《二程遺書》卷十八伊川曰:「與學者語,却是扶醉漢。扶得東邊,却向西邊倒;扶得西邊,却向東邊倒。不能得他卓立中途。」《外書》十二引《上蔡語錄》作明道語[3]:「救得一邊,倒了一邊,只怕人執著一邊按此即《孟子》所謂「矯枉過正」也(參觀《書》曰:「爾惟風,下民惟草」;《論語》曰:「君子之德風,小人之德草。草上之風,必偃」;《說苑‧君道》載泄冶曰:「上之化下,猶風靡草,東風則草靡而西,西風則草靡而東」;Jules Renard, Journal,
NRF, p. 627: “Le vent court sur le gazon comme un fer à repasser”。Martin
Luther 亦有 “swaying
of a drunken peasant on horseback” 之喻 (見 I.
Babbitt, New Laocoon, p. 193 引) (“Die
Welt ist wie ein betrunkener Bauer: Hebt man ihn auf einer Seite in den Sattel,
so fällt er auf der anderen Seite wieder herab.”) (“L’esprit humain, dit
Luther, est comme un paysan ivre à cheval, quand on le relève d’un côté il
retombe de l’autre” — Mme de Staël, De l’Allemagne, Pte. III, ch. 2)。不能執兩用中,固是一病,然極而反,或可轉而上。學人資性之不高者,端賴此驗進境,故禪家棒喝,即由斯道。施彥執《北窗炙輠》卷上云:「德先言:『一僧曰:吾佛法豈有他哉?見人倒從東邊去,則為他東邊扶起;見人倒從西邊去,則為他西邊扶起;見渠在中間立,則為他推一推。』」恰可參觀。龍樹《中論‧觀行品第十三》:「大聖說空法,為離諸見故,若復見有空,諸佛所不化」;〈觀法品第十八〉:「一切實非實,亦實亦非實,非實非非實」;〈觀湼槃品第二十五〉:「湼槃無有有,何處當有無。亦常亦無常,非常非無常」云云,皆所謂「扶」與「推」者,故 Meister
Eckhart 反復言 “negation
of negation” 也 (J.M. Clark, Meister
Eckhart, p. 230)。世親菩薩《金剛仙論》卷三:「我謂為有,如來說無;我適謂無,如來復為我說有。此明中道之理,不可定說有無,恐墮二邊。」卷七云:「但不得定答,所以然者,明此法身,乃是非有非無,妙有妙無,中道之理。」《六祖大師法寶壇經‧付囑品第十》云[4]:「有人問汝義[5],問有將無對,問無將有對。二道相因,生中道義」云云。王符《潛夫論‧釋難第二十九》則曰:「問陰對陽,謂之強說;論西詰東,謂之強難。」而《關尹子‧三極》所謂「蝍蛆食蛇,蛇食蛙,蛙食蝍蛆,互相食也。聖人之言亦然,言有無之弊,又言非有非無之弊,又言去非有非無之弊;言之如引鋸然。惟善聖者,不留一言」云云,喻妙理固,若遽以「二邊」[6]《文殊師利問經‧中道品第九》、「八不」[7]《中論‧觀因緣品第一》、「四十二非」[8]《寶藏論‧廣照空有品第一》之說告之,未必能實證離微之要也。Blake, Marriage of Heaven &
Hell: “Without contraries there is no progression”【又七六八則引 Goethe[9]】;
Havelock Ellis, Impressions &
Commentaries, April 4, 1913: “Each [anti-vivisectionist &
vivisectionist] represent a great — or if you prefer, a little — truth. But if
each recognized the other’s truth he would be paralysed in proclaiming his own
truth. There would be general stagnation. The world is carried on by ensuring
that those who carry it on shall be blinded in one or the other eye. We may
call it the method of one-sided blinkers” 說此理尤妙(參觀 Schopenhauer, Parerga, §347: “Die
Meinung befolgt das Gesetz der Pendelschwingung: ist sie auf einer Seite über
den Schwerpunkt hiuausgewichen, so muss sie es danach ebensoweit auf der
andern. Erst mit der Zeit findet sie den rechten Ruhepunkt und steht fest” — Sämtl. Werk., hrsg. E. Grisebach, Bd. V,
S. 639; P. Deussen, Bd. V, S. 666)。又 Grillparzer: “Überhaupt hat jedes Extrem, auf das
der menschliche Geist mit Parteiung gerät, schon das Schlimme, dass diejenigen,
die den Unsinn jenes Strebens erkennen, statt die richtige Mitte zu halten,
leicht in der Hitze des Streites sich dem entgegengesetzten Punkte nähern und
fo auch inconsequent werden. Das ist die Geschichte aller menschlichen Streitigkeiten
von jeher gewesen” (Gesammelte Werke,
hrsg. E. Rollett und A Sauer, Bd. III, S. 202)。Cf.
Schleiermacher: “Es geht ihm anders als Hegel... nicht um die Selbstvermittlung
des Einen mit seinem Anderen... Oscillation steht im Gegensatz zu Vermittlung, im
Zentrum einer Theorie der unendlichen und niemals vollendeten Welt... so
definiert Schleiermacher in einem Briefe an Jacobi (30, 3, 1818) das Oscillation
als zu allgemeine Form des Endlichen” (U. Nassen, hrsg., Klassiker der Hermeneutik, 1982, S. 117).【Thomas
Mann to Karl Kerényi: “I am a man of balance... I instinctively lean to the
left when the boat threatens to capsize on the right, & vice versa” (Yearbook of Comparative & General
Literature, 1973, p. 18).】【Pascal, Pensées,
VI. 420: “S’il se vante, je l’abaisse, s’il s’abaisse, je le vante et le
contredis toujours” etc.】【《白茅堂集》卷三十四〈張長人詩集序〉記長人語曰:「時弊雖深,慎勿相救。中郎救濟南,至於佻;退谷救公安,至於弱。」】【《純常子枝語》卷十七:「《孟子》曰:『逃墨必歸於楊,逃楊必歸於儒。』天下之理,「過」、「不及」、與「中」三而已矣。墨子,其過之者也;楊子,其不及者也;儒,無過、不及者也,不此則彼理無所之。」】【荀悅《申鑒‧政體第一》云:「睹孺子之驅鷄也,而見御民之方。方其北也,遽要之則折而過南;方其南也,遽要之則折而過北。」】【《夷堅三志》辛卷三:「頭軟之疾,扶之則仰,按之則俯,擁之左則左,移之右則右,若非他人運轉,輒終日不動。】【毛稚黃《匡林》卷上論往復之理云:「天地之道,其猶汰絹而激之乎?汰而之於東者,其復也必過中而激於西。汰于西也,又然。一往一復,久而成後定,乃復中也。」】又二百三十五則首[10]。【[補二百三十二則 Schopenhauer
論 “das
Gesetz der Pendelschwingung”]Coleridge, The
Table-Talk & Omniana, ed. T. Ashe, April 5, 1832: “It is curious to trace the operation of the moral law of polarity in the history of
politics, religion, &c. When the maximum of one tendency has been attained,
there is no gradual decrease, but a direct transition to its minimum, till the opposite
tendency has attained its maximum; & then you see another corresponding
revulsion” etc. (ed. George Bell & Sons, 1894, pp. 155-6). 王荊公〈答蔣穎叔書〉:「長來短對,動來靜對,此但令人勿著爾。若了其語意,則雖不著二邊而著中邊,此亦是著。故經曰:『不此岸,不彼岸,不中流。』」】
Lucian (“The Loeb Classical Library”), tr. by A.M.
Harmon.【E. & J. de Goncourt, Journal, Édition définitive, I, p. 204: “La plus étonnante
modernité étonne et charme dans Lucien. Ce Grec... est notre contemporain par l’âme
et l’esprit. Son ironie d’Athènes commence la ‘blague de Paris.’... En le lisant, il me semble lire le grand-père de
Henri Heine.”】
第一冊,The Fly: “But in the dark as I have said, she does nothing: she has no desire
for stealthy actions & no thought of disgraceful deeds which would
discredit her if they were done by daylight” (p. 91). 按 Table Talk of Martin Luther, DCCCCIV: “I am a great enemy to flies: Quia sunt imagines diaboli et haereticorum.
They soil what is pure” (“Bohn’s Library”, p. 367)。
Merlin Cocaio 撰 Moscheide 詩[12](詳見Francesco
de Sanctis, Storia della Letteratura
Italiana in Luigi Russo, ed., Gli
Scrittori d’Italia, I, p. 396)。《爾雅》有醜扇之誚,《詩經》來讒人之刺。Lucian 意在翻案,卻無勝義,唯此一事,頗為得間。丁傳靖《闇公詩存》卷三〈蠅〉云:「烏衣絳幘氣昂藏,盡說趨炎積毀傷。試問仲翔賓散後,有誰門館弔淒涼」;「風動簾開去便回,座中麈尾莫相猜。眼前多少蠕蠕輩,幾個曾鑽故紙來」;「營營塵海總勞薪,偏爾逢場動取嗔。一事猶堪見風骨,從來暮夜不干人。」末首心思正同。《莊子‧胠篋篇》論「盜亦有道」,即此翻案法。【Schopenhauer, Parerga,
§384 [§382]: “Zum Symbol der Unverschämtheit und Dummdreistigkeit sollte man
die Fliege nehmen. Denn während alle Thiere den Menschen über Alles scheuen und
schon von ferne vor ihm fliehen, setzt sie sich ihm auf die Nase” (Sämtl. Werk., hrsg. Eduard Grisebach,
Bd. V, S. 684 [Paul Deussen, Bd. V, S. 712]).】【李義山《雜纂》「惱人」門:「扇不去蒼蠅,遣不動窮親情。」】【Alexander Bain, Composition
& Rhetoric[13],
I, p. 155: “Nothing could be more expressive than Dekker’s comparison
— ‘untameable as flies.’ [The Honest
Whore, Pt. I, Act V, Sc. ii].”】【Buffon: “Car enfin une mouche ne doit pas tenir
dans la tête d’un naturaliste plus de place qu’elle n’en tient dans la nature”
(Sainte-Beuve, Les Grands Écrivains français, éd. Mauricce Allem, VII, p. 97; cf. p. 80).】
“'Though he assailed sins, he forgave sinners, thinking that one should pattern
after doctors, who heal sicknesses but feel no anger at the sick” (p. 147). 按
Swift, The Death of Dr Swift:
“Yet malice never was his aim; He lash’d the vice, but spared the name” etc. (Satires & Personal Writings, ed.
W.A. Eddy, p. 494) 意本此。又 “On
seeing two philosophers ignorantly debating a given subject, he said, ‘Doesn’t
it seem to you, friends, that one of these fellows is milking a he-goat &
the other is holding a sieve for him!’” (p. 159)。按康德好用此語,如 Krit. d. rein. Vernunft: “Und den belachenswerten Anblick zu geben, dass
einer (wie die Alten sagten) den Bock melkt, der andre ein Sieb unterhält”
(hrsg. B. Erdmann, 3te Auf, S. 94) 即本是。Virgil, Eclogues, III, 90-1: “Qui
Bavium non odit, amet tua carmina, Maevi, / atque idem iungat vulpes, et
mulgeat hircos” (Loeb, I, 24) 可參觀。
True Story:此千古 “Lügendichtungen” 之嚆矢(參觀 William
Rose, Men, Myth, &. Movements in
German Literature, pp. 118 ff.)[14]。其於 Travels of Baron Munchausen 如積水之於層氷,與 Gulliver’s Travels 却非一家眷屬。W. A. Eddy, Critical
Study of Gulliver’s Travels, pp. 158 ff. 考論 Swift 淵源 Lucian 處,未為確切,如謂 Laputa
之出於 Endymion’s
Island,殊近附會。竊謂後人沾丐 Lucian,在其遠遊之大意,不在志怪之細節。如 “The
number of the Cloud-centaurs who came to Phaethon’s aid I leave unrecorded for
fear someone may think it incredible, it was so great” (271); “I am reluctant
to tell you what sort of eyes they have, for fear that you may think me lying
on account of the incredibilitv of the story” (p. 279); “On the Isles of the
Wicked, the severest punishment fell to those who told lies while in life, among
whom were Ctesias of Cnidos & Herodotus. On seeing them, I had good hopes
for the future, for I have never told a lie that I know of” (p. 337) 等處,尤成窠臼。Swift: “Indeed, the author was so distinguished for his veracity, that
it became a sort of proverb among his neighbours at Redriff, when any one
affirm’d a thing, to say, it was as true as if Mr Gulliver had
spoken it” (“Publisher to the Reader”) 即其例也。全書所記,以舟入鯨腹最見幻想 (pp. 287 ff.)。Il Pentamerone, V. 8 (tr. B. Croce, p. 519),Nennella
為大魚所吞,見中有園林宮室;C. Collodi, Le
Avventure di Pinocchio, cap. 34, 35 (Salani Editore, pp. 185 ff.),Geppetto居魚腹二年,子亦被吞,與父會;吾國《後西遊記》第三十四回,唐半偈、豬一戒、沙彌誤入蜃妖腹中五臟神廟;黃公度《人境廬詩草》卷五〈春夜招鄉人飲〉:「又言太平洋,地當西南缺。下有海王宮,蛟螭恣出沒。漫空白雨跳,往往魚吐沫。曾有千斛舟,隨波入長舌。天地黑如磐,腥風吹雨血。轉腸入輪迴,遺矢幸出穴。始知出魚腹,人人慶復活。」皆載其事。Fielding 酷嗜 Lucian,其 Jonathan Wild, Bk. IV, ch. 9 中 Mrs
Heartfree 述航海奇遇,即學 Lucian
此書,有異獸大如 Windsor Castle,目巨 “equal to the
capaciousness of a large Hall”,水手發鎗盲其目,一人入其口中,覓得其心,鎗擊之,獸始死,其人 “came
forth came forth at another passage, which I must be excused from naming”,然後舟人皆入其身中週遊,“but I could by no means be prevailed on to follow them, whether I
looked on it as an Indecency (the monster being of the male kind)”,亦從鯨魚[15]……。
“But my lying is far more honest
than theirs, for though I tell the truth in nothing else, I shall at least be
truthful in saying that I am a liar” (p. 253). 即本 Chrysippus 之 “The Liar” 詭論[16] (“If a person says, ‘I am lying’, does he lie or
tell the truth?”) (參觀 Aristotle,
Nicom. Eth., 1146a22; Diogenes
Laertius, VII, 196; Epictetus, II, 17, 18, 21; III, 2, 9; F. Locker-Lampson, Patchwork, p. 37 論 St. Paul’s Epistle
to Titus, I. 12)。不知有人拈出否?Goebbels 嘗云:“In der Grosse der Lüge liegt immer ein gewisser Faktor
des Geglaubtwerdens” (A. Koestler, The
Yogi & the Commissar, p.45),殊有至理,故若 Lucian
之言,唐大而不能使人信,未足為打謊語也。【Cf. Volkmann, Rhetorik
der Griechen und Rimer, S. 96: “A man dreamt that he should not believe his
dreams; what should he believe on awakening?” (P. Shorey, What Plato Said, p. 575 引).】【參觀六四七則。】【Russell’s Paradox 詳見第七九九則。】
第二冊,Zeus Catechized: “If for no other reason, we gods may fairly be
honoured because we foretell all the fates have established” (p. 77). 按 W.C.
Greene, Moira, p. 16: “Only in the
poets after Homer that Fate was at times definitely separated from the gods
& even set above them” etc. (Cf. pp. 302 ff. 論 Ananke 即 p. 68 引 Simonides
of Ceos: “Against Anake not even the
gods fight”) 可參觀。【參觀第四百五則。】
“Then he ought not to reward or punish
anyone. Because we do nothing of our own accord.... Fate is the cause of
everything” (p. 85). 按參觀 Leonard Nelson, Von der Kunst, zu philosophieren: “How could the determinist, who
denies the responsibility of man, ever pass an ethical judgment in daily life?
If he is cheated, he might at most lament his misfortune, but he would have no
grounds for moral indignation” (Socratic
Method & Critical Philosophy, tr. by Thomas K. Brown III, p. 101)。
Rants: “As the saying goes, it rests on the edge of a razor whether we are
still to be
Honoured” (p.
95). 按 Heraclitus, VI. 11: “Indeed our fortunes stand
upon a razor’s edge” etc. 全節見稱於 Longinus, On
the Sublime, XXII (Loeb Class. Lib., p. 193)。此語亦見 Simonides, §124: “When she [Greece] stood upon a razor’s edge.” (Lyra Graeca, “The Loeb Classical
Library,” II, p. 356); Theognis: “Jeopardy stands upon a razor’s edge” (Greek Elegy & Iambus, “The Loeb
Class. Lib.,” I, 295)。自 Somerset Maugham 小說取作題目,益復盛行。
Dream, or the Cock 記鷄自言前生為 Pythagoras (p. 179),輪迴無算,次為妓女、為哲學家、為皇帝、為貧子、為馬、為鴉、為蛙等。Empedocles 亦自言前生為男子、為女子、為樹木、為鳥、為魚 (The Greek
Anthology, IX, 569, tr. W.R. Paton, “The Loeb Classical Library,” III, p. 317)。
第三冊,On Salaried Posts in Great Houses (pp. 413 ff.). 按寫盡門客依人之苦況,已開Lazarillo of Tormes, 3rd Treatise: The Squire: “Isn’t there
in me enough ability to serve & satisfy a titled nobleman?” etc., tr.
Mariano J. Lorente, pp. 112-3; Gil Blas
矣。Paul Schede, K. Ph. Moritz 等所謂 “ein
glänzendes Elend”;George Cambbell 所稱 “pungent dum
saturent” (見 O. Elton, A
Survey of English Literature, 1730-1780, II, p. 124) 是也(參觀 G. Büchmann, Geflügelte Worte, Volks-Ausgabe von
Krieger, S. 120;又 Gil Blas, Liv. I ch. 17 [“Beau projet! s’écria Fabrice” etc. — éd. Garnier
Frères, p. 66]; Liv. VIII, ch. 5: “On verra Gil Blas comblé de joie, d’honneur
et de misère”
— pp. 436 ff.; Diderot, Le Neveu de Rameau, “Textes
litt. fr.”, éd. critique par Jean Fabre, pp. 19-22, 193, 208)。
Parasite 一篇雖創 “Parasitic”
(Technê parasitikê) 之名 (p.
24),而以 Simon 為 “craftsman in
[the art]” (p. 243),却無發明,未能如《品花寶鑑》第十八回論「篾片」之精微透徹也。所謂「一團和氣要不變,二等才情要不露,三斤酒量要不醉,四季衣服要不乏,五聲音律要不錯,六品官銜要不做,七言詩句要不荒,八面張羅要不斷,九流通透要不短,十分應酬要不俗。」《歸田瑣記》載清客十字令與此異者為:「一筆好字不錯,……三斤酒量不吐,四季衣服不當,五子圍棋不悔,六齣崑曲不推,七字歪詩不遲,八張馬弔不查,九品頭銜不選,十分和氣不俗。」繆艮《塗說》卷三「把勢十全訣」則云:「一筆好字,兩首歪詩,三等圍棋,四季衣服,五斤酒量,六張葉子,七筆獃畫,八套崑曲,九歸算法,便是十全秘訣。」
第四冊,A Professor of Public Speaking 亦開 Gil Blas,至云:“live high & keep mistresses, or at all events to boast of it even
if you do not do it, telling everyone about it & showing notes that purport
to be written by women” (p. 165),豈非 Gil Blas, Liv. III, ch. 8 記 Don
Matthias de Silva 一事及 Joseph Andrews, Bk. III, ch. 3 記 Mr
Wilson 自述一事乎 (“Gil Blas, me dit-il, prends du papier et de
l’encre pour écrire deux ou trois lettres que je veux te dicter.... Comme je
trouve quelquefois des gens qui me vantent leurs bonnes fortunes, je veux, pour
leur damer le pion, avoir dans mes poches de fausses lettres de femmes, que je
leur lirai” etc. — Éd. Garnier Frères, p. 170; “The reputation of intriguing
with them was all I sought, & was what I arrived at: & perhaps I only
flattered myself even in that; for very probably the persons to whom I showed
their billets knew as well as I that they were counterfeits, & that I had
written them to myself”
— “The World’s Classics,”
p. 215)?
第五冊,The Eunuch: “Bagoas... ventured to add that a eunuch was a far more suitable teacher
for the young, since he could not incur any blame as regards them”(p. 341). 按《豆棚閒話》第十則云:「那要教唱的幾個小子,就是劉公的龍陽君。顧清之要圖謀這館,佯佯道:『晚生年紀不多,近來得了痿症,人道俱絕。』劉公信道是真,這小館就坐定了。」Voltaire, Dictionnaire
philosophique, art. “Amour socratique ou platonique”: “Un écrivain modern nommé
Larcher ose citer je ne sais quel bouquin, dans lequel on appelle Socrate sanctus pederastes.... Ces amusements
ont été assez communs entre les précepteurs et les écoliers (voyez l’article Pétrone). Les seigneurs turcs et persans
font élever leurs enfants par des eunuques: étrange alternative pour un
pédagogue d’être châtré ou sodomite!” (Oeuvres
Complètes, XVII, p. 180, p. 182,據 Richard Burton, The Book of the Thousand Nights & a Night, X, p. 213,“sanctus
paederasta” 乃 J.
Matthias Gesner 語[17]) 是好註腳。Pétrone 者,蓋指 Satiricon, LXXXV-LXXXVII 記 Eumolphus
事。Dante 寫第八層地獄中,以生前好男風而受諸苦痛鬼魂,Priscian 居首[Inferno, XV, 106: “In somma sappi che tutti fur cherci / E
litterati grandi e di gran fama, / D’un peccato medesmo al mondo lerci. / Priscian
sen va con quella turba grama.[18]”
(Opere, ed. E. Moore & P.
Toynbee, p. 22)],亦可參證。可與 Ariosto:
“Senza quel vizio son pochi umanisti” esc. (Satira
VI, 25 ff., Opere Minori, Riccardo
Riccardi, p. 562); Bruno, Candelaio, Sanguino
on the schoolmaster Manfurio:
“Vuol mostrarsi dottore; e ci fa intendere che è de l’arte da spellechiar
capretti.” [sodomy] (Opere,
Ricciardi, p. 133)【G. Bruno, Candelaio,
IV. 16: Sanguino 嘲 Manfurio [un maestro di scuola]: “Vuol mostrarsi
dottore; e ci fa intendere che è de l’arte da spellechiar capretti.” [i.e.,
sodomia] (Opere di G. Bruno e di T.
Campanella, ed. A. Guzzo e R. Amerio, p. 133)[19]】[參觀]。吾國習俗頗異於此,《野獲編》卷二十四云[20]:「宇內男色有出不得已:按院之身辭閨閣,闍黎之律禁奸通,塾師之客羈館舍,罪囚之久繫狴犴」云云,所謂「塾師」,非云以弟子為龍陽,乃言館童,《補遺》卷三周汝礪大呼「龍山真聖人」之類耳。【《北史‧八十一‧儒林傳‧張彫武傳》:「少美貌,為[王]元則所愛 悅,故偏被教。」[《北齊書‧四十四‧儒林傳‧張彫(無「武」字)傳》無此語。]】託名李卓吾編《山中一夕話》卷二〈開男風曉諭〉有「文房內夫妻」語[21],則謂同學也。【《文章游戲一集》卷八〈俗語對〉:「同窗朋友,上牀夫妻。」】《石點頭》卷十四〈潘文子契合鴛鴦塚〉事(本《太平廣記》卷三百八十九〈潘章〉)所謂「朋友如膠如漆,即是好夫好妻」,權將學士風流孔,遂却襄王雲雨心,「好一對不生產的夫妻也,辨什麼真和假?」又《弁而釵‧情貞記》寫趙王孫與風翔事;《紅樓夢》第九回賈氏義學中事。唯二氏遂以此為笑枋。如《豆棚閒話》第十則顧清之圖要劉通政家戲子,因自言得痿症,人道俱絕,可以教曲。汪廷訥《獅吼記》第四齣僧云:「似此辛勤欲睡,師父夜摟一頭。不管更長漏永,只顧亂扯胡抽。」《續西廂昇仙記》第四折,法聰願為琴童作媒求娶紅娘,索謝儀,琴童云:「我知道了你好南風,待我尋一個俊的小廝與你。」法聰云:「小徒未老,還堪用。」陸采《西廂記》第七折,法朗云:「師父,我若直了腰,你又不快活哩。」鄭若庸《玉玦記》僧云:「近日有些乾結不通,其實虧了師公,他道:『服藥不如針炙。』與我幹了一夜南風。」李月華《南西廂》法聰云:「師父說:『獨坐禪房靜,忽然覺動情。』我說:『師父休得出此語,窗外有人聽。』師父說:『出家皆如此,休要假惺惺。開了聰明竅,好念法華經。』」(參觀《京本通俗小說》第二十一卷:「好個乖乖姐姐,像似被人開過聰明孔了,一猜就猜著。」又《倒鴛鴦》第二十齣倏思溪抱小郎云:「開了聰明孔,好念法華經。」)【《目連問戒律中五百輕重事經‧問雜事品第十三》:「有問:二男行欲不竟,犯何事?二男欲口戲擬便止,犯何事?」〈問沙彌品第十七〉:「問:二男共戲便止,犯何事?問:比丘盜聽二男行欲,犯何事?」足徵佛已鑒及此事矣。又「阿眾毘」即接吻也,《探玄記》卷十九云[22]:「此言接口,得言教密藏之定。」夫上口作「呂」字為傳道之方,宜其「開聰明竅」矣。】袁于令《西樓記》僧云:「好教牀上傳衣缽,傳衣缽,種善根,師父敎他開便門。今生苦趣須嘗過,免敎重做婦人身。」墨憨齋定本《酒家傭》僧斥道引尼云:「賊道自有香童壞佛法,反纏釋子。」道斥僧引妓云:「禿驢不著徒弟惹風騷,去亂章台。」《西廂記》第二本〈楔子〉金聖嘆改本云:「别的女不女、男不男,大白晝把僧房門胡掩。」評曰:「相君之面,則女不女;相君之背,則男不男。白晝門掩,正作此事也。說盡禿奴二六時中工課。」徐文長《歌代嘯》雜劇第一折尤淋漓盡致:李和尚有外婦,張和尚勸之,有云:「豈不聞四書上說的好:瞻之在前,其交也以道;忽焉在後,深造之以道。茍為不得,求之以道;欲有謀焉,得其心有道。非吾徒也,循循善誘人;取諸宮中,綽綽有餘裕。如不容,請嘗試之;將入門,援之以手。其進銳者,不能以寸已,嚬蹙曰,有慟乎?徐徐云爾,無所不至,喜色相告,無傷也。及其壯也,故進之,故退之,盡心力而為之,未見其止;力不足者,茍完矣,茍美矣,以其時則可矣,將以復進。或問之,樂在其中,有以異乎?曰:亦人而已矣。得其門,欲罷不能,雖有善者,吾不與易也。此道之謂也。」李笑曰:「是亦一道也。原來這賊禿水路既窮,又要走旱路了。」張聞李言州裏太爺偷丫頭為奶奶打罵,因曰:「他每各盡其道,一個要博施於人,一個要皆備於我。州爺堂上有許多門子,倘肯走我們適纔所講之道,那有此禍?」李曰:「師兄所講之道,師父豈有不知,又去戀那裙釵怎的?」張曰:「他不知如何肯與賢弟盤桓。」李曰:「又寫在我的賬上來了,未有弟,先有兄來。」張曰:「我是妻死出家的,難道遞不得這張免票」云云。其見於小說者,如《初刻拍案驚奇》卷十七云:「吳氏只見兩個道童,清秀嬌嫩。心裏想道:『這出家人倒如此受用!』」又云:「此時那道士畢竟摟著兩個標緻小童,幹那話兒了!」又云:「你兩個昨夜那一個與師父做一頭睡?」卷二十六云:「僧家雖然有個把行童解饞」;董若雨《西游補》第十四回沙僧道:「陳相公要趕我們去,我們便去。丈夫離妻子,要寫離書;師父離徒弟,不消寫得離書。」八戒道:「不妨,如今師徒做夫婦的多哩」;《醒世姻緣》第九十一回吳推官考察僚屬,無不懼內,臨後一僧一道上秉道:「僧綱道紀,沒有妻室,望老爺免考。」吳推官道:「和尚道士雖然沒有老婆,難道沒有徒弟?怕徒弟的,也在東邊站去!」兩個僧道紅了臉;《禪真逸史》第十三回杜子虛謂龍陽乃「道教旁門」,老子與尹喜有斷袖之愛,「富足者逕走正門」;《金瓶梅》第三十五回應伯爵講笑話云:「道士師徒二人往人家送疏。徒弟把絛兒鬆了些,吊下來。師父說:『你看那樣!倒相沒屁股的。』徒弟回頭答道:『我沒屁股,你一日也成不得』」;《金瓶梅》第八十四回碧霞宮道士石伯才「手下兩個徒弟,一個叫郭守清,一個名郭守禮,皆十六歲,生得標緻……到晚來拿他解饞填餡」,明雖為師兄弟,實則大小老婆;《金瓶梅》第九十三回道士金宗明之於陳敬濟,皆其例也。老子正可與蘇格拉底作對。【錢飲光《藏山閣詩草》卷十一〈南海竹枝詞‧之六〉云:「平康不用訪名姝,老去秦宮愛未渝。頻過城西聽說法,綠榷寺名新剃兩僧雛。」】【《太平廣記》卷一百十三(引《法苑珠林)〈陳安居〉則:「一祭酒徒眾中得一女弟子,因而奸之。府君曰:『師資義著在三,而奸之,是父子相淫,無以異也』」云云,與男弟子亦猶是耳。】【Porphyre, La
vie de Plotin, 15: “Un jour le rhéteur Diaphane lut une apologie en faveur
de l’Alcibiade du Banquet de Platon;
il y soutenait que, par vertu, un disciple doit se prêter aux désirs amoureux de son maître: Plotin s’agitait
et... il me prescrivit d’écrire à cette apologie” (Ennéades, tr. E. Bréhier, I, p. 16).】【Anatomy of Melancholy, Pt. I, Sect. III, Mem. 3, Subs. 4: “It troubles
me to think of those... rapes, incests, adulteries, mastuprations, sodomies,
buggeries of monks & friers” (Everyman’s, III, p. 419).】
〈車中吟〉:「晴車難,火焰山;雨車苦,蟄蟲戶。車塵開,墮刼灰; 車雪結,馬足裂。雨晴塵雪安得止?除非溫飽守鄉里。車班班,上長安;長安道,求官好。年年求官客不休,有官無官皆白頭。」
[9]《手稿集》2339 頁:「Goethe,
Ueber Wahrheit und Wahrscheinlichkeit der
Kunstwerke: “... Wortspiele dieser Art selbst ein Bedürfnis des Geistes
anzeigen, der, da wir das, was in uns vorgeht, nicht geradezu ausdrücken
können, durch Gegensätze zu operiren, die Frage von zwei Seiten zu beantworten,
und so gleichsam die Sache in die Mitte zu fassen sucht.” (G.F. Senior &
C.V. Bock, Goethe the Critic, p. 18)
To supplement 第二三二則 on 二程’s “扶醉漢” & Schopenhauer’s “das Gesetz der
Pendelschwingung.” Cf. Pascal, Pensées,
§353 & 567 (quoted in 第六六一則).」
Cocaio」通作「Merlin Cacajo」,亦作「Merlino
Coccajo」、「Merlino Cocaj」、「Merlinus Coccaius」等,為意大利「混語詩人」(macaronic
poet) 提奧菲洛‧佛楞哥 (Teofilo Folengo,
1491-1544) 筆名。
[18] 此段描寫地獄第七層第三圈(而非第八層)鷄姦者受苦狀:「總而言之,他們都是教士、╱學者,有顯赫的地位和聲名,╱在陽間因相同的罪過而蒙恥。╱皮里斯克恩和那可憐的一群同行。」(見黃國彬譯註《神曲‧地獄篇》第十五章。)