2018年2月5日 星期一


Wilhelm Dilthe
(“Little bits of green eyes swimming in their fat filled orbits” or “kluges freudiges Aufblitzen altersloser Augen”?)



           Taking more than a hint from Schelling, Coleridge rightly distinguishes between “form as proceeding & shape as superinduced” (Biographia Literaria, ed. J. Shawcross, II, p. 262). Elsewhere, e.g., in his Lectures on Shakespeare, I, he describes the distinction as one between “mechanic”, “predetermined form” & “organic”, “innate form”. But mechanically superinduced form helps to make poetry, even as manners or clothes make man. For those poets whose poetry is not inevitable, it is a great advantage to write to a regular, stylized pattern; it is like playing with loaded dice. That explains why bad “old” Chinese poetry has a certain air of distinction which bad “new” Chinese poetry lacks; a tattered & soiled singing looks at least more decent than a bedraggled pajama. Thus when Francesco de Sanctis penetratingly remarks of the humanists: “Ne nasce l’indifferenza del contenuto. Ciò che importa non è cosa s’ha a dire... Il pensiero è per lui [il letterato] un dato, venutogli dal di fuori, quale esso sia: a lui spetta dargli la veste. Il suo cervello è un ricco emporio di frasi, di sentenze, di eleganze; il suo orecchio è pieno di cadenze e di armonie: forme vuote e staccate da ogni contenuto... Lo scrittore non dice quello che pensa o immagina o sente, perchè non è l’immagine che gli sta innanzi, ma la frase di Orazio o di Virgilio” (Storia della letteratura italiana, a cura di B. Croce, riv. da A. Parente, 1962, I, p. 342. Cf. Arnold, On Translating Homer, I: “Homer invariably composes ‘with his eye on the object’... Pope composes with his eye on his style, into which he translates his object, whatever it is” [The whole passage, including the phrase “with his eyes on the subject”, is derived from Wordsworth’s letter to Scott, of Nov. 1805, on Dryden’s translation of Virgil — Early Letters of William & Dorothy Wordsworth, ed. E. de Selincourt, p. 541]) — remarks which also aptly describe “old” Chinese poets & prose writers — he overlooks the point raised by Goethe: “Es werden jetzt Produktionen möglich, die Null sind, ohne schlecht zu sein: Null, weil sie keinen Gehalt haben; nicht schlecht, weil eine allgemeine Form gute Muster den Verfassern vorschwebt” (Goethes Sämtliche Werke, Der Tempel Verlag, III, S. 308). 五百二則眉[2].【[補五百一則]Croce, La Poesia, 5a ed., p. 82: “... è mero accidente... ciò che si esegue o ciò che accade quando la lingua, ossia la somma delle espressioni già prodotte, poeteggia essa invece del poeta...”; p. 280: “Ciò è detto nel noto epigramma del Goethe: ‘Weil es ein Vers dir gelingt in einer gebildeten Sprache, / Die für dich dichtet und denkt, glaubst du ein Dichter zu sein.’ Il Lemaître notava che qualcosa di simile accadeva sovente all’ Hugo.” The distich is not Goethe’s, but Schiller’s (Tabulae Votivae: “Dilletant”, Gesam. Werk. in 8 Bänden, Aufbau Verlag, 1959, I, S. 243). Cf. Samuel Becket: “En français c’est plus facile d’écrire sans style” (quoted in Archiv für der neueren Sprachen, Nov. 1959, S. 235). Coleridge applied the distich to Samuel Rogers (The Notebooks, ed. Kathleen Coburn, II, §3134). Samuel Alexander: “The art of Jane Austen”: “A dull man may sit down to write French & find himself pointed in thought because the expression compels him to be so” (Philosophical & Literary Pieces, p. 321).Cf. Thibaudet’s distinction between “ceux qui savent faire des vers parce qu’ils sont poètes” & “ceux qui sont poètes parce qu’ils savent faire des vers”, & also the distinction implied in Louis Veuillot’s epigram on Hugo: “qui a cessé d’être musicien pour devenir exécutant” (Les Odeurs de Paris, éd. P. Lethielleux, p. 208). Cf.《圍爐詩話》卷一:有詞無意之詩,二百年來,習以成風。……宋詩亦有意,惟賦而少比興,其詞徑以直,如人而赤體。明之瞎盛唐詩,字面煥然,無意無法,直是木偶被文繡耳。……學二李之詩,則一入門即齊肩於高、岑、李、杜,而頭童齒豁,不過如此。如優人入場,便可作侯王卿相,而老死只是優人。……弘、嘉人湊麗字以成句[3],湊麗句以成篇,便有詞無意。宋不剿說,故無此病。……人于順逆境遇,所動情思,皆是詩材。子美之詩,多得於此。人不能然,失却好詩,乃至作詩,了無意思,惟學古人句樣而已。

            The startling statement, “Mussolini is always right” occurs in both the 1934 & the 1938 versions of The Fascist Decalogue — the 8th saying in the former & the 10th & last saying in the latter. Being Italians, Benito’s followers probably found nothing strange in considering an erring human infallible, whether the Pope or Il Duce; but being Italians, they ought to have known the maxim in Fambri’s comedy, Il Caporale di Settimana, III, xiii: “Nel militare, il superiore ha sempre ragione, ma specialissimamente poi quando ha torto. La è una massima però di cui l’inferiore deve ricordarsi sempre, e il superiore mai.”[4] (Cf. Publius Syrus, §228: “Falsum etiam est verum quod constituit superior” — Minor Latin Poets, “The Loeb Class. Lib.”, p. 44.) Cf. Napoléon to Fontanes: “Voyez-vous, Fontanes, vous avez raison au fond, mais vous avez le tort de vouloir avoir raison contre moi en public.” Boileau: “Dorénavant, je serai toujours de l’avis de M. de Prince le grand de Condé, quand il aura tort” (Causeries, III, p. 208).

           John Masefield, Sard Harker, pp. 38-9: Captain Cary: “A company, as we say, has neither a stern to be kicked nor a soul to be saved. It is a damned abstraction, without either a mind to understand or an eye to see: it has neither guts to scare nor hands to shake.” An elaboration of the saying attributed to Lord Thurlow: “Did you ever expect a corporation to have a conscience, when it has no soul to be damned, & no body to be kicked?” (The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, p. 444; cf. The Oxford Dict. of Eng. Proverbs, p. 80 attributed to Lord Elton). “No heart to appeal to, & no arse to kick” (E. Partridge, A Dictionary of Catch Phrases, p. 156, of a committee). “Mr Howel Walsh observed that a corporation cannot blush. It was a body, it was true; had certainly a head — a new one every year... Arms... it had, & very long ones too, for it could reach at anything. Legs, of course, when it made such long strides. A throat to swallow the rights of the community, & a stomach to digest them. But who ever yet discovered, in the anatomy of any corporation, either bowels or a heart?” (Wm. Hone, Table Book). De Vigny, Journal d’un Poète, la Pléiade, II, p. 1218: “Les Anglais ont un proverbe qui dit que les corps n’ont point d’honneur.”

            Will Rogers made a crack on Wilbur L. Cross: “He has a bunch of degrees after his name till it sounds like a radio-station” (Wilbur L. Cross, Connecticut Yankee, p. 294). Cf. Dorothy Parker: “She says she has something she wants to tell me — It can’t be her ageShe says it’s too hard to say over the wire — Then it may be her age, she’s afraid it might sound like her telephone number.”



            《道山清話》載黃育事,有諺云:「日在雨落,翁婆相撲。」按英、法、意諺略同:“Devil is beating his wife with a leg of mutton”, “Le diable bat sa femme et marie sa fille”, “Le nozze del diavolo” (E. Partridge, Dict. of Slang, 4th ed., p. 216; M. Rat, Dict des locutions fr., p. 157), “Piove e fa sole, il diavolo fa l’amore” (D. Provenzal, Perché si dice così?, p. 243) 皆謂日出而有雨也。






            Heinrich Heine: “In der französischen Literatur herrscht jetzt ein ausgebildeter Plagiatismus. In der république des lettres ist Gedankengütergemeinschaft”[7] (Gedanken und Einfälle, Gesammelte Werke, hrsg. Gustav Karpeles, VIII, S. 300). Cf. Augusto Franchetti on Paolo Ferrari’s Amore senza stima, a rifacimento of Goldoni’s Moglie saggia: “All’arte drammatica, come a molte cose di questo mondo, può attribuirsi la scherzosa definizione che Napoleone primo dava del commercio quando chiamavalo: un brigandage organisé... la così detta repubblica letteraria può tollerare senza paura quella maniera di comunismo; poiché rimane sempre in ogni opera lo stampo che un peculiare ingegno v’ imprime; e in ciò sta la sua proprietà vera, la quale nessuno gli può ritogliere”[8] (Alessandro D’Ancona & Orazio Bacci, Manuale della Letteratura Italiana, nuova ed., VI, p. 253); cf. A. Abingdon, More Boners: “A plagiarist is a writer of plays.” Elsewhere Heine makes the observation which shares Franchetti’s tolerant view & takes the sting out of his own sarcasm about the commonwealth of letters: “In der Kunst ist die Form alles, der Stoff gilt nichts. Staub [a French tailor] berechnet für den Frack, den er ohne Tuch geliefert, denselben Preis, als wenn ihm das Tuch geliefert worden. Er lasse sich nur die Form bezahlen und den Stoff schenke er” (op. cit., S. 287-8).

            In refuting logical positivism, W.M. Urban points out that “not only can we distinguish between the feeling attitude & the value meaning; we can also distinguish completely between the qualities for which value words stand & our feeling towards those qualities... You may like the proud action, I may dislike it, but both of us acknowledge it to be proud. The quality remains; we both apprehend it” (Language & Reality, p. 163; cf. Burke, The Sublime & Beautiful, Works, G. Bell & Sons, I, p. 55: “A man frequently comes to prefer the taste of tobacco to that of sugar, and the flavour of vinegar to that of milk; but this makes no confusion in tastes, whilst he is sensible that the tobacco & vinegar are not sweet.”) Cf. Aristotle, Rhetoric, I, ix, 29 (“Loeb”, p. 97). This is beautifully illustrated in the following fragment of conversation between Martin Chuzzlewit & Tom Pinch: M.C.: “A chief ingredient in my composition is a most determined —” T.P.: “Obstinacy.” M.C.: “What a fellow you are, Pinch!” T.P.: “I beg your pardon. I thought you wanted a word.” M.C.: “I didn’t want that word... a chief ingredient in my composition is a most determined firmness” (Martin Chuzzlewit, ch. 6). Cf. Byron, Don Juan, XIV. 89: “Firmness yclept in heroes, kings & seamen, / That is, when they succeed; but greatly blamed / As obstinacy, both in men & women, / Whene’er their triumph pales, or star is tamed” (Variorum ed., by T.G. Steffan & W.W. Pratt[9], III, p. 448). The remark probably suggested by this passage from Dickens & often fathered on Bertrand Russell, “I am firm, thou art obstinate, he is pig-headed”, & its numerous imitations in The New Statesman & Nation, June 5, 1948 (“I am beautiful, you have quite good features, she isn’t bad looking if you like that type”; “I have reconsidered it, you have changed your mind, he has gone back on his word”; “I have about me something of the haunting fragrance of the Orient, you rather overdo it dear, she stinks ”; “I am an epicure, you are a gourmand, he has both feet in the trough”; “I am sunburnt, you are sallow, she must have a touch of the tar-brush”; “I am an artist, you are artistic, he is arty”; “I travel, you tour, he trips”; “I am Oxford, you are Cambridge, he is London School of Economics”; “I am frank, you are blatant, he is a Buchmanite”; “I know what I like, you have no taste, he is a Philistine”; “I love her, you seem fond of her, he is leading her astray”; “I have a few rarish things, you are a goldmine for dealers, he fills his house with junk” etc.; cf. Gontran de Poncins’s fastidious father to his negligent mother: “The King of England is attired. I am dressed. You are merely covered” — quoted in T.L.S., June 29, 1956, p. 387, review of Father Sets the Pace)  — all show that value is a fact that has many facets. Three real examples occur in my recent readings: (1)《老學庵筆記》卷四:“慎東美伯筠工書,王逢原贈之詩,極稱其筆法,有曰:‘鐵索急纏蛟龍僵。’蓋言其老勁也。東坡見其題壁,亦曰:‘此有何好,但似篾束枯骨耳!’伯筠聞之,笑曰:‘此意逢原已道了。’”Cf.《尹文子大道篇上》:“名宜屬彼,分宜屬我。我愛白而憎黑,韻商而捨徵,好膻而惡焦,嗜甘而逆苦,白黑、商徵、膻焦、甘苦,彼之名也;愛憎、韻捨、好惡、嗜逆,我之分也。定此名分,則萬事不亂也。”(“名”denotes the objective quality, &“分”refers to the feeling attitude.) (2) In the article on George Sand in his Les Contemporains, IIIe Série, Lemaître exclaims: “Lactea ubertas, un ruisseaux copieux et bienfaisant de mammelle nourricière, ô douce Io du roman contemporain!” Cf. Nietzsche’s biting sarcasm in Götzen-Dämmerung, “Streifzüge eines Unzeitgemässen”: “1. ... George Sand: oder lactea ubertas, auf deutsch: die Milchkuh mit ‘schönem Stil’.... 6. George Sand.... diese fruchtbare Schreibe-Kuh” (Werke, Taschen-Ausgabe, Alfred Kröner Verlag, Bd. X, S. 293, 297); also Jules Renard, Journal, 23 fév. 1891: “George Sand, la vache bretonne de la littérature.” (3) William James on Dilthey: “A soft fat man with black hair, of a totally uncertain age between 25 and 40, with little bits of green eyes swimming in their fat filled orbits, & the rest of his face quite ‘realizing one’s idea’ of the infant Bacchus... [He] wore the ‘obligatory coat’ etc., had an exceedingly grimy shirt & collar and a rusty old rag of a cravat...[10] The Prof, was overflowing with information with regard to everything knowable & unknowable... This cuss seemed to me to be nothing if not a professor” (Letters, ed. by Henry James, I, pp. 109-110). Cf. Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s tribute to Dilthey[11]: “Wunderbar die Luft um diesen alten Mann. Herbstluft, geistige, strahlende Herbstluft: Fernes, Fernstes, zum Greifen nahe, das Nahe vergeistigt und wie verklärt... Schwingendes Gespräch, rastloses Vorwärts, kluges freudiges Aufblitzen altersloser Augen... Geistiges Gebilde, ihm war es lebendig... So knüpfte er Zeit an Zeit, so war ihm Geschichte ein lebendiges Geschehen... Ein deutscher Professor, wie Doktor Faust. Der Name ehrt ihn, er ehrt den Namen” (Gesammelte Werke, S. Fischer Verlag, Bd. III, S. 155, 157, 158).Tristram Shandy, Bk. I, ch. 17: “’Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause — & of obstinacy in a bad one.”】【New Statesman, 13 May 1977: “I cite, you incorporate, he plagiarizes”; “I tell a funny story, you get the details wrong, he forgets the punch line”; “I’m reasonably handy, you’re a Do-It-Yourself bore, he even makes his own matches”; “I possess a rational degree of self-esteem, you’re a shade too pleased with yourself at times, he’s A.I. Rowse”; “I wash regularly, you’re a bit of a hygiene fanatic, his pores must be shouting at him ‘why can’t you bloody well leave us alone!”; “my handwriting has character, your handwriting is untidy, he is a doctor”; “I am stocky, you are short & stout, he is a fat little turd”; “I meditate, you day-dream, hejust sits there”; New Statesman, 26 Jan. 1979, p. 116: “The old snob declension still holds: I am a traveller; You are a holiday-maker; He is on a package tour.”

            Black Butterflies (papillons noirs) on White Nights (nuits blanches): 1. The non-party man who serve as the figurehead or shirt-front: a yes man and a nobody. 2. The masses: a merger of “mass” & “asses”; the proper geese for propaganda. 3. “Get organized!”: wear livery if you want a livelihood. 4. Écrivain engage: a windbag which tries to be a sandbag.




















            卷三十二〈讀管子〉:「書多古字,如『專』作『摶』,『忒』作『貸』,『況』作『兄』,此類甚眾。〈大匡〉載召忽語曰:『雖得天下,吾不生也,兄與我齊國之政也』。注乃謂『召忽呼管仲為兄』。」按〈漢武內傳〉:「王母命田四飛答哥,哥畢」,「哥」即古文「歌」也,而呂種玉《言鯖》不知當以「答哥」為句、「哥畢」為句 ,連屬為一,乃謂:「弟呼兄為哥哥,本此。」正與召忽呼「兄」作對。「摶」、「剸」、「顓」、「嫥」皆通「專」,見盧紹弓《鍾山札記》卷一引《史記》、《管子‧內業篇》、《荀子榮辱篇》等。




[1]《手稿集》813-6 頁。
[2] 即下文,見《手稿集》817-8 頁書眉、下脚、頁邊、行間。
[5]《手稿集》816-7 頁。
[6]《手稿集》817-20 頁。
[7] 原文脫落「herrscht」字。
[9]T.G. Steffan」原作「G.T. Steffan」。
[10]a rusty old rag」原脫「a」字。
[12]《手稿集》820-1 頁。
[15]《手稿集》821-26 頁。
[21] 此詩重引於《手稿集》825 頁行間。

