2016年6月19日 星期日


Bramer Leonard, The Grapes of Zeuxis (1596)


            孫覿《鴻慶居士集》四十二卷。仲益立身行事,至不足道。並世以儷偶名者有汪彥章(《鴻慶居士集》卷三十有〈浮溪集序〉),仲益四六差相埒,而詩、古文則遠遜矣。惟卷三十六〈万俟公墓誌銘〉表章其臺諫論事云:「諸大將起於行伍,知利不知義,畏死不畏法」,「岳飛有不臣之漸」,〈韓公墓誌銘〉謂中興諸將「岳飛、范瓊輩皆以跋扈賜死」,足與《浮溪集》卷一之〈行在越州條具時政〉及〈奏論諸將無功狀〉相比。卷二十七〈論太學諸生伏闕劄子〉斥李綱「以帷幄之臣,為穿窬之謀」,「不知羞愧,戴面立朝」,又與《浮溪集》卷十二之〈李綱落職鄂州居住制〉相類。仲益詩學東坡,筆力頗健,好使事而欠精緻。近體一首之內,每至「綠」、「赤」、「蒼」、「紫」、「青」(卷一〈釣台〉第一首),「千」、「百」、「二」、「三」(〈蘭溪津亭病起〉第二首),「兩」、「九」、「萬」、「百」、「一」、「一」(〈仙遊山九日歎逝〉第一首),「蠅」、「鷗」、「鴨」、「螭」(卷二〈妙覺書事〉第一首),「豹」、「鵬」、「麟」、「鹿」、「鶴」、「牛」、「鷁」、「龜」、「魚」、「鵝」、「鴨」(〈再和何襲明〉二首),「萬」、「一」、「五」、「八」、「三」、「五」(卷三〈到象州太守陳容德携酒見過〉第一首),「六」、「三」、「一」、「千」、「九」(卷四〈次韻向伯恭致政〉),足見其乏洗鍊之功矣。古文亦平衍欠振盪。周必大《平園續稿》卷十三〈鴻慶集序〉云:「乾道丁亥,遇公陽羨,公八十有七矣。論文之餘,語及前朝舊事,健論滔滔如洪河東注,緒言纚纚如束蠒繅絲。《韻語陽秋》載東坡自海南歸,公方髫齡,坡命對『衡門稚子璠璵器』,公應聲曰:『翰苑神仙錦綉腸。』坡歎曰:『真璠璵也。』以公早慧,固應有此。然坡北歸,實靖國辛巳,公已二十一。得非元豐乙丑自便還常,公纔五歲時乎?」《泛舟游山錄》卷一:「乾道丁亥三月乙亥,聞孫仲益尚書艤舟北郭,往謁之。年八十七矣,精明如六、七十人,詩、文不減少作,談舊事纚纚不倦,可謂異秉。」按《韻語陽秋》一節見卷三。仲益尚有《內簡尺牘》十卷,務為雅語,而破碎乏韻味,摭用坡語甚多。《朱文公集》卷七十一〈記孫覿事〉:「靖康之難,欽宗幸虜營,虜人欲得某文,欽宗不得已,為詔從臣孫覿為之。陰冀覿不奉詔,得以爲解。而覿不復辭,一揮立就,過爲貶損,以媚虜人,而詞甚精麗云云。虜人大喜,至以大宗城鹵獲婦餉之,覿亦不辭。其後每語人曰:『人不勝天久矣;古今禍亂,莫非天之所為云云。孟子所謂「順天者存,逆天者亡」者,蓋謂此也。』」[2] 石茂良《避戎夜話》:「靖康城陷議和,上見二酋,作二降表過北,皆孫覿……之筆。其略云:『……恭維大金皇帝陛下:……上皇負罪以播遷,微臣捐軀而聽命。……社稷不殞,宇宙再清。』粘罕抹去『大金』二字,止欲稱皇帝。又指『宇宙』二字云:『大金亦宇宙也。』又易『負罪』二字為『失德』。」《桯史》:「《鴻慶集》太半銘誌,諛墓之常,不足咤。獨有武功大夫李公碑列其間,乃儼然一璫耳。亟稱其高風絕識,自以不獲見之為大恨。言必稱公,殊不怍於宋用臣之論謚也。」










            〈題莫壽朋所藏東坡畫枯木〉:「龍筋鶴骨老催頹,百尺修圍折巨雷。倦鵲飛來空自繞,踏枝不著又驚回。」按此意當時詩中屢見。《三朝北盟會編》炎興下帙卷八十一:「劉豫初僭立,奔附者眾,識者譏之云:『濃磨一鋌兩鋌墨,畫出千年萬年樹。誤得百鳥盡飛來,踏枝不著空飛去。』」《圖繪寶鑑》卷四馬宋英自題畫云:「磨出一錠兩錠墨,掃出千年萬年樹。月明烏鵲誤飛來,蹋枝不著空歸去。」「一錠兩錠」二句,又本之唐人朱灣〈題段上人院壁畫古松〉之「掃出三寸五寸枝,便是千年萬年物」也。即 Zeuxis 畫蒲桃,飛禽爭啄之意,Pliny, Hist. Nat., XXXV. 36 (Loeb, IX, pp 308-10),見第六八○則。參觀 G.F. Senior & C.V. Bock, Goethe the Critic, pp. 21-2; A. Russi, L’Arte e le Arti, p. 24,又第七四○則論Marino, La Galeria










            卷十二〈與曹端伯書〉:「蒙馳賜《百家新選》一集,讀之惟恐盡也。秦少游云:『曾子固文章妙絕古今,而有韻者輒不工。』【Croce, Filosofia, Poesia, Storia, p. 274: “Cicerone, sommo prosatore e letterato, che tentò di scrivere in versi, passarono in proverbio i ridenda poemata. Né di Sofocle o Euripide, né di Virgilio o Lucrezio o Properzio, restano prose.”】此語一出,天下遂以為口實。南豐作〈李白引〉,以謂『閎肆瑰瑋,非近世騷人所可及者』,而『連類引義,中法度者寡』。荊公屢稱郭功父詩,而南豐不謂然。荊公曰:『豈非謂天才超逸,更當約以古詩之法乎?』南豐論詩如此。【王德正《餘師錄》卷四[3]:「孫仲益云:『某見前輩文字褒賞,一時名士,東坡最多,可往往過其實,惟荊公未嘗以言假人,而南豐為尤嚴。比見郭祥正得荊公數帖,皆稱道其詩者,中一帖云:「子固之言,不知所謂。豈非足下天才超軼,尚當繩以古詩之法乎?」』云云。」與此處語意同而較詳。】如〈兵間〉一詩,指徐德占;〈論交〉一詩,指呂吉甫;又有〈黃金〉、〈顏揚〉諸詩,皆卓然有濟世之用。而世人便謂不能詩,某所以不喻其言也。荊公〈竹〉詩『人言直節』一聯,〈雪〉詩『平治險穢』一聯,〈送李璋下第〉『才如吾子』一聯,世人傳誦,然非佳句。公詩至知制誥乃盡善,歸蔣山乃精絕。其後〈再送李璋下第〉、〈和吳仲卿雪〉詩,比少作如天淵矣。蘇黃門詩已不逮諸公,北歸後效白公體,益不逮,惟四字詩最善。張文潛晚年詩不逮前作,意謂亦效白公詩者。公述潘邠老言:『文潛晚喜白公詩。』信矣,如所料也。呂居仁作《江南宗派》,既云宗派,固有次第。陳無己本學杜子美,後受知於曾南豐,自言『向來一瓣香,敬為曾南豐』,非其派也。靖康末,呂舜徒作中憲,居仁遇師川於寶梵佛舍,極口訽罵其翁於廣座中,居仁俛首不敢出一語。故於宗派貶之於祖可、如璧之下,師川固當不平。然惠洪偽作魯直贈詩云:『氣爽絕類徐師川』,師川喜以為是,不免與惠洪為類,此又不可曉者。《冷齋夜話》載秀老一事,某在江西時,惡其狂誕無稽。此僧中奴,固不以笞罵為辱。東坡〈橄欖〉詩云:『已輸崖蜜十分甜』,惠洪以崖蜜為櫻桃。又有俗子假東坡名注杜詩,云『金城土酥靜如練』為蘆菔根者。東坡〈地黃〉詩云:『崖蜜助甘冷,山薑發芳辛。』製地黃法當用薑與蜜,而用櫻桃可乎?黃師是守泗時,以酥酒遺東坡,答詩云:『關右土酥黃似酒,揚州雲液却如酥。』謂土酥為蘆菔根可乎?曹元寵、米元暉,殆是子美詩中黃四娘者耶?然元寵詩殊有可觀,若『都都平丈我』,又待入《紅窗迴》矣。」按此〈書〉有資談藝者匪尟,而未見徵引。惟趙與時《賓退錄》卷六備錄之,稱其評論婉而嚴。(「《詩選》載曹元寵〈題梁仲敍所作陳坦畫村敎學詩〉云:『此老方捫蝨,眾雛亦附火。想見文字間,都都平丈我。』《詩選》去取,多未精當……。仲益所稱南豐〈兵間〉、〈論交〉、〈黃金〉、〈顏楊〉諸篇,及蘇黃門四字詩,無一在《選》中者,而反錄『都都平丈我』之句。答書及此,亦因以箴之也。」)《津逮秘書東坡題跋》卷三〈記少游論詩文〉、《東坡題跋》上溫一貞本記秦少游言:「人才各有分限,杜子美詩冠古今,而無韻者殆不可讀,曾子固以文名天下,而有韻者輒不工。」觀《淮海集》卷一〈曾子固哀詞〉,則少游嘗學文於子固(參觀第二百五十一則),而談藝一無假借如此。《後山先生集》卷二十三《詩話》云:「世語……曾子固短於韻語。」《冷齋夜話》卷九「淵材迂濶好怪」條記淵材五恨,「曾子固不能作詩」其第五也。後世《劉後村大全集》卷一百七十五稱子固能詩,引〈明妃曲〉、〈哭尹師魯〉、〈挽丁元珍〉、〈北歸〉諸詩為證。《瀛奎律髓》卷十六方批子固〈上元〉兩律。《隱居通議》卷七謂子固非不能詩,舉〈麻姑山〉、〈英宗皇帝挽詞〉等摘句尤夥。《楊升菴外集》卷七十八謂子固能詩,引〈享祀軍山廟歌〉為證。《義門讀書記元豐類稿》卷一謂子固詩尚古直、乏細潤,蓋學李、杜、韓而未參六朝者。然於其名章佳句一一摘賞,是亦視子固為詩人也。賀黃公《載酒園詩話》卷五云:「俗傳曾子固不能詩,真妄語耳。」《昭昧詹言》卷一:「南豐字句極奇,而少鼓盪之氣,又篇法少變換,無兀傲起落,故不及杜、韓。大約南豐學陶、謝、鮑、韓工夫到地,其失在不放一字一句,有有車之用,無無車之用。然以句格求之,則其至者,直與謝、陶、鮑、韓並有千古。其次者,亦非宋以來詩家所夢及。」潘彥輔《養一齋詩話》卷四稱曾子固五、七言排宕有氣,近體佳句清深婉轉,徵引甚詳。姚石甫《後湘詩集》卷九〈論詩絕句〉云:「文掩詩名曾子固,論才合與亞歐王。元豐類稿從頭讀,遺恨何人比海棠。」楊希閔《鄉詩摭譚》正集卷三引姚石甫此絕而稱子固能詩,此外隱襲後村所舉,無新見。《池北偶談》卷十四:「子固詩亦荊公之亞,天分微不及耳。」紀曉嵐、錢竹汀論江西宗派,王國維跋《冷齋夜話》,皆茫然不知仲益有此〈書〉也。《浮溪集》卷十七〈柯山集書後〉云:「公詩晚更效白樂天體,而世之淺易者,往往以此亂真」云云,可與仲益語發明。《賓退錄》謂:「曹組作〈紅窗迴題陳坦畫村敎學詩〉云:『此老方捫蝨[4],眾雛亦附火。想見文字間,都都平丈我。』端伯於詩有《百家詩選》,於詞有《樂府雅詞》,稗官小說則有《類說》,神仙之學亦有《道樞十鉅編》。以示其於書無所不讀,於學無所不能,故未免以不知為知」云云。《朱子語類》卷一百四十論端伯《百家詩選》亦曰:「只是他所見如此。他要無不會,詩詞文章字畫外,更編道書八十卷。又別有一書甚少,名《八段錦》,看了便真以為是神仙不死底人」云云。《清波雜誌》卷八謂:「端伯《百家詩選》,去取任一己之見,且於歐、王、蘇皆不載。雖曰用荊公《唐詩選》韓、杜、李不與編故事,其亦大名之下,不容銓擇耶?曾帥江陵日,叔祖為參議官,親見亟欲《詩選》成,僅得數篇,即撰小序以刊行,旋悟疎略,欲删去而不及」云云。他書之成,想亦必率爾也。《渭南文集》卷二十七〈跋中興間氣集〉云:「議論凡鄙,與近世《宋百家詩選》中小序可相甲乙。」仲益《集》卷六〈讀類說〉二首(「亡是談烏有,彭郎得小姑。誰言鳩作婦,謾道雁為奴。絡緯那能織?提壺豈解酤?龜兹堪一笑,非馬亦非驢。」「額痒會出耳,足閒仍有氂。石頑飛作雁,楮老孕生鷄。楓癭那因怒,松肪豈是肥。君看轉丸手,亦復化神奇。」)當足題端伯書也。卷三十二〈讀臨川集〉(「荊公自謂知經明道,與子固、王深父、逢源四人者,發六藝之蘊於千載絕學之後。荊公當國,二王已下世,獨有子固以秘閣校勘在京師,便當引而進之,乃擯棄不用,通判越州而去。余觀《南豐集》,〈序禮閣新儀〉則指新法,〈記襄州長渠〉則指水利,〈兵間詩〉則指徐德占,〈論交詩〉則指呂吉甫,而二人者,如水火矣。」)亦可與此〈書〉參觀。《隱居通議》卷十四亦云[5]:「《南豐續稿》有〈喜似〉一篇為介甫作,尊敬甚至。及其得志,則與之異。故〈過王介甫歸偶成〉云:『直道詎非難,盡言竟多忤。知者尚復然,悠悠誰可語。」













            E.E. Kellett, Fashion in Literature. 思精語隽,談藝之 taste 乃取譬於飲食。VoltaireSainte-Beuve 等皆言之(見第八十一則),而判析微茫,莫過此書(pp. 3-13, 95-6, 340)。按天竺談藝,有 rasa 之說(S.K. De, Studies in the History of Sanskrit Poetics, II, p. 70: “An idea similar to what we mean when we speak of tasting food”; A.K. Coomaraswamy, The Transformation of Nature in Art, 2nd ed., p. 47: “Aesthetic experience is described as the tasting od flavor (rasâsvādana) or simply as tasting (svāda, āsvāda)”)。西方自 Baltasar Gracian 以來,“gusto” 一字遂為談藝者常言(Croce, Aethetic, Eng. tr. by D. Ainslie, pp. 191-2, 466, 469; Gilbert & Kuhn, History of Esthetics, p. 228[10]; Milton A. Buchanan in Hispainc Review, IV, 1936, pp. 286-7)。英國則 Milton 詩中始以 “taste” 作文心詩眼(Logan Pearsall Smith, Milton & His Modern Critics, p. 69),至 Shaftsbury 而後濫用(Elizabeth Wheeler Manwaring, Italian Landscape in 18th Century England, pp. 27-8; Shaftsbury: “Advice to an Author,” sect. III: “a right & wrong taste” etc. (Characteristics, ed. J.M. Robertson, I, pp. 216 ff.); “Miscellany III,” ch. 1 & 2: “[Heat & heart] aspire to a just taste” etc. (II, pp. 255 ff.))。吾國却無此說。司空表聖〈與李生論詩書〉首言:「愚以為辨於味而後可以言詩也。江嶺之南,凡足資於適口者,若醯非不酸也,止於酸而已。若鹺非不鹹也,止於鹹而已。中華之人所以充饑而遽輟者,知其酸鹹之外,醇美者有所乏耳。」篇末又言:「倘復以全美為上,即知味外之旨」云云。【鍾嶸《詩品》雖以「味」論詩,如於永嘉詩曰:「淡乎寡味」,於五言詩曰:「眾作之有滋味者」,不似司空說精妙。唯論賦比興曰:「使味之者無極……是詩之至也。」差近司空。】「味外之旨」即同篇所謂「近而不浮,遠而不盡,可以言韻外之致」,指詩文之風格,非言鑑賞,識力略等於 “je ne sais quoi” 而已(“je ne sais quoi” 淵源,參觀 Shaftsbury, Characteristics, ed. J.M. Robertson, I, p. 214; Voltaire, Dict. philos., art. “Grâce,” Oeuv. Compl., XIX, p. 301; Francesco de Sanctis, Hist. of Ital. Lit., Eng. tr. by Joan Redfern, p. 653; J.A. Symonds, Renaissance in Italy, VII, pp. 23-4; Croce, Aesthetic, Eng. tr. by Douglas Ainslie, pp. 200, 207-8; Spingarn, Lit. Criticism in the Renaissance, p. 328; Modern Language Notes, May 1958, pp. 351-5。他如 Thomas Shadwell, The Virtuoso, Complete Works, ed. by Montagne Summers, III, p. 136; William Whitehead’s song “Je ne scais quoi”; Goldsmith, Citizen of the World, XIV: “somethingness”; Poems of Wm Blake, ed. Sampson, “Oxford Standard Authors”, p. 201: “Jenny sink awa’” 皆可補。蓋 Cicero, De Oratore, III, c. 50: “tacitus quidam sensus sine ulla ratione et arte”; Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De Lysia, c. 11& De Thucydide, c. 27: álogos aísthesis[11] (cf. S.F. Bonner, The Literary Treatises of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, pp. 47, 104; Newman, A Grammar of Assent, Burns, Oates, & Co., 1870, p. 354: “The illative sense is parallel to phronesis in conduct, & to taste in the Fine Arts,” cf. pp. 33, 350; Kellett, Fashion in Literature, pp. 21-2: “Like religion, taste has primarily nothing to do with the intellect, though the intellect comes in to aid both”).Alexander Brome: “Love’s Without Reason”: “Something there is moves me to love, & I / Do know I love, but know not how nor why” (Oxf. Bk. of 17th-Cent. Verse, 727). A. Moravia, Racconti romani: “Scorfani” (Opere complete, Bompiani, VII, 83): “E poi... hai un non so che, che mi piace tanto.... In quella frase, lo sentivo, stava la spiegazione del mistero. Per quell ‘non so che’ come sapevo, piacevano alle donne i gobbi, i nani, i vecchi, perfino i mostri.” Pascal, Pensées, sect. II, §162: “La cause en [de l’amour] est un je ne sais quoi (Corneille) [Médée, II, 5; Rodogune, I. 5] et les effets en sont effroyables” (Oeuvres, “Grands Écrivains de la France,” XIII, p. 82); cf. Hegel: “die kraftlose Schönheit hasst den Verstand” (W. Kaufmann[12], Hegel: Reinterpretation, p. 406).】「能」既如此,「所」亦宜然,所謂 “similis similibus percipiuntur” 也,參觀第五十三則),「所」而非「能」,〈與王駕評詩書〉「右丞、蘇州,趣味澄夐」云云,亦復如是。唯〈題柳柳州集後〉云:「得柳詩,味其深搜之致,亦深遠矣」云云,「味」字指「能」言,然仍限於體會其所為深遠而已。鍾記室《詩品》早云:「理過其辭,淡乎寡味。」又云:「五言居文詞之要,是眾作之有滋味者也。」李後主〈相見歡〉詞云:「是離愁,別是一般滋味在心頭。」陸放翁〈晚興〉詩云:「睡餘書味在胸中。」〈風雨夜坐〉詩云:「掩書餘味在胸中。」(皆本之《豫章黃先生文集》卷十九〈與王子予書〉: 「古人有言:『并敵一向,千里殺將。』要須心地收汗馬之功,讀書乃有味。棄書策而游息,書味猶在胸中。」)《明文授讀》卷三十三趙汸〈潛溪後集序〉[見《東山先生存稿》卷三(《新安文獻志》甲集卷二十附載趙致潛溪一書,則不見《集》中)]云:「袁公伯長嘗問於先師虞公伯生曰:『為文當何如?』虞公曰:『子浙人也。子欲知為文,當問諸浙中庖者。予川人也,何足以知之?』」此類甚多,或則「所」而非「能」,或則「明」而未「融」,與 “Rasa”, “taste” 尚去一間。

            P. 23: “The Senior Wrangler who said that poetry proved nothing had his reward... John Smith: ‘...God is best discerned, as Plotinus phraseth it, by an intellectual touch. The soul itself hath its sense as well as the body; & therefore David saith, oh, Taste & see how good the Lord is.’” 按前語早見 Diderot, Satire I sur les Mots de Caractères de Profession, etc.: “Un géomètre, fatigué des éloges dont la capitale retentissait lorsque Racine donna son Iphigénie, voulut lire cette tragedie si vantée. Il prend la pièce; il se retire dans un coin; il lit une scène, deux scènes; à la troisième, il jette le livre en disant: ‘Qu’est-ce que cela prouve?’” (Oeuv. Comp., éd. Assézat, VI, pp. 307-8);後語參觀 Sāhitya-Darpana, III. 2-3: “Flavor (rasah) is tasted (āsvādyate) by men having an innate knowledge of absolute values, in exaltation of pure consciousness....in the mode at once od ecstasy & intellect... twin brothers to the tasting of Brahma (brahmâsvāda-sahôdarah), whereof the life is a super-worldly lightning flash.”(見 A.K. Coomaraswamy, The Transformation of Nature in Art, p. 195 引)。

            P. 35: “The hearers of early poetry knew that they ‘preferred’ one bard to another: the magic of the one was the more powerful, his incantation more compelling” etc. 按此意 F.C.S. Schiller, Our Human Truths, p. 129 道之最妙 (“In almost every country the earliest literature is magical, & those who could read & write were magicians ex officio. Spells were a part of spelling, & glamour was the efficacious part of grammar.”)

            Pp. 52-3: “To the beginner in Latin, Virgil’s style is non-existent” etc. 按所謂「不厭百回讀」也。Sainte-Beuve Alexis Piron 語云:“‘La lecture a ses brouillons comme les ouvrages,’ c’est-à-dire que, ‘pour bien comprendre un livre et s’en former une idée nette, lire ne suffit pas, il faut relire’”[13] (Nouv. Lund., VII, p. 465)。《西游補》亦有「帶草看法,一覽而盡」之語,可參觀。然熟則有味,佳作固然,Levin L. Schücking, The Sociology of Literary Taste, tr. by E.W. Dickes, p. 61 “The aesthetic sense is remarkably open to influence”,舉 Max Liebermann: “Take the picture away, or I shall begin to like it”; Fr. Gundolf: “For a youth growing up with this translation [his own unreadable version of Shakespeare], such difficulties of reading or speaking will no longer exist.”;習則相安,劣作亦賴以僥倖。世事難言如此。

            Pp. 56 ff.: “No writer lives for himself alone etc.... To talk of a Buch an sich is to talk of an impossibility etc.” 按是也,即 Albert Guérard, Literature & Society, pp. 222 ff. 所謂 “Tacit interlocutor”

            P. 63: “I asked him how he reconciled Addison’s portentous wit with his light essays, or what likeness there was between the style of Cowper’s John Gilpin & the nightcap so dear to all familiar with Cowper’s works. Again, if short skirts go with short sentences, what about the present time, when short skirts are worn by day & long in the evening? Is a novel written in the morning more snappy than one by the same lady at night?” 按參觀 Sainte-Beuve: “On a voulu plaisanter sur la toilette que Buffon faisait avant de se mettre à écrire; il croyait que le vêtement de l’homme fait partie de sa personne” (Les Grands Écrivains français, Études classées et annotées par Maurice Allem, VII, p. 78)

            Pp. 73 ff.: “Greatness, littleness, mediocrity are but names for the impression a writer makes upon his readers & will vary with those readers etc.” Ch. Lalo, Introduction à l’Esthétique, p. 337: “La valeur esthétique d’une oeuvre n’est pas; elle devient, elle se fait, elle vit ou meurt perpétuellement” (cf. Lalo: “Les Principaux Types du Dénivellement des Valeurs Esthétiques”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Philosophy, pp. 364 ff.); Albert Guérard, Literature & Society, pp. 106 ff.: “Tradition does not merely preserve masterpieces; it enriches them. Great works grow after their author’s death” etc. Kellett 僅言一人之 “growth of taste” (pp. 52-3, 57-9),未及此意。

            P. 81: “‘There is one person,’ said Talleyrand, ‘wiser than Napoleon; c’est tout le monde’” etc. 按此理 J.S. Mill “Bentham” 一文中說之最精,有云:“The collective mind does not penetrate below the surface, but it sees all the surface; which profound thinkers, even by reason of their profundity, often fail to do” (Dissertations & Discussions, I, p. 352)

            P. 139: “The quietness & restraint of Homer & Hesiod may, for all we can tell, be due to a reaction against the noise & violence of still earlier poets whose works have perished.” 按參觀 Henri Peyre, Le Classicisme français, pp. 45 ff.: “Mais le classicisme suit le désordre plus encore qu’il ne la précède... La ‘grande époque’ est venue après une longue suite de guerres extérieures” etc.; p. 224: “Encore faut-il qu’il existe au préalable quelque fougue à refréner, quelque passion à modérer. Sinon cette discipline s’exerce à vide”

            Pp. 140-1 Exaggeration,謂 Homer 言二力士不能舉,Virgil 增飾之為十二力士不能舉;Homer 言十口十舌不能道,Virgil 則曰百口百舌不能道,Pope 至謂千口千舌不能道。按 Ennius, Annals, fr. 547-8 (E.H. Warmington, Remains of Old Latin, I, p. 206) 亦云十口不能道,Il Pentamerone, IV. 9 (tr. B. Croce, p. 427) 則云百口千舌。Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato, Lib. I, canto XIX, st. 61[the lovemaking of Brandimarte & Fiordelisa]: “Come ciascun sospira e ciascun geme / De alta dolcezza, non sapprebbi io dire; / Lor lo dican per me, poi che a lor tocca / Che ciascaduno avea due lingue in bocca” (Garzanti, I, 370). A.A. Milne, Autobiography, p. 24: “In the first flush of inspiration, I wrote ‘The day-boys have thousands of chaps...’ I acknowledged sadly to myself that ‘thousands’ is an exaggeration... Hundreds? There were only 35 day-boys... In my last clean copy, the day-boys had ‘about 50 chaps’, & in all that I have written since I have held to my creed that Art is exaggeration — but in fifties not in thousands.” 石動筩之「青谿二千仞,中有兩道士 」(《太平廣記》二百四十七引《啟顏錄》);徐五之「金以兩千酬漂母,鞭須六百報平王」(張遠作〈徐五傳〉載此聯,《兩般秋雨盦隨筆》卷三「某作詩力求新異」云云,「以」字作「欲」,「報」字作「撻」)。

            P. 191: “Equivoques may in certain cases have been the skillful invention of some member of an oppressed nation who hit on this method of venting his feelings or conveying messages without betraying himself to his masters... It may have been from such origin that the more literary allegory sprout.” Gabriele Rossetti, La Beatrice di Dante 即以此意立說(見  W. Binni, ed., I Classici Italiani: nella storia della critica, I, p. 65),所謂「言者無罪,聞者足戒」,Phaedrus: “Nunc, fabularum cur sit inventum genus, / Brevi docebo. Servitus obnoxia, / Quia quae volebat non audebat dicere, / Affectus probrios in fabellas transtulit” 正其意。Vico 引之以論 Aesop 寓言,舉獅驢分食為例(The New Science, tr. by T.G. Bergin & M.H. Fisch, p. 123, §425)。不特此也,Albert Guérard, Literature & Society, pp. 81-2: “The most favorable conditions are found in the Oppressive State that fails to oppress... Oppression compels us to use finer tactics & keener weapons, ropier of allusive irony... This sharpens the wit of author & ...”[14] Bosanquet 論此更妙:“Beauty, in short, thus ceases to be a datum, & becomes a problem; & in pursuing a fanciful interpretation, the mind will often extract the expressive essence of sensuous forms, with incomparable subtlety.” (History of Aesthetic, 2nd ed., p. 159)。參觀 Owen Barfield “Tarning”[15] (Essays Presented to Charles Williams, pp. 108 ff.) 又第三百四十九則。

            P. 192: “De Foe, in his Short Way with the Dissenters, posed as the most violent of High Churchmen” etc. John F. Ross, Swift & Defoe, pp. 82-4: “All that can be granted him is that he intended to write irony, but did not succeed... Irony is not achieved unless it is achieved in the mind of the reader, who must be aware of a tenor as well as a vehicle. The Shortest Way was all vehicle & no tenor... Thus the reader’s natural assumption that the pamphlet was literally meant... After the fact, Defoe sought often to rectify his failure by letting the world into his secret — by labelling the Shortest Way ‘banter’ & ‘irony’” (pp. 82-4)。蓋與 Orbaneja 自題其畫曰 “This is a cock”(見 Don Quixote, Pt. II, ch. 3 ch. 71, tr. S. Putnam, pp. 530, 932)何異?參觀 F.A. Pottle, ed. Boewell on the Grand Tour: Germany & Switzerland, “Trade Edition,” p. 24: “And as in the infancy of painting, people generally wrote, ‘This is a cow,’ ‘This is a horse,’ so from Sir Joe’s [Sir Joseph Yorke’s] mouth cometh a label with these words, ‘I am an Ambassador.’”

            P. 195: “As the poet & the hearer develop knowledge & self-consciousness, the metaphor tends to yield place to the simile. Fire is now like a devourer, etc. The reciter is no longer deceived into imagining that similarity is identity” etc.。按此意實發自 Vico(參觀 H.P. Adams, The Life & Writings of Giambattista Vico, pp. 123 ff.: “Children & savages are incapable of much abstract thinking; their mental representations are concrete. In a poverty of words the necessity of new uses became the mother of invention, not so often the invention of new words as of new devices for making the old word serve a new purpose. There being no word to express drought, the land was said to thirst. Thus metaphor was born... Every hero became a Hercules”; p. 166: “Having no adjective by which to say that Daphne became stationery, the poets turned her into a plant.”)。參觀第七百四十一論《全唐文》八百一陸龜蒙〈象耕鳥耘辨〉。E. Cassirer 言之尤析(參觀 Language & Myth, Eng. tr. by Susanne K. Langer, pp. 92 ff.),蓋文字漸進,可以慎思明辨矣。然分別之相既生,融通之感斯減。就文而論,simile 不如 metaphor 也。Journal des Goncourt, 6 mai 1861 “Salammbô” 有云:“Encore des comparaisons non fondues dans la phrase, et toujours attachées par un comme, et qui me font l’effet de ces camélias faussement fleuris, et dont chaque bouton est accroché aux branches par une épingle”,各明一義。

            P. 249: “Mere poetry is hardly ever poetry at all. A poem... must teach, though it must not be didactic. It must have content” etc. Goethe, Dichtung und Wahrheit, IIIter Teil, Ites Buch: “Ich ehre den Rhythmus wie in Prosa übersetzt wird: dann bleibt der reine vollkommene Gehalt, den uns ein blendendes den Reim, wodurch Poesie erst zur Poesie wird, aber das eigentlich tief und gründlich Wirksame, das wahrhaft Ausbildende und Fördernde ist dasjenige, was vom Dichter übrig bleibt, wenn er in Prosa übersetzt wird: dann bleibt der reine vollkommene Gehalt, den uns ein blendendes Äussere oft, wenn er fehlt, vorzuspiegeln weiss, und, wenn er gegenwärtig ist, verdeckt”(參觀第四百八十九則引 Hegel 論譯詩)即此意,而持之太過。惟 Walter Pater, Appreciations: “Style” 末節云:“The distinction between great art & good art depending immediately, as regards literature at all events, not on its form, but on its matter... Given the conditions I have tried to explain as constituting good art; — then, if it be devoted further to the increase of men’s happiness, to the redemption of the oppressed, etc.... it will be also great art”,最為平情之論(參觀 Samuel Alexander, Beauty & Other Forms of Value, ch. VIII, “Beauty & Greatness”; L.A. Reid, A Study in Aesthetics, ch. IX, “Subject-matter, Greatness, & the Problem of Standards” 皆未引 Pater)。

            Pp. 342-3 “Catholicity of taste” 有云 “‘True love,’ whether for mankind or for letters, ‘in this differs from gold & clay, that to divide is not to take away.’... His mind is capacious enough for both the old & the new” etc.。按 G. Saintsbury, Collected Essays & Papers, II, pp. 50-1: “‘one to one’ is not ‘cursedly confined’ in the relation of book & reader; & a man need not be a Don Juan of letters to have a list of almost mille e tre loves in that department;” p. 226: “Three kinds of literary lovers... Those who only love one or a very few things & cleave to it or them... Inconstants who love & who ride away... those who are polygamous but faithful... who constantly add to their loves, but never drop, forget, or slight the old. ”(參觀 Journal des Goncourt, 27 octobre, 1882: “Dîner entre peintres et littérateurs. Le peintre: ‘6039, c’est bien cela... oui, j’ai couché avec 6039 femmes. Vous, à combien en êtes-vous?’ Le littérateur: ‘Moi, je ne crois pas avoir dépassé le nombre de Salomon... les 700. Mais vous savez, le nombre de Don Juan est Mille e tre.’ Le peintre: ‘C’est peut-être pour l’Espagne seulement... quant à moi, je suis sûr de mon chiffre’”。其言是也,Don Juan 所淫,尚有意大利婦人七百名、德國婦人八百名、土耳其及法國婦人合九十一名【Mozart, Don Giovanni, I, ii, Dover, p. 100: “In Italia seicento e quaranta; / in Alemagna duecento e trentuna; / cento in Francia, in Turchia novantuna; / ma in Ispagna, ma in Ispagna son già mille e tre!” (Leporello: “il catalogo delle belle che amò il padron mio, un catalogo egli è che ho fatti io”[16]】); Walter Sickert, A Free House!, ed. by Osbert Sitwell, p. 5: “You are not to consider that every new & personal beauty in art abrogates past achievement as an Act of Parliament does preceding ones. You are to consider these beauties, these innovations, as additions to an existing family. How barbarous you would seem if you were unable to bestow admiration & affection on a fascinating child in the nursery without at once finding yourselves compelled to rush downstairs & cut its mother’s throat & stifle its grandmother” 之喻尤妙,即 C. Delisle Burns, The Horizon of Experience, p. 163: “The new horizon in science lies beyond the old, whereas in the arts it is beside the old.”; W.P. Ker, On Modern Literature, p. 187: “Progress in politics is a progress that deletes the old for the sake of the new; whereas in the progress of poetry the old order does not change to give place to the new. The old order, if it ever was of any good at all, need be none the worse on account of that which follows it”。馮夢龍《山歌》卷四〈多〉云:「天上星多月弗明,池裏魚多水弗清。朝裏官多亂子法,阿姐郎多亂子心」,則 Kellett, pp. 68-9 Magliabecchi, Joshua Barnes, Macaulay 等博覽而無衡鑑之類。馮氏按語云:「余嘗問名妓侯慧卿云:『卿輩閱人多矣,方寸得無亂乎?』曰:『不也。我曹胸中,自有考案一張,如捐額外者不論,稍堪屈指,第一、第二以至累十,井井有序。倘獲奇材,不妨黜陟。即終身結果,視此為圖,不得其上,轉思其次。何亂之有?』余嘆美久之。雖然,慧卿自是作家語,若他人未必心不亂也。世間尚有一味淫貪,不知心為何物者。則有心可亂,猶是中庸阿姐」,則 Kellett, p. 343: “It is a great mistake to imagine that width of mind involves indifference” etc. 註腳。又按錢希言《獪園》卷四「垢仙」條亦載吳歌曰:「朝裏官多壞子法,姐為多郎亂子心。」【Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra, III, “Vom Geiste der Schwere”: “Allgenügsamkeit, die Alles zu schmecken weiss: das ist nicht der beste Geschmack! Ich ehre die widerspänstigen wählerischen Zungen und Mägen... Alles aber kauen und verdauen — das ist eine rechte Schweine-Art!” (Alfred Kröner Verlag, S. 284).

            Pp. 349 ff.: “Do we not feel that the magnitude of Tennyson’s production is a main element in our conception of him?” etc. G.F. Lahey, G.M. Hopkins, p. 63 Hopkins 云:“Where there is high excellence in the work, labour in the execution, there volume, amount, quantity tells & helps to perpetuate all. If you wrote a considerable poem more it would not only add to your works & fame its own weight or its own buoyancy but it would bulk out & buoy up all the rest. Are Virgil’s Georgia & Bucolics read more or less for his having written the Aeneid? Much more”; Jules Renard, Journal (Edition NRF), p. 7: “Le talent est une question de quantité. Le talent, ce n’est pas d’écrire une page: c’est d’en écrire 300.” 《說郛》卷二十鄭文寶《南唐近事》云:「元宗命從官賦詩,朱鞏唯進一聯,曰:『好物不在多。』左右皆掩口而笑。自是金陵士庶遺餉不豐者,皆以爲口實。」焦弱侯編《楊升菴外集》卷七十七云:「夏侯審為大歷十才子之一,而詩集不傳,僅存〈詠被中繡鞋〉及〈織錦圖歌〉[17]。劉潤之在蜀刻十子詩無審,余以二詩訊之,潤之笑曰:『兩枚棗子如何泡茶?』余笑:『子誠晉人也。』」皆可印證。Stephen C. Pepper[18], The Basis of Criticism in the Arts, p. 80: “It does take a good deal of physical size to incorporate a very large amount of aesthetic material: The greatest fiction is among novels rather than short-stories; the greatest pictures are among oils, frescoes rather than miniatures. Bigness is aesthetically important.” 然戎昱〈詠蜀葵〉曰:「動人嫌處只緣多。」多文為富者,正恐如行李繁重,不易傳遠耳。

        Pp. 352-3 論選本之不足見作者面目:“The life of a man cannot be appreciated by a few hours of heroism or of pusillanimity, & the author, as author, cannot be appreciated by a few lines, bad or good... As a rule [an anthology] tries to catch him in his Sunday suit, & looking his best. The sole use of anthology is to allure to further study.” Harriet Monroe, A Poet’s Life: “Ezra Pound called Blunt, Rhys & others ‘food for anthologies,’ poets who show to their best advantage by a poem or so”。《結鄰集》卷八李敬〈答王貽上〉云:「東鄰之女美而眚一目,西鄰之子倚戶窺之,見其美不見其眚。從媒氏求焉,則宛然眚者也。西鄰之子不咎其不明,而且重尤媒氏之罔己也。足下向見僕章句,亦從戶隙見之耳,若再索全集,則眚者見矣。」按《汪鈍翁類稿》自題即引此語。Hazlitt, English Literature, ch. 9: “The only specimen of Burke is, all that he wrote.”《雪橋詩話》卷十一引包慎伯題王西御《秋蓮子詞》云[19]:「詩文有由選本得者,有由全集得者。選本得者,塗逕窄而詞句淨;全集得者,詞句雜而塗逕寬」云云,頗足發明。


            H. Parigot, Théâtre Choisi des Auteurs Comiques du XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècle. 太半舊經眼者,偶記數事:

            Collin d’Harleville, Les Châteaux en Espagne, III, vii,參看七五九則《列子周穆王》。

            Pierre Corneille, La Place Royale 第二幕第二場,Alidor 致書 Clarine Angélique 貌不美[21],書為 Angélique 所得,怒而撕之,Alidor 與鏡曰:“Cassez; ceci vous dit encor pis que ma lettre.” 答云:“S’il me dit mes défauts autant ou plus que toi, / Déloyal, pour le moins il n’en dit rien qu’à moi: // Il m’en donne un avis sans me les reprocher, / Et me les découvrant, il m’aide à les cacher”。按此本 Il Decamerone, VI, 8 Fresco Ciesca 語:“Figliuola, se così ti dispiaccion gli spiacevoli, come tu di’, se tu vuoi viver lieta, non ti specchiare giammai” (Ed. Ulrico Hoepli, p. 395)。習鑿齒《漢晉春秋》云:「鏡至明而醜者無怒。」(《三國志‧蜀書‧李嚴傳》裴注引)諒不然矣。Allan Wade, The Letters of W.B. Yeats, p. 334, To Clement Shorter: “Moore’s play is falsely supposed to be a satire on everybody & everything. Some body is certain to find his face in the mirror & to try if he can break the glass.” 而鄭谷〈閒題〉:「舉世何人肯自知,須逢精鑒定妍媸。若教嫫母臨明鏡,也道不勞紅粉施。」

            Rotron, La Soeur 第二幕第二場,Ergaste 云:“La fille ayant atteint l’âge de la raison / Est un meuble importun dedans une maison”。按即元曲所謂「女大不中留」(《牆頭馬上》第折、《瀟湘雨》第一折、《李逵負荊》第一折、《竇娥寃》第一折、王實甫《西廂》第四本第二折、《碧桃花》楔子)。鮑溶〈東鄰女〉云:「身為父母幾時客,一生知向何人家。」亦申此意。《詩蝃蝀》:「女子有行,遠父母兄弟。」胡承珙《毛詩後箋》卷四引《田間詩學》曰:「『女子有行』二句似是當時陳語,故多引用之,猶言女生外向,本非父母兄弟之所能留。」

            Boursault, Le Mercure Galant 第四幕第四場,姊妹二人皆自負能守默緘口,爭競不已,Oronte 云:“Je me fais un bonheur du defir de vous plaire; / Mais comment en parlant montrer qu’on sait se taire?”。按可為白香山〈讀老子詩〉所謂「言者不知知者默,此語吾聞於老君。若道老君是知者,緣何自著五千文」註腳。《廣弘明集》卷五載孫盛〈老子疑問反訊〉,皆抵隙索瘢,舉《道德經》之自相矛盾處,惜其未及此也。 John Morley Carlyle 云:“The golden Gospel of Silence is effectively compressed in thirty fine volumes.” (Critical Miscellanies, I, p. 135) 可參觀。

            Nivelle de la Chaussée, Le Préjugé à la Mode Dorval 以篤於伉儷為恥,人亦嘲之,如第二幕第三場,Damon: “Est-il disgracié?” Clitandre: “Bien pis.” Argant: “Mort?” Clitandre: “Autant vaut, / Il est amoureux fou.”... Constance: “Mais ne seroit-cè point son épouse qu'il aime?” Argant: “Sa femme!” Clitandre: “Et vraiment oui, c’est sa femme elle-même!”。按 Augier, Le Gendre de M. Poirier 第三幕第四場,Gaston 云:“J’allais tout simplement me couvrir de ridicule; j’étais en chemin de devenir amoureux de ma femme”; J.-G. de Campistron, Le Jaloux Désabusé, Dorante: “Quel est l’homme, disoit-je, en faisant l’agréable,[22] / qui garde pour sa femme un amour véritable? / C’est aux petites gens à nourrir de tels feux.” Dubois: “Et pourquoi teniez-vous cet imprudent langage?” Dorante: “Morbleu! pour imiter les gens du haut étage”J.G. Robertson, Lessing’s Dramatic Theory, p. 199 引)。他如 Alainville, L’Ecole des Bourgeois; Arthur Murphy,  The Way to Keep Him 諸劇,命意胥同 Parigot 所言,A. Dumas père, Un Mariage sous Louis XV 則余未見。【Cf. “omnis ardentior amator propriae uxoris adulter est” (quoted in L. Durrell, Justine, p. 103).】【Cf. La Bruyère, Les Caractères, XIV, §35, Hachette, p. 432.】【Lesage, Turcaret, II. I, Frontin: “Un mari et une femme qui s’aiment, des gens extraordinaires.” Swift, A Letter to a Young Lady on her Marriage: “I must likewise warn you strictly against the least degree of fondness to your Husband before any Witnesses whatsoever... This proceeding is so exceeding odious & disgustful to all who have either good breeding or good sense” (Satires & Personal Writings, ed. W.A. Eddy, p. 62). Lady Morgan, La France, ed. 1818, p. 253: “Et si elles ont un amant, elles ont autant de soin de ne pas donner à l’heureux mortel des marques de prédilection en public, qu’un Anglais du bon ton, de ne pas paraître amoureux de sa femme en compagnie” (Leopardi, Zibaldone, ed. F. Flora, I, 235 ). The Journal of Thomas Moore, ed. Peter Quennell, p. 46: “Lady E. Fielding said to me... ‘Every one speaks of your conjugal attention, & I assure you, all Paris is disgusted with it.’” Tom Jones, VII, ch. 3: Mrs Western: “You will allow me, I think, to have seen the world, in which I have not an acquaintance who would not rather be thought to dislike her husband than to like him. The contrary is such out-of-fashion romantic nonsense.” Byron, Don Juan, III. 6(第七六五則)。】【Montesquieu, Lettres Persanes, Lettre LV: “Ici un mari qui aime sa femme est un homme qui n’a pas assez demérite pour se faire aimer d’une autre; qui abuse de la nécessité de la loi pour suppléer aux agrémens qui lui manquent” etc. (“Classiques Garnier”, p. 122).】【Dumas fil, Le Père Prodigue, II. i: “De Prailles... mais j'ai le ridicule — dans ce temps-ci c’en est un, je crois, — d’aimer ma femme.”

            Gresset, Le Méchant 第四幕第七場,Ariste: “On est en garde, on doute enfin si l’on rira: / L’esprit qu’on veut avoir gâte celui qu’on a”。按參觀 Marivaux: “Courir après l’esprit, et n’être point naturel, voilà les reproches à la mode” (Le Spectateur français, 7e feuille); Montesquieu, Cahiers 1716-1755 (éd. Bernard Grasset): “Quand on court après l’esprit, on attrape la sottise”

            Quinault, La Mère coquette 第二幕第二場,Ismène: “De quel oeil puis-je voir, moi qui par mon adresse, / Crois pouvoir, si j’osois, me piquer de jeunesse, / Une fille adorée, et qui, malgré mes soins, / M’oblige d’avouer que j’ai 30 ans au moins; / Et comme à mal juger on n’a que trop de pente, / De 30 ans avoués n’en croit-on pas 40?”。按 H.V. Prochnow, The Public Speaker’s Treasure Chest, p. 233: “Thirty years old — the age of a woman who’s forty”Cf. Heine, Die Bäder von Lucca: “... es giebt gar keine Frau, die dreissig Jahr’ alt wäre. Aus den Zwanzigen geht’s gleich in die Vierzig” (Gesam. Werk., hrsg. G. Karpeles, III, p. 264).





            〈織婦怨〉:「昨朝持入庫,何事監官怒?大字雕印文,濃和油墨污。 父母抱歸舍,拋向中門下」;「里胥踞門限,叫駡嗔納晚。安得織婦心,變作監官眼。」按《秋崖小稿》卷二十六〈山莊書事〉亦云:「載絹入官輸,官怒邊幅窄。拋擲下堂階,退字印文赤。」郭功甫《青山集》卷十六〈墨染絲〉亦云:「繰絲自喜如霜白,輸入官家吏嫌黑。手持退印競傳呼,倏見長條染深墨。墨絲歸織家人衣,別買輸官吏嗔遲。寄言夷狄與三軍,汝得豐衣民苦辛。」


























            《冷齋夜話》卷一:「山谷云:『不易其意而造其語,謂之「換骨法」;規模其意而形容之,謂之「奪胎法」。』如鄭谷〈十日菊〉曰:『自緣今日人心別,未必秋香一夜衰。』荊公曰:『千花萬卉彫零後,始見閒人把一枝。』此『換骨法』也。樂天曰:『醉貌如霜葉,雖紅不是春。』東坡曰:『兒童誤喜朱顏在,一笑那知是酒紅。』此『奪胎法』。」(亦見王楙《野老紀聞》:「山谷云:『詩意無窮,人之才有限。以有限之才,追無窮之意,雖淵明、少陵,不能盡也。然不易其意』」云云。)《七修類稿》卷二十八論此謂:「山谷之言自是,而覺範引證則非矣。蓋東坡變樂天之詞,正是『換骨』。……若安石〈即事〉云:『靜憩鳩鳴午』,乃取唐詩『一鳩鳴午寂』……此乃『奪胎』也。山谷之言,但加數字,尤見明白,則覺範亦不錯認。如『造』字上加『別』字,『形』字上加『復』字可矣。」《鈍吟雜錄》卷四云:「奪胎換骨,宋人謬說,只是向古人集中作賊耳!《冷齋》稱荊公〈菊詩〉,謬也。荊公詩多滲漏,上句『彫零』二字不妥,下句『一枝』似梅花,『閑人』牽湊。」竊謂王若虛《滹南遺老集》卷四十亦謂:「魯直奪胎換骨、點鐵成金之喻,特剽竊之黠者耳!」至於覺範、仁寶之說,則皆不分明。定遠指摘荊公是也,而於「奪胎」、「換骨」之別,不屑置辯。夫皎然《詩式》「三同」節有「偷語」(如傅長虞「日月光太清」;陳後主「日月光天德」)、「偷意」(如柳惲「太液滄波起,長楊高樹秋」;沈佺期「小池殘暑退,高樹早涼歸」)、「偷勢」(如嵇康「手揮五絃,目送歸鴻」;王昌齡「手携雙鯉魚,目送千里雁」)之別:「『偷語』無處逃形;『偷意』事雖可罔,情不可原;『偷勢』從其漏網。」夫「偷語」為笨賊,無足道者。「偷意」則「換骨」,「偷勢」則「奪胎」是也。蓋「骨」者仍就原身,「胎」者別孕新體。荊公兩例、東坡一例等,「換骨」耳。孔平仲《朝散集》卷四〈八月十六夜翫月〉云:「只恐月光無好惡,自緣人意有盈虧。」移重九之菊為中秋之月,其於鄭都官,真為「奪胎」矣。(白香山〈西省對花憶忠州東坡新花樹因寄題東樓〉:「花含春意無分别,物感人情有淺深。」白行簡〈在巴郡望郡南山〉云:「臨江一嶂白雲開,紅綠層層錦繡斑。不作巴南天外意,何殊昭應望驪山。」朱希真《樵歌》卷上〈水調歌頭〉云:「中秋一輪月,只和舊青冥。都緣人意,須道今夕別般明。」《全金詩》卷五張斛〈中秋〉云:「月色四時好,人心此夜偏。」亦此意。)【張之翰《西巖集》卷十一〈朝中措十六夜月〉:「可憐浮世,只爭一夕,如此心偏。」】【劉駕〈上巳日〉:「物情重此節,不是愛芳樹。明日花更多,何人肯回顧。」】《唐摭言》卷十三「矛盾」門云:「元和中,有沙門善病人文章,尤能捉語意相合處。張水部頗恚之,冥搜愈切,因得句曰:『長因送人處,憶得別家時。』徑往誇揚,乃曰:『此應不合前輩意也。』僧微笑曰:『此有人道了也:「見他桃李樹,思憶後園春。」』籍因撫掌大笑」云云,此亦「奪胎」佳例。孟東野〈戲贈無本〉云:「詩骨聳東野,詩濤湧退之。」王弇州〈雜詩〉云:「老夫興到不復刪,大海迴風生紫瀾。若問濟南奇絕處,峨眉天半雪中看。」則「換骨」耳。【《石門文字禪》卷十六〈古詩云蘆花白間蓼花紅一日秋江慘淡中兩個鷺鷥相對立幾人喚作水屏風然其理可取而其詞鄙野余為改之曰換骨法〉:「蘆花蓼花能白紅,數曲秋江慘淡中。好是飛來雙白鷺,為誰粧點水屏風?」《韻語陽秋》卷二:「詩家有『換骨』法, 謂用古人意而點化之, 使加工也。李白詩云:『白髮三千丈,緣愁似個長。』荊公點化之則云:『繰成白髮三千丈。』劉禹錫云:『遙望洞庭湖水面,白銀盤裏一青螺。』山谷點化之云 :『可惜不當湖水面,銀山堆裡看青山。』孔稚圭〈白苧歌〉云:『山虛鐘磬徹』,山谷點化之云:『山空響管絃。』盧仝詩云:『草石是親情』,山谷點化之云:『小山作友朋,香草當姬妾。』學詩者不可不知。」又第四百五十六則陳簡齋論「以唐人語掇入少陵繩墨」。《雲麓漫鈔》卷三:「柳子厚游山諸記,法《穆天子傳》;歐公〈醉翁亭記〉,體公、穀解《春秋》;張忠定〈諫用兵疏〉,效韓〈佛骨表〉;魯直跋奚文,學〈便了券〉;唐人〈大槐國傳〉,依《列子湯問》。此所謂『奪胎換骨法』。」】【又第六三一則眉[26]。】

[1]《手稿集》341-8 頁。
[9]《手稿集》348-55 頁。
[10]History of Esthetics」原作「History of Esthetic」。
[11] á」、「í」原文皆帶柔氣與銳音符(),即「ἄλογος αἴσθησις」。
[14] 此二、三字墨跡漫漶難辨。
[15] 意謂 “saying one thing and meaning another”
[16] 莫札特《唐喬瓦尼》所計為:意大利 640 名、德國 231 名、法國 100 名、土耳其 91 名、西班牙 1003名。
[18]Stephen C. Pepper」原作「Stephen D. Pepper」。
[20]《手稿集》355-8 頁。
[23]《手稿集》358-60 頁。
[25]《手稿集》361-2 頁。
[26] 似誤,待查。

