2016年4月1日 星期五


William Hogarth (1697–1764), First Stage of Cruelty (1751)


            Jean Wahl, A Short History of Existentialism (1946), Eng. tr. by F. Williams & S. Maron.

            P. 32: “Thanks to existentialism, to be or not to be has again become the question... Hamlet was an existent.” Marjorie Grene, Dreadful Freedom, p. 5 Wylie Sypher: “Hamlet: The Existential Madness” (Nation, June 22, 1946) Hamlet is an existential drama”,又 p. 28: “Conrad’s Lord Jim seems to me an existential character”; p. 57: “Simone de Beauvoir sees in Julien Sorel the existential hero. Camus finds in Dostoievsky the existentialist novelist par excellence” 皆可與 Wahl 云云發明。Simone de Beauvoir, L’existentialisme et la sagesse des nations, p. 104: “Après avoir pensé l’univers à travers Spinoza ou Kant, je me demandais: ‘Comment peut-on être assez futile pour écrire des romans?’ Mais lorsque je quittais Julien Sorel ou Tess d’Urberville, il me semblait vain de perdre son temps à fabriquer des systèmes”; p. 114: “Proust, romancier authentique, découvre des vérités dont aucun des théoriciens de son temps n’a proposé l’équivalent abstrait.” 是不僅 Stendhal 也。

            P. 33: “Carlyle [is an existent.]” E. Cassirer, The Myth of the State, p. 197: “Carlyle’s thought is existential, & has all the characteristics of the type of thought represented by Kierkegaard.” 考論精詳。P. 218 Carlyle 衹求信行奉持之精誠,不斤斤於信行者為何事,宗旨本之 Goethe 自傳所謂 “In Faith, everything depends on the fact of believing, what is believed is perfectly indifferent.”[按此見 Dichtung und Wahrheit, IIIte Teil, 14tes Buch: “Beim Glauben, sagte ich, komme alles darauf an, dass man glaube; was man glaube, sei völlig gleichgültig... Mit dem Wissen sei es gerade das Gegenteil; es komme gar nicht darauf an, dass man wisse, sondern was man wisse, wie gut und wie viel man wisse” (Sämtliche Werke, “Tempel-Klassiker”, XII, S. 202).]尤 Kiekegaard 反復申明之意,實本之 Isaiah, 7.9: “Nisi credideritis non intelligetis.” The Journals, August 1, 1835: “The thing is to find a truth which is true for me, to find the idea for which I can live & die. I still recognize an imperative understanding, but it must be taken up into my life.... There are many people who reach their conclusions about life like schoolboys; they cheat their master by copying the answer out of a book without having worked out the sum for themselves.” (Robert Bretall, ed., A Kierkegaard Anthology, pp. 5, 19); Unscientific Postscript: “Where is the most truth? The one prays in truth to God, although he worships an idol; the other prays falsely to the true God, & hence worships in fact an idol... The objective accent falls on What is said; the subjective accent falls on How it is said... An objective uncertainty held fast in an appropriation-process of the most passionate inwardness is the truth, the highest truth attainable for an existing individual. This is the equivalent to faith: without risk, there is no faith.... If I am capable of grasping God objectively, I do not believe, but precisely because I cannot do this I must believe” (Ibid., pp. 212-215). The Journals, August 1, 1835: “Dons and parsons live by presenting the sufferings of others... the religion of the congregation is nothing but hearing this presented. As a religion, charmante, just about as genuine as tea made from a bit of paper which had once been used to wrap up a few dried tea leaves from which tea had already been made three times” (p. 431). Grillparzer: “So ist die deutsche Philosophie wesentlich atheistisch... Sie nehmen einen Gott an, statt von ihm überzeugt zu sein... sie achten ihn als ihr Werk, nicht sich als seines” (Werke, hrsg. E. Rollett und A Sauer, Bd. VII, S. 156). Newman, Grammar of Assent (Burns, Oates, & Co.), pp. 90-2: “Many a man will live & die upon a dogma: no man will be a martyr for a conclusion... This is why a literary religion is so little to be depended upon; it looks well in fair weather; but its doctrines are opinions, &, when called upon to suffer for them, it slips them between its folios, or burns them at its hearth. I have no confidence in philosophers who cannot help being religious, & are Christians by implication. They have worked out by a calculation the lie of a country which they never saw, & mapped it by means of a gazetteer.... To act you must assume, & that assumption is faith.” Cassirer 未引。(按譚藝亦然。《援鶉堂筆記》卷四十四云:「歸愚以帖括之餘研究風雅,然徒資探討,殊鮮契悟。味密味之中邊,眩寶器之飯色。未得為得,未證為證。禪家所謂『用盡氣力,不離故處』,《淮南》所云『有以言白黑,無以知白黑』也。」Oscar Wilde: “There are two ways of disliking art; one is to dislike it; the other is to like it rationally”; Berlioz, A travers chants, p. 4: “Les musiciens — ils ne savent pas” vs. “Les musiciens — ils ne sentent pas”; Ramon Fernandez, “On Classicism” in Melvin M. Rader, A Modern Book of Esthetics, 1st ed. 1935, pp. 220-4: “The great weakness of the neo-classicists is that they set out to feel only what they have already comprehended... an intellectual pretense of feeling.”)又 Thomas à Kempis, Of the Imitation of Christ,I, i: “I had rather feel contrition than know the definition thereof.” 又「增上慢:未得為得,未證為證」見《妙法蓮華經方便品卷二》(《文句記》卷十)。「瞽師有以言白黑,無以知白黑,故言白黑與人同,其別白黑與人異」見《淮南子‧主術訓》。桓寬《鹽鐵論‧能言第四十》云:「盲者口能言白黑,而無目以別之。」【Chalmers on Carlyle: “a lover of earnestness more than a lover of truth.”】【Daniel Cory, ed., The Letters of George Santayana, p. 209 to L.P. Smith: “... & what do you suppose was my joy at finding the theory of essence beautifully expounded in the last volume of Proust, (the second of Le temps retrouvé) and made in a manner, the pivot of his immense work! Do read it, page 14 to 20.”】【Louis Fraiberg, Psychoanalysis & American Criticism, pp. 3-9, Freud: “Storytellers are valuable allies” etc. (Delusion & Dream, tr. Helen M. Downey, p. 123).

            P. 48: Emmanuel Levinas Husserl 云:“During the first stage [of the spread of a new doctrine], one cries: it's absurd! During the second stage, one says indignantly: but everybody knows that! There is a third stage, in which the doctrine is reinstated in its true originality.” The Letters of William James, ed. by His Son Henry James, vol. II, pp. 267-268: “Münsterberg, who hitherto has been rather pooh-poohing my thought, says I seem to be ignorant that Kant ever wrote, Kant having already said all that I say. I regard this as a very good symptom. The third stage of opinion about a new idea, already arrived: First: absurd! Second: trivial! Third: We discovered it!”; Sidney Hook, Metaphysics of Pragmatism, p. 1, John Dewey: “Foreword”: “On the one hand, there is an exaggeration of the factor of novelty which creates an illusion of total breach of continuity. On the other hand, there is an injection into the new ideas of older conceptions which are irrelevant & the elimination of that which is demanded by the new ideas.” 汪穰卿《莊諧選錄》卷二云:「近有一溫州人年夜往觀自來火公司,既觀,友問機器巧否,曰:『此亦何奇?不過鍊煤成氣、鍊氣為火耳。』余謂中國人中此病者至多:凡於己不識之事,始則詆斥之,繼則驚異之,迨稍明大概,則輕視以為無足異者,舉公共之理以為足以括其綱要,且自矜評語之精當。」可以參觀。「舉公理括其綱要」一語尤切。志剛《初使泰西紀要》中議論皆此類也,如卷一論火車云:「鍊硃成汞、鍊汞還硃,本中國古法,西人得之,以為化學之權輿。孔子云:『引而申之,觸類而長之,天下之能事畢矣。』通閱西法,不出此言。」

            Wahl 反復言 Existentialism 導源於 Schelling (p. 8, etc.),而乏援據。按 Schelling, The Ages of the World, Eng. tr. by Frederick de Wolfe Bolman, Jr., pp. 8n, 50n, 198n 可補證。









            卷十一〈西湖臥游冊跋語‧紫陽洞 :「凡山水皆不可畫,然皆不可不畫也。」







            「詩求文理能通者,為初學言之也」;「論山水奇妙曰:『徑路絕而風雲通。』徑路絕,人之所不能通也。如是而風雲又通,其為通也至矣。古文亦必如此,何況於詩。」按微言妙喻。參觀 J. Culler, Structuralist Poetics, p. 36; D. Lodge, The Modes of Modern Writing, p. 2 “foregrounding” (“the aesthetically intentional distortion of linguistic components,” “the use of deviant or ungrammatical constructions”)





















            Agnes Repplier, The Fireside Sphinx 蓋說貓者,與其 To Think of Tea, In Pursuit of Laughter 兩書體製相同,皆以數典為行文,而頗能化堆垛為烟雲者,非若王初桐《貓乘》之僅比於類書也[10]。錢葆馚、朱竹垞、厲樊榭輩以〈雪獅兒〉調詠貓諸詞,其庶幾乎(竹垞〈雪獅兒〉三詞見《曝書亭集》卷二十九)。


            P. 11: “The house-cat figures in some of the oldest Indian fables, always as an arrant hypocrite... Her first entrance into the Chinese empire appears to have been about 400 A.D. She is conspicuous by her absence from Greece & Rome.” 按《蘿摩亭札記》卷八:「《詩》、《禮》雖有『貓』字,而字書輒言『貍捕鼠』,蓋溷家貓與野貓為一,如周以前不辨馬與驘也。」《烟嶼樓筆記》卷六:「古以狗捕鼠,見《呂覽‧士容篇》,而〈功名篇〉則言以貍捕鼠。」又佛典載貓狡詐事,見竺法護譯《生經》卷一第六野貓自言修靜行,不食肉,而獨處寂寞,願嫁野鷄為妻,誘其自樹下地,亦即《雜寶藏經》卷三第三十五山鷄王因緣也。《大莊嚴論經》卷十五第八十三云[12]:「貓兒問母:『當何所食?』母答兒言:『人自教汝。』夜至他家隱甕器間[13],有人見已而相約敕:『酥乳肉等極好覆蓋,鷄雛高舉莫使貓食。』貓兒即知,鷄酥乳酪皆是我食。」又 T.R. Glover, The Challenge of the Greek: “The cat was an Egyptian beast, new to the Greeks, & not needed in Europe, for the rat had not yet come from India... India had not yet made her most significant contribution to the West; the rat was still unknown in Europe. The Athenians could store their wheat in pits.” (pp. 1, 94); Edward Hyams: “A Mouse of a Different Colour”: “The very name mouse in the Indo-European language from which derived all tongues from Germany to the Punjab, means to steal, & the earliest domesticated enemy of the mouse was evidently not the cat, except in Egypt. In the Batrachomyomachia, the Mouse says to the Frog: ‘I fear above all things on earth, the Hawk & the Weasel... but most of all the Weasel.’ In The Wasps, we read: ‘Once upon a time, there was a mouse & a weasel...’ as we should say, ‘a mouse & a cat’” (The New Statesman & Nation, Jan. 19, 1952)Homerica, “The Loeb Classical Library”, tr. H. E. Evelyn-White, pp. 545, 551: “Three things: the Eagle, the Ferret, & the Trap.”; Theocritus, XV: “Praxinoa: ‘Here, Eunoa, take up the spinning & put it away with the rest. Cats always will lie soft’” (J.M. Edmonds, The Greek Bucolic Poets, “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 181); Theophrastus, Characters, XVI: “Superstitiousness”: “If a cat cross his path he will not proceed on his way till someone else be gone by” (J.M. Edmonds, “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 79); Thomas Flatman: “An Appeal to Cats in the Business of Love” (Saintsbury, Minor Poets of the Caroline Period, III, p. 343) 皆可參觀。

            P. 22: 摩罕默德愛貓 Muezza,不忍驚其睡,自斷衣袖,漢哀帝之於董賢矣。[14]若為易哭庵知,必排比作一對。

            Pp. 34-5 記一人告友夜來怪事,見羣貓抬一棺葬之友家,貓忽躍起作人言曰:“Then I am the King of the Cats!” 即失所在。Scott 嘗述其事,實本之 Scandinavia 童話。按此語運用最妙者,見 Lily Yeats 載乃兄事:“On the day of Swinburne’s death, I met Willy in O’Connell Street & said to him, ‘Swinburne is dead.’ ‘I know, & now I am King of the Cats!’” (J.B. Yeats, Letters to His Son & Others, p. 51; cf. Joseph Hone, W.B. Yeats, p. 245),即《雲溪友議》卷下載朱沖和嘲張祜詩所謂「白在東都元已薨,鸞臺鳳閣少人登。冬瓜堰下逢張祜,牛屎堆邊說我能」之旨。(朱沖和號「宦途惡少」,見《金華子雜編》卷下[15]。)【[補百六五則[16]P. 34-5: “Then I’m the King of the Cats!” TLS, 29 Oct 1982, p. 1181: Daniel Hughes arrived with the news that Robert Frost had died. John Berryman’s reaction was brisk & self-interested: ‘It’s scary. Who’s number one? Who’s number one? Cal [Robert Lowell] is number one, isn’t he?’ This was his way of saying that if Lowell wasn’t (as he hoped he wasn’t), then he must be.”《清波雜志》:「山谷在南原落星寺,一日憑欄,忽傳坡逝,痛惜久之,已而顧寺僧,拈几上香合在手曰:『此香匣子自此却屬老父矣。』」】

            P. 49 ff. 歷舉殘殺貍奴西俗,如 “gibbeting the cat”, “putting a cat in a leather bottle as a target for archery” 等。按 Hogarth, Four Stages of Cruelty 第一圖中,即有 “two cats tied to the extremities of a rope & hung over a lamp iron” (參觀 John Trusler, The Works of William Hogarth, vol. II, facing p. 184)。又按 Hogarth 畫狗勝於畫貓,如Marriage a-la-Mode第六圖中瘦狗 (Ibid., vol. II, facing p. 209),傳神妙絕,遠非 The Rake’s Progress 第一圖中瘦貓 (vol. I, facing p. 10) 所可及也。

            P. 120 論中國、日本皆以貓入畫,而僅道 Hok’sai[17]按吾國畫貓者,不可一一舉,若夫諧聲寓意,別成一類,則「耄耋圖」是也。唐刁光胤有此圖(見《江村消夏錄》),以後明宣宗(見《紅豆樹館書畫記》)、孫克弘、惲壽平(見園《觀畫百詠》)紛紛祖構,余皆未得寓目,惟睹日本人編印《中國名畫集》第三冊景印徐文長〈耄耋圖〉,畫兩貓伺蝶,意態栩栩。

            P. 160: “M. Dupont de Nemours maintained that, whereas the dog possesses only vowel sounds, the cat uses in her language no less than 6 consonants — m, n, g, h, v, & f.” Coleridge, Table Talk, August 18, 1833: “Brute animals have the vowel sounds, man only can utter consonants.”; Lotze, Microcosmos, Eng. tr. by Hamilton & Jones, Bk. V, ch. iii: “The dog says r & guttural ch very distinctly, the cat is acquainted with f, cows & sheep with ŋ.”

            P. 180 ff. 引科學家論貓習性語。按 Havelock Ellis, The Criminal, 5th ed., p. 87: “Lombroso finds that the eyes of assassins resemble those of the feline animals at the moment of ambush or struggle. Insistence on the feline aspect is very frequent among those who describe criminals.” 可謂大殺風景矣。

            P. 181: “The cat consents to be our guest... But she never parts with her liberty” etc. Rousseau Boswell 云:“There you have the despotic instinct of men. They do not like cats because the cat is free & will never consent to become a slave. He will do nothing to your order, as the other animals do... A cat will understand you perfectly & not obey [your orders]” (Boswell on the Grand Tour: Germany & Switzerland, “Trade Ed.”, pp. 2... [18]).

            【《陳止齋文集》卷四十二〈跋周伯壽畫貓〉云:「余家有數貓,終日飽食,相跳擲為戲,而不捕鼠。余怪而問人,人曰:『貓之善捕鼠者,日常睡。』」】【王君玉《續纂愛便宜門》:「畜養母狗雌貓。」】【Journal des Goncourt, 1891, 7 Sept.: “Dans les couvents, il est permis aux religieuses d’avoir des chats, mais qu’il leur est défendu d’avoir des chattes. Les amours des chats étant extérieurs ne leur tombent pas sous la vue, tandis qu’on craint que la grossesse, la mise bas, la maternité des chattes, puissent éveiller la curiosité de l’amour chez ces femmes.”】【《羅湖野錄》卷二。】【Roaul Gineste, Chattes et Chats (1894) 皆詠貓詩。】【《揚州畫舫錄》卷一:「靈鷲庵旦和尚愛畜貓,與貓同寢數十年,一夜為貓噬死。」】【《笠翁一家言》卷二〈逐貓文〉謂六畜之中最貪最僭[19]。俗說:「狗認人,貓認屋。」按《頻羅菴遺集》卷十五《日貫齋塗說》□元遺山〈游天壇雜詩〉注:「仙貓洞,土人傳燕家鷄犬升天,貓獨不去。」因云:「『同向燕家舔丹鼎,不隨鷄犬上青雲』,梅村『我是淮王舊鷄犬,不隨仙家落人間』脫胎於此」;「魏禧〈畫貓記〉:『俗傳二危合畫貓,鼠輒避去。』(卷十二〈題方蘭士畫貓〉亦引叔子文[20]。)二事竹垞〈詠貓詞〉隸事所未及(第三百二十八則、第四百三十八則、第五百三十一則、第七百二十四則)。」】【《游名山記》卷二都穆〈王屋山〉[21]:「仙貓洞,人云燕真人丹成,鷄犬俱升,仙貓獨留不去,人就洞呼『仙哥』,時或有應者。」】【曹彥伯《昌谷集》卷十四〈開禧德安守城錄序〉:「丁卯之春,縋者來言,城中癘疫大作,醢貓以侑食。余聞之泣下曰:『人之愛貓,近於愛子,殺貓而甘其味,去相食無幾矣。」】【《全唐文》卷六八二牛僧孺〈譴貓〉、卷七二七舒元輿〈養貍述〉、卷七六七陳黯〈本貓說〉、戴袁元《剡源文集》卷二十三〈貓議〉、程晉芳《勉行堂詩集》卷七〈愛貓詩〉、姚某伯《復莊詩問》卷六〈貓五古六十韻〉。】【《湧幢小品》:「乾明門養貓十二隻,日飼豬肉四斤七兩、肝一副。」《花當閣叢談》卷一:「郡中一機戶名彭禹,其子日買熟豕蹄飼獅貓。」】

[1]《手稿集》236-7 頁。
[2]《手稿集》237-8 頁。
[3] 然據卷二〈春雪有懷龔三仲和兼訊劉長卿張荃之〉七古以觀,則「『張』當作『鄭』」云云,亦似未必然。
[4] 原文脫落「副」字。
[6] 一本「天廚」作「庖廚」。
[7]《手稿集》238-9 頁。
[8]《手稿集》239-41 頁。
[9]《手稿集》241-3 頁。
[11] 此則論李文石《舊學盦筆記》,已全則塗去。
[13] 原文脫落「間」字。
[16] 見《手稿集》2570 頁。
[17] 即葛飾北齋(Katsushika Hokusai, 1760-1849)。
[18] 此處脫落頁數。
[19] 文曰:「鷄司晨,犬守暮,貓辟鼠,亦同功也。稱者則止曰鷄犬,而不及貓。昔人丹成上昇,鷄犬俱仙,而貓不與。……蓋鷄犬之鳴吠,無所利而為之者也。貓得鼠以自啖,有所利而為之者也。自利者貪,自利而獲利人之名者僭。」
[20] 謂《頻羅菴遺集》卷十二。
[21] 「《游名山記》卷二都穆〈王屋山〉」原作「都穆《游名山記》卷二〈王屋山〉」。

