2016年3月20日 星期日




            尹和清以朱光庭記伊川語呈閱,伊川云:「所記若不得某之心,徒彼意耳。」(參觀《朱子語類》卷九十七。)按尚未圓融,當云:「若彼不自得之心,則徒某意耳。」道理與意見,貌每同而心則異。六祖所謂「法華轉」與「轉法華」(《五燈會元》卷二),其為功課一也。故石頭〈參同契〉曰:「契理亦非悟。」(卷五)蓋道理究是非,意見爭人我。一無町畦,一有門戶。Hegel 諧聲曰:「意見者,一己見也 (Die Meinung ist mein)(參觀 Hegel, Philosophy of Right, Eng. tr. by T.M. Knox, p. 373n; Phänomenologie des Geistes: “Ihre Wahrheit ist in dem Gegenstande als meinen Geganstande oder im Meinen”, Ausg. wählte texte, S. 89; Grillparzers Werke, hrsg. S. Hock, II, S. 319: “Allein der Glaube hat keinen. / Was mein ist, ist nur Meinen.”) 。可參觀希臘哲人論 Opinion 別於 Knowledge  (參觀 Plato, Republic, 477C  11);康德論 “Philosophie in Philodoxie zu verwandeln” (Krit. d. rein. Vernunft, “Vorrede zur 2ten Auflage”, “Philosophischen Bibliothek”, Leipsig, Bd. 37a, S. 22),皆此意。Santayana, Three Philosophical Poets, p. 21: “What is logically a truism may often be, imaginatively, a great discovery”; Hegel, Philosophie der Geschichte, Reclam, S. 46 on the important difference between “eine Wahrheit nur abstrakt festgehalten” & “zur konkreten Entwicklung fortgegangen”; Keats to J.H. Reynolds: “for axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon our pulses” (Letters, ed. H.E. Rollins, I, p. 279); Letter to George & Georgiana Keats: “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced — Even a proverb is no proverb to you till your Life has illustrated it” (II, p. 80); Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra, “Vom Vorübergehen” “den Affen Zarathustra”, 又六百八十四則。又 E.D. Hirsch, Jr., Wordsworth & Schelling, pp. 75-6: “nonradical development”

            《二程外書》卷十二上蔡自記少日見伊川一作明道:「伊川曰:『近日事如何?』某曰:『天下何思何慮?』伊川曰:『是則是有此理,賢卻發得太早』」云云。蓋恐其口頭禪,非真得之心耳。鵲巢和尚答白香山所謂「三歲孩兒雖道得,八十老人行不得」(《傳燈錄》卷四)是也。又二百三十二則。Kierkegaard 云:“There are many people who reach their conclusions about life like schoolboys: they cheat their master by copying the answer out of a book without having worked the sum out for themselves” (A Kierkegaard Anthology, ed. R. Bretall, p. 19). Josiah Royce 亦云:“The beginner is always wrong no matter what he says”,皆此意。而發揮最親切有味者,莫如 J.H. Newman 之論 “Real assent” 之異於 “Notional assent”: “Great truths float on the surface of society, admitted by all, valued by few, exemplifying the poet’s adage, ‘Probitas laudatur et alget,’ until changed circumstances, accident, or the continual pressure of their advocates force them upon its attention... Let us consider, too, how differently young & old are affected by the words of some classic author, such as Homer or Horace. Passages, which to a boy are but rhetorical commonplaces, neither better nor worse than a hundred others which any clever writer might supply, which he gets by heart & thinks very fine, & imitates, as he thinks, successfully, in his own versification, at length come home to him, when long years have passed, & he has had experience of life, & pierce him, as if he had never before known them, with their sad earnestness & vivid exactness” (A Grammar of Assent, Burns, Oates, & Co., pp. 714-5; cf. Mill, A System of Logic, IV. iv. para. 6). Plutarch: “How A Man May Become Aware of His Progress in Virtue”, 7: “Antiphanes said humorously that in a certain city words congealed with the cold the moment they were spoken, & later, as they thawed out, people heard in the summer what they had said to one another in the winter; it was the same way, he asserted, with what was said by Plato to men still in their youth; not until long afterwards, if ever, did most of them come to perceive the meaning, when they had become old men” (Moralia, tr. by F.C. Babbitt, “The Loeb Classical Library”, I, p. 421). 此事後來 Rabelais (Pantagruel, iv, 55-56), Addison (Tatler, no. 254), Raspe (Travels & Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Pt. I, ch. 6) 敷陳為諧謔之資,世人無知其用意可與 Newman 發明者矣。又 Butler (Hudibras, I, 198) 亦引作比喻用。又 Selected Letters of Sydney Smith (The World’s Classics), p. 215。又六九六則。Cf. Marcel Proust, La Prisonnière, II, 187: “On entend rétrospectivement quand on a compris.” 談藝亦然,故 Coleridge, Lectures & Notes on Shakespeare, ed. T. Ashe, p. 81: “It would be a hopeless symptom, as regards genius, if I found a young man with anything like perfect taste.” Maginn, The Maxims of Sir Morgan O’Doherty: “In literature & in love we generally begin in bad taste” (L.P. Smith, Reperusals & Recollections, p. 192 ). 近見 D.G. James, The Romantic Comedy, pp. 178-9 Newman 用意與 Coleridge, Lay Sermon, I “notions” 別於 “ideas” 相似,則牽強附會:“Notions... depthless abstractions... reference to particular facts” “ideas... loving... productive... great principles of our religion”,二事之性質迥異者也;“Real assent” “notional assent”,乃一事而境界不同耳。Newman: “Mathematical ideas, real as they are, can hardly properly be called living” (Essay of Development of Christian Religion, cited in James, p. 179). 庶幾 Coleridge 之說矣。(James 好為深沉之思,而識不銳,學頗陋,故議論每穿鑿,筆舌亦滯複,如再三言 Coleridge “disillusioned with”, “rejected” Schelling (pp. 162, 164, 198),而於 Schelling 之書,以及 René Wellek, Immanuel Kant in England, pp. 78-80, 96-100 Coleridge 始終未脫 Schelling 窠臼之說,胥未寓目,故不知 Coleridge 大判斷處胥本 Schelling,即若 pp. 241 ff. 所稱述 Coleridge “Greek-classical-finite” vs. “Gothic-Romantic-Infinite” 是一例也,數數道 Kant Spinoza,亦屬耳食。又詳究 Coleridge Newman 異同,而不知 Ch. Broicher 早有攷訂,參觀 Wellek, p. 276。)

            《隨園詩話》卷十五說楊升庵「一桶水傾如佛語」,謂本徐騎省云:「《楞嚴》、《法華》,不過以一桶水傾入彼一桶中,傾來倒去,還是此一桶水,毫無餘味」云云。《楊文公談苑》云:「徐鉉不信佛,江南中主以《楞嚴經》令觀,旬餘,曰:『臣讀之數過,見其談空之說,似一器中傾出,復入一器中,都不曉其義。』」(曾慥《類說》卷五十三)《大般湼槃經‧卷四十‧憍陳如品第十三》云:「阿難持我所說十二部經,一經於耳曾不再問,如瀉瓶水置之一瓶。」《觀佛三昧海經‧觀相品第三之三》:「五百釋子稱阿難:汝獨聰明揔持佛語,猶如瀉水置於異器。」《二程遺書》卷三伊川曰:「禪家之言性,猶太陽之下置器,其間方圓小大不同,特欲傾此於彼爾,然太陽幾時動?」楊龜山《二程粹言》卷二云:「人之性猶器,受光於日。佛氏言性,猶置器日下,傾於彼爾,固未嘗動也。」疑即本騎省語,比喻極似 Epictetus, III, iii Soul(見第十九則引)。





            Menander, Eng. tr. by F.G. Allinson (“The Loeb Classical Library”). Davus: “Oh, Getas, have you not loved?” Getas: “No, for I never had my belly full” (p. 297). 按參觀 Deipnosophists, Bk. VI, 270: Achaeus : “In an empty belly no love of the beautiful can reside”; Euripides: “Love dwells where plenty is, but in a hungry man, no!” (tr. by C.B. Gulick, “The Loeb Classical Library”, vol. III, p. 215),即飽暖思淫之意。然亦有不盡然者,Diderot, Jacques le Fataliste Jacques 傷膝寄居人家,夜聞主人與婦共歎貧不聊生,主人欲好合,婦曰:「每困窘時,汝輒使我育兒 (Parce qu’on est dans la misère vous me faites un enfant),寧不知正以多兒為苦耶?Jacques 因思無衣無食每多男多女,蓋人之大倫,事之最儉,貧人一無所費而可以慰勞忘苦 (On ne fait jamais tant d’enfants que dans les temps de misère. Rien ne peuple comme les gueux. C’est le seul plaisir qui ne coûte rien; on se console pendant la nuit, sans frais, des calamités du jour.) (Oeuvres Complètes, éd. Assézat, T. VI, pp. 27-28),又 Zola, L’Assommoir, ch. v: “Boche disait que les enfants poussaient sur la misère comme les champignons sur le fumier.” 馮夢龍《廣笑府》卷五云:「一人三餐無食,夫妻枵腹上床。妻嗟嘆不已,夫曰:『我今夜連要打三個拐,以當三餐。』妻從之。次早起來,頭暈眼花,站腳不住,謂妻曰:『此事妙極,不惟可當飯,且可當酒。』」D.H. Lawrence 則云:“F. says, ‘I don’t think a man can love much if he eats much;” “That’s a common saying among my lower class, ‘She’s not bad — but I’d rather have a good dinner’” (Letters of D.H. Lawrence, p. 58, p. 59).

            Fr. 23: “A fat hog lay upon his snout... If I desired some appropriate form of death this one alone appears as euthanasia: prone on my back to lie, with well-creased paunch, fat, scarce uttering a word, with upward panting breath, & eat & eat & say: ‘I rot for very pleasure (σήπομ' ὑπὸ τῆς ἡδονῆς)’” (p. 317). 按勝於 Horace, Epist., I. iv. 15-16 “Epicuri de grege porcum” 多矣。十六世紀德國以 “Epicuri sche saw”為詈人語,見 A. Taylor, Problems in German Literary History of the 15th and 16th  Centuries, p. 34。《東坡志林》卷一云:「二措大相與言志,一曰:『我平生不足,惟睡與飯耳,他日得志,當飽吃飯了便睡,睡了又吃飯。』一云:『我則異於是,當吃了又吃,何暇復睡耶?』」云云,尚未知臥食之樂也。

            Fr. 63: “Heroes are bred by lands where livelihood comes hard” (p. 319). Herodotus, ix, 122: “We never find that the same soil produces delicacies & heroes.”

            Fr. 334: “like a jackass at a musicale” (ὄνος λὐρας) (p. 409). 按又見 Fr. 527 (p. 461)。據 Allinson 註謂全語當作:“An ass listened to a lyre, a sow to a trumpet.” 按全語載 The Deipnosophists, Bk. VIII, 349 (vol. IV, p. 83)。又 Lucian, The Ignorant Book-Collector: “You are like the donkey that listens to the lyre & wags his ears” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, tr. by W.M. Harman, vol. III, p. 179). 蓋可與對牛彈琴參觀。Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, XXXIV, xix: “Tanto apprezza costumi o virtù ammira, Qaanto l’asino fa il suon della lira” (Ed. Ulrico Hoepli, p. 398). Negromante 中,Nibbio 譏其主人 Maestro Iachelino 貌若淹博,而於學問如驢與牛之聞琴瑟,矇然無解 (e sa di queste e dell'altre scienzie /che sa l’asino e’l bue di sonar gli organi) (Fr. de Sanctis, History of Italian Literature, Eng. tr. Joan Redfern. P. 475),更點出「牛」字矣。又 Erasmus, In Praise of Folly (George Allen & Unwin’s “Pocket Crowns”, no. 14), p. 190: “Taunting him with the Greek proverb, όνος προς λύραν, ad lyram asinus.” E.R. Curtius, Europ. Lit. und Lat. Mittelalter, S. 105: “Das griechische Sprichwort ‘der Esel ist taub für die Laute’ war dem Mittelalter durch Boethius cons. I pr. 4 bekannt.” 平景蓀《霞外捃屑》卷十引《巵林》卷三云:「《弘明集‧牟子理惑論》曰:『公明儀為牛彈清角之操,伏食如故。非牛不聞,不合其耳矣。轉為蚉䖟之聲,孤犢之鳴,即奮耳,蹀躞而聽。』《通俗編》卷二十八云:『《韻鶴軒筆談》曰今俗語本此。』《越諺賸語》卷下引《五燈會元》惟簡答僧問云:『對牛彈琴。』《北江詩話》卷三曰:『《莊子‧齊物論》:「非所明而明之。」郭象注:「是猶對牛鼓簧耳。」今人「對牛彈琴」或本於此。』《四庫提要》評陳懋仁《析酲漫錄》云:『如謂「對牛彈琴」為俗諺,引李石《續博物志‧卷九‧牛聾聵》「面牛鼓簧」是也,不知此見牟融《解惑論》。』《易林》亦謂:『牛馬聾聵。』」(以上皆平氏所引。)《齊東野語》卷十四記其蒙師姚鎔〈喻白蟻文〉云:「物之不靈,告以話言而弗聽,俗所謂『對馬牛以誦經』是已」云云,是宋人又有此諺,可參觀。J.B. Morton, Hilaire Belloc, p. 125: “It was, in a phrase of John Phillimore which Belloc loved to quote, ‘like reading Theocritus to a cow.’”

            Fr. 545: “I call a fig a fig, a spade [literally, ‘scoop’] a spade” (τὰ σῦκα σῦκα, τὴν σκάφην σκάφην λέγων). Oxford Book of English Proverbs, p. 502: “To call a spade a spade” 條僅引 “Ficus, ficus, ligonem, ligonem vocat”,未引此。

            Fr. 651: “Marriage is an evil, but a necessary evil (ἀναγκαῖον κακόν)” (p. 514). Fr, 532: “For a woman is necessarily an evil (ἀνάγκη γὰρ γυναῖκ' εἶναι)” (p. 481) “Malum est mulier, sed necessarium malum.” 所昉。Hesiod, The Theogony, 585 謂女人為 “the beautiful evil” (kalὸn kakὸn[5]) (Hesiod, tr. H.G. Evelyn-White, “The Loeb Classical Library, p. 123). Cf. D’Annunzio on woman as the “nemica necessaria” (Anthony Rhodes, The Poet as Superman, p. 198): Plato, Theaetetus,[6] 176a: “If Good exists, Evil exists necessarily” (cf. Plotinus, I, vii, 6-7).

            Fr. 657, p. 517: “A mother loves her child more than a father does, for she knows it’s her own while he but thinks it’s his.” Cf. Oxford Book of English Proverbs, p. 228.










[1]《手稿集》213-4 頁。
[2]《手稿集》214-5 頁。
[3]《手稿集》262 頁眉。
[4]《手稿集》215-7 頁。
[5] 即「καλὸν κακὸν」。
[7]《手稿集》217 頁。
[8]《手稿集》217 頁。

