹比蛾眉,多謝蘇仙內翰詩。若使朝廷無宰嚭,未妨宮掖有西施。」周密《草窗韻語》二稿〈姑蘇臺〉:「堪笑吳傖太痴绝,不仇宰嚭恨西施。」張鎡《南湖集》卷六〈姑蘇懷古〉:「宰嚭若能容國士,西施那解誤君王?」汪瑔《松烟小錄》卷一:「宋張文定〈華清宮〉詩:『姚宋未亡妃子在,胡塵那得到中華?』(《詩話總龜》)乃知隨園『若使姚崇還作相,君王妃子共長生』二語故有所本。」張船山〈美人篇〉:「美人實無罪,溺者自亡身。佛罪逮花鳥,何獨憎美人?革囊斥玉女,狠語殊津津。」〈題沈舫西太守觀空觀色圖〉亦申此意[31]。江文通〈麗色賦〉乃云:「亦可駐髮還質,驂星馭龍。蠲憂忘死,保其家邦。」則更言女寵可延國祚矣。《後村大全集》一七四:「安晚丞相〈昭君〉云:『解移尤物柔強虜,延壽當年合議功。』」參觀第二百九十三則鄭清之〈昭君〉詩。《封神演義》九十六回:「九頭雉鷄精見楊戩趕來,罵道:『我們姊妹斷送了成湯天下,與你們的功名,你反來害我等,何無天理也!』」明人支允堅《軼史隨筆》謂飛燕、合德無損於漢,妲已、妹喜怨蒙不白。《隨園詩話》卷三謂女禍不至傾國,厥過實在男子。各明一義。又按《隱居通議》所舉諸絕句之意,可參觀《復堂日記》卷四載歐陽軒赤城《月到山房詩‧詠趙高》云:「當年舉世欲誅秦,那計為名與殺身。先去扶蘇後胡亥,趙高功冠漢諸臣。」又〈閱古逸史趙高為趙公子抱忠義之性自宮為趙報仇張良大索時即避高家賦一律〉:「大賈滅嬴憑女子,奇謀興漢詎蕭曹。留侯椎鐵荊卿匕,不及秦宮一趙高。」(按《陔餘叢考》卷四十一引《史記索隱》載高此事。《霞外捃屑》卷八上則謂今本《索隱》無其文。《雲自在堪筆記》卷一引《周禮折衷》則有此說。歐陽「古逸史」云,當稗販《叢考》耳。)
568: Alexis 詠妓女飾容掩醜諸法 (p. 69),可與 Ovid, Ars amat., III, 263 et seq. 參觀。I. Block, Die
Prostitution, Bd. I, S. 332-346 於希臘、羅馬詩文中寫妓女衣飾者,採摭極備,此兩節均在內。餘見第八十六則。
572: Alexis or Antiphanes: “This male
whore never took any leeks because he did not want to offend his lover when he
kissed him” (p. 91). 按《大般湼槃經‧四相品第七之一》:「如人啖蒜,臭穢可惡。餘人見之,聞臭捨去。設遠見者,猶不欲視,況當近之」云云,此之謂也。然在歡子懊儂,則尚未得竅。屈翁山《詩外》卷十四〈勸姬人酒〉云:「每嫌明月夜,酒氣太薰卿。不若同沾醉,氤氳直到明。」Swift: “Verses Made for Fruit-Women”: “But, lest
your kissing should be spoil’d, / Your onions must be thoroughly boil’d: / Or
else you may spare / Your mistress a share, / The secret will never be known: /
She cannot discover / The breath of her lover, / But think it as sweet as her
own.” Collected Letters of S.T. Coleridge,
ed. E.L. Griggs, I, p. 50: “as a lady of quality being reprimanded by her
husband for having eaten onions (or garlick) answered — Why don’t you eat
onions yourself, my Dove, & then you would not smell them!” 近人 David L.
Cohn, Love in America, p. 142: “The
other morning I saw the ‘question of onion or a Man’s Love’ in the column of
Dorothy Dix. Jane wrote that she loved a young man but dislike the aura of
onion in which he was enveloped. ‘Would it be too much to ask him to refrain
from eating onion?’ she inquired. She was told by Miss Dix to become an onion
eater herself.” Oliver Herford & J.C. Clay, Cupid’s
Cyclopedia, p. 50: “Onions. Should never be eaten alone.” 參觀第六百二十七則。
581 記一人與名妓 Gnathaena
同榻達旦,欲去,復求狎其後庭,此妓答云:“You wretch! tu
a me clunes postulas, when it is now high time you were driving out the
pigs to pasture?” (p. 135). Gulick 註謂 ὗς 指 pudenda muliebra。按Hans
Licht, Beiträge zur antiken Erotik,
S. 49: “Das Wort ‘Säue’ bedeutet im Griechischen auch Exkrementa.” 其說較長。張元一〈嘲武懿宗〉詩云:「忽然逢著賊,騎猪向南竄。」謂「夾豕」也。「豕」、「矢」同音,正此意也。《國語‧晉語四》胥臣對晉文公有云:「少溲於豕牢。」韋注:「厠也。」可參觀。言晨起汝與我皆須如厠,乃復塞我尾閭,使宿物不得宣洩耶?又按明清小說以「豚」為「臀」之雙關,如李笠翁《十二樓》第六種《萃雅樓》第二回「豚白如雪」,第三回「汝戲我豚」,又第八種《十卺樓》第一回:「怎肯愛惜此豚,不為陽貨之獻?」可參觀。《廣雅》云:「豚,臀也。」(參觀《潛研堂文集》卷三十五〈與洪稚存書〉。)唐寅《六如居士全集》(唐仲冕輯訂本[32])外集卷一〈為皂隸題畫〉云:「只待人來打窟豚。」烟霞散人〈斬鬼傳〉第二回:「呵豚的,他也肯呵豚。」Aristophane, Les Archarniens, l. 758, “Collection
des universités de France”, T. I, p. 42, note: “χοῖρος signifie ‘petit cochon’
et ‘parties de la femme.’”
581 一補履匠以重金㗖 Gnathaena 得 ab illa se quinquies
deinceps inequitatum esse,所歡怒詰之,答曰:“‘I did not think it to fit to clasp in my
arms a man who was covered with soot up to his mouth... so I cleverly contrived
to touch the part of his person which projects farthest & is smallest” (pp.
137-9).[33] Gulick 註引 Horace, Sat. II.50: “Agitavit equum lasciva
supinum”。按此即 “pendula Venus” (語見Apuleius, Metamorphoses,
I. 17: “lubricisque gestibus mobilem spinam quatiens, pendulae Veneris fructu me satiavit”),古詩中數道之。Ovid, Ars amat., III, 777: “parva vehatur equo”;
Martial, XI. 104: “Hectoreo sederat uxor equo.” Licht, Beiträge,
S. 214-5 說其姿勢甚詳,書中插圖其一即古瓶上繪此式也。
604: Ion 記
Sophocles 贊一司酒童子 “crimson
cheeks”,同座一學究云:“If a painter should brush a crimson colour on this
boy’s cheeks he would no longer look handsome.” Sophocles 笑曰然則 Simonides 之 “crimson
lips” 與 Pindar 之 “Gold-haired
Apollo” 皆宜訶斥矣:“For if a painter had made the God’s locks golden
instead of black, the picture would not be so good. And for the poet who said ‘rosy-fingered’;
for if one should dip his fingers into a rose-dye, he would produce the hands
of a purple-dyer and not those of a lovely woman” (pp. 235-7)。按可與陳簡齋〈水墨梅花詩〉所謂「意足不求顏色似」發明。駁 “ut pictora poesis” 無早於此者,而未見人稱引,何也?(後見 Jean
H. Hagstrum, The Sister Arts, p. 6 引此節,謂是古人論 “limits
of the arts” 之例。)詩文中比喻形容,無不作如是觀。Burke, A
Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime &
Beautiful, Pt. V, sect. v: “Poetry would lose a very considerable part of
its energy, if the sensible images were always excited. Vergil’s description of
Vulcan’s cavern in Etna seems to me admirably sublime; yet if we attend cooly
to the kind of sensible images, which a combination of ideas of this sort must
form, the chimeras of madmen cannot appear more wild & absurd than such a
picture” etc. (Works, G. Bell &
Sons, vol. I, p. 176). Diderot, Lettre
sur les sourds et muets 引 Enéide, I, 128-31 而論之曰:“Par quelle singularité le peintre ne pourrait
prendre le moment frappant?... Pourquoi le dieu ne paraissant alors qu’un homme
décollé, sa tête, si majestueuse dans le poème, ferait-elle un mauvais effet sur
les ondes?[34] Comment
arrive-t’il que ce qui ravit notre imagination déplaise à nos yeux” (Oeurvres, éd. Assézat, I, p. 386); Salon de 1767: “Ce qui fait bien en
peinture fait toujours bien en poésie... cela n’est pas réciproque. J’en
reviens toujours au Neptune de
Virgile: Summa placidum caput extulit
unda. Que le plus habile artiste, s’arrêtant strictement à l’image du
poëte, nous montre (sortant de l’eau) cette tête si belle, si sublime de l’ Enéide, et vous verrez l’effet sur la toile” (Oeuvres, XI, pp. 72-3; cf. pp. 107-8). 又論 Carle Vanloo,
L’Amour menaçant 云:“Les
peintres n’ont pas la même liberté que les poètes, dans l’usage des flèches de
l’Amour. En poésie, ces flèches partent, atteignent et blessent; cela ne se
peut en peinture. Dans un tableau, l’Amour peut menacer de sa flèche, mais il
ne la peut jamais lancer sans produire un mauvais effet. Ici le physique
répugne;... ce n’est plus un homme percé d’une métaphore, mais un homme percé
d’un trait réel qu’on aperçoit” (Salon de
1767, Oeuv., X, pp. 121-2).《青溪遺稿》卷二十四〈題畫〉云:「『洞庭湖西秋月輝,瀟湘江北早鴻飛。』華亭愛誦此語,曰:『說得出,畫不就。』余曰:『畫也畫得,就只不像詩。』華亭大笑。」蓋「杏臉」、「桃腮」、「氷肌」、「玉膚」等字,乃動情而非狀物,正 K.O. Erdmann, Die Bedeutung des Wortes (3te
Aufl.), S. 196 論 “Anschaungswert” 與 “Gefühlswert” 之別,見第二十九則。即侔色揣稱,如「蝤蠐」、「瓠犀」、 “Thy neck is as a tower
of ivory... thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus”
(The Song of Solomon, VII. 4)、“Fair one, with
thighs like the trunks of elephants” (Kuttanīmatum,見 Ploss, Bartels, &
Bartels, Woman, I, p. 209 引) 之類,死在句下,布之丹青,亦成怪物。Michael Roberts, Critique of Poetry, p. 54: “There are
many fine passages in Shakespeare & Milton which are absurd if they are visualized,
but the passages are good because they do not themselves compel visualisation in any but the most persistent visualisers.
Fully visualized, The Song of Solomon becomes riotous nonsense; whoever saw a
woman with breasts that looked like a pair of roes & hair like a flock of
goats?” R. Wellek & A. Warren,
Theory of Literature, pp. 16-17: “Imagery
is not essential to literature.... Much great literature does not evoke sensuous
images, or only incidentally. We can scarcely visualize any of Dostoevsky’s or
Henry James’s characters.... If we had to visualize every metaphor in poetry we would become
completely bewildered.” 參觀第百二十二則、第百四十則、第二百四則、第六百五十五則,又第五百八十八則。I. Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature, vol. II, p.
108 (The Chandos Classics): “The ancients seem to have designated by purpureus anything beautiful & bright. Albinovanus: ‘nivem purpureum’;
Catullus: ‘Quercus ramos pnrpureos’; Horace; ‘Purpureo bibet nectar’, ‘olores
purpureos’; Virgil: ‘purpuream vomit ille animam’, ‘lumenque juventae purpureum’;
Tasso: ‘il bel purpureo lume’; Addison: ‘covered with a kind of purple light’;
Gray: ‘the purple light of love.’” Wordsworth, “Laodamia” 尚有 “And fields invested
with purpureal gleams” (Bernard Groom, Diction
of Poetry, p. 173 謂本之 Aeneid, VI. 640-1: “Largior hic campos aether et lumine vestit purpureo”,又 p.182 謂 Shelley 最喜此字,詩中有 “purple waves”; “purple
sky”; “purple moon”; “purple sea”; “purple mountains”),皆 “Süsses Gold”[35], “und
grün des Lebens goldner Baum” 之類也。【G. Tillotson, Augustan Studies, pp. 205-6 (on “And wake the purple year” in Gray’s
“Ode on the Spring”); Montaigne, Essais,
III, iii (Pléiade, p. 794). 】
605: “Even boys are handsome
as the courtesan Glycera was wont to say, only so long as they look like a
woman” (p. 263). 按《左傳》:「孔父之妻美而艷」,「公子鮑美而艷」。男女之色,初無差別。李頎〈鄭櫻桃歌〉亦逕以「美人」及「娥娥」狀之。《儒林外史》三十四回:「季葦蕭道:『我最惱人稱贊美男子,動不動說像個女人。這最可笑!如果像女人,不如去看女人了!天下原另有一種男美,只是人不知道!』杜慎卿拍著案道:『只這一句話,就該圈了!』」矯情之談,不如此婦之言無枝葉也。季葦蕭語可參觀《天方夜譚》中 “Girls or Boys?” 一則所謂:“I have always
noticed, too, that you, who love boys & wish to describe them, compare
their caresses with [i.e. “to”] those of girls” (The Thousand Nights & One Night, tr. P. Mathers, II, p. 575)。觀楊掌生《京塵雜錄》,便知此妓之言不虛。《堅瓠補集》卷五俞琬綸〈贈歌童小徐曲〉皆以女貌擬男容也(《日札》六六四則、六八八則)。柳如是《戊寅草》有〈男洛神賦〉(「惟隽郎之莫忘」),亦此類,而陳寅恪謂為賦陳臥子,迂謬可笑。Dio Chrisostom, Discourses,
no. XXI: “on Beauty”, §3: “Critias said that the most beautiful figure anong males
was the effeminate... 4. The Persians made eunuchs of the beautiful males... So
greatly superior in beauty did they think the female to be” (Loeb, vol. II, p.
606: “Dumb animals have
fallen in love with human beings” (p. 267). 舉雄鷄愛一童子事為例,殆《子不語》卷六所謂「鴨嬖」者乎?Heine: “Der weisse
Elefant” (Werke und Briefe,
Aufbau-Verlag). Burton, Anatomy of
Melancholy, Part III, Sect. ii, Mem. 2, Subs. 2: “The edge of a sharp sword
is dulled with a beautiful aspect” 一節舉例尤詳,不特馬避女身、蠅戀童頰,乃至燭淚、浪花、蘭湯、明鏡,無不好色 (“Everyman’s Library”,
vol. III, pp. 70-72)。Shakerley Marmion, The Legend of Cupid & Psyche: “Nor
rose nor lily durst their silks unfold, / But shut their leaves up like the
marigold”; Nathaniel Whiting, Albino &
Bellama: “The sea-born planet popped out her lamp, / And t’ see herself
outshin’d by her, did rage” (Minor Poets
of the Caroline Period, ed. G. Saintsbury, II, p. 11; III, p. 440) 尤即閉月羞花之說也。
Bk. XIV. 614 記 Parmeniscus 忽得奇疾,不能笑,遍治無效,一日遊 Delos 訪 Leto 廟,“thinking that he
should find the statue of Apollo’s mother something remarkable to look at; but
he discovered that it was an ugly block of wood, he burst unexpectedly into
laughter” (p. 307). 按 Kant, Krit. d. Urteilskraft, §54: “Das Lachen
ist ein Affekt aus der plötzlichen Verwandlung einer gespannten Erwartung in
nichts”; Jean Paul, Vorschule der Ästhetik,
§26: “Das Lächerliche besteht in der plötzlichen Auflösung der Erwarten von
etwas Ernsten” (Werke, hrsg. R. Wustmann,
Bd. IV, S. 150); Spencer, Essays: “A
Physiology of Laughter”: “A descending
incongruity”; Lipps, Grundlegung Der
Ästhetik, S. 575: “Komisch ist das Kleine, minder Eindrucksvolle, minder
Bedeutsame, Gewichtige, also nicht Erhabene, das an Stelle eines relativ Grossen,
Eindrucksvollen, Bedeutsamen, Gewichtigen, Erhabenen tritt. Es ist das Kleine,
das sich wie ein Grosses gebärdet, dazu aufbauscht, die Rolle eines solchen
spielt, und dann doch wiederum als ein Kleines, ein relatives Nichts erscheint,
oder in ein solches zergeht.” 此事乃大好例證,而古今無人徵引。【W. Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, ch. 6: “When
improper, or incompatible excesses
meet, they always excite laughter... It is from the same joining of opposite
ideas that makes us laugh at the owl & the ass...” (ed. J. Burke, pp. 48-9).】
[5] 此處數字漫漶不辨。原文作:“I
said I had noticed that a certain South African novelist, then much reviewed in
England, was constantly being praised for ‘restraint’: I said I could not see
what this writer was supposed to be restraining, and that the only novel by
this writer which I had read seemed to me like a dog-collar without a dog
[22] 此饌實即十九世紀法國名餚「至尊烤」(rôti
sans pareil),食材自外而內依序為: “bustard, turkey, goose, pheasant, chicken, duck,
guinea fowl, teal, woodcock, partridge, plover, lapwing, quail, thrush, lark, ortolan
bunting, garden warbler &
a single olive stuffed with anchovy paste”。
[28] 美臀之喻。《子不語‧蔡京後身》「崇禎時,某相公常自言為蔡京後身,以仙官墮地獄,每世間誦《仁王經》,耳目為之一亮。又罰作揚州寡婦,守空房四十年。故癖好尤奇。好觀美婦之臀,美男之勢,以為男子之美在前,女子之美在後,世人易之,非好色者也。常使婦衣袍褶,男飾裙釵,而摸其臀勢,以為得味外味。又常戲取姬妾優童數十,以被蒙其首,而露其下體,互猜為某郎某姬,以為笑樂。有內閣供事石俊者,微有姿,而私處甚佳,公甘為咂弄。有求書者,非石郎磨墨不可得也。號臀曰:『白玉綿團』,勢曰:『紅霞仙杵』。」
[30] 即 Venus Callipyge,或 Callipygian Venus (“Venus of the beautiful buttocks”),下文 J.F. Schall 畫中石像即此。