2018年2月12日 星期一


Heny Green, Back (1946)


            劉宰《漫塘文集》三十六卷。 余讀《癸辛雜識別集》上記平國論陶淵明語(見第三百五十二則),始知其名,後復在《南宋羣賢小集》第二十二冊覩所為〈李和父梅花衲序〉(第四百五十三則),今此〈序〉尚見《集》卷二十四,題作〈書李君梅花衲後〉,論淵明語則賴草窗保存,惟卷一〈枕上呈丁景舒〉第一首云:「督郵行縣豈徒哉,指點虛無作禍媒。料得淵明知此意,懸拋印綬賦歸來。」微露其意。平國德行之士,然詩文皆暢沛,無頭巾氣,尟精警耳。論詩尊趙章泉,所作亦頗類。樂府淋漓沉摯,卓然上追元、白、張、王,如卷二〈開僖紀事〉、卷四〈野犬行〉、〈猛虎行〉,其尤佳者。〈野犬行〉云:「野有犬,林有烏。犬餓得食聲咿嗚,烏驅不去尾畢逋。田舍無烟人迹疎,我欲言之涕淚俱。村南村北衢路隅,妻喚不省哭者夫,父氣欲絕孤兒扶。夜半夫死兒亦殂,屍橫路隅一縷無。烏啄眼,犬啣鬚,身上那有全肌膚?叫呼五百煩里閭,淺土元不蓋頭顱。過者且勿嘆,聞者且莫吁。生必有數死莫踰,飢凍而死非幸歟?君不見荒祠之中荆棘裏,臠割不知誰氏子。蒼天蒼天叫不聞,應羨道旁飢凍死。」一結警切極矣。《宋詩鈔》乃謂「其詩亦常調,五言古稍優」,非知音識曲者也。此本為《嘉業堂叢書》據明刊本重梓,編次殊不審,如卷二〈送傅守歸〉、〈送梁伯暘〉、〈山行阻雪〉、〈寄朱景淵〉、〈題半山圖〉、〈題茅山慶雲菴〉等皆五古,而編入五律;〈雨後口占呈陳校書〉、〈贈陳內機〉皆七古,而編入七律;卷三〈謝諸友移具游德及亭〉乃五言排律,而編入五古。富大用編《古今事文類聚外集》,錄漫塘詩、文甚多,未知有軼出此《集》者否?【《湛淵靜語》卷二載漫塘與史衛王、王中書三簡可補,《吹劍錄》四集有漫塘譏放翁子陸遹貪酷七律可補(《宋詩紀事》卷五十八漏收)。詩見《漫塘文集》卷二〈寄陸大夫〉。】【《夷堅支‧景》卷九〈建康三聖廟〉記劉不肯事神,弟與妻皆為神譴而死。】







            Thomas Overbury, Characters: “A Flatterer”: “He... praiseth his grace of making water” (Richard Aldington, A Book of “Characters”, p. 99). Cf. 馮猶龍《笑府》:“士人頌冥王屁云:‘高聳尊臀,洪宣寶屁,依稀絲竹之音,仿彿麝蘭之氣’”;《花當閣叢談》卷二:“嚴東樓一日與客坐,適有餘氣,客即拂鼻,問何異香,東樓佯驚曰:‘失氣不臭者,病在藏府,吾其殆矣!’客又拂鼻曰:‘却也微有氣息。’東樓大笑。”Overbury’s “flatterer”, had he lived today, would have availed himself of phrases in English & American slang like “piano”, “tinkle”, “to give a Chinaman a music lesson”, etc. by way of “praising his melody of making water” (cf. Finnegans Wake, N.Y., 1937, Pt. I, p. 184: “all this chambermade music”).

            John Earle, Microcosmography: “A Child”: “His soul is yet a white paper unscribbled with observations of the world” (Richard Addington, op. cit., p. 191). The simile of tabula rasa occurs in Plato (Theaetetus, 191), Zeno (see Diogenes Laertius, VII, 45, “The Loeb Classical Library”, II, p. 155), Aristotle (De Anima, 424a), Aegidius Romanus, Antonius Andreas, Johannes Gerson, & others (see Prantl, Geschichte der Logik, III, S. 261, 281, IV, S. 143; John Dewey in J.M. Baldwin, Dictionary of Philosophy & Psychology, II; Bosanquet, A History of Aesthetic, p. 84). In the first of his three longlearned letters to Josiah Wedgewood which contain a close examination of the first book & the opening chapters of the 2nd bk, Coleridge also points out that “Gassendi’s & Hobbes’s tabula rasa, & Mr Locke’s unwritten sheet of Paper” are derived from Aristotle (Anal. Poster. Lib. I, Cap. 18; Lib II, Cap. 19) & the Stoics (Plutarch, De Plac. Philos., IV. 11) (E.L. Griggs, Letters, II, pp. 680-1). In English, the locus classicus is of course Locke’s Essay, Bk. II, ch. 1, §2. No one seems to have noticed Earle’s passage. Cf. De Quincey’s ingenious elaboration & approfondissement of the simile in the section, “The Palimpsest of the Human Brain” in Suspiria de Profundis[3] (Collected Writings, ed. D. Masson, XIII, pp. 340 ff.)

            “A Mere Dull Physician”. “No man takes degrees more superfluously, for he is doctor howsoever” (op. cit., p. 144). Cf. H.L. Mencken, The American Language, 4th ed., pp. 271-2: “In America every practitioner of any branch of the healing art, even a chiropodist or an osteopath, is a doctor ipso facto, but in England  a good many surgeons lack the title & even physicians may not have it” etc. The Americans have even abused this title as a general honorific for Central European & Oriental politicians & public personages. “Docte, docteur, doctime”, as Du Bellay ironically called Baïf in an ode.

            Colman & Thornton, The Connoisseur: “Sir Politic Hearty”[4]: “By means of the maps the baronet sometimes delineates the progress of the French up the Ohio in meanders of port, winding along the table,... I am withdrawn from the taking of Crown Point, represented by a cork, & stormed by Sir Politic at the head of an army of cherry-stones” (Richard Aldington, A Book of “Characters”, pp. 455-6). Amplified by Charles Lever in his Harry Lorrequer, ch. 11 a propos of Colonel Kamworth. Cf.《儒林外史》第四十九回余殷 and 余敷 illustrating geomancy by means of bits of bailed noodles.

            Henry Green, Back, p. 124: “She [Dot] was all ready, pretending to be asleep, spread out like butter on bread.” As striking a conceit as T.S. Eliot’s “When the evening is spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherized upon a table” (“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”). But cf. “John & his maid were caught lying bread & butter fashion.”

            Henry Green, Concluding, p. 5: “The fog bank which had made all daylight deaf beneath.” The word “deaf” is an elaboration on the word “loud” which can be said of colour & light. Cf. P. 21: “a great shaft of early sunlight  shone so loud... in the megaphone of light.” A good example of synaesthesia or what Father Castel would call clavecin oculaire. (Another instance of transposition of senses in Back, p. 84: “He now knew the boy was his, & looked for an echo of his own face in those cheek bones.”) This fusion of the senses of hearing & sight was as early as Dante: “dove il sol tace” (Inf. I. 60), “luce muto” (V, 28).

            Pp. 6-7: “At this instant, like a woman letting down her mass of hair from a white towel in which she had bound it, the sun came through for a moment, & lit the azaleas on either side before fog, redescending, blanketed these off again; as it might be white curtains, drawn by someone out of sight, over a palace bedroom window, to shut behind them a blonde princess undressing” — a Baroque domesticating metaphor very similar to Du Bartas’s conceit in The Divine Weeks: “Having therefore, the Worlds wide curtai n spread / About the circuit of the fruitfull Bed / Where (to fill all with her unnumbred Kin) / Kinde Nature’s selfe each moment lyeth in”, which seems to have suggested the following lines in Milton’s “Nativity Ode”: “So when the sun in bed / Curtained with cloudy red /Pillows his chin upon an Orient wave.” Cf. 第一百四十五則.

            P. 95: “I’ve got the day off, lidy, I’m not ’ere, you ’aven’t seen me” — all this makes very good sense (cf. Partridge, Dict. of Slang, 4th ed., p. 1081: “I am not here”); but cf. Otto Jespersen’s Linguistica, p. 7: “My efforts were also directed against the meaningless illustrative sentences then rampant in grammar books. In Kasper’s grammar one found sentences such as ‘Wir sind nicht hier’ or ‘Das Pferd war alt gewesen’.”

            P. 162: “‘Get on off out,’ he heard Adam yell after him” (cf. Green, Loving, p. 88: “‘You go on off out, Jim’”). Otto Jespersen & Neils Haislund, A Modern English Grammar, VII, p. 76 culls the following examples of “preposition at end” from a comic paper: “Governess: ‘Here is a nice book from which I shall read to you.’ Little Girl: ‘What did you bring me that book to be read out of from for?’” E. Partridge, A Dict. of Catchphrases, p. 37: “Come on in out of the war!: WW2 c.p. used by civilians during bombing raids meaning ‘Take shelter!’” Morris Bishop: “I lately lost a preposition: / It hid, I thought, beneath my chair. / And angrily I cried: ‘Perdition! / Up from out of in under there!’[5] // Correctness is my vade mecum, / And straggling phrases I abhor; / And yet I wondered: ‘What should he come / Up from out of in under for?''” (quoted in Sir Ernest Gowers, Plain Words, p. 74).

            Henry Green’s novels are “treasured as records of spoken English & manners” (E. Partridge & J.W. Clark, British & American since 1900, p. 60). To live up to such a reputation, Green has to resort to some very awkward devices. In Loving, e.g., he never reproduced the talk of the Irish rustic Pappy but contented himself with “He muttered something” (p. 90), “He said something” (p. 91), “He started to mouth something” (p. 96), etc., leaving it to Kate — Pappy’s sweetie — to do the interpreting. Similarly in Nothing, with regard to the conversation between Mrs Weatherby and her Italian cook Isabella: “She left her place to twitter in bad Italian down the dumbwaiter shaft. She was answered by a sweet babble that was almost song” (p. 76); “she called from the table an unintelligible phrase” (p. 77); “A long wail in Italian was the answer” (p. 80); “Isabella flung the door open to announce something in a flood of words, presumably that dinner was served” (p. 174), etc. Flaubert, for all his realism, gave long passages in Spanish from the speech of “un patriote de Barcelone” although “personne ne comprend” (L'Éducation sentimentale, III. i, éd. Conard, pp. 442-3).

            Lessing: “Die grosse Welt”: “Die Waage gleicht der grossen Welt / Das Leichte steigt, das Schwere fällt” (Auswahl in drei Bänden, “Veb Bibliographisches Institut”, I, S. 457) (Marginalia to Logau, Sinngedichte, eine Auswahl, hrsg. U. Berger, S. 99 “Weltgunst”). Cf. Bacon’s half-ironical, half-irritable saying, that the stream of time lets every solid substance sink, & carries down the froth & scum upon its surface” (J.A. Symonds, The Greek Poets, I, p. 248), & Carlyle on Voltaire: “He is found always at the top, less by power in swimming, than by lightness in floating.”[6]




            〈客有見饋溫劑云可壯元陽感而有作〉:「世人服暖藥,皆云壯元陽。元陽本無虧,藥石徒損傷」,「伊予十年謫,日聞貴人亡。金丹不離口,丱妙常在傍。真元日滲漏,滓穢留空腸。四大忽分離,一物不得將。歌喉變哀音,舞衣換縗裳。爐殘箭鏃砂,箧餘鹿角霜。咄哉此愚夫,取樂殊未央。」按同卷〈飲茶歌〉自序云:「予性不嗜酒,客至無早暮必設茶,頃見中州士友相戒不飲茶,蓋信俗醫之說,謂茶性冷,能銷鑠腎氣,故好色者信之,然當時貴人未有長年者。今恣情色慾,而獨戒飲茶,豈不謬哉!陶隱居云:『茶能輕身換骨,黃石君服之仙去。』雖未必然,益知茶不能害人也。」(〈歌〉有云:「欲知花乳清泠味,須是眠雲臥石人。」)卷十五〈與蕭德起書〉云:「朋友喪亡無慮數十人,多緣不能節省世緣。張全真在會稽搜求妙麗,丹砂茸附,如啖魚肉,徒資嗜欲耳。今為一藂枯骨,有甚便宜?」皆可參觀。《全唐文》卷三百七十三毋煚〈代茶餘序略〉云[9]:「釋滯銷壅,一日之利暫佳;瘠氣侵精,終身之累斯大。獲益則歸功茶力,貽患則不為茶災。豈非福近易知,禍遠難見?」(本《大唐新語》,見《太平廣記》卷一百四十三。)《鏡花緣》第八回唐敖自言「最不喜茶」,第六十一回燕紫瓊父作《茶誡》,以茶為「毒橄欖」,且斥「茶葉性淫」,即泰發所謂「俗醫之說」也。然東坡〈啜茶帖〉即云茶性「暗中損人」為「不少」(參觀《敬齋古今黈》卷八,亦收入《仇池筆記》卷上)。山谷〈煎茶賦〉亦云:「或者又曰:寒中瘠氣,莫甚于茶。(中略)涪翁於是酌岐雷之醪醴,參伊聖之湯液。斮附子如博投,以熬葛仙之堊。去藙而用鹽,去橘而用薑。不奪茗味,而佐以草石之良。(中略)于是有胡桃、松實、庵摩、鴨腳、勃賀、靡蕪、水蘇、甘菊。(中略)發揮其精神,又益於咀嚼。」蓋知茶之清苦,變茗飲為茶食,倪雲林「清泉白石」所自昉矣。《全唐文》卷五二八顧況〈茶賦〉云:「滋飯蔬之精素,攻肉食之膻膩。」Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature, II, p. 324 引一六七四年 The Women’s Petition Against Coffee 有云: “It made men as unfruitful as the deserts whence that unhappy berry is said to be brought”,亦此意。Elizabeth Selden, China in German Poetry from 1773 to 1833, p. 160:  “Herder believes that the faculties of thinking of the Chinese have been stultified by their habit of drinking tea & sleeping on warm stoves []” (Philosophie der Geschichte, Werke, ed. Suphan, XIV, S. 11-2).













[1]《手稿集》903-5 頁。
[2]《手稿集》905-9 頁。
[5]Up from out of in under」原脫「of」字。
[6] 此節似已刪而未全抹去,姑存於此。
[7]《手稿集》909-10 頁。
[10]《手稿集》910 頁。
[11]《手稿集》910-2 頁。

