2016年3月8日 星期二



           Werner Jaeger, Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture, E. T. by Gilbert Highet. 博大精深,稍苦詞繁不殺。

           Jaeger “paideia” 一字蘊義深富,不當譯作 education。按 Guarino of Verona 云:“To man alone is given the desire to learn. Hence what the Greeks call παιδεία, we call studia humanitatis. For learning & training in virtue are peculiar to man; therefore our forefathers called them humanitas, the pursuits, the activities, proper to mankind” (J.E. Sandys, Harvard Lectures on the Revival of Learning, p. 79).

           “Even if the ruling caste is destroyed, the new leaders rapidly & inevitably become an aristocracy in their turn” (vol. I, p. 4). 按此即 Pareto 所謂 “The Law of the circulation of the élite” (參觀 Sidney Hook, Reason, Social Myths & Democracy, pp. 120-1[2])

           Diogenes Laertius, I, 34, “The Loeb Classical Library”, E. T. by R.D. Hicks, vo. I, p. 35; II, 4, vol. I, p. 135 論亞理士多德所謂 “Self-love” “physical self” (vol. I, p. 12) 極是。Babbitt 遂謂與佛說「真我」(permanent self) 相同 (Spanish Character, & Other Essays, p. 158),則混淆天人,謬以千里。佛所說「我」,宇宙天地之本然也;亞理士多德所說「我」,性情血氣之當然也。

           Hesiod 論「爭」(Eris, Strife) 有善惡之別,惡者鬥奪,善者競賽 (vol. I, p. 64; “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 3)

           Archilochus: “Rhythm (rhysmòs[3]) holds mankind in its bonds.” (Frg. 67a, 7),謂希臘人言「韻節」,非謂「流走」之意,乃謂「約束」(steady limitation of movement),與今人著眼處有「動」(flow)、「靜」(pause) 之別,舉Aeschylus, Democritus 等為證 (vol. I, p. 125-6)。按說新而確,與吾國詩中之音律節奏相發明。Xenophon, Oeconomicus, VIII, 19: “The wit might laugh, but no serious person, when I say that there is a rhythm (eurythmon[4]) even in pots marshalled in order.” (T.R. Glover, Greek Byways, p. 159 ) 亦可作 Jaeger 佐證,正亞理士多德云 Schemata (Meta., I. 4. 985) 也。近人談藝,每言空間藝術亦有「韻節」,如 Vernon Lee: “Although the stone or pigment constituting the materiality of a statue or picture coexist in space, the act of perceiving that statue’s or picture’s shape, the shape itself, thus grasped... may be said to exist... in TIME” (Introduction to C. Anstruther-Thomson, Art & Man[5], p. 3); John Dewey: “The separation of rhythm & symmetry & the division of the arts into temporal and spatial... is destructive of esthetic understanding” (Art as Experience, pp. 163 ff.); T.M. Greene: “strictly speaking, natural rhythm characterizes only temporal events. But the time factors may be introduced to... [6]in the process of passing a number of static objects successively in review & in noting recurrent similarities & differences” (The Arts & the Art of Criticism, p. 220),初不知希臘人本以「韻節」施之空間,故 Prometheus 至以此自喻鋃鐺就繫 (Aeschylus, P.V. 241: “I am bound here in this rhythm [errythmismai[7]]”)。參觀六百八十二則。

           Bk. III, ch. 2 記柏拉圖本撰悲劇,見蘇格拉底後盡焚少作,移其才,撰語錄 (vol. II, p. 19)。按此事見 Diog. Laert., III, v (“The Loeb Classical Library”, I, p. 281)W. Knight, Lord Monboddo, p. 25: “He even thought that Protagoras might be brought upon the stage.” 近日德國表現主義派以柏拉圖語錄為戲劇至高之作 (above all dramas)G. Kaiser, Der gerettete Alkibiades 從之脫胎,A.H. Klabund 列柏拉圖於戲曲家 (R. Samuel & R.H. Thomas, Expressionism in German Life, Literature & Theatre, p. 76)D.D. Raphael, The Paradox of Tragedy, pp. 71 ff. “The Philosophers as Dramatist” 即論 Plato Phaedo “philosophical tragedy” (p. 82); Georg-Kaiser: “Das Drama Platons”: “Da befriedigt Schauspiel tiefere Begierde: ins Denk-Spiel sind wir eingezogen und bereits erzogen aus karger Schau-Lust zu glückvoller Denk-Lust” (A. Soergel, Dichtung und Dichter der Zeit. Neue Folge: Im Banne Des Expressionismus, 1925, S. 684 ); Leonard Nelson: “Die sokratische Methode” 則持異議,有云:“Every intelligent college freshman reading Plato’s dialogues raises the objection that Socrates, at the most decisive points engages in monologues & that his pupils are scarcely more than yes men — at times, as J.F. Fries remarks, one does not even quite see how they arrived at the ‘yes’” (Socratic Method & Critical Philosophy, Eng. tr. by Thomas K. Brown, III, p. 12).

           Bk. III, ch. 8 闡說 Plato 所謂 Eros,要而言之: “an epitome of all human striving to attain the good” (vol. II, p. 189)。按古今論此者,皆莫過無名氏 Camilla’s Banquet: “Plato’s idea of love expressed some deep difference between a man’s conception of love & a woman’s. The feeling Plato describes... is a desire to get, & not to give.” (p. 34); “Plato seems unaware of any difficulties or sorrows connected with love” (p. 57). 可謂搔著癢處。

           Republic, 407a Phocylides 語:“Get a livelihood, & then practice virtue” (vol. II, p. 232)。按此即 “Get on, get honour, get honest” 之祖。

           論基督教所謂 conversion 語意本之柏拉圖 (periagogé, metastrophé),本旨為 “turning round” (vol. II, p. 295, p. 417)。按正佛說所謂「回嚮」。

           Republic, 588b et seq. 謂人心中有獅,有諸頭怪物,亦有人:“Paideia is intended to develop the man in man” (vol. II, p. 353)。按不特人文主義宗旨盡此數字,即自然主義 “La bête humaine” 之說 ( Zola, Mes Haines, pp. 209-10; Le Roman expérimental,pp. 127, 186-7, 266-8, 284; Documents littéraire, pp. 401, 408; Nos auteurs dramatiques, pp. 177-8; 又小說La Bête humaine) 亦發於是。參觀八十一則論Noctes Atticae, XIX. 2

           Republic 所斥乃 “Representative or imitative poetry. The phrase [‘all poetry of this type’] leaves the door open for other types of poetry” (vol. II, p. 430). R.G. Collingwood, The Principles of Art, pp. 46 ff. 論此最明暢。

            Isocrates: “The man who shares our paideia is a Greek in a higher sense than he who only shares our blood” (Panegyricus, 51) 而說之曰:“intellectual nationalism rather than racial nationalism” (vol. III, p. 79). 按後世以主張之異而兄弟鬩牆,靳嚮之同而胡越肝胆者,皆昉於此。《公羊傳》昭公二十三年說正同。《揚子法言‧問道篇》云:「孰為中國?曰:五政之所加,七賦之所養,中於天地者為中國」云云,即不以地域、族類辨華夷也。《全唐文》卷七百六十七陳黯〈華心〉:「大中初年,大梁連帥范陽公得大食國人李彦昇,薦於闕下。天子詔有司考其才,二年,以進士第。(中略)或曰:『求於夷,豈華不足稱也耶?』(中略)曰:『以地言之,則有華夷也。以教言,亦有華夷乎?夫華夷者,辨在乎心,辨心在察其趣向。有生於中州而行戾乎禮義,是形華而心夷也;生於夷域而行合乎禮義[8],是形夷而心華也。(中略)今彦昇也,華其心,而不以其地也而夷焉。』」卷八百十一程晏〈内夷檄〉[9]:「四夷之民,長有重譯而至,慕中華之仁義忠信,雖身出異域,能馳心於華,吾不謂之夷矣。中國之民,長有倔强王化,忘棄仁義忠信,雖身出於華,反竄心於夷,吾不謂之華矣。(中略)華其名有夷其心者,夷其名有華其心者。是知棄仁義忠信於中國者,即為中國之夷矣,不待四夷之侵我也。(中略)四夷內向,樂我仁義忠信,願為人倫齒者,豈不為四夷之華乎?記吾言者,夷其名尚不為夷矣,華其名反不如夷其名者也。」後來雍正七年九月十二日上諭、乾隆四十二年九月壬子上諭、《大義覺迷錄》、《蟲鳴漫錄》、《春秋中國夷狄辨》皆敷陳此旨。【唐《柳先生集》卷二十五〈送僧浩初序〉:「浮屠誠有不可斥者。曰:『以其夷也。』果不信道而斥焉以夷,則將友惡來、盜蹠,而賤季札、由余乎?」《皇甫持正集》卷二〈東晉元魏正閏論〉云:「所以為中國者,禮義也;所謂夷狄者,無禮義也。豈繫於地哉?杞用夷禮,杞即夷矣;子居九夷,夷不陋矣。」《困學紀聞》卷十四云:「閩俗比中州,化於善也。蔡人過夷貊,化於惡也。」】【《純常子枝語》卷四謂:「崔致遠高麗人,崔彥撝新羅人,《太平廣記》卷五十三引《續仙傳》『金可記,新羅人』,皆入唐登第。」《春明夢餘錄》記:「明初高麗、安南、占城等國鄉貢可入京會試。」】【又《全唐文》卷一百五十七李師政〈內德論一〉、《筆乘續集》卷二〈支談〉。】【章太炎《新方言》論:「行事無條理、語言無倫次曰『胡』,浙江別謂之『倭』,專擅自恣者謂之『蠻』。」參觀 Barbarity。】【洪皓《松漠紀聞》卷上云:「大遼道宗朝,有漢人講《論語》至『北辰居所而眾星共』,道宗曰:『吾聞北極之下為中國,此豈其地邪?』至『夷狄之有君』,疾讀不敢講,則又曰:『上世獯鬻、獫狁蕩無禮法,故謂之「夷」,吾修文物,彬彬不異中華,何嫌之有?』」元馬祖常《右田先生文集》卷一〈飲酒六首‧之五〉云:「昔我七世上,養馬洮河西。六世徙天山,日日聞鼓鼙。金世狩河表,我祖先群黎。詩書百年澤,濡翼豈梁鵜。嘗觀漢建國,再世有日磾。後來興唐臣,胤裔多羌氐。春秋聖人法,諸侯亂冠笄。夷禮即夷之,毫髮各有稽。吾生賴陶化,孔階力攀躋。敷文佐時運,爛爛應璧奎。」《榕村語錄》續集卷七云:「余閣學時,上一日忽問:『《續綱目》何如?』余曰:『臣平生極不喜此書。朱子《綱目》義例,有以主天下者,便以統歸之。秦、隋之無道,尚爲正統,而況元乎?舜東夷,文王西夷,惟其德耳。』不謂此語與上意合,余遂升掌院。東海由此深嫉,而揚言於上曰:『李某竊聽余論而勦之。』」《西河合集墓志銘》卷十四〈何毅菴墓志銘〉載其以文字獄對簿,吏摘其詩中詞句,詰之曰:「『清戎』者何?」曰:「清軍也。以『戎』、兵而曰『戎』、狄,則『整我六師,以修我戎』,不惟『戎』徐戎,並『戎』周宣矣!」吏曰:「然則曷爲『夷』?」對曰:「裔也;舜東夷、文王西夷也。且『夷』與『夏』對;今我有方夏,煌煌三祖,蒞中國而格四夷,誰『夷』我者!」「明朝者何?」曰:「詰旦也。以詰旦而為勝國,則會朝清明,不唯在明朝,且在本朝矣。」




















           Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Philosophy (1930), ed. G. Ryle


           Richard Müller-Freienfels[14]: “Die Bedeutung der Soziologie für die Aesthetik”: “In der tat entwickelt sich in fast allen Hochkulturen eine Kunst, die Kaviar fürs Volk ist. Das Schlagwort ‘L’art pour l’art’ wird am besten verdeutscht und verdeutlicht: ‘Kunst für Künstler’” (p. 360). 按直湊單微之語。參觀 José Ortega y Gasset, La Deshumanización del Arte: “Even if pure art is impossible, there is no doubt room for a tendency to purify art. This tendency will lead towards a progressive elimination of the human, all too human elements, which dominate romantic & naturalistic productions. It will be an art for artists & not for the masses of the people” (Melvin M. Rader, A Modern Book of Esthetics, pp. 346-7),詞意略同。Nietzsche, Götzen-Dämmerung: “L’art pour l’art — ein Wurm, der sich in den Schwanz beisst” (Werke, Taschen-Ausgabe, Bd. X, S. 311) 尚未道破也。

            Charles Lalo: “Les Principaux Types du Dénivellement des Valeurs Esthétiques” 所定 “Progression”, “Regression” 六事,多與俄國 Formalism 之說暗合。如第三事云:“Un genre inférieur (d’après les hierarchies pratiques dans la vie artistique présente) devient supérieur” (p. 365). Victor Shklovsky 所云:“New forms are simply the canonization of inferior genres” ( J.T. Shipley, ed., Dictionary of World Literature, p. 254; R. Wellek & A. Warren, Theory of Literature, p. 246). Lalo 論藝術作品,非論藝術對象,與 Müller-Freienfels, Psychologie der Kunst, Bd. II, S. 191 “die ästhetische Einstellung” 貌同而心大異。其自撰 Introduction à l’Esthétique, p. 337: “La valeur l'esthétique d’une oeuvre n’est pas, elle devient, elle se fait, elle vit ou meurt perpétuellement.” 則斯文之旨也。















           Ovid, Amores, Lib. II, xix, 25-6: “pinguis amor nimiumque patens in taedia nobis / vertitur et, stomacho dulcis ut esca, nocet”; 33: “Siqua volet regnare diu, / contemnat amantem.” Sir John Suckling “Against Fruition” 二首,其一云:“’Tis expectation makes a blessing dear; / Heaven were not Heaven, if we knew what it were.” 其二云:“Love’s a camelion that lives on mere air,[29] / And surfeits when it comes to grosser fare.” Aglaura 亦有一節,正與 Ovid 語相發明。Henry King: “Paradox That Fruition Destroys Love”: “After fruition once, what is Desire / But ashes kept warm by a dying fire? / As well we may / Enjoy our Love & preserve Desire, / As warm our hands by putting out the fire” (Saintsbury, Minor Poets of the Caroline Period, vol. III, pp. 207-8); Casanova Mme F. “Love is a child which must be amused with trifles; too substantial food will kill it” (Memoirs, tr. by Arthur Machen, vol. II, pp. 93-103). 吾國「偷著不如偷不著」之說也。李笠翁《比目魚》第三折劉絳仙教女云:「拚著些假意虛情,去換他真財實惠。有三句秘訣:『許看不許吃,許名不許實,許謀不許得。』男子相與婦人,那種真情實意,不在粘皮靠肉之後,却在眉來眼去之時。就像饞人遇酒肉,只可使他聞香,不可容他下筯。下了筯,他的心事就完了,那有這種垂涎嚥唾的光景來?」云云,則貌同心異。“Morceau avalé n’a plus de gout”; Mme de Maintenon: “Je le renvoie toujours affligé, jamais désespéré” 之意而發揮無餘蘊。Propertius, IV. V 鴇母教妓,尚是鱗爪之而,未為獨探驪珠也。韓冬郎〈多情〉云:「蜂偷崖蜜初嘗處,鶯啄含桃欲咽時。」則魂銷骨醉,雖未入喉,早已到口,欲罷不能,「十分光」皆備也。【Terence, Phormio, I, 172: “Nostri nosmet paenitet”; Pliny, Epi., II, 15: “Nihil enim aeque gratum est adeptis, quam concupiscentibus”; The Merchant of Venice, II, 6, 12: “All things that are,. / Are with more spirit chased than enjoy’d”; F.H. Bradley, Aphorisms, §66: “I hear that ‘Possession is the grave of love’...”[30]; E.A. Newton, Amenities of Book-Collecting, ch. 3: “Possession is the grave of bliss.” 馮猶龍《黃山謎》中〈掛枝兒帳鈎〉一首,花底閒人評云:「妻不如妾,妾不如婢,婢不如妓,妓不如偷,偷得著不如偷勿著,只索勿勾帳好。」正是其語。又七四四則論 Marino e i Marinisti, p. 46 Guicciardini。】【Francesco Guicciardini: “Appendice ai Ricordi”, no. 10: “Molto maggiore piacere si truova nel tenersi le voglie oneste che nel cavarsele, perchè questo è breve, e del corpo, quello — raffreddo che sia un poco lo appetito, è durabile, e dell’ animo e conscienza” (Opere, ed. V. de Caprariis, p. 145).】【A.H. Bullen, Speculum Amantis, p. 71: “Against Fruition”: “There is not half so warm a fire / In the fruition as desire. / When I have got the fruit of pain / Possession makes me poor again” etc. — from Choice Drollery (1656). Donne: “Farewell to Love”: “And that so lamely, as it leaves behinde / A kinde of sorrowing dullnesse to the minde.” 】【 “Omne animal post coitum triste est, praeter mulierem gallumque” (H. Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, V, p. 150).】【Guido Gozzano e Amalia Guglielminetti, Lettere d’amore, quoted in P. Panarari, Scritton d’oggi, IV, p. 6 & 8; Tristram Shandy, vol. V, ch. 36: “... the observation of Aristotle, ‘Quod omne animal post coitum est triste’” (MacDonald Illustrated Classics, p. 384). Cf. Evelyn Waugh, Love among the Ruins, ch. III: “For Miles, child of the State, Sex had been part of the curriculum at every stage of his education; first in diagrams (p. 29) .... Clara re-ordered the clothing which their embraces had loosed. She was full of womanly content.... But Miles, all male, post coitum tristis, was struck by a chill sense of loss. No demonstration or exercise had prepared him for this strange new experience of the sudden loneliness that follows requited love (p. 31).” 】【Karl Kraus: “Omne animal triste”: “Das ist die christliche Moral. Aber auch sie nur post, nicht propter hoc” (Sprache und Widerspruch, Suhrkamp, 1984, S. 52).】【Lawrence Durrell, Justine, p. 71: “Quick. Engorge-moi. From desire to revulsion — let’s get it over”, p. 134: “The post-coital sadness which clings to every endearment.”】【Samuel Hoffenstein, “Love Song”: “And when you are not mine to kiss, / My every thought is haunting you; / And when your mouth is mine, I miss / The wistfulness of wanting you” (E.B. & Katharine S. White, A Subtreasury of American Humor, p. 700).】【Pepys, Diary, 1664, September 12: “To Bagwell, & there did do all that I desired, but though I did intend avoir demeurais con elle to-day last night, yet when I had done ce que je voudrais I did hate both elle & la cose” (ed. H.B. Wheatley, IV, p. 409).】【Bonaventura, Nachtwachen, X: “Die Liebe ist nicht schön — es ist nur der Traum der Liebe der entzückt” (W. Muschg, Tragische Literaturgeschichte, 3te Auf., S. 442).】【Corneille, Le Festin de Pierre, I, ii: “A l’amour satisfait tout son charme est ôté.”】【《龔定盦別集》〈端正好〉詞云:「數年華閒中黯黯[31],記不起誰思誰怨。金爐香裊晝沉沉,並疊作,閒愁片。月明花滿天如願,也終有酒闌燈散。不如被冷更香銷,獨自去,思千遍。」】【參觀八十六則 ( Martial, V, LXXXIII)、百五十則、六百八十八則、七百五十八則。】


           Lessing, Hamburgische Dramaturgie (“Cambridge Plain Text”) Waterhouse 選本,非全豹,殊不足為讀 J.G. Robertson, Lessing’s Dramatic Theory 之佐。 Lessing 直是議論英發耳,識見亦無大過人者。Robertson  之言是也。

           XIV Voltaire (I, p. 41)Robertson 謂出於與 Berger 書,原文云:“Il y a d’ailleurs des défauts nécessaires. Vous ne pouvés guérir un bossu de sa bosse, qu’en lui ôtant la vie. Mon enfant est bossu; mais il se trouve bien.” (p. 141) 按早見諸 Greek Anthology, Bk. XI. 120, Callicter: “Socles, promising to set Diodorus’ crooked back straight, piled three stones on the hunchback’s back. He was crushed & died, but he became straighter than a ruler.” (Loeb, IV, p. 129) 此吾國笑林中多載之,而始見於《百譬喻經》第五十則:「有人患脊僂,請醫療之,醫以酥塗,上下著板,用力痛壓,不覺雙目一時併出。」晁載之《續談助》卷四采《殷芸小說》云:「平原人有善治傴者,自云:『不善,人百一人耳。』有人曲度八尺,直度六尺,乃厚貨求治。曰:『君且□。』欲上背踏之。傴者曰:『且殺我!』曰:『趣令君直,焉知死事。』」

           XCVI: “Grillen am Wege”,選本未收,Robertson 謂出 Voltaire, Alzire: “Discours préliminaire”: “Souvenons-nous de la fable de Borcalini. ‘Un voyageur,’ dit-il, ‘était importuné, dans son chemin, du bruit des cigales; il s’arrêta pour les tuer; il n’en vint pas à bout, et ne fit que s’écarter de sa route. Il n’avait qu’à continuer paisiblement son son voyage; les cigales seraient mortes d’elles-mêmes au bout de huit jours” (p. 162). 按此云不足與評者較,少陵詩所謂「兒曹身與名俱滅,不廢江河萬古流」之意。Fortunat Strowski, Tableau de la littérature française au XIXe siècle et au XXe siècle: “Jules Tellier, à qui un éditeur avait demandé un livre sur la poésie contemporaire, le commençait en rappelant l’anecdote de Banville chez son barbier de lui couper les cheveux et le barbier, regardant son client menace de calvitie, répondait avec flegme: ‘À quoi bon, monsieur? Dans un quart d’heure, vous n’en aurez plus! Ainsi, Tellier se demandait à quoi bon parler des poètes, puisque, la saison prochaine, Il n’y en aurait plus.” 則謂作者自劊無譏,正相發明。

           又同節:“Das ich sie [The Poetics] für ein eben so unfehlbares Werk halte als die Elemente des Euklides nur immer sind” (p. 82). La Motte, Réflexion sur la Critique, Ptie II: “[a propos de la géométrie] l’art poétique même a ses axiomes, ses théorèmes, ses corollaires.” Thomas Warton 亦云:“To attempt to understand poetry without having diligently digested Aristotle’s Poetics, would be to a skill in geometry, without having studied Euclid” (F.C. Green, Minuet, p. 207 ).

           Robertson p. 433 L. Goldstein, Moses Mendelssohn und die deutsche Ästhetik, s. 180 轉引 Mendelssohn, Ueber die Hauptgrundsätze der schönen Künste und Wissenschaften: “Der höchste Grad der anschauenden Erkenntnis, die man die ästhetische Illusion nennt” u.s.w.[33] Henri Peyre[34], Le classicisme français, p. 92: “Gottfried Keller, dans une lettre du 16 septembre 1850 à Hermann Hettner, reproche à Lessing ses sottes attaques contre les dramaturge français.” Cf. “Pasternak declared vehemently that poetic capacity, thought of as a fountain, on the contrary is a sponge” (T.L.S., Aug. 5, 1983, p. 800). Schiller, Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen, XXVI “ästhetischer Schein” 以至 Konrad Lange, Die bewusste selbsttäuschung, S. 22 之論皆隱發於此,不識 Goldstein 亦言之否?

           CI-CIV: “Ich fühle die lebendige Quelle nicht in mir, die durch eigene Kraft sich empor arbeitet, durch eigene Kraft in so reichen, so frischen, so reinen Stralen aufschiesst, ich muss alles durch Druckwerk und Röhren aus mir herauf pressen... Sie [die Kritik] soll das Genie ersticken; und ich schmeichelte mir, etwas von ihr zu erhalten, was dem Genie sehr nahe kömmt” (II, pp. 76-7). 按此即方南堂《輟鍛錄》所謂「學人之詩」(見前七十,又七六六則)。

[1]《手稿集》174-5 頁。
[2] “The most powerful arguments against the possibility of democratic socialism have been advanced in the writings of Mosca, Pareto, Michels and Nomad. These arguments are all the more impressive if we recall that they were formulated long before the rise of totalitarianisms, and in a period when social optimism was as general as pessimism is today. They carry, therefore, the additional weight of predictions that appear to have been at least partially confirmed. In the light of recent events, the position taken by these thinkers has been revived in many quarters. If it is sound, then the social philosophy of Marxism is a pernicious illusion, a variant of a Utopian dream which must cost mankind dear wherever an attempt is made to realize it. Mosca’s thesis is a simple one and recommends itself with a high initial plausibility to anyone who has had some political experience. It asserts that political power in actuality never rests upon the consent of the majority, that irrespective of ideologies or leading personalities, all political rule is a process, now peaceful, now coercive, by which a minority gratifies its own interests in a situation where not all interests can receive equal consideration.... Mosca’s ‘law’ appears in Pareto under the principle of ‘the circulation of the elite.’” 彼時先生譏彈時事,蓋皆須如此夾帶。
[3] 原文字首為帶粗氣符()之「r」,此處以「rh」代。
[4] 原文「u」帶柔氣與銳音符(,即希臘字 εὔρυθμον
[5]Art & Man」原作「Man & Art」。
[6] 此處墨跡漫漶不辨,脫落一字。
[7] 原文「e」帶柔氣符(᾿)。
[10]《手稿集》175-7 頁。
[12] 別本「右任」作「友人」。
[13]《手稿集》177-8 頁。
[25] 世皆以巢民老人為「風流」,而多詆虛谷先生為「下流」,如周密《癸辛雜識別集上方回》:「老而益貪淫,凡遇妓則跪之,略無羞恥之心。有二婢曰周勝雪、劉玉榴,方酷愛之,而二婢實不樂也。既而方游金陵,寄二婢於其母周姬之家,恣開杜陵之門,勝雪者竟為豪客挾去。方歸,惟悵惋而已。遂作二詩……,自刻之梓,揭之通衢,無不笑者。既而復得一小婢曰『半細』,曲意奉之。每出至親友間,必以荷葉包飲食、肴核於袖中,歸而遺之。一日遇客於途,正揖間,荷包墜地,視之乃半鴨耳。路人無不大笑,而方略不為恥。每夕與小婢好合,不避左右。一夕痛合,床腳搖拽有聲,遂撼落壁土。適鄰居有北客病臥壁下,遂為土所壓。次日訴於官,方為追逮到官,朋友間遂為勸和,始免。未幾,此婢滿,求歸母家,拳拳不忍舍,以善價取之以歸。」
[26] 「文」字、「姓」字不確。
[27] 此數首見《手稿集》178 頁邊、行間。因屬私相戲謔,用語既近於虐,本事亦不甚隱諱。「九姑娘」已直指冒氏么女懷管,「黃四減三娘變妹」、「加親親上」云云,「三表妹」黄宗英(1925-)亦呼之而出。至「索畫師娘」云云,則當指冒氏世交,長其一歲之「煉師娘」周煉霞(1908-2000)。喻蘅《延目詞稿》即有〈浣溪沙題周煉霞女士為冒效魯教授繪赤欄橋圖〉云:「玉殞珠沈三百年,染香水繪剩荒煙。影梅憶語付纏綿。六截赤欄春水外,千絲碧柳夕陽邊。螺川妙筆任流連(董小宛卒於康熙八年,距今三三四年,小宛卒後,辟疆友人紛紛唁以詩文,藏染香閣待梓,閣旋毀於火。冒辟疆《影梅庵憶語》記董姬事甚詳)。」冒氏之風流與懼內,可見陳巨來《安持人物瑣憶‧記十大狂人事‧冒孝魯》又,「半日傑作」之「日」字用意欠明且平仄失律,似為「生」字之誤,參見冒佳騏〈《容安館札記》中的三表妹和九姑娘〉(《東方早報上海書評》,2015315日)。
[28]《手稿集》178-9 頁。
[29]a camelion」原作「camelion」。
[30]F.H. Bradley」原作「A.C. Bradley」;「Possession」原作「Prossession」。
[32]《手稿集》179-80 頁。

