2018年3月12日 星期一


“Osculum infame” from Compendium Maleficarum (1608)


            José María Arguedas & Ruth Stephen, The Singing Mountaineers: Songs & Tales of the Quechua People (1957). The songs leave me cold, but the tales are a quite good read. They have to a striking degree the characteristics of all genuine folktales, impassive innocence & artless restraints: not only the improbable impossibilities related without the least suggestion of starry-eyed wonder, but love & death, violence & catastrophe are observed with dry eyes & touched on, as Thomas Edwards said of the editing of texts, with a dry finger (cf. Austin Dobson, Later Essays, p. 24). The clean & chaste freedom from emotion is different from practised self-control or reasoned fortitude (Spinoza’s Acquiescentia, Goethe’s Entsagung, De Vigny’s Abnégacion or Nietzsche’s Amor fati), both of which imply a mind seasoned by experience; in short it is neither sophisticated “dead pan” nor disciplined “stiff upper lip.” It is rather a blithe imperturbability which combines invincible ignorance of the laws of things & men with tranquil incuriosity about the riddle of the universe or the meaning of existence. In such a book of life there are no marks of exclamation or interrogation. Folklorists, I am sure, will have no difficulty in fitting these hitherto unknown tales into Stith Thompson’s types or showing them to belong to Jung’s “archetypes des unbewussten.” There are of course many familiar motifs & stock situations. For instance, in the amusing tale “The Head of the Town & the Demon”, we read that people calling on the Demon must first kiss his buttocks, which will then expel a filthy fart & let loose a huge quantity of fecal matter in the form of gold & silver (pp. 114, 116). This naturally recalls the osculum infame or sub cauda osculatur as an act of homage to the Master of the Sabbat (see Montague Summers, The History of Witchcraft & Demonology, p. 137). The Devil’s answer to his follower: “Ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta”[2] (Dante, Inferno, XXI, 139, Opere, ed. E. Moore & P. Toynbee, p. 31; the vigorous drawing “Der mit Gestand entweichende Teufel” given in E. Fuchs, Illustrierte Sittengeschichte, Ergänzungsband I, S. 156 might serve as an illustration of Dante’s line); the donkey is the first story of Il Pentamerone, which, at the word “Arri, cacauro!” lets out “diarree d’oro e torbidi di gemme”, an “evacuazione preziosa” (G. Basile, Il Pentamerone, I. 9, tradotta di B. Croce, p. 18); cf. Brüder Grimm, Haus- und Kindermärchen, “Tischen deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack” (Die Kinderbuch Verlag, S. 186); & the goose in the forty-first story, which “schizza flussi di scudi” (Ib., V. I, p. 472); & the scatological association of money (see Ernest Jones, Papers on Psychoanalysis, ed. 1918, pp. 676-7; Freud said: “Es ist bekannt, dass das Geld, welches der Teufel seinen Buhlen schenkt, sich nach seinem Weggehen in Dreck verwandelt.... Ja, schon in der altbabylonischen Lehre ist Gold der Kot der Hölle.” See also 第五百二十四則 a propos of the catchphrase “Fall into a heap of shit & come out with a gold watch”). According to Luther, the devil expresses his scorn by exposing his rear parts… and man can completely defeat him by farting into his nostrils & telling him where his kiss is welcome (E.H. Erikson, Young Man Luther, pp. 61-2, 79). There is the famous story of the old Lapp woman who, confronted suddenly by a bear, whipped up her skirt to show the animal her private parts in order to shame it into immediate flight” (New Statesman, 10 April 1964, p. 556). Cf. La Fontaine’s “Le Diable de Papefiguière” (Contes et Nouvelles, Garnier, pp. 319 ff.) in which Perrette scared away the devil by showing him her crack: “Elle fait voir... Et quoi? chose terrible. / Le diable en eut une peur tant horrible” etc. (p. 325).







            〇附錄引陸深《金臺紀聞》載:「太祖嘗欲戮一人,皇太子懇釋之。召海叟問,對曰:『陛下刑之者,法之正;東宮釋之者,心之慈。』太祖怒,以為持兩端,下之獄。」又《明良記》載:「一日,有父訟子者,帝已察其非罪,命付太子。太子論子得死,帝諭太子誤決獄,太子言:『子致父訟,雖冤死無赦。』帝問廷臣,莫有答者。忽班中一人對曰:『陛下所論,乃申天下之仁;太子所論,乃廣天下之孝。皆是也。』帝問:『對者為誰?』曰:『監察御史袁凱。』」姚宏緒《松風餘韻》嘗謂海叜遺事記載多可疑,此其一也。按《金臺紀聞》一節,采入《紀錄彙編》卷一百三十二,而卷一百三十所采徐禎卿《剪勝野聞》亦載海叟此事[4],又在陸書之前。《史記魏其武安侯列傳》略云:「魏其之東朝,盛推灌夫之善,武安又盛毀灌夫所為橫恣,於是上問朝臣:『兩人孰是?』御史大夫韓安國曰:『魏其言是也,丞相言亦是。唯明主裁之。』武安怒曰:『與長孺共一老禿翁,何為首鼠兩端』」云云,海叟即師韓長孺故智耳。袁子才《小倉山房尺牘》卷四〈答唐靜涵又一書〉、《隨園隨筆》卷二十七〈兩歧語自佳〉稱引海叟答明太祖語及大覺禪師答李林甫語,蓋不知即《史記》所謂「兩端語」,亦正宗門傳授機鋒也。《六祖大師法寶壇經‧付囑第十》云:「忽有人問汝法,出語盡雙,皆取對法,來去相因。究竟二法盡除,更無去處。」《全唐文》卷五百十二李吉甫〈杭州徑山寺大覺禪師碑〉云:「嘗有設問於大師曰:『今傳舍有二使,郵吏為刲一羊。二使既聞,一人救,一人不救,罪福異之乎?』大師曰:『救者慈悲,不救者解脫。』」《南部新書》己:「有江西廉使問馬祖云:『弟子吃酒肉即是,不吃即是?』師云:『若吃是中丞祿,不吃是中丞福』」《傳燈錄》卷六、《五燈會元》卷二本此作馬祖所道,隨園所道亦即此事,而說為李林甫與大覺。後世嘲弄禪門,亦每用此法。趙南星《清都散客笑贊》云:「鷂子追雀,雀投入一僧袖中,僧以手搦定曰:『阿彌陀佛,我今日吃塊肉。』雀閉目不動,僧只說死矣。張手,雀飛去,僧曰:『阿彌陀佛,我放生了你罷。』」咄咄夫《增補一夕話》卷四云:「一僧與婦同舟,目之不已。婦怒,命僕打之。僧乃閉目而坐,婦又命打。僧曰:『如今何罪?』婦曰:『汝閉目,乃想我,更不好。』」此其例。明太祖雖出身皇覺寺,未習纏誦,宜其不解耳。辯證法實亦不外乎此,參觀 Goethe: “Über Wahrheit und Wahrscheinlichkeit der Kunstwerke”: “...Wortspiele dieser Art  selbst ein Bedürfnis des Geistes anzeigen, der, da wir das, was in uns vorgeht, nicht geradezu ausdrücken können, durch Gegensätze zu operieren, die Frage von zwei Seiten zu beantworten, und so gleichsam die Sache in die Mitte zu fassen sucht” (G.F. Senior & C.V. Bock, Goethe the Critic, p. 18); Jonas Cohn, Theorie der Dialektik, S. 284 “Bipolar” “Gebietsabgrenzung” “Gegenseitige Anerkennung”,正 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, p. 37 所言 “‘Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink’.... to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out....” 實則 Marx 嘲法國憲法云:“Jede dieser Freiheiten [Press-, Rede-, Assoziations-, usw Freiheit] wird nämlich als das unbedingte Recht des französischen Citoyen proklamiert, aber mit der beständigen Randglosse, dass sie schrankenlos sei, soweit sie nicht durch ‘die gleichen Rechte anderer und die öffentliche Sicherheit’ beschränkt werde... Jeder Paragraph der Konstitution enthält nämlich seine eigene Antithese, sein eignes Über- und Unterhaus in sich, nämlich in der allgemeinen Phrase die Freiheit, in der Randglosse die Aufhebung der Freiheit” (Der Achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte, Diez, S. 26-7),不知此正其所謂「辯證」,亦即 Julien Benda, Du Style d’Idées, p. 140: “Un mode de penser qui conduit fatalement à des affirmations totalement vaines, souvent risibles est la volonte de concilier à tout prix des notions qui par définition, s’excluent l’une l’autre. Ces moeurs, qui reviennent à proclaimer qu’une chose est en meme temps un cercle et un carré, s’observent éminemment dans la vie politique, l’orateur ne pouvant avouer aux masses, sous peine d’impopularité que tel advantage qu’il leur propos comporte logiquement le sacrifice de tel autre auquel elles tiennent aussi. Ainsi Casimir-Périer clame ‘L’ordre, sans sacrifice pour la liberté’” (按可與納粹口號 “Geordnete Meinungsfreiheit” New Statesman, 21 March 1959, p. 389 28 March 1959, p. 433 所嘲美國外交政策口號 “elastic rigidity”, “firm elasticity”, “united in flexible rigidity” 等參觀)Rudolf Metz, Die Philosophischen Strömungen in Grossbritannien, Bd. II, S. 332: “Er [Bosanquet] Bradleys schroffes Entweder-Oder überall in ein milderes Sowohl-als-auch verwandelt hat”; Molière, La Bourgeois Gentilhomme, I, ii: Jourdain: “Vous avez raison tous deux”; Addison, The Spectator, No. 122: “That much might be said on both sides.” 僧遭打事,正六祖所謂「更無去處」,其事可參觀《東軒筆錄》卷十二:「馮京帥太原,以書詫於王平甫曰:『并門歌舞妙麗,吾閉目不窺,但日與和甫談禪耳。』平甫答曰:『所謂談禪者,直恐明公未達。蓋閉目不窺,已是一重公案。』」《圖書集成‧神異典第七十六》載《笑禪錄》:「問藥山如何不被境惑?曰:『聽他何礙!一長者妓席閉目叉手,酒畢妓重索賞,長者云:「我不曾看。」妓曰:「看的何妨,想的獨很。」』」錢秉鐙《田間文集》21〈髠殘石溪小傳〉:「一日同藿溪及予同赴城南齋,予亦僧服,過小巷,有壯婦,塗粉狼藉,叉手當門目之。既過,師曰:『世間有如此穢物,人偏好之,不可解也!』予嬈之曰:『我過未見有物,汝如何自獨見之?』師指罵曰:『忒欺心!』三人相與絕倒。」


            〇補〈雷震田父耕牛謠〉:「雷哥哥。」按參觀第一百七則所舉「風爹」、「雪公」、「frate sol」等。


            Émile Henriot, Maîtres d’hier & contemporains, 1955, pp. 320-1: “Louÿs recommandait à son nouvel ami [Claude Farrère] de refaire son livre en le recopiant.... Pratiqué par les écrivains soucieux de la forme, ce travail à la main est en effet la condition essentielle de la décantation de l’oeuvre et du perfectionnement du style.” The word “décantation” is a very happy one. Cf. an equally felicitous use of the word in Lanfranco Caretti, Filologia e critica, 1955, p. 8: “[A propos of what he calls ‘l’apparato sincronico’ in the establishment of the definitive text of a Greek or Latin author] Quando noi, infatti, provvediamo alla ricostruzione di un archetipo, ci fondiamo sull’ ipotesi di lavoro che la serie delle varianti risultanti dalla tradizione ci conservi celato il testo originale da scoprire, l’unico testo originale, mescolato alle varie corruzioni e interpolazioni. Questo giustifica l’opera, per così dire, di decantazione che noi compiamo per separare l’unica lezione valida delle incrostazioni parassitarie.” Henriot also quoted from Joseph Caillaux’s Mes Mémoires the sentence, “Il [Poincaré] m’abbandone pour s’agglutiner à M. Clemenceau”, and comments: “S’agglutiner sonne assez bien...” (Éd. “Bibliothèque de la Pléiade”, p. 123).

            Noel Coward, Present Indicative (Doubleday Doran & Co.), p. 50: “Mrs Astley-Cooper draped scarves over all mirrors because she said she could find no charm in her own appearance whatever.” Judging from an entry in Gide’s Journal, Fin Février 1903, “c’est Schwob étendant des papiers devant ses miroirs” (op. cit., p. 132), Marcel Schwob, who was notoriously ugly and was said to look like “un oeuf dur sans coquille” (Jules Renard, Journal, éd. NRF, p. 101), seems also to have suffered from this kind of inverted Narcissism — what Oscar Wilde describes in the Preface to Dorian Gray as “the rage of Caliban seeing his face in a glass.”Paul Claudel: “Gide est fasciné par les miroirs. Son Journal n’est qu’une série de poses devant lui-même” (R. Mallet, Paul Claudl et André Gide, Correspondance, p. 250).Cf. Lucilius’s epigram in The Greek Anthology quoted in 第七三八則 a propos of L’Adone, V. 26; Tasso, Aminta, I. i, Dafne: “... e già non dico / allor che fuggirai le fonti, ov’ ora / spesso ti specchi e forse ti vagheggi: / allor che fuggirai le fonti, solo / per tema di vederti crespa, e brutta” (Poesie, ed. F. Flora, pp. 620-1). Cf. 李漁《憐香伴》第二齣闕里侯「惡影不將燈作伴,怒形常與鏡為仇」;《清異錄》卷下〈居室門〉[6]:「王希默簡淡無他好,惟以對鏡為娛,整飾眉髩;以杜甫有『勳業頻看鏡』之句,作『策勳亭』。」

            There is a very amusing conversation in Octave Mirbeau’s Le Journal d’une femme de chambre (p. 266[7]). Mme de Rambure asked Sartorys, who was a notorious passive sodomite, how he succeeded in inducing the nuns to part with their jewellery. “Je me livre sur elles à des pratiques anti-naturelles,” he answered. La baronne Gogsthein chipped in: “Qu’appelez-vous des pratiques anti-naturelles?” “Cela dépendde quel côté Sartorys place la nature,” Maurice Fernancourt replied for him. There is a moral to this scabrous joke, to wit, “everything has two handles,” as Epictetus said (Enchiridion, XLIII; Epictetus, tr. W.A. Oldfather, “The Loeb Classical Library”, vol. II, p. 527). Cf. Bordeu’s reply to Mlle de L’Espinasse’s skittish inquiry about sodomy: “Tout ce qui est ne peut être ni contre nature ni hors de nature.” Cf. Bishop William Warburton: “Orthodoxy is my doxy; heterodoxy is another man’s doxy” (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, second ed., p. 559); Feuerbach: “Nachgelassene Aphorismen”: “Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Volk und Pöbel? Wenn der Pöbel glaubt oder thut, was den Herrschenden gefällt oder nützlichscheint, so ist der Pöbel Volk, im entgegensetzen Falle das Volk Pöbel” (Sämtliche Werke, hrsg. W. Bolin & Fr. Jodl, Bd. X, S. 316; G.A. de Caillavet & R. de Flers, L’Habit vert, I. ii: “Démocratie est le nom que nous donnous au peuple chaque fois que nous avons besoin de lui”); Eduard Engel, Deutsche Kunst, 22te  bis 24te Aufl., S. 179: “All dies Geschwätz von Objektiv und Subjektiv bedeutet, wenn irgend etwas, nur dieses: Objektiv ist meine Meinung, subjektiv jede andre; ich besitze die objektive ewige Wahrheit, ihr alle seid in schnöder Subjektivität befangen. Es erinnert an die schöne Erklärung von Egoismus: ‘Dieser Mensch ist der verkörperte Egoismus! Über eine unterhalte ich mich miss ihm, und nicht ein einzig Mal spricht er von mir.’” One thinks also of vulgarity defined as “other people’s behaviour” & sentimentality as “other people’s feelings.” This is a rather chastening thought to all who claim to be “revolutionaries” & “progressives”; at the same time let all those who are stigmatised as “counterrevolutionaries” & “reactionaries” derive what consolation they can from it. On whose side then is history? Alas! History, une fille mille fois violée, like Nature, is “double-barrelled”[8] and can too play Sartorys’s “fore-and-after” game — of course in her fashion.

            In 第六百四十九則, a propos of Croce’s sharp distinction between “poetry” & “oratory” or “eloquence”, I quoted J.S. Mill & the Yeats’s who corroborated Croce by insisting on “solitude” &”intimacy” as the mark of the finest literature. When one soliloquizes in solitude or talks in intimacy, one does not raise one’s voice; loud theatrical declamation is definitely ruled out. Saintsbury, too, while objecting to “the absence of quiet” in Ruskin, borrows the famous words of Goethe’s poem to praise Pater: “On the apex of English prose, there is Rest” (A History of English Prose Rhythm, p. 420; “Wandrers Nachtlied”, ii: “Ueber allen Gipfeln / Ist Ruh”). Cf. Angelus Silesius, Der Cherubinischer Wandersmann: “Wir beten: es gescheh, mein Herr und Gott, dein Wille; / Und sieh, er hat nicht Will, er ist ein ewge Stille” (F.J. Warnke, European Metaphysical Poetry, p. 190); Hegel’s fine passge in his Ästhetik, Iter Teil, 3tes Kap. on “die heitere Ruhe und Seligkeit”, “als den Grundzug des Ideals an die Spitze stellen” & “Heiterkeit & stille” of the gods (Aufbau-Verlag, 1955, S. 184).Cf. S. 467 from...[9]Carducci had perhaps the Goethean phrase in mind when he spoke of Foscolo as one who “ricercava le cime quiete della poesia... trasportava nella serenit omerica e pindarica il dubbio e il dolore moderno...” (Del rinnovamento letterario in Italia, quoted in Walter Binni, ed., I Classici Italiani nella Storia della Critica, II, p. 361). This applies, it seems, not only to the beautiful, but also to the good. Malebranche, for instance, said: “La raison parle bas, il faut de l’attention pour l’entendre... mais les sens, devenus insolents... mais si agréablement et si vivement, que l’esprit séduit et dominé suit aveuglement tous les désirs qu’ils inspirent” (Médit. Chrét., quoted in André Lalande, Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie, 7e éd, p. 969); Heidegger puts the matter in a paradox: “Das Gewissen redet einzig und ständig im Modus des Schweigens. So verliert es nicht nur nichts an Vernehmlichkeit, sondern zwingt das an- und aufgerufene Dasein in die Verschwiegenheit seiner selbst” (Sein und Zeit, I, 3te Auf., S. 273). One also remembers “the still small voice” of the Lord in the Bible (I Kings, XIX.11); and it is only in the case of a scoundrel like Sampson Brass that the still small voice can loudly “sing comic songs with him” (see Old Curiosity Shop, ch. 66). Even the highest voluptuous happiness is quiet, e.g., in Tasso’s beautiful poem “Tacciono i boschi e i fiumi”: “Amor non parli o spiri, / Sien muti i baci e muti i miei sospiri” (Poesie, “Rime”, Parte III, no. 68, ed. F. Flora, p. 791). All this comes home to a person living in an age of admass media when the people are governed, educated, entertained — in short, “softened up” & stupefied — with unrelenting noise, & when all thoughts & feelings have to issue in vociferous verbal diarrhea, & when even oratory & eloquence degenerate into roaratory & yelloquence, or to borrow the Abbé Galiani’s pun on the logical forms of certain arguments in poems & speeches, the raisonnements become mere résonnements (quoted in Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi, II, p. 436). Cf. Meister Eckhart, Sermon, VIII: “The word lies hidden in the soul in such a way that one does not know it or hear it. Unless room is made in the ground of hearing, it cannot be heard; indeed, all voices & sounds must go out, & there must be absolute silence there & stillness” (James M. Clark, Meister Eckhart, p. 162); Wm. Watson: “The Mystery of Style”: “Serenity based upon strength”, “Passion plus self-restraint” (Excursions in Criticism, pp. 106, 107).Jean Paul, Vorschule der Ästhetik, §11: “Der rechte Genius beruhigt sich von innen; nicht das hochauffahrende Wogen, sondern die glatte Tiefe spiegelt die Welt” (Werke, Carl Hanser Verlag, III, S. 578, 581).】【Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Bk. VII, ch. 14: “This is why God always enjoys a single and simple pleasure; for there is not only an activity of movement but an activity of immobility, & pleasure is found more in rest than in movement.”】【Cf. infra 第六百八十九則.

            T. Sturge Moore: “I had always understood that Chesterton & Belloc were the two buttocks of one bum. Now I learn that you are as strongly for the one as against the other?!!” (Ursula Bridge, ed., W.B. Yeats & T. Sturge Moore: Their Correspondence, p. 20). Cf. a piece of dialogue in Tennessee Williams’s Cat on the Hot Tin Roof, “Pelican Plays”, p. 95: “‘That half-ass story!’ ‘What’s half-ass abut it?’ ‘Something’s left out of the story.’”

Sturge Moore on a TLS review of his Armour for Aphrodite: “... with several drops of malignity in the mush” (Op. cit., p. 148). Cf. Paul Léautaud, Journal Littéraire, II, p. 41: “Vallette me dit qu’il y aurait quelques jolies lignes à écrire sur Hérold [his predecessor as dramatic critic of the Mercure de France], des fleurs recouvrant des épines”; Kathleen Tillotson’s characterization of Arnold’s description of Carlyle in the lecture on Heine: “the bunches of snakes tied up with flower” (quoted RES, Feb 1959, p, 108).


《五燈會元》卷一云:「世尊在靈山會上,拈花示眾。眾皆默然,唯迦葉尊者破顏微笑。世尊曰:『吾有正法眼藏,湼槃妙心,實相無相,微妙法門,不立文字,教外別傳,密付囑摩訶迦葉』」云云[11]。按此事意趣殊妙,而未詳所出。《景德傳燈錄》卷一初無記載,宋釋志磐《佛祖統紀》卷五〈摩訶迦葉傳〉註文引《梅谿集》云:「荊公謂慧泉禪師曰:『世尊拈花,出自何經?』泉云:『藏經所不載。』公曰:『頃在翰苑,偶見《大梵王問佛決疑經》三卷,有云:「梵天王在靈山會上,以金色波羅花獻佛,請佛說法,世尊登座,拈花示眾,人天百萬,悉皆罔措」云云』。」《梅溪集》未識誰作,王龜齡《集》中無其文也。釋智昭《人天眼目》卷五逕曰荊公云云,不言《梅溪集》。Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism, I, p. 153 謂是古天竺遺說,即引《五燈會元》為注,實未探本。近覩西方著述,每援此典,如 R.G. Collingwood, The Principles of Art, p. 243: “There is a story that Buddha once, at the climax of a philosophical discussion, broke into a gesture-language as an Oxford philosopher may break into Greek: he took a flower in his hand, &d looked at it; one of his disciples smiled, and the master said to him, ‘You have understood me.’ It is therefore not true that vocal language has an exclusive function in the expression of thought.” Allan Wade, ed., Letters of W.B. Yeats, p. 715: “Do you remember the story of Buddha who gave a flower to some one, who in his turn gave another a silent gift & so from man to man for centuries passed on the doctrine of the Zen school? One feels at moments as if one could with a touch convey a vision — that the mystic vision & sexual love use the same means.” Nikos Kazantzakis, The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel, 中之 Prince Motherth 即釋迦也,其臨終時,諸子求囑付:“Master, before you die, grant us your wisest word!’ / Then the serene face shone with a faint smile... / but he spoke not.... I’ve gone beyond the Word, cut through thought’ foolish nets, / and fling you, for profound reply, a wordless smile” (Bk. XXIV, ll. 842-5, 863-4, tr. K. Friar, pp. 763, 764). 皆即 W.M. Urban, Language & Reality, p. 230: “Linguistic communication is imbedded in & presupposes behavioral communication.... e.g., the ‘language’ of eyes, gestures, etc.” 至理妙道至男歡女愛無俟言說,已見第百九十八則論 Balzac, Contes Drolatiques, Éd. Louis Conard, I, p. 136,第二百四則論 Max Scheler, Die Wissensformen und die Gesellschaft, S. 63。至 Yeats 論愛染而舉根器相觸 (touch),未盡欲界中彼此通郵之道,兩情交悅,兩心相印,尚有如《楞嚴經》卷八真鑑疏中偈所謂「四王利同一道,燄摩執手兜率笑。化樂相視他暫視,此是諸天真快樂」(按本之《長阿含經》之三十《世紀經利天品第八》:「人及龍、鳥相觸,阿須倫相近,四天王、利、焰摩亦如是,兜率天執手,化自在天熟視,他化自在天暫視成陰陽」;《瑜珈師地論》卷五:「男女展轉,二二交會,不淨流出,熱惱方息。欲界諸天,雖行淫行,無此不淨,然於根門,有風氣出。時分天,唯互相抱;知足天,唯相執手;樂化天,相顧而笑;他化自在天,眼相顧視,熱惱便息[12]」)是也。蓋適與西方所謂 “quinque lineae amoris”(相視、共語、偎依、接吻、媾歡)(詳見 E.R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter, 2te Auf., S. 501-2)相反,諸天之所謂極境,正人間之初榥而已。Paradise Lost, VIII. 615-7, Adam: “Love not the Heavenly Spirits, and how their love / Express they — by looks only, or do they mix / Irradiance, virtual or immediate touch?” 622-9, Raphael: “Whatever pure thou in the body enjoy’st / (And pure thou wert created) we enjoy / In eminence, & obstacle find none / Of membrane, joint, or limb, exclusive bars. / Easier than air with air, if Spirits embrace, / Total they mix, union of pure with pure / Desiring, nor restrained conveyance need / As flesh to mix with flesh, or soul with soul” (參觀 A. Gilchrist, Life of Wm Blake, “Everyman’s Lib.”, p. 337 Blake Milton 現形:“wished me to expose the falsehood of his doctrine taught in the P.L., that sexual intercourse arose out of the Fall”; Sturge Moore, Art & Life, p. 207: “An amusing example of [Blake’s] ineffectual reading. The famous passage [P.L., IV. 771 ff.] actually illustrate the opposite opinion”; Fr. Schlegel, Literary Notebooks, ed. Hans Eichner, §1489, p. 152: “Sollen sich denn nicht auch die Geister Küssen, umarmen, befruchten, Eins werden?” p. 273 注引 J. Böhme, Morgenröte im Aufgang: “... die Geister Gottes in sich fein lieblich einander gebören, und ineinander auf steigen, als ein liebliches Holsen, Küssen und von einander essen” (Sämtl. Werk., ed. K.W. Schiber, II, S. 120). 吾國詩人寫相視莫逆之境最夥者為孫子瀟,如《天真閣外集》卷一〈記遇〉第三首云:「廋詞竟被全猜著,眉語偏乘不備來」;〈寒夜〉云:「星眼暗擡人不覺,風情略透語無痕」;〈新年詞〉第二首云:「眼波敏捷迴身溜,眉語聰明對面通」;〈無題〉第一首云:「眼波頻遣魂搖蕩,眉語能通思款深」;卷二〈意中人〉第二首云:「語出眉梢須領會,波生眼角定分明」;〈新病〉云:「極檢點時惟手札,最分明語在眉尖。」然眉挑目語,雖賦情聊勝,終含意未申。按古羅馬詩中數詠眉語:Ovid, Amores, I. iv. 19: “verba superciliis sine voce loquentia dicam”,又 II. v. 15 略同;Propertius, III. 7: “tecta superciliis si quando uerba remittis”。意大利古謠因云:“Non mi mandar messaggi, ché son falsi; / Non mi mandar messaggi, ché son rei. / Messaggio siano gli occhi quando gli alsi, / Messaggio siano gli occhi tuoi a’ miei”[13] (L.R. Lind, Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance, p. 44: “Strambotti siciliani”, I). 而晁元禮〈洞仙歌〉則云:「眼來眼去,未肯分明道。有意於人甚不早」;又〈少年游〉云:「眼來眼去又無言,教我怎生團?又不分明,許人一句,縱未也心安」(《全宋詞》卷六十六)。至若孫惟信〈晝錦堂〉詞云:「嬋娟。留慧盼,渾當了、匆匆密愛深憐」《絕妙好詞》卷二;石子章〈八聲甘州〉云:「不承望空溜溜了會眼兒休」,則用意又異,非復眼意心期,而幾同鵁鶄之睛交,如 Emerson “The Initial Love” 所謂 “And kiss, & couple, & beget, / By those roving eye-balls bold” 矣!詳見第五百五十九則論方子漁《繡屏風館詩集》卷四〈惆悵詞〉。







            〇李義山〈贈歌妓〉第二首云:「只知解道春來瘦,不道春來獨自多。」馮《注》卷五說之云:「爾只解道『我春來消瘦』,何不解道『我春來獨自』歟?」頗為得之,蓋言傷別憔悴,即〈古詩十九首〉:「相去日已遠,衣帶日已緩」;〈讀曲歌〉:「逋髮不可料,憔悴為誰睹。欲知相憶時,但看裙帶緩幾許」;《焦氏易林》卷二「師之噬嗑」,又卷五「臨之大過」、卷七「無妄之恒」、卷十五「巽之乾」皆云「失信不會,憂思約帶」(卷五「蠱之謙」,「信」作「期」,參觀卷六「復之節」云:「簪短帶長,幽思窮苦」,卷八「恒之咸」作「幽思苦窮」)之旨也。李清照〈鳳凰臺上億吹簫〉云:「今年瘦,非干病酒,不是悲秋」;孫花翁〈燭影搖紅〉云:「絮飛春盡,天遠書沉,日長人瘦」(《絕妙好詞》卷二);趙汝茪〈如夢令〉云:「歸未,歸未,好個瘦人天氣」(《絕妙好詞》卷三);姚梅伯〈賣花聲〉云:「春痕顦顇到眉姿,只道寒深耽病久,諱説相思」(《國朝詞綜續編》卷十五),皆此意。孫、趙較義山為含渾,然仍點眼。清照語尤蘊蓄耐尋味,以二「非」逼出「是」來,却又不說是何,參觀 Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy “leanness” (Ovid: “fecit amor maciem”) “Symptoms of Love” 之一 (“Everyman’s Lib.”, III, p. 133);《兒女英雄傳》三十四回長姐兒見安公子下場,金鐲子落地;四十回長姐兒知安公子赴烏里雅蘇臺,「衣裳的腰褙,肥了就有四指」,雖成笑枋,亦此意也;宋劉學箕〈賀新郎〉:「手展流蘇腰肢瘦,歎黃金、兩細香消臂。」




            〇朱希真《樵歌》卷上〈念奴嬌〉云:「嬾共賢爭,從教他笑,如此只如此。雜劇打了,戲衫脫與獃底。」按《花菴中興以來絕妙詞選》卷四吳禮之〈瑞鶴仙〉云:「我直須、跳出樊籠,做個俏底」,與此正貌異心同。「俏」者,「俐」也,「乖」也。《樵歌》卷中〈憶帝京〉云:「管教沒人嫌,便總道、先生俏」,又倪君奭〈夜行船〉:「年少疎狂今已老,筵席散、雜劇打了」(《隨隱漫錄》卷三),劉後村〈水調歌頭〉:「莫是散場優孟,又似下棚傀儡,脫了戲衫還」,〈念奴嬌〉:「戲衫拋了,下棚去」,皆可以參觀。又按 The Greek Anthology, B. IX, 49: “Hope & Fortune, a long farewell. I have found the haven. I have no more to do with you. Make game of those who come after me” (tr. W.R. Paton, “The Loeb Classical Library”, vol. III, p. 27) 此意亦見 Bk. IX, 134-5 (vol. III, pp. 69-71); Bk. IX, 172 (vol. III, p. 89)。後來如 Apuleius, Metamorphoseon, Lib. XI. 15 僧正 (Sacerdos) Lucius 云:“Eat nunc et summo furore saeviat et crudelitati suae materiem quaerat aliam”;又 Le Sage, Gil Blas, Liv. IX, ch. 10: “Je veux... écrire sur la porte de ma maison ces deux vers latins en lettres d’or: Inveni portum. Spes et Fortuna, valetc. / Sat me lusistis; ludite nunc alios!” (Éd. “Classiques Garnier”, p. 517) 無不師其意。Lenau: “Aus”: “Ob jeder Freude seh ich schweben / Den Geier bald, der sie bedroht; / Was ich geliebt, gesucht im Leben, / Es ist verloren oder tot. // ... // Ich will nicht länger töricht haschen / Nach trüber Fluten hellem Schaum, / Hab aus den Augen mir gewaschen / Mit Tränen scharf den letzten Traum” 亦此旨,而沉摯淒黯,異於作達。皆即朱希真詞所謂「雜劇打了,戲衫脫與獃底」也。希真不以世路風波為言,而托之逢場作戲。E.R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter, 2te Aufl., S. 148-150 Jean Jacquot: “Le Théâtre du monde de Shakespeare à Calderôn” (Revue de la litt. comp., Juillet-Sept. 1957, pp. 341-372) 所考論 “mimus vitae”, “theatrum mundi” 已見第四百十六則論《容齋隨筆》卷十四。

            〇陸天隨〈病中秋懷寄襲美〉云:「雙燕歸來始下簾。」按《六一詞‧采桑子》云:「垂下簾櫳,雙燕歸來細雨中」,殆本此耶?情生文,文生情,人多知之。事與景生文,而文亦生事、生景,則談藝者尟道。【G. Picon, La Littérature du XXe siècle, in R. Qeuneau, ed., Histoire des Littératures, “Pléiade”, t. III, p. 1320: “Rhétorique?  C’est dire que la poésie est fondée sur le langage, non sur une expérience.”】古詩寫景記事,固有如鍾記室所云「即目」、「所見」者,然已往往承襲,浸至倚聲,則更循文而不徵實 (Entdinglichung),乃古有此言,而不必今覩其事 (nicht in der Sache, sondern in der Sprache) Hugo Friedrich, Die Struktur der modernen Lyrik von Baudelaire bis zur Gegenwart, 1952, S. 532。參觀 E.R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter, 2te Aufl., S. 192 論中世紀詩中每道橄欖樹及師子等,非目驗其物:“Aber das Naturgefuhl... hat hier nichts zu suchen... Alle diese exotischen Bäume und Tiere sind... allerdings aus dem Süden bezogen worden, aber nicht aus Gärten und Menagerien, sondern aus der antiken Poesie und Rhetorik.” 吳程九《笏菴詩》卷十一〈尋詩〉云:「尋詩偶步逐春行,景物新奇眼倍明。笑矣乎開風正過,鱗之而長水方生。南華莫悔曾經讀,爾雅還愁未識名。最愛放翁多巧句,不須屬對倩飛卿。」舍景物而掉書袋,固不待言,頸聯所寫,當時果眼見此二物耶?抑止見其一,憑空生出語言眷屬耶?春郊景物,舍花若柳,而獨言竹,豈非得「鱗之而」三字後,花柳成語無可屬對,遂以李陽氷「笑」字之說(見第三百五十九則論《攻媿集》卷七十八〈跋文與可竹〉),合之李白〈笑歌行〉首句耶?此詩非《笏菴集》中上乘,然可借以明因文生景,而非即景成文之理。Mallarmé, Divagations, p. 246: “... poëte, qui cède l’initiative aux mots”,此之謂歟?(「鱗之而」謂水,郭景純詩云:「潛波渙鱗起。」劉希夷〈秋日〉云:「魚鱗可憐紫,鴨毛自然碧。吟詠秋水篇,渺然忘損益」,正謂水。)Marjorie Fleming 詠猴云:“His noses cast is of the roman / He is a very pretty weoman / I could not get a rhyme for roman / And was obliged to call it weoman” (The Oxford Dictionary of Quotation, 2nd ed., p. 208),雖稚騃語,正亦道出老於文字者伎倆也。【Henri Davray[21]: “Ils cherchent des sentiments pour les accommoder à leur vocabulaire” (Ezra Pound, A.B.C. of Reading, p. 90 ).】【H. Weber, La Création poétique au 16e siècle en France, I, 116: “Pour Ronsard comme pour la plupart de ses amis, la fureur poétique naît le plus souvent de l’enthousiasme qu’ils éprouvent à la lecture des poétes anciens... elle jaillit plus rarement du contact direct avec la vie.”】【《詩人玉屑》卷十七引《西清詩話》、《高齋詩話》、《漁隱叢話前集》卷三十四、《梅墅續評》論荊公句「殘菊飄零滿地金」,歐公一作東坡戲曰:「秋英不比春花落,為報詩人仔細看。」漁隱謂二家集中無此詩荊公謂此緣讀《楚詞》不熟,不知「餐秋菊之落英」也。《梅墅》謂「落」乃「初」、「始」之意,荊公誤解云云,亦賦物而不觀物,以古書障目之一例,所謂循聲而不責實也。詳見第七六一則。】【陸農師《埤雅》卷十七云:「蓋菊不落華,蕉不落葉。」格物之學,智過乃師矣!】【《四溟山人全集》卷二十二云:「意落於某韻,意隨字生,豈必先立意哉!」卷二十四云:「因字得句,句由韻成,所謂詞後意也。」】【湯賓尹《睡菴文集》卷一〈蒹葭館詩集序〉云:「情之所不必至,而屬對需之;景之所不必有,而押韻又需之。」】【Baudelaire: “Le soleil”: “Trébuchant sur les mots comme sur les pavés / Heurtant parfois des vers depuis longtemps rêvés.”








            〇周紫芝《竹坡詩話》云:「有數貴人遇休沐,携歌舞燕僧舍者。酒酣,誦前人詩:『因過竹院逢僧話,又得浮生半日閒。』僧笑曰:『尊官得半日閒,老僧卻忙了三日。』一日供帳,一日燕集,一日掃除也。」按參觀 Samuel C. Chew, Byron in England, p. 63: “... the kind of Sunday which, Ruskin said, spoiled for him 3/7 of the week, Saturday by anticipation, Sunday itself, & Monday by remembrance.” Publilius Syrus, §62: “Bona nemini hora est, ut non alicui sit mala” (Nobody has a good time without its being bad for someone) (Minor Latin Poets, “Loeb”, p. 22). Emerson: A Modern Anthology, ed. A. Kazin & D. Aaron, p. 167: “I decline invitations to evening parties chiefly because beside the time spent, commonly ill, in the party, the hours preceding & succeeding the visit, are lost for any solid use...”

            〇戎昱〈苦哉行〉第一首云:「彼鼠侵我廚,縱貍授粱肉。鼠雖爲君却,貍食自須足。冀雪大國恥,翻是大國辱」云云。按參觀 Aristotle, Rhetoric, 1393b 所引 Stesichorua 寓言:鹿侵馬地食草,馬乞援於人,人曰:「汝啣勒出我胯下,我執槍以逐鹿,事乃有濟。」馬允之,遂俯首受馭 (“Loeb Classical Library”, tr. J.H. Freese, p. 275; 亦見 J.M. Edmonds, Lyra Graeca, II, p. 16) 。又《全唐文》卷六百八十二牛奇章〈譴貓〉謂「貓蠹踰鼠」,舉漢之更始、晉之羅沖為比,謂「防盜而亂,則踰於盜」;卷八百六十七楊夔〈蓄貍說〉謂野貍捕鼠,「攫生搏飛,舉無不捷」,而「野心思逸,罔以子育為懷」,如侯景之於梁武,疋磾之於劉琨。《郁離子‧构櫞篇》(《誠意伯文集》卷三):「趙人患鼠,乞貓於中山。月餘,鼠盡而鷄亦盡,子曰:『盍去諸?』父曰:『吾之患在鼠,不在乎無鷄。』」Machiavelli, Il Principe, cap. 13 論此最深切:“[Le arme ausiliarie] sono per chi le chiama sempre dannose; perchè perdendo, rimani disfatto, e vincendo resti loro prigione” (Opere, a cura di Mario Bonfantini, p. 44).Germ. “den Teufel mit Beelzebub austreiben.”】【唐蘇拯〈獵犬行〉:「狡兔何曾擒,時把家鷄捉。」參觀第六七四則劉賓客〈養鷙詞〉[25]。】【Leszek Kołakowski: “If you use one devil to cast out another, you will still be left with one.”】【Cf. Dryden, The Hind & the Panther, ch. III, the parable told by the Hind of the Pigeons inviting the Buzzards to be their King against the chickens (Poems, ed. John Sargeant, pp. 148 ff.).】【Rivarol: “Si un troupeau appelle des tigres contre ses chiens, qu i pourra le défendre contre ses nouveaux défenseurs” (Ste-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi, vol. V, 74).

[1]《手稿集》1366-7 頁。
[2] 黃國彬譯但丁《神曲‧地獄篇》第二十一章:「於是,魔首把屁眼當喇叭吹響。」
[3]《手稿集》1367-72 頁。
[4]「野聞」原作「紀聞」。又《管錐編全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文三四全後漢文卷一四》亦作《剪勝紀聞》(三聯書局 2007 年版,1542 頁)。
[5]《手稿集》1372-5 頁。
[7] 此處頁數原留空未標。
[8] Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang: “double-barrelled: adj.... [late 19C] used of a woman enjoying simultaneous vaginal and anal intercourse.”
[9] 此見《手稿集》1374 頁眉,下文不知何指。
[10]《手稿集》1375-9 頁。
[11] 前一「世尊」原作「世祖」,「付囑」原作「密付」。
[13] 首句「mandar」原作「manda」,「messaggi」原皆作「messagi」,「messaggio」原皆作「messagio」。
[14]《手稿集》1379-86 頁。
[16] 此則已刪。
[17] 自注:「兩歲來會城,遂絕水閣燕游之樂。」
[18] 參觀《槐聚詩存‧一九五九年‧偶見二十六年前為絳所書詩冊、電謝波流、似塵如夢、復書十章》第二首:「少年情事宛留痕,觸撥時時夢一溫。秋月春風閑坐立,懊儂歡子看銷魂。」
[20] 王世懋《藝圃擷餘》引文小異,「老去」作「秋老」。

