2015年12月20日 星期日


Somerset Maugham, The Summing Up


            The Dunciad, ed. James Sutherland (The Twickenham Edition of the Poems of Alexander Pope, Vol. V), Bk. IV, 17-8: “She mounts the throne: her head a cloud conceal’d, / In broad effulgence all below reveal’d” 自註:Vet. Adag. ‘The higher you climb, the more you show your a—.’... Emblematized also by an ape climbing & exposing his posteriors. It was the opinion of the ancients, that the Divinities manifested themselves to men by their back-parts. Virg. Aen. I, 402: et avertens rosea cervice refulsit” (p. 341). Havelock Ellis, Impressions & Comments, March 19, 1913: “As Keble rightly thought, it is a dangerous exploit to ‘wind ourselves too high / For sinful man beneath the sky. The spectacle of his hinder parts thus presented to the world may be quite other than the winder intended.” 即本舊諺。【Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism, p. 350: “My knowledge of [these] books... is largely confined, like Moses’ knowledge of God in the mount, to gazing at their spines.” George Herbert, Outlandish Proverbs, §745: “The higher the Ape goes, the more he shows his taile” (Works, ed. F.E. Hutchinson, p. 346).】【參觀第四百七十則、六百九十一則。】

P. 149, note in Bk. II: “An ancient Casuist tells us, that if a Priest be seen in any indecent action, we ought to account it a deception of sight, or illusion of the devil, who sometimes takes upon him the shape of holy men on purpose to cause scandal.” Cf. The Pickwick Papers, ch. 8[2]: “‘Say he [the fat boy] dreamt it [seeing Rachael a-kissin’ of him],’ replied Mr Jingle coolly.” Cf. Jean de Lingendes in A.J. Steele, Three Centuries of French Verse, p. 112.

             “The critic Eye, that / microscope of Wit, / Sees hairs & pores, examines bit by bit” etc. (233 ff.) 編者註:“Pope: Thoughts on Various Subjects”: “The eye of a critick is often, like a microscope, made so very fine & nice, that it discovers the atoms, grains, & minutest particles, without ever comprehending the whole, comparing the parts, or seeing all at once the harmony.” (p. 365) Novalis, Fragmente, §2021: “Lessing sah zu scharf und verlor darüber das Gefühl des undeutlichen Ganzen, die magische. Anschauung der Gegenstände zusammen in mannigfacher Erleuchtung und Verdunklung.” (hrsg. Von E. Kamnitzer, S. 650-1) 即此意。【參觀第三百四十九則The Critical Opinions of Samuel Johnson, p. 55。】

“Led by hand, he saunter’d Europe round, & gather’d ev’ry vice on Christian ground” (311-2) (p. 374) 為英國貴家子游歷而發也。按 Flaubert à Louise Colet [à propos d’un Arménien]: “Mets-toi en garde contre tout ce qui est oriental civilisé. Ces gens-là ont les vices des deux mondes” (Correspondance, ed. Louis Conard, II, p. 432)


            W. Somerset Maugham, The Summing-up. 曩閱 Creatures of Circumstances “Appearance & Reality” 一篇,又 The Gentleman in the Parlour 第三十章,知其曾讀 F.H. Bradley。今觀此書第六十三章、六十四章,恍然識其博覽古今哲學家著作,亦難能可貴矣。第七章載其母患肺疾,以產兒死,云:“The doctors of the period had a theory that to have a child was beneficial to women suffering from consumption.” Sir William Hale-White, Keats as Doctor & Patient 有云:“He... was killed by the medical treatment of his age which believes in continual bleeding as a cure for pulmonary haemorrhage.” 可參觀。實則此乃羅馬古法,參觀 Celsus, De Medicina, IV, 11 (“The Loeb Classical Library”, I, p. 394)

            第三十七章:“Ibsen... had a meagre power of invention.... His only gambit is the sudden arrival of a stranger who comes into a stuffy room & opens the windows; whereupon the people who were sitting there catch their death of cold...” 按此 “der Retter aus der Ferne” 也(參觀 Jethro Bethell, Germany, p. 253)。

            第六十章論詩文、音樂、繪畫皆有出位之思,言龐術淆,須得大批評家分茅設蕝、判涇別渭云云,大似為 Irving Babbitt 張目。

            第六十一章:“The writer does not feel with; he feels in. It is not sympathy that he has...; he has what the psychologists call empathy.” 按非 Empathy (Lipps: “Einfühlung”) 而為 Nachfühlung,詳見 Max Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie, 3te Aufl., S. 4: “Das ‘Nachfühlen’ bleibt noch in der Sphäre des erkennenden Verhaltens und ist kein sittlich relevanter Akt. Der Historiker von Bedeutung, der RomanSchriftsteller, der dramatische Künstler müssen die Gabe des ‘Nacherlebens’ in hohem Masse besitzen; aber ‘Mitgefühl’ brauchen sie nicht im mindesten mit ihren Gegenständen und Personen zu haben.” 又參觀 S. 16 et seq. Einsfühlung 便了然矣。Maugham Goethe 例,正是 NachfühlungThomas M. Raysor, Coleridge’s Miscellaneous Criticism, 1936, p. 415: “They [Wordsworth & Goethe] are always, both of them, spectators ab extra — feeling for, but never with, their characters.” Metastasio, Didone: “Sogni e favole io fingo; e pure in carte / mentre favole e sogni orno, e disegno, / In lor, folle ch'io son, prendo tal parte, / Che del mal che inventai piango e mi sdegno”  (De Sanctis, Storia d’Italia, I, p. 659 引,又St. John Lucas, The Oxford Book of Italian Verse, p. 341); Hugo, Les contemplations, Liv. I, no. 9: “Le poëme éploré se lamente” (Oeuvres Poétiques Complètes, Éd. B. Valiquette, p. 325) 亦此意。Flaubert: “Mes personnages imaginaires m’affectent.... Quand j’écrivais l’empoisonnement d’Emma Bovary, j’avais si bien le goût d’arsenic dans la bouche, j’étais si bien empoisonné moi-même que je me suis donné deux indigestions coup sur coup” (Correspondance, ed. Louis Conard, Ve série, p. 350),則 “sympathy” 矣。(The Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 16, 1953, p. 660: “We think of Dickens crying over the death of Little Nell, we think of Ibsen remarking to his wife, when he was working on A Doll’s House, that Nora had come into his room that morning, dressed in a blue woolen frock, & laid her hand on his shoulder. Above all we think of Balzac on his death bed making the final, the immortal request that his wife should send for Dr. Bianchon” 可參觀。)

            第六十六章引 Fichte 語。按出 Erste Einleitung in die Wissenschaftslehre: “Was für eine Philosophie man wähle, hängt sonach davon ab, was man für ein Mensch ist.” (Sämtliche Werke, hrsg. von J.H. Fichte, Bd. I, S. 434)



            周自菴《思益堂日札》卷六云:「〈比紅兒詩〉之既惡,第一首『馬嵬好笑當時事,虛賺明皇幸蜀川』以後,如虢國夫人、玉環等屢見,時雖遭黄巢之亂,玉步未改,無禮可見。」 平景蓀《霞外捃屑》卷八上引《悦親樓集》卷十一〈讀白詩偶有所觸因韻成篇〉有云:「白傅長恨歌,實開傳奇門。一笑百媚生,七字無窮春。侍兒扶出浴,形容更温存。后妃妖冶態,臣下豈宜云。原其立言體,濫觴三百篇。衛風碩人章,所歌君夫人。脂膚蝤蠐領,細膩如手捫。……律以大不敬,夫何辭罪愆。」馮孟亭《玉谿詩注》論〈華清宫〉、〈龍池〉二詩語意略似。林文忠〈題楊太真墓八絕句〉末章即本祝、馮二氏之說。竊謂《容齋續筆》卷二早云「唐人歌詩略無避隱,至宫禁嬖昵,非外間所應知者,皆反復極言,如〈長恨歌〉、〈連昌宫詞〉、張祜、李義山詩皆然,而杜子美尤多。」然所舉子美諸句義正詞嚴,不及狎褻,元、白便不免無禮矣。他如《周秦行紀》固置不論,元微之〈燈影〉云:「見說平時燈影裡,玄宗潛伴太真游」;羅隱〈牡丹〉云:「日晚更將何所似,太真無力凭闌干」;王之渙〈惆悵詞〉云:「蜀王殿裡三更月,不見驪山私語人」,諸如此類,晚唐詩中屢見,自菴、景蓀不免多所怪矣。




            眼鏡約于一三一三年始製於歐洲,見Montesquieu, Spicilège, (Oeuv. comp., “Bib. de la Pléiade”, II, p. 1302),自歐洲入中國,當在明中葉。【《留青日札》記潮陽林公有靉靆如大錢,以此掩目,精神不散,出西域滿剌國。張萱《疑耀》卷七:「閩廣之間,有製眼鏡者,古無其製。」張靖之《方洲雜錄》記明宣宗賜胡豅之父僾逮如錢大者二,合則為一,歧則為二,如等子匣。又於孫參政景章處見一具,云以良馬易於西域賈胡(《記錄彙編》卷一百八十八)。張岱《嫏嬛文集》卷四〈家傳〉:「先子之雙瞳既眊,猶以西洋鏡掛鼻端,漆漆作蠅頭小楷。」《七修續稿》卷六亦云:「少聞有眼鏡,出西海中,霍子麒送余一枚,置之眉間,未若人言。豐南禺言乃活大車渠之珠,常養之懷中,勿乾死,然後可照。」《瑯琊漫鈔》載明室宗所賜西域眼鏡。】吳原溥《匏菴家藏集》卷二十三有〈謝屠公送西域眼鏡〉五古;傅青主《霜紅龕全集》(劉䬠補輯本)卷五〈老景信口〉第三首云:「開窗試眼鏡,破句入楞枷」,卷三十一〈與戴楓仲書〉云:「老眼麻花,久不作畫。會有彦雪新送洋中眼鏡,帶之從事,不覺尚成模樣」;張相文重編《閻古古全集》卷二〈立春日贈文仲王孫〉云:「史經隨手翻,眼鏡穿蠅字」,卷三〈單昭也張希曾索觀唐解元真蹟〉云「醉向燈前搜骨董,愁將眼鏡考圖書」;周亮工《賴古堂集》卷十九〈與王隆吉書〉。【《江蘇詩徵》卷二十八陳世昶〈眼鏡歌〉;《莊諧選錄》卷四〈詠眼鏡疊字〉云:「□蘇人所謂學時髦也,晶片,玳瑁邊,兩片連牽,鼻上豎齋匾,耳朵背後拉縴,遮仔一層倒看見。」】【錢飲光《田間詩集》〈四友詩眼鏡〉云:「怪他添障碍,轉與助光明。」】【陳元孝《獨漉堂詩集》卷六〈彭艾菴寄水晶眼鏡〉。】【楊掄〈齊天樂‧眼鏡〉:「怪隔一層雲,轉增分曉」[6](《全清詞鈔》六〇七頁)。】又嚴蓀友《秋水集》卷七有〈詠眼鏡〉、〈千里鏡〉七律各一首,皆不佳。魏之琇《柳州遺稿》卷上〈鮑以文贈眼鏡〉云:「西洋巧匠天下無,水晶琢鏡匳鉸殊。賈胡居奇輕性命,葦航萬里來姑蘇。百年中國人競寶,價昂不敢論錙銖。」劉石菴《文清公遺集》卷二〈眼鏡〉云:「老人目應昏,看花如隔霧。少壯亦有之,均要琉璃助。其法自西來,頗嘗叩其故。云眼光惡散,中凹乃能顧。聞言啟余衷,心光宜更聚。」卷十三〈眼鏡〉云:「光明豈是外鑠我,為解收光聚日中。製秘雖然出西域,神清要自本吾身」云,已不甚推重,隱逗阮芸台所云「四目何須此,重瞳不用它」矣(《瞑庵雜識》卷四引作「目瞭何須此,瞳重不恃他」)。《翁山詩外》卷十四〈玻瓈鏡〉云「絶勝菱花鏡,來從洋以西」,則非眼鏡也。【《晚晴簃詩滙》卷一百二戈溳〈眼鏡分韻得可字〉;《甌北詩鈔‧五言古二‧初用眼鏡》:「平添膜一層,翻使障翳化」;袁佑《霽軒詩鈔》卷四〈六鏡詩和蔣靜山之三〉:「或怪雙眼青白在,翻緣遮隔轉分明」;曹寅《楝亭詩鈔》卷四〈夜飲和培山眼鏡歌〉。】【魏之琇《柳洲遺稿》卷上〈鮑以文贈眼鏡〉(西洋巧匠天下無)。】【《在園雜志》卷四:「自西洋人入中華,其製造之奇,心思之巧,不獨見所未見,亦并聞所未聞,如風琴、日規……自鳴鐘……顯微鏡……其最妙通行適用者,莫如眼鏡。」】清季言新學者,無不御金絲眼鏡,為文明之標識,士女皆然。【《鏡花緣》二十一、二十三回。】【乾嘉時,静香居主人〈都門竹枝詞〉[7]:「車從熱鬧道中行,斜坐觀書不出聲,眼鏡戴來裝近視,學他名士老先生。」同時楊静亭《都門雜詠》:「方鞋穿著趁時新,搖擺街頭作態頻。眼鏡戴來裝近視,教人知是讀書人。」《文章游戲》初集卷二〈學堂通弊述〉:「且也架眼鏡,吃水烟,學拿款官腔,充時風近視。」延清〈庚子都門紀事詩〉:「橫鼻鏡誇新樣小,稱身袍厭舊時寬。」】《二十年目睹之怪現狀》第十一回至記「上海婊子大行戴墨晶眼鏡」。【《天花亂墜二集》卷七燈謎有「妓女帶眼鏡,打唐詩一句──美人娟娟隔秋水。」】民國初年,女學生仍以此物與口脂面澤同為粧飾。【《南亭四話》卷四嘲女學生云:「一條辮子直長拖,不著綾綢不著羅。我道是誰真失敬,原來中國主人婆。」】憶當年有詩云:「任伊臨去秋波轉,總覺銷魂隔一層。」【《小倉山房詩集》卷十九〈嘲眼鏡〉:「縱使窮千里,終嫌隔一層。」】與 Henry James 短篇小說 “Glasses”(參觀 The Notebook of Henry James, ed. Matthiessen & Murdoch, p. 205);Dorothy Parker: “News Item”: “Men seldom make passes. / At girls who wear glasses” 適相發明(Clifton Fadiman & Charles Van Doren, The American Treasury, p. 632; cf. p. 635. Ogden Nash: “Lines Written to Console Those Ladies Distressed by the Lines ‘Men Never Make Passes, etc.’”: “A girl who is bespectacled. / Don’t even get her nectacled. / But safety pins and bassinets. / Await the girl who fascinets[8].)。【倘其如《肉蒲團》第八回所謂「凡近視的婦人,標致者多,醜陋者少,聰明者多,愚蠢者少」乎?】【Dombey & Son, ch. 11: “Miss Blimber... wore spectacles”; ch. 12: “She had already her spectacles on, which made Paul wonder whether she went to bed in them”; ch. 60: “Cornelia, in a new pair of spectacles.”Édouard Pailleron 名劇 Le Monde où l’on s’ennuie 中,Miss Lucy Watson 戴眼鏡,Acte I, Sc. 7: La Duchesse: Lucy Watson! Une jeune fille qui a des lunettes et qui n’a pas de gorge... une pédante qui correspond avec les savants qui traduit Schopenhauer.”; Sc. 8: La Duchesse (à Lucy): “Pourquoi donc portez-vous des infamies pareilles.”; Sc. 9: Mme de Céran: “Lucy sait se conduire.” Suzanne: “Pourquoi? parce qu’elle a des lunettes?”; Acte II, Sc. 7: Suzzane (à Roger): “Oh! je sais bien comment il faut être pour vous plaire... allez! (Prenant le binocle de la duchesse et le mettant sur son nez.) Esthétique! Sckopcnliaucr. Le moi! Le non-moi!” etc. 反復嘲諷,由來已久。Dorothy Parker 亦苦短視,故言之尤親切耳。【Lewis Carroll, Sylvie & Bruno, ch. 17: “... a young lady in spectacles, the very embodiment of the March of Mind” (Complete Works, The Nonesuch Press, p. 416).Goethe 最恨眼鏡,詳見 Eckermann《語錄》一八三〇年四月五日(Sowie ein Fremder mit der Brille auf der Nase zu mir hereintritt, kommt sogleich eine Verstimmung über mich, der ich nicht Herr werden kann... Eindruck des Desobligeanten... als wollten sie durch ihre gewaffneten Blicke in mein geheimstes Innere dringen und jedes Fältchen meines alten Gesichtes erspähen. — Gespräche, Aufbau Verlag, 1956, S. 550-1)(參觀 Sprüche in Prosa, hrsg., von G. von Löper, §380: “Es käme niemand mit der Brille auf der Nase in ein vertrauliches Gemach, wenn er wüsste, dass den Frauen sogleich die Lust vergeht, ihn anzusehen und sich mit ihm zu unterhalten.”),又第七四四則論 G.G. Ferrero, Marino e i Marinisti, p. 982。【Montesquieu, Lettres persanes, no. 78: “Les lunettes font voir démonstrativement que celui qui les porte est un homme consommé dans les sciences... et tout nez qui en est orné ou chargé peut passer... pour le nez d’un savant[9].”】【James Joyce: “bespectable” (S. Ullmann, Style in the French Novel, p. 12).】【《湘綺樓日記》光緒三十二年十月廿六日:「至枏木廳向子振新宅會飲,有李德齋、胡子靖,更一美學生,李姓,能帶洋眼鏡。」】【《牧齋初學集》卷九〈眼鏡篇送張七異度北上公車〉:「西洋眼鏡規璧圓,玻璃為質象絣緣。千年老冰出玉淵,巧匠消冶施刻鎸。薄如方空吹輕烟,瑩如月魄濯清泉。帷燈簾閣對簡編,能使老眼回少年。……賈胡贈比黃金千,伴我綸閣今歸田。」】【林佶《樸學齋詩稿》卷一〈以水晶眼鏡贈方扶南承以十六韻見酬復次為答〉。】【祝止堂《悅親堂集》卷七〈眼鏡〉云:「障眼翻除障,神光以鏡全。西洋傳妙製,多謝綵囊纏」,卷二十:「李松雲中兄案頭攫得眼鏡一只,用之頗合,作古詩廿二韵酬之。松雲翌日以他鏡求易,乃歸之,而留其後至者,仍遣以詩」;《敬業堂詩集》卷二十七〈謝賜玻瓈眼鏡〉七律二首,卷四十三〈抄書〉第二首(「西洋鏡比傳神手,八廓重開為點睛」),《續集》卷四〈水精眼鏡〉(「天一凝冰相命瞽」);《淮海英靈集》丙四江昱〈墨晶眼鏡歌〉;清初葉夢珠《閱世編》卷六記當時眼鏡。】【高樹《金鑾鎖記》:「深憎眼鏡用西洋,蜚語浮言巧中傷。」自註:「徐桐最不喜人戴西洋眼鏡,同部辦公,見之不悅。」(《金鑾鎖記》:「深憎目鏡用西洋。」)】【博希哲在乾隆時士夫中,最研究物理,《西齋偶得》中反復言眼鏡。卷上云:「目光如鑑,眼鏡之用,則因圓之有匾尖,而損益之,令適得其圓也。」又云:「事物有古無而今有者……明末之眼鏡、烟草及窺天測時諸器也。」卷下「目理」一條論目鏡陽燧之理尤詳。】【《人境廬詩草》卷七〈番客篇〉云:「白人挈婦來,手持花滿筐,鼻端撐眼鏡,碧眼深汪汪。」《廣東新語》卷十五:「玻璃來自海舶,西洋人以為眼鏡。兒生十歲,即戴一眼鏡以養目光,至老不復昏矇。」黃野鴻《長吟閣詩集》卷八〈眼鏡〉(五律)。】【韓程愈《白松樓集略》卷三〈青鏡〉:「天台藤杖留山下,西國璃睛貯我傍。」】



[1]《手稿集》4-5 頁。
[2]ch. 8」原作「ch. 80」。
[3]《手稿集》5-6 頁。
[4]《手稿集》6-7 頁。
[5]《手稿集》7-9 頁。
[7] 原文此處脫漏「香」字。
[8] 通行版本多作:“A girl who is bespectacled. / She may not get her nectacled. / But safety pins and bassinets. / Await the girl who fassinets.”
[9] “The spectacles prove conclusively that he who wears them is a man totally engrossed in learning, and so preoccupied by deep intellectual reading that his sight has been impaired; any nose that is adorned, or encumbered, by spectacles may be considered as the nose of an unquestionably learned man.”
[10]《手稿集》9 頁。

