2016年9月7日 星期三


James Russell Lowell

















            第二百二十五則引 Swift: “The Lady’s Dressing Room” 詩,竊疑 Swift coprolagnia 之變態(按 Havelock Ellis, Psychology & Sex, V, p. 48 Swift “Strephon & Chloe” 一詩蓋誤,即指此首),不然何以津津樂道矢溺也?如 “A Riddle of the Posteriors”: “I’m too profuse, some censurers cry; / And all I get, I let it fly; / While others give me many a curse, / Because too close I hold my purse” etc. (A. Chalmers, English Poets, XI, p. 438)。故 D.H. Lawrence 所云 “Think of poor Swift’s insane But of horror at the end of every verse of that poem to Celia. But Celia —! — You see the very fact that it should horrify him, & simply devastate his consciousness, is all wrong” (Letters, ed. by A. Huxley, p. 773); “He couldn’t even see how much worse it would be if Celia didn’t shit. His physical sympathies were too weak, his guts were too cold to sympathise with poor Celia in her natural functions.” (Sex, Literature & Censorship, ed. Harry T. Moore, p. 132); cf. also p. 230: “Of course Celia s***s! Who doesn’t? And how much worse if she didn’t... And then think of poor Celia, made to feel iniquitous about her proper natural function, by her ‘lover’”,尚未窺見其隱耳。Juvenal, VI, 461-4, 491-3; Ovid, Ars amat. III, 209 et seq.; Kemed. amor. 341 et seq.; Martial, IX. xxxvii; Quevedo, The Visions, iv; The Hour of All Men & Fortune in her Wits, x, xii (The Choice Humorous & Satirical Works, ed. Charles Duff, “Broadway Translations,” pp. 216-7; 303-4); Ben Johnson, The Silent Woman, I. i., Clerimont & Truewit on Lady Haughty’s “autumnal face” (Complete Plays, “Everyman’s Lib.,” I, pp. 492-3); Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, Pt. III, Sect. iii, Mem. 5, Subs. 3 (“Everyman’s Library,” p. 207, 212); Montaigne, Essais, II, 12, Pléiade, p. 463; Pierre Motin, Le Pertuis, peeping through the “pertuis d’une porte” (“Réparer dessus son visage / Ce que l’âge auroit peu gaster... / Ou se frotter dessous l’aisselle / De Litarge et d’Alum bruslé.”); [Boileau, Sat., X, 195-200[7]] Boileau, Satire, X, 198-200 (“Le soir, ait étalé son teint sur la toilette / Et dans quatre mouchoirs, de sa beauté salis, / Envoie au blanchisseur ses roses et ses lis”),莫不刻畫女人冬晨夏夜、睡前眠後粧卸容惰醜惡之狀,故 Boswell on the Grand Tour, “Trade Edition,” p. 38: “I then went to Mme Burgaretta’s, where I found two more swains... she dressed before us, changing even her shirt. We indeed saw no harm; but this scene entirely cured my passion for her”Balzac 曰:“L’homme qui entre le cabinet de toilette de sa femme est un philosophe ou un imbécile.” (Physiologie du Mariage: “Catéchisme conjugal”, LI — Oeuv. comp., Éd. Louis Conard, T. XXXII, p. 74)。【Goldsmith, The Citizen of the World, Letter 3: “Most ladies here have two faces: one to sleep in, & another to show in company” (Miscellaneous Works, “The Globe Ed.,” p. 91).】然而皆未及其氣息也。Swift, “The Progress of Beauty” (Chalmers, XI, pp. 412-3) 尚落此窠臼,至 “The Lady’s Dressing Room,” “A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed” (p. 502),遂添出「鼻功德」一段,如後詩云:“Corinna in the Morning dizen’d, / Who sees, will spew; who smells, be poison’d.”,前詩舍 “Reeking chest [of] excremental smell” 外,復云:“And first a dirty Smock appear’d, / Beneath the armpits well besmear’d”[8] (p. 499)。然世間不少逐臭之夫,《隨園詩話》卷八載柯錦機〈調郎〉云:「午夜剔銀鐙,蘭房私事急。薰蕕郎不知,故故偎儂立。」若Rétif de la Bretonne 之於 Mme Parangon“Je baisais avec transport, avec rage d’amour, tout ce qui l’avait touchée Colette, et mes désirs n’en flagraient que advantage; surtout un jour que, me trouvant dans l’endroit où cette femme modeste faisait serrer le linge qu’elle quittait, je saisis avidement ce qui avait touché ses charmes, portant une bouche altérée de volupté sur son tour-de-gorge, sur... ce que j’imaginais vela secretiora penetralium, avec un emporte-ment... qu’on ne peut exprimer”[9] (Monsieur Nicolas, ed. John Grand-Carteret, I, p. 169);若 Wilhelm Meister 之於 Marianne“Die Werkzeuge menschlicher Reinlichkeit, als Kämme, Seife, Tücher waren mit den Spuren ihrer Bestimmung gleichfalls unversteckt; Musikrollen und Schuhe, Wäsche und italienische Blumen, Bücher und Strohhüte, keines verschmähte die Nachbarschaft des andern, alle waren durch ein gemeinschaftliches Element von Puder und Staub vereinigt... Wenn sie selbst mit unbefangener Freimütigkeit manches Natürliche, das man sonst gegen einen andern aus Anstand zu verheimlichen pflegt, vor ihm nicht zu verbergen sucht — es war ihn, sag’ ich, als wenn eine Gemeinschaft zwischen ihnen sich mit unsichtbaren Banden befestigte würde” (Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, Buch I, Kap. XV, Goethes Werke in zehn Bänden, hrsg. R. Buchwald, Bd. VI, S. 60);若 “Henry III of France was consumed by a fit of passion after having wiped his face with the sweaty shift of Maria of Cleves” (H.H. Ploss, M. Bartels & P. Bartels, Woman, ed. by E.J. Dingwall, I, p. 111);若 Mirza Rahchan Kayil 之詩云:“Oh, this scent floating from your neck, your breasts, your arms / That circles about your thighs & your little belly; / This scent that is fed for ever & for ever / From two shady flasks under your bright arms” (Ibid., p. 373 E.P. Mathers, Coloured Stars),皆即 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, XIV. 646, Eupolis on a minion boy: “He reeks with charms, his walk is hip-dance, his excrement is sesame cakes, his sputum is apples” (Loeb, VI, 493); R. Burton: “immo nec ipsum amicae stercus foetet” (Anat., Pt. III, Sect. II, Mem. III, Subs. 1); W.N.P. Barbellion, The Journal of a Disappointed Man (St. Martin’s Library) 1914, p. 23 (p. 177): “The test for true love is whether you can endure the thought of cutting your sweetheart’s toe-nails — the onychiotomic test. Or whether you find your Julia’s sweat as sweet as otto of roses”; Remy de Gourmont: “La femme qu’on aime sent toujours bon!” (“Des pas sur le sable,”[10] Promenades philosophiques, IIIe série, p. 266) 之證也。故 Orlando Furioso, XXXVIL. 40 Marganore 深恨婦人,不使相近:“L’odor l’ammorbi del femmineo sesso” (ed. Ulrico Hoepli, p. 398);蕭詧去女人數步即聞其臭(《周書》卷四十八);杜慎卿隔三間屋尚聞女人臭氣(《儒林外史》第三十回)。而王鼎《焚椒錄回心院十香詞》云:「那識羅裙內,銷魂別有香」;彭羨門《松桂堂集》卷三十一〈金粟閨詞〉則云:「睡眼朝來倦未揚,傳呼洗面進羹湯。瑩瑩清徹仍無垢,水內新添玉粉香」;「無風亦自覺芬芳,非霧非烟費忖量。卻憶蓮經名義好,鼻端聞得女人香。」慍羝最不可堪,而周海廬愛嗅狐騷臭(詳見第八十六則論 Martial, III, xciii)。至 Casanova 自言:“As for women, I have always found the odour of my beloved ones exceeding pleasant” (Memoirs, tr. by Arthur Machen, “Arthur’s Preface,” I, p. xxvii),一若與 Remy de Gourmont 合符節者,而復自記:“I called on her [Count de Bonafède’s daughter] & discovered that her family was very poor. In her chamber, I was particularly disgusted by a certain smell, the cause of which was recent; I was thunderstruck, & if I had been still in love, this antidote would have been sufficiently powerful to cure me instanter” (I, p. 126); “The girl [my washerwoman’s daughter] was very pretty. At the first movement of the connection a loud explosion somewhat cooled my ardour, the more so that the young girl covered her face with her hands as if she wished to hide her shame. However, encouraging her with a loving kiss, I began again. But, a report, louder even than the first, strikes at the same moment my ear & my nose. I continue; a third, a fourth report... I burst into the most immoderate laughter. Ashamed & confused, she ran away... If [this singular disease] were common to all the fair sex, there would be fewer gallant women, unless we had different organs; for to pay for one moment of enjoyment at the expense both of the hearing & of the smell is to give too high a price” (III, pp. 178-9),則仍 Swift 之見,未臻 Goethe 境界也。



            【葉調生《鷗陂漁話》卷五載雲伯集外詩〈太史公〉五古一首諷紳士簠簋不飭,却直白有風趣。《兩般秋雨菴隨筆》卷三稱雲伯〈無題〉:「七十鴛鴦同命鳥,一雙蝴蝶可憐蟲。」見《碧城仙館詩鈔》卷二〈閒情‧之八〉,卷六〈讀金纖纖女士瘦吟樓遺詩‧之三〉云:「夢為蝴蝶魂猶瘦,修到鴛鴦命不長。」】【盧照鄰〈長安古意〉:「得成比目何辭死,願作鴛鴦不羨仙」是雲伯句樣。】【劉兼〈江樓望鄉寄内〉:「魂夢只能隨蛺蝶,烟波無計學鴛鴦。」】【石孝友〈鷓鴣天〉:「鴛鴦有底情難盡,蝴蝶無端夢易驚。」又:「夜來縱有鴛鴦夢,春去空餘蛺蝶圖。」(《全宋詞》)】【別見《翁山詩外》冊 26、《宛陵集》四十六〈代書寄王道粹學士〉:「花寒蛺蝶猶相守,水冷鴛鴦不暫分。」《綠野仙踪》四十七回何士鶴詩:「醉倒鴛鴦雲在枕,夢回蝴蝶月盈廊。」】【陳其年《湖海樓詩集》4〈教坊行〉:「便作鴛鴦情未己,得成蝴蝶意何辭。」《履園叢話》23 張照〈大歸四事〉七律之二云:「不許鴛鴦栖並翼,任他蝴蝶夢千迴。」】




            C.E. Norton (ed.), Letters of James Russell Lowell. 筆舌隽爽。余所見美國前輩尺牘,如 Holmes 父子、James 兄弟,皆方此遠遜。於美國人中,殊似 Walter Raleigh(參觀 Edmund Grosse R.L. Stevenson 書:“Have you read Lowell's Letters?... The Letters are highly personal & vivid, revealing the man in his shirt-sleeves with his vigour & his vanity... And so funny with bursts of real boyish spirits & scholarly nonsense... The most delicious recent letters, in English at all events. The book has revolutionized my idea of Lowell, whom I faintly disliked in the flesh” — Evan Charteris, The Life & Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse, p. 232)。每好作 Pun 而鮮佳者,亦當時風氣也。

            “Perhaps I should bear riches with resignation. I think few of us would hold an umbrella (at any rate right side up) against a golden shower” (vol. I, p. 152). Le Sage, Gil Blas, Liv. VIII, ch. 4: “Après cette confidence, que je regardai comme de l’argent comptant, je n’eus plus d’inquiétude. ‘Enfin, disais-je, me voici sous la gouttière; une pluie d’or va tomber sur moi’” (Éd. Garnier Frères, p. 435),欲雨蓋與承霤者。Heine, Die Harzreise 嘗自嘆阨運:“Ich glaube, wenn mal die Thaler vom Himmel herunter regneten, so bekäme ich davon nur Löcher in den Kopf” (Gesammelte Werke, Gustav Karpeles, Bd. III, S. 18),正可作註腳。

            “Never was a door so diplomatically opened to a gentleman on the point of being turned out neck & heels. I am marched out, as it were, with a band of music before me thumping & blowing ‘See the Conquering Hero Comes!’ with that orchestral impartiality which heralds with the same tune, & the same energy of brass & sheepskin, the advent of a President or a learned pig. I dangle from silk instead of hemp — a ceremonial consolation... A kick in the breech may be either bestowed with a velvet slipper or a cowhide boot; but it is, after all, a kick in the breech” (vol. I, p. 180). Bismarck 自記威廉第二逼令休致,復贈爵賜邑,以榮其行,因云:“Die ich ein Leichenbegängnis erster Klasse mit Recht nennen konnte” (Erinnerungen und Gedanken, Bd. III, S. 108, Georg Büchmann, Geflügelte Worte, Volks-Ausgabe von B. Krieger, S. 394 ),正此之謂。De Quincey 記或人戲仿 Shenstone“So sweetly she bade me adieu, / I thought that she bade me return”[15],作句云:“He kicked me downstairs with such exquisite grace / That I thought he was helping me up” (Collected Writings, ed. D. Masson, II, p. 184)S. Longfellow, Life of H.W. Longfellow, (1886 ed.), II, p. 456: “I tried to say No so softly that she would think it better than Yes可以參觀。“learned pig” 又見 vol. II, p. 256“I have been studying like a dog — no, dogs don’t study — I mean a learned pig”,不知何異?Marryat, Peter Simple, ch. IX 亦記 Portsdown Fair 中有 “The Learned Pig”。近人 Osbert Sitwell, The Scarlet Tree, “The Reprint Society,” p. 54: “The Learned Pig (whom my mother saw & bought at a bazaar, being greatly impressed by its uncanny knowledge of character & grasp of the future)”,殆其意耶?

            “What a language it [German] is to be sure! With sentences in which one sets sail like an admiral with sealed orders, not knowing where the devil he is going to till he is in mid-ocean!” (vol. I, p. 242). 按妙喻。De Quincey, Rhetoric: “Every German regards a sentence in the light of a package, & a package not for the mail-coach but for the waggon, into which his privilege is to crowd as much as he possibly can. All qualifications, limitations, exceptions, illustrations, are stuffed & violently rammed into the bowels of the principal proposition. That all this equipage of accessaries is not so arranged as to assist its own orderly development, no more occurs to a German as any fault than that in a package of shawls or of carpets, the colors & patterns are not fully displayed. To him it is sufficient that they are there” (Collected Writings, ed. David Masson, X, p. 122); Style: “A sentence is viewed by Kant, & by most of his countrymen, as a rude mould or elastic form, admitting of expansion to any possible extent” (X, p. 160); Language: “If a whole book were made up of a single sentence, all collateral or subordinate ideas being packed into it as parenthetical intercalations — if this single sentence should even cover an acre of ground — the true German would see in all that no want of art... The temple would in his eyes exist, because the materials of the temple — the stone, the lime, the iron, the timber — had been carted to the ground” (X, p. 258); Wm James: “I have just been reading Hegel’s chapter on epic poetry in his “Aesthetik,” & the truly monstrous sentences therein were quite a revelation to me... As soon as the first glimmering of an idea has dawned upon you, there is no reason why you should not begin to inscribe, for you can wallow round & round as you proceed, affixing limitations, lugging in definitions & explanations as fast as they suggest each other, & need never go back to reshape your beginning” (Letters, ed. by His Son, vol. I, pp. 87-8); Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, ch. 22: “the Mother of the German Language”: “Whatever was in her mind to be delivered, whether a mere remark, or a sermon, or a cyclopedia, or the history of a war, she would get it into a single sentence or die” etc.; The Letters of G.S. Gordon, p. 23: “What a language! It wants oiling badly”,皆相發明。參觀 E.A. Blackall Father Augustin Dornblüth’s Observations (1755) 所主張之 Incapsulation“The conception of the main verb ‘tying up’ the whole sentence, making it gut und bindig.... denotes his stylistic ideal... The main verb [e.g., ich hab mir... vorgenomen] envelops the sentence like some outer casing holding all the other parts within itself... Things must be held together by these verbal pincers, no matter how wide apart they had to be forced. It is like some vast baroque canvas, capable of sustaining any number of airborne creatures, so long as there is a basic pattern of structure to stop them flying apart all out of control” (MLR, Oct. 1955, p. 453)L’Abbé de Pons Cicero 句法亦云:“Ces périodes immenses dont le sens vaste, mais confus, ne commence à se développer que lorsqu’il plait au verbe dominant de se montrer, verbe que l’Orateur romain s’obstine à faire marcher à la suite de toutes les idées qu’il aurait dû précéder” etc. (Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi, XIII, p. 267 )

            “Gout derives its name (like mons a non movendo) from the patient’s inability to go out” (vol. I, p. 283). 按妙語,可與 Lord Erskine: “The French have taste in all they do, / Which we are quite without; / For Nature, that to them gave goût, / To us gave only gout” (Alexander Dyce, Table Talk of Samuel Rogers, p. 56) 並傳。

            “Since Memory is reached by no door  / So quickly as by that of odor” (vol. II, p. 105). 按此意至 Marcel Proust, Du côté de chez Swann, ch. I: “... l’odeur et la saveur restent encore longtemps, comme des âmes, à se rappeler” etc. (À la Recherche du Temps Perdu, “La Pléiade,” I, p. 47),而成老生常談(參觀 Léon Pierre-Quint, Marcel Proust: sa vie, son oeuvre, p. 143 “La mémoire affective”)。然 Parerga, §353: “Dass bisweilen, scheinbar ohne allen Anlass, längstvergangene Seenen uns plötzlich und lebhaft in die Erinnerung treten, mag, in vielen Fällen, daher kommen, dass ein leichter, nicht zum deutlichen Bewusstseyn gelangender Geruch, jetzt gerade wie damals von uns gespürt wurde... Das Auge ist der Sinn des Verstandes (Vierfache Wurzel, §21); das Ohr der Sinn der Vernunft (oben §301 [S. 616]); und der Geruch der Sinn des Gedächtnisses” (Sämtl. Werk., hrsg. E. Grisebach, Bd. V, S. 643) — Paul Deussen, V, S. ... [16]道之最早,今人尟知之者。Poe 云:“I  believe that odor have an altogether idiosyncratic force, in affecting us through association” (Marginalia, Works, ed. Stedman & Woodberry, vol. VII, p. 320);又 O.W. Holmes 云:“Memory, imagination, old sentiments, & associations are more readily reached through the sense of the smell than by almost any other channel” (Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, IV, “The World’s Classics,” p. 63);又 Augustine Birrell, Things Past Redress, p. 36: “At a corner near the school stood a hay-merchant’s store, & the smell of his exposed merchandise became so closely associated with my gloom that for at least a quarter of a century I never passed a hayfield without a sinking of the heart”。【E. Hanriot, Maîtres d’hier et contemporains, nouvelle série, p. 36-7 Ramond de Carhonnières, Observations faites dans les Pyrénées (1789) 已詳言:“Il y a je ne sais quoi dans les parfums, qui réveillent puissamment le souvenir du passé”,實開 Proust 云云。】

            Pereunt et imputantur. Don’t translate pereunt by perish. ‘They go by & are charged to our account’” (vol. II, p. 179). Oliver St. John Gogarty, Tumbling in the Hay, p. 80 Tyrrell 戲譯酒肆鐘上銘 “pereunt horae et notantur” 為:“The whores pass by and are spotted”

[1]《手稿集》379-80 頁。
[3]《手稿集》380-3 頁。
[4] 即《談藝錄‧六三》:「少陵號精『選理』,而力變選體,所以為大;杜陵杜撰,亦如白傅白描,此固非斤斤於『杜詩證選』者,所能知也。使杜詩妙處盡出於《選》,則得《選》已足,何貴有杜;假云亦須有杜之才,濡澤《選》理,然後大成,則倘無其才,縱精《選》學,衹傳李崇賢『書簏』而已。詩文平弱,毋寧曰由於才力卑遜,非盡關不治《文選》也」云云。
[5] 見《談藝錄‧六九‧附說十九補訂二》。
[6]《手稿集》383-6 頁。
[7] 此處有重。
[11]《手稿集》387-9 頁。卷首題「槐聚日札」,署「容安館中寓公」,鈐「槐聚」、「中書君」朱文印。
[12] 陳文述自稱「玉局修書」轉世,妻妾女弟皆其使者。《頤道堂詩外集》卷七有詩題曰:「雲間女仙凌波子降乩詩云:『三泖波平塔影孤,九峰寒色冷棲烏。誰將周昉丹青筆,寫我春江探雪圖?』客以予前生叩,云是『玉局修書』,使者凡數十人,先後降生人間也。改君七薌寫〈春江探雪圖〉,並以前事見告,為題二絕」。
[13] 荻生徂徠《文戒第一戒和字》云:「『和字』者,謂以和訓誤字義者也。如『いるは』,為中華文所不須;『扨』、『迚』、『倩』、『抔』,為稍讀書者所不惑。而魚名之『鯛』、『鰹』、『鰯』,姓之『辻塙』,又為務實錄者所不必避。則今之所戒,在此不在彼也。若『平等』、『一面』、『工夫』、『自然』者,雖非和訓,入為和語,而講師經生別有家言者均之,皆訛用中華語,實非其義,最堪惑人,則併攝此」云云。所摘伊藤仁齋《語孟字義》中「和字」之例,屢有「『見』當作『觀』」、「『觀』當作『見』」者,足徵此為日人常犯之錯。
[14]《手稿集》389-92 頁。
[16] 此處頁數漫漶難辨。

