Weedon Grossmith 自繪 The Diary of a Nobody 插圖
卷二十四〈偶閱義山無題詩因書其後〉:「暮雨空林繫所思,孤懷脉脉憶前期。胸中不解分明處,可是無題卻有詩。」「何事連篇刺狡童?鄭君箋不異毛公。忽將腐譜翻新曲,疏義遙知脉絡同〈無題詩〉,鄭、衛之遺音,注家以為寓意君臣,此飾說耳。此與狡童刺忽,指意雖疏,脉絡則一也。」「空望瑤臺只淚垂,此中哀怨竟誰知?靈均憔悴江潭上,千古無人續楚詞『託芳草以怨王孫,假美人以喻君子』,義山自言云爾,然其指意遼絕矣,高唐神女,自其淵源所自,不以誣屈子也。」「春蘭秋菊可同時,萬草千花各自奇。若遇少林胡老子,坐君門外得吾皮〈無題詩〉後來多效之者,然轉入香奩,其趨愈下,若是又義山之所不取也。」按言之雖未明悉,已有見於「無題」與「香奩」之異矣。梁晉竹《兩般秋雨盦隨筆》卷五云:「『無題』與『香奩』,界若鴻溝。義山,『無題』也;冬郎,『香奩』也。『無題』不必盡寫情懷,而『香奩』專作膩語。至『閒情』、『風懷』,則指實事也。」謝佩禾《春草堂詩話》卷一云:「『無題』、『香奩』迥別。歐陽紹洛詩云云,『無題』也;王次回詩云云,『香奩』也。」皆未分疏親切。竊謂「無題」重意境,「香奩」重情事,一泛設而可以旁通,一實寫而衹能真指也。前者可謂為 oblique poetry,後者則 direct poetry(參觀E.M.W. Tillyard, Poetry Direct & Oblique, pp. 3-5)。
余一九三六年夏始遊巴黎,行篋未携英文小說,偶於舊書肆見 Diary of Nobody,憶在 Hugh
Kingsmill, Frank Harris 中覩其名,始購歸閱之,歎為奇作,絳亦有同好。一九四○年,此書收入 “Everyman’s Library”,而 V.S.
Pritchett 復作文張之 (見 In My Good Books, pp. 87 ff.),John
Betjeman 謂 T.S. Eliot 亦喜此書 (T.S. Eliot: A Symposium,
compiled by R. March & Tambimuttu, p. 92),知者稍多矣。近日圓女方取讀,因復披尋,益驚設想之巧。世間真實情事,胥不能出其範圍,即如 Ch. IV
“The Ball at the Mansion House”: “I said, by way of reproof to him: ‘You never
sent to-day to paint the bath, as I requested.’ Farmerson said: ‘Pardon me, Mr
Pooter, no shop when we’re in company, please!’” 正與 Journal des Goncourt 一八五四年一則 “‘Ne
me parlez jamais habits dans la rue, je ne suis tailleur que chez moi!’ J’entends
le tailleur Armand dire cela à Baschet, qui s’était permis, sur un trottoir, de
lui demander où en était une jaquette commandée depuis une quinzaine de jours.”
正同;Ch. V 記 Blackfriars Bi-Weekly News 誤植 “Pooter”
為 “Porter”,去函更正,則又誤作 “Pewter”,與吳達元見《人民日報》載教授宣言簽名誤作「吳逵元」,去函更正,則又誤作「吳達之」何異?
de la Mare, Love: “Introduction”: “Immortal
Mr. Pooter & his Carrie, who was another Angel in House.”】
L.P. Smith, The Golden Grove: Selected Passages of
Jeremy Taylor.【George Eliot, The
Mill on the
Floss, Bk. I, ch.
iii: Mr Tulliver: “There’s Jeremy Taylor’s ‘Holy Living & Dying’
among ’em; I read in it often of a Sunday” (Mr Tulliver felt somehow
a familiarity with that great writer because his name was Jeremy”).】
XLV: “We do not always remember how
largely our modern love of nature is of theological origin” etc. 按參觀
Havelock Ellis, From Rousseau to Proust,
p. 66: “The love of the wild in Nature received a powerful impetus from
influences associated with the development of primitive Christianity” etc. 積重思返,Schleiermacher 始持異議:“He agrees with Henriette Herz regarding nature as ‘dead
stuff’ ‘exhausted by chemical processes.’ He has little sympathy for any kind
of religion which consisted of awe at the sublimity of nature or an
appreciation of its beauty — ‘a childish way of thinking’” (R.B. Brandt, The Philosophy of Schleiermacher, p.
131). 吾國古代失職不仕者,始知有山水田園之樂。《後漢書‧李膺傳》載荀爽〈貽膺書〉云:「知以直道,不容於時。悅山樂水,家於陽城」云云,此土典籍中,道登臨游觀,莫早於是,而未見稱引。《水經注》卷十一寫陽城淀風物云:「于時行旅過者,亦有慰於羈望矣」;又寫滱水、南山云:「行李所逕,鮮不徘徊忘返矣」;卷十四寫居庸關云:「曉禽暮獸,寒鳴相和,羈官游子,聆之者莫不傷思矣。」與荀爽語相發明,亦見清暉所娛,多為逐臣、游子、遷客。胡震亨撰〈彭宗孟江上雜疏序〉所謂「宦游」、「客游」[4],一乏「游晷」,一乏「游資」者,皆後世為然。
XXXI 引 Great Exampler, Pt. III: “Lucifer & many Angels, walking upon
the battlements of heaven, grew top-heavy, & fell into the state of devils.”
又 Holy Dying: “They [the fallen angels] grew vertiginous, & fell from the
battlements of heaven.” 按 pp.
179-80: “The prayer of an unchaste person... strives to climb the battlements
of heaven” (XXV Sermons).
P. 10: “Although the beams of the
sun reflected from a marble, return not home to the body & fountain of
light; yet they that walk below, feel the benefit of a doubled heat” (The Great Exampler, Pt. III, Epist.
Dedicat.). 按 p. 87:
“So have I seen the rays of the sun or moon dash upon a brazen vessel, whose
lips kissed the face of those waters that lodged within its bosom; but being
turned back & sent off with its smooth pretences or rougher waftings, it
wandered about the room, & beat upon the roof, & still doubled its heat
and motion” (Holy Dying).
P. 29: “Such was her death that she
did not die too soon; & her life was so useful and excellent, that she
could not have liv’d too long” (Funeral Sermon
for Lady Carbery). 按 p. 49: “He that hath done all his businesse, &
is begotten to a glorious hope by the seed of an immortal Spirit, can never die
too soon, nor live too long!” (Holy Dying).
P. 49: “Such a man must die, when he
ought to die, & be like ripe & pleasant fruit, falling from a fair tree,
& gathered into baskets for the planters use” (Holy Dying). 按 p. 260: “The death of the righteous is like the
descending of ripe & wholesome fruits from a pleasant and florid tree” (The Great Exampler, Pt. III). 此意即 Christian Günther:
“An Gott” 詩所云: “zu
dem Tode reifer warden” (The Oxford Book
of German Verse, p. 43). 然 Paradise Lost, XI, 537: “Gathered, not harshly plucked, for
death mature” (Poetical Works, “Everyman’s
Lib.,” p. 246),Rilke 亦發明此意 (J. Bithell, Modern
German Lit., pp. 180-1),至 Kleist 而大明:“Zum Tode war ich nie so reif als jetzt.” (Penthesilea, 1682); “Ganz reif zum Tod, O
Diana, fühl’ ich mich!” (Ibid.,
2865); “Meine Seele... zum Tod ganz reif geworden ist” (Kleists Werke, hrsg. Schmidt, Bd. V, S. 433). Taylor 論死多,足與 Novalis, Kleist, Hölderlin 相發明【第七百一則】。Shakespeare, Antony
& Cleopatra, V, ii, 296 ff.: “The stroke of death” etc. Keats: “I have
two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your loveliness & the hour of my
death. O that I could have possession of them both in the same minute” (Letters, ed. H.E. Rollins, no. 178 to
Fanny Brawne, vol. II, p. 133); “Ode to a Nightingale”: “Now more than ever
seems it rich to die.” Leopardi, Canti,
XXVII, “Amore è Morte”: “Bella morte, pietosa” (The Poems, ed. G.L.
Bickersteth, p. 298). J.M.
Barrie, Peter Pan, Act. III: “To die
will be an awfully big adventure.” E. & J. de Goncourt, Journal, Éd.
déf., III, p. 119: “Des hommes sont tentés par la mort comme par une dernière
aventure.” Walt Whitman: “Memories of President Lincoln”, St. 14: “Come lovely &
soothing death” etc. Horace Traubel, With
Walt Whitman in Camden, IV, p. 89: “Death is like being invited out to a
good dinner.” 又第二百五十三則。
P. 116: “Upon the most beauteous
face is plac’d one of the worst sinks of the body” (Unum Necessarium). 按 p. 70: “Upon the fairest face is placed one of the
worst sinks of the body, the nose” (Holy Dying).
P. 83 ff. 論
Sickness 語,參觀第二十五則。
P. 124: “He that had an ill memory
did wisely comfort himself by reckoning the advantages he had by his forgetfulness...
Every book is new to an ill memory” (XXV
Sermons). 按 p. 272 註謂此本 Montaigne, Essais,
I, ix,是也。Cicero, De
Finibus, II, 32 載 Themistocles
語:“[Artem] oblivionis mallem; nam nemini etiam quae
nolo, oblivisci non possum quae volo” 早發其意。L.P. Smith, Reperusals
& Re-collections, p. 3 引 Mme de Sévigné:
“C’est un plaisir, que de n’avoir point de mémoire” 及
Montaigne 語,却未及 Taylor 此節,何耶?(此書序言收入 Reperusals & Re-collections, pp. 256 ff.。)
P. 145: “Nothing is more usual, than
to pretend Conscience to all the actions of men... And so Suspicion, & Jealousy,
& Disobedience, & Rebellion, are become Conscience”
(Ductor Dubitantium). 按精微語。Butler 論良心云:“Had it strength, as it has right; had it power, as
it has manifest authority, it would absolutely govern the world” (Sermons, ed. Gladstone, 1897, vol. II,
p. 55) 尚未透此關。
P. 147: “Virtues & vices have
not, in all their instances, a great landmark set between them, like warlike
nations separate by prodigious walls, vast seas, & portentous hills; but
they are oftentimes like the bounds of a parish” etc. (Righteousness Evangelical). 按此即
Leibniz 論 Law of Continuity 所謂 “régions
d'inflexion et de rebroussement” (The
Monadology & Other Philosophical Writings, Eng. tr. by R. Latta, p. 38)。參觀 Morris R.
Cohen, A Preface to Logic, p. 75: “The
actual coexistence of opposites in the twilight zone”。
P. 194 論
Superstitions 有云:“There is no man more miserable in the world, than
the man who fears God as his enemy” (XXV
Sermons). 按 Daniel
Essertier, Les Formes Inférieures de l’Explication
論迷信與魔術最具創見,有云:“L’espoir et l’amour ne sont pas premiers: il a
fallu que la peur s’apaisât d'abord... Primus
in orbe deos fecit timor” (p. 120). 正可發明。
Pp. 251-3 歷舉 “A man is a
bubble” (Lucian, Charon, C. xix)[5],
“Man is the dream of a shadow” (Pindar, Pyth.,
VIII. 95)【cf. Plutarch, Moralia,
“A Letter of Condolence to Apollonius,” §6: “For what is feebler than a shadow?
And a dream of it!” (Loeb, II, p. 12)】, “Our life is but a vapour” (St. James, IV. 14)。按《金剛經》「六如」之說,已得其四矣[《淨飯王湼槃經》:「世法無常,如幻如化,如熱時炎,如水中月」;《稱揚諸佛功德經》卷上:「一切如夢,如水中月,幻化之法」;《說無垢稱經‧方便善巧品第二》:「是身如聚沫,如浮泡,如陽焰,如芭蕉」(《維摩詰所說經‧方便品第二》甚長);〈聲聞品第三〉:「一切法性,生滅不住,皆虛妄見,如夢如焰。所起影象,如水中月,如鏡中像」;又〈觀有情品第七〉:「菩薩觀諸有情,如幻師觀所幻事,如觀水中月,觀鏡中像,觀芭蕉心,觀水聚沫,觀空中鳥跡」【「空中鳥跡」不如 Heine, Zur
Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland, Buch II: “aber
dieses Glück war wie der Sonnenstrahl, der den Fittich eines vorüberfliegenden
Vogels vergoldet, es schwand eben so schnell” (Sämtl. Werke, Berlin: Verlag von A. Weichert, Bd. VIII, S. 75) 之妙,與「玉顏不及寒鴉色,猶帶昭陽日影來」用意大異矣。】;《月上女經》卷上:「如幻化,亦如陽焰,如水中月」;《方廣大莊嚴經》卷五:「如水中月,如谷中響,如幻如泡。」參觀《大智度論》卷六〈十喻釋論第十一〉。又「六如」者,乃用鳩摩羅什譯本,真諦、玄奘、義淨、菩提流支四譯皆作「九如」,尚有「如燈」、「如星」、「如雲」,詳見《容齋四筆》卷十三。]Henry King, Sic
Vita 一詩立數十喻 (George Saintsbury, Minor Poets of the Caroline Period, vol. III, pp. 236-7):“the
wind blows out,” “the bubble dies,” “he dew dries up,” “the rose withers,” “the
sun sets,” “the dream is gone,” “the water glides,” “the lightning is past,” “The
snow dissolves,” “the firework is done,” “the shadow flies”,則露、電、泡、影、夢五者,皆在其列。參觀 Harsdörffer:
“Das Leben des Menschen” 一詩擬之 “Ein
Laub... Ein Staub... Ein Schnee... Ein See... Die Blum... Der Ruhm... Ein
Gras... Ein Glas... Ein Traum... Ein Schaum... Ein Heu... Ein Spreu... Ein
Wasserstrom... Ein Wasserblas... Ein Schatten”; Gryphius, Katharina von Georgien, II, “Das Leben” (M. Wehrli, Deutsche Barocklyrik, S. 53-4) 擬 “Dies Leben” 於 “Die
Blumen... Die Tau... Ein Funck... Ein Schiff... Ein Vogel... Der Schatten... Der
Sturmwind... Die Pfeile” (J. Rousset, La litt. de Page baroque en France, p.
275 引); Erasmus, Adagia,
II, iii, 48: “Homo bulla. Proverbium hoc admonet humana vita nihil esse
fragilius, nihil fugacius, nihil inanius” etc. (Richard Crashaw, Poetical Works, ed. L.C. Martin, 2nd
ed., p. xciv 引,參觀 pp. 216 ff. “Bulla”); Ciro di Pers: “Della miseria
e vanità umana”: “È la vita mortale / vana un’ombra che passa, / lieve un’aura
che fugge; / quasi a’ raggi del sole opposta nebbia, / che tosto si dilegua; /
un lampo che, venendo è già sparito; / un fior, che nato appena, / o lo rode la
greggia” ecc. (G.G. Ferrero, Marino e i
Marinisti, p. 957); Keats: “Sleep & Poetry” (“Stop & consider! Life
is but a day” etc., Poems, Everyman’s
Lib., pp. 40-1); Christina Rossetti: “The World. Self-Destruction” & “Days
of Vanity” (Poetical Works, ed. W.M.
Rossetti, Macmillan, pp. 283, 385); Wm. Drummond: “Madrigal I” (a bubble blown
up in the aire); Francis Quarles: “Hos ego versiculos” (rose, blossom, morning,
sun, shade, etc.) (The Oxford Book of 17th-Cent.
Verse, pp. 253, 339-40)。又 Anthologie de la Poésie Baroque française, I, pp. 9-13 論以泡影水鏡喻世事無常;pp. 45-6, Auvray, La pourmenade de
l’âme devote: “Vapeur, fleur, torrent, songe, ombre, et rien tout ensemble”;
G.R. Weckherlin: “Über den frühen Tod Fräuleins Anna Augusta Marggräfin zu
Baden” 詩以 Tag, Stern, Morgenrot, Seufz 等二十七物為喻 (M. Wehrli, Deutsche Barocklyrik,
3te Auf., S. 33-4) 為最多矣。參觀一百十九則,also Paul Fleming: “Bei einer Leichen” (MLR, April 1976, p. 327)。A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I, i, Lysander 以
sound, shadow, dream, lightning 四者喻男女歡愛之促。
卷十六釋圓信〈天目山居〉:「簾捲春風啼曉鴉,閒情無過是吾家。青山個個伸頭看,看我菴中吃苦茶。」參觀 G. Carducci 寫在
Tirolo 遇雨,枯坐逆旅中情景:“Qua e là notavo anche una montagnetta lontanamente cerulea, che pareva rizzarsi su la
punta de’ piedi, e con gran curiosità riguardava per di sopra a le spalle degli altri monti, probabilmente per veder me.” (E.
Grillo, Italian Prose Writers, p.