2016年4月18日 星期一



            Albert Thibaudet, Réflexions sur la critique.

P. 63: “Le style c’est l’homme, non l’animal... l’homme volonté consciente autant que l’homme sensibilité spontanée.”

            P. 65: “Il n’existe pas de style absolument naturel... il n’existe pas non plus de style absolument artificial.” 論精矣,當合之 George Sampson, Seven Essays, p. 64: “Style may mean the literary idiosyncrasy... but it may also mean a certain quality of perfection almost independent of personal manner”; 66: “The excess of idiosyncrasy that cries aloud the name of the author is the negative of style.  Style may be the man; but the greatest style is that which transcends the man”,便無賸義矣。

            Pp. 90-1 Et a en français deux significations, liaison statique et liaison dynamique.” 按英文 and 亦不僅 enumeration,亦有 consequence, contrast 之意,參觀 Otto Jespersen, A Modern English Grammar, III, p. 373; V, p. 64, p. 365; VII, p. 239

            P. 126 以下論文評有 La critique parlée, la critique d’artiste, la critique professionnelle,即 La physiologie de la critique La critique des journalists, la critique des artistes, la critique des professeurs [2]。似若分疏明晰,而實則標準混淆。一之別於三,一好今 (p. 129: “ces livre du jour”),三嗜古 (p. 134: “des littératures passés”) 也。二之別於三,二以歎賞為職志 (p. 130: “la critique des beautés”),三以權衡、類別 (p. 135: “enchaîner, ordonner”) 為先務也。故舉 Brunetière 之詆斥 Naturalisme 為三是古非今之證 (p. 135),渾忘 Barbey d’Aurevilly 亦詆斥 Naturalisme,而 d’Aurevilly 固列於二者 (p. 130)Anatole France(參觀第二十三則)之 La vie Littéraire 其體為一而其用則三,無可位置,Thibaudet 遂亦默爾不道。竊謂如以體論,Henri Clouard, Histoire de la littérature française de 1915 à 1940, p. 577 Les critiques de journaux Les critiques de revues,較為得之。復加以critique spontanée,如書函、語錄、日記(名借 Thibaudet 之一,而體則 Thibaudet 之二 ),庶乎可矣。

            P. 131: “La critique d’artiste est presque toujours partiale et partielle. En général un grand poète voit dans les autres grands poètes des reflets de lui-même” etc. 按即魏文帝《典論‧論文》所云「各以所長,相輕所短」(《文心雕龍知音篇》「知多偏好」一節可參觀)。The Correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson with the Wordsworth Circle: “It seems to me that the general effect of a laborious cultivation of talent in any one definite form [is] to weaken the sense of the worth of other forms...[3] Productive power acts by means of concentration — with few exceptions those only love everything who, like me, can themselves do nothing” (ed. Edith J. Morley, vol. I, pp. 326, 332); Sainte-Beuve: “Du Génie Critique et de Bayle”: “Une des conditions du génie critique, c’est de n’avoir pas d’art à soi, de style” etc. (Portraits Littéraires, vol. I, p. 376); cf. Horace, Ars poetica: “Ergo fungar vice cotis, acutam / redder e quae ferrum valet, exsors ipsa secandi; / Munus et officium nil scribens ipse docebo”; Life of Johnson, 25 June, 1763 [on literary criticism]: “You may abuse a tragedy, though you cannot write one. You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table, though you cannot make a table.” Sainte-Beuve, Nouv. Lund., VI, p. 297: “La critique des artistes et poètes est sans doute en certains cas la plus vive, la plus pénétrante , celle qui va le plus au fond; mais elle est, de sa nature, tranchante et exclusive”; Hazlitt, Table Talk: “On Criticism”: “The most acute and original-minded men made bad critics. They see every thing too much through a particular medium”; Croce, The Essence of Aesthetic, tr. by Douglas Ainslie, p. 85: “Felicitous artists incapable of emerging from themselves to understand different forms of art the odium figulinum.” 也。此說可以矯 Ben Johnson, Timber: “To judge of poets is the faculty of poets”; Shenstone, Egotisms, LXXIX: “Every good poet includes a critic; the reverse will not hold”; T.S. Eliot, Sacred Wood: “The Perfect Critic” 及陳思王〈報楊德祖書〉「南威之容,龍泉之利」之說。E.E. Kellett, Fashion in Literature, pp. 99-100 言之最平允(又第三百九十一則、第七百二十九則)。【Mme de Staël, De l’Allemagne, II Ptie., ch. 7: “on se fait toujours la poétique de son talent.” Corr. of H.C. Robinson with the Wordsworth Circle, ed. Edith J. Morley, vol. I, p. 332: “With few exceptions those only love everything who, like me, can themselves do nothing.”[4]】【Grillparzer: “Das Urteil ausübender Künstler über Kunstwerke ist nicht immer das verlässlichste. Denn von Neid und absichtlicher Parteilichkeit abgesehen, überschätzt unter ihnen der Thor das, was er selbst hat, auch in der fremden Gabe; der Einsichtige hingegen das, was er nicht hat und wonach er strebt” (Gesam. Werk., Rollett & Sauer, II, S. 140).

            P. 134: “Un paysan apporta un lièvre au hodja de Konia” etc. 按此事見 Les Mille et Une Nuits, tr. J.-C. Mardrus, T. XV, pp. 100-1 Goha 鄰人饋鷄事(Mathers 英譯本第四冊第四一八至四二○頁)。“As thin as the homeopathic soup that was made by boiling the shadow of a pigeon that had starved to death” (Abraham Lincoln, Collected Works, ed. R.P. Basler, M.D. Pratt & L.A. Dunlap, 1953, III, p. 279). A Scottish joke: “Is your chicken soup thin?”  “Ay, the bird only walked through them [Scottish...] — Maybe it was on stilts.” George Eliot: “That’s better than the Swedish woman cooking the rail that the bird had sat on” (G. Haight, G.E. & John Chapman, p. 64).

            P. 137 François Mentré, Les générations sociales 云:“On peut assez légitimement appeler génération n’importe quelle période d’un tiers de siècle environ, lui conférer... par une construction de concepts et par le jeu des analogies, une unité idéale.” 按一語斬却無數葛藤。E. Bernheim, Lehrbuch der Historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie, IIIte und IVte Aufl., S. 73-5: “Gesetz der drei Generationen”; Wilhelm Pinder, Das Problem der Generation; E. Wechssler, Die Generation als Jugendreihe und ihr Kampf um die Denkform 皆牽強附會也。Bernheim 以百年分三世,與 Herodotus 說同。Mentré 以三十年為一世 (p. 34),則與吾國古說合。Machiavelli, Il Principe, cap. XI: “In dieci anni che, ragguagliato, viveva uno papa” (ed. Ulrico Hoepli, p. 140). Sainte-Beuve, Nouv. Lund., III, p. 27: “Quinze ans d’ordinaire font une carrière.” Richard Church, Eight for Immortality, p. 55: “I remember hearing an elder poet say that today a generation of poets lasts for 5 years, & that on its heels another treads so close that it acquires a stiff-neck from looking back in dread.”“As Mr Alfred Stiegler once remarked, we have a new generation in this country every four years” (Van Wyok Brooks, Emerson & Others, p. 143).】蓋世變益劇而世代益短,此 Thibaudet 所未知。楊掌生〈長安看花〉論相公云:「嗟夫,此中人不過五年為一世耳。」無名氏《燕京雜記》:「優僮盛名,享之不過數年,大約十三四歲始,十七八歲止,俟二十歲已作潯陽婦。」Polly Adler, A House is Not a Home: “A prostitute can count on no more than 10 money-making years. Then she is through if not dead or diseased, so broken by drugs, alcohol & the steady abuse of her body that no one will hire her again.” 蓋女妓無髭髯之患,故較男優為長命。則世之短長因操業而異,又進一解。

            P. 168 Maine de Biran: “Il y a immédiation entre l’aperception” etc 一語,Taine 讀而厭之,改作 “Appercevant la volonté, je sais directement” etc.,因論之曰:“Mais la traduction est en effet pure de tout langage technique, de toute pédanterie, elle est vidée aussi complètement du sens que présentait tout de même à un philosophe disgracieux le charabia de Biran... La philosophie implique une technique verbale: un philosophe doit savoir s’en servir, savoir aussi ne pas s’y asservir.” Julien Benda, Du Style d'Idées, p. 206 “en certains cas la nécessité du ‘jargon’ philosophique” 稱引此節,是亦 Karl Vossler, The Spirit of Language in Civilization, tr. by Oscar Oeser, p. 39: “To some philosophy is merely an Umwortung der Worte instead of Umwertung der Werte之例證也。Johnson, Idler, no. 70: “Words are only hard to those who do not understand them... He that thinks with more extent than another, will want words of larger meaning; he that thinks with more subtlety will seek for terms of more nice discrimination... That the vulgar express their thoughts clearly, is far from true; & what perspicuity can be found among them proceeds not from the easiness of their language, but the shallowness of their thoughts.” Coleridge, Bio. Lit., ed. J. Shawcross, I, p. 107: “Pedantry consists in the use of words unsuitable to the time, place, & company. The language of the market would be in the schools as pedantic, though it might not be reprobated by that name, as the language of the schools in the market”; p. 189: “Unusual & new-coined words are doubtless an evil; but vagueness, confusion, & imperfect conveyance of our thoughts are a far greater.” 正謂此(參觀 Rudolf Metz, Die Philosophischen Strömungen in Grossbritannien, Bd. II, S. 34: “[In Hodgson’s work] Die Fachtermini werden oft seitenweise nur hin — und her geschlossen, die Untersuchung bleibt auf der Stelle stehen, oder dreht sich im Kreise.”)。又 H.J.C. Grierson, Rhetoric & English Composition, p. 33: “Technical terms are the very juice of many passages of excellent prose & verse, exact & concrete in meaning, rich in association. Lindley Murray in his English Grammar deplores the use of them & recasts a passage from some book of travels. The meaning may be there, but what has become of the colour?” etc. 可參觀。【第四十九則論Jean Paul, Vorschule der Ästhetik, §45。】【Renan: “M. Cousin”: “Bayle et Leibniz manient la langue d’une manière lourde et inhabile, et pourtant quel charme dans l’austère sincérité de leurs écrits!... On ne peut nier que le soin du style n’entraîne certains sacrifices de la pensée. Bien écrire en français est une opération singulièrement compliquée, un compromis perpétuel, où l’originalité et le goût, l’exactitude scientifique et le purisme, tirent l’esprit en sens inverse. Un bon écrivain est obligé de ne dire à peu près que la moitié de ce qu’il pense, et s’il est, avec cela, un esprit consciencieux, il est obligé d’être sans cesse sur ses gardes pour ne pas être entraîné par les nécessités de la phrase à bien des choses qu’il ne pense pas.” — Oeuv. Comp., Calmann-Lévy, II, p. 67.


            Fr. Rolfe, Hadrian the Seventh (“The Phoenix Library”) 殊鈍滯,徒見其矯揉作張智耳。印校甚草草,多誤字,如 p. 132 至以 Courtleigh Courtfield

            P. 12, p. 176 皆譏 Pall Mall Gazette split infinitive。按 A.J.A. Symons, The Quest for Corvo (“Penguin Books”), p. 139 亦記其鄙薄牛津學生不通文理:“infinitive split to the midriff”。竊謂 “Rolfe sets his adverbs as far before both parts of the verb as he can” (Symons, p. 16) ( Hadrian, p. 2: “inanely had said that”; 28: “furiously should have apostatized” etc.; 148: “it personally was addressed”),宜其不知 “split infinitive” 之功用也。

            P. 23: “As for the Faith, I found it comfortable. As for the Faithful, I found them intolerable”; 26: “I was not in revolt against the Faith, but against the Faithful.” Symons, p. 94: “I find the Faith comfortable & eximious; but its professors utterly intolerable”; 189: “I find the Faith” etc.,今日 Sydney Hook 輩之於 Communism 亦若此矣(cf. 六百六十二則、六百八十四則)。Don Marquis: “An Idea isn’t responsible for the people who believe in it.” 可相分明。【Symons, p. 138 Hubert’s Arthur “a reconstruction of history ‘as it ought to have been, & easily might have been, but in fact was not.’” Ch. Renouvier, Uchronie, l’utopie dans l’histoire; J.C. Squire (ed.), If, or History Rewritten 皆其類。此種設想,殊有至理,參觀 Morris R. Cohen, The Meaning of Human History, pp. 91, 294 ff. “the tragic view of history”; Sidney Hook, The Hero in History, pp. 140 ff. “the contingent”。】

            P. 165: “Extra-belief, superstition, is the poetry of life.” 按此本 Goethe, Sprüche in Prosa, hrsg. G. von Löper, §184: “Der Aberglaube ist die Poesie des Lebens.” Feuerbach 斥之云:“Der Satz... ist auch ein Satz, der nur der Zeit der geheimen Justiz, und dem der geheimen Justizrath gehört keine Assijsen vergehen wo nicht auf der Bank des verbrecher diese ‘Poesie des Lesens’ eine sehr traurige Rolle spielt” u.s.w. (Sämmt. Werk., hrsg. Bolin & Jodl, X, S. 339).

            P. 176, 197, 212 等屢用 “feline” 字,甚可厭。

            P. 190: “Jerry Sant’s style was geophilological” 一節妙甚[6],余所聞覩諸公筆舌皆以仿 “geophilological” 之例論之。

            P. 252: “Wiliiam II: ‘My sainted mother used to quote an English proverb which says that Onlookers see most of the game.’ Hadrian VII: ‘All English proverbs which are positive, have their corresponding negative — absence makes the heart grow fonder out of sight out of mind. Your Majesty’s proverb is contradicted by Only the toad under the harrow has counted the spikes.’” Publius Syrus, 162: “Deliberando discitur sapientia”; 163: “Deliberando saepe perit occasio” (Minor Latin Poets, ed. J.W. & A.M. Duff, “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 36) 即是一例。Mark Lemon, ed., The Jest Book, §953: “Never confide in a young man — new pails leak. Never tell your secret to the aged — old doors seldom shut closely”; De Quincey, Notes from the Pocketbook of a Late Opium-Eater: “Most proverbs are hemispheres as it were; & they imply another hemisphere with an opposite pole; & the two proverbs jointly compose a sphere — i.e., the entire truth. Thus, one proverb says — ‘Fortune favours fools;’ but this is met by its anti-proverb — ‘Sapiens dominabitur astris.’ — Each is true, as long as the other co-exists, each becomes false, if taken exclusively” (Collected Writings, ed. David Masson, X, p. 436); Augustus de Morgan, A Budget of Paradoxes: “Metaphors, like puddings, quarrels, rivers &garments, always have two sides to them.[7] For instance, Truth, like a torch, the more it’s shook it shines; / But those who want to use it, hold it steady. / They shake the flame who like a glare to gaze at, / They keep it still who want a light to see by”; Letters of Eric Gill, ed. By Walter Shewring, p. 299: “Apparent inconsistency is... proverbial. If I say ‘Too many cook spoil the broth’ & then hasten to add ‘but many hands make light work,’ I may appear more inconsistent than I am”; Walter de la Mare, Love, p. cxv: “The old proverbial conflict: / Out of sight out of mind vs. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
























            Spence’s “Anecdotes”, A Selection by John Underhill, p. 40 (Joseph Spence, Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books & Men,[14] ed., S.W. Singer, “Centaur Classics”, 1964, p. 169): “Lord Dorset & Lord Rochester should be considered as holiday-writers.”  按後世所謂 amateur 是也,可與 “Sunday painter” 作對。

            P. 73 (p. 55): “‘Sacrez-vous vos Rois?’ ‘Si nous les sacrons, Monsieur! parbleu, nous les massacrons,’ was the answer of Lord Peterborough to the Prince of Celamar.” F.L. Lucas, The Delights of Dictatorship, p. 7”: “‘Est-ce que vous aussi, Monsieur, vous sacrez vos rois?[15]’ asked the monk at Rheims who showed the holy oil to Lord Peterborough. ‘Non, Monsieur, nous les massacrons.’” 略異。

            Pp. 134-5 (p. 99) Lord Halifax Pope Iliad 事。按 Isaac Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature, vol. I, p. 131: “Noblemen turned critics” 條引之,并連類記一事云 (Giorgio Vasari, Lives, “Everyman’s Lib.”, vol. IV, p. 116)“[Piero] Soderini, having had a statue [David holding a sling] made by Michael Angelo, came to inspect it; the statue being of such perfect beauty, he found himself at a loss to display his powers of keen criticism. He trembled to find a fault, but a fault must be found. At length he ventured to mutter something about the nose [thought the nose large]. Angelo took up his chisel, & concealed some marble dust in his hand; feigning to re-touch the part, he adroitly let fall some of the dust he held concealed. The Cardinal observing it as it fell, transported at the idea of his critical acumen, exclaimed: ‘Ah, Angelo, you’ve now given an inimitable grace!’ [‘Look at it now.’ ‘I like it better. You have given it life.’]” The Facetiae of Poggio, tr. by E. Storer, §XXXVII (Charles Speroni, Wit & Wisdom of the Italian Renaissance, p. 27): “Giovanni Visconti criticized his secretary’s draft of letters, but would approve the identical letter when recopied & submitted to him. Antonio Lusco to his friend: ‘You have taken me for Giovanni Visconti.’”[16] 六年前絳為英國文化委員會譯小冊[17],以稿示傅怒菴,怒菴謂過於拘謹。絳告予,予以此訣授之,絳如言。怒菴果墮計中,尚沾沾自負為「觀書月眼」也[18]

            P. 163 (p. 40): “The reasoning of the eye.” 按可參觀 Karl Vossler, The Spirit of Language in Civilization, tr. by Oscar Oeser, pp. 84 論十七、十八世紀法國 rationalism 風靡一時,遂以 “Entendre” “Ouïr”

            P. 175 (pp. 129-30): “How very strange & inconclusive does the reasoning of Tully & Plato often appear to us! & particularly that of the latter in his Phaedo” etc. (cf. p. 184 [p. 165]: “Some of Plato’s & Cicero’s reasonings on the immortality of the soul are very foolish”). The Letter of David Hume, ed. By J.Y.T. Greig, vol. II, p. 40: “Cicero’s reasonings in his Orations are very often loose, & what we should think to be wandering from the point; insomuch, that now-a-days a lawyer, who should give himself such liberties, would be in danger of meeting with a reprimand from the Judge.”

            P. 179 (p. 135): “There are several passages in Hobbes’s translation of Homer which, if they had been writ on purpose to ridicule that poet, would have done very well.” 按此譯中有二句:“And like a star upon her bosom lay / His beautiful & shining golden head.” 極為 Clough 所賞。H.W. Garrod, Scholarship: Its Meaning & Value, p. 76: “For once in his life, once only, is Hobbes here a poet.”


[1]《手稿集》257-9 頁。
[2]la critique des artistes」原作「la critique d’artistes」,「la critique des professeurs」原作「la critique de professeurs」。
[4] Robinson 一段引文有重。
[5]《手稿集》260-1 頁。
[6] 此節原文如下:“Jerry Sant became observed. He had the haggard florid aspect, the red-lidded prominent eyes, the pendulous lip of a sorry sort of man. He stood up and began to speak, sometimes dragging a sandy rag or moustache or fingering shiny conical temples, but generally holding on by the lapels of a short-skirted broad-cloth frock-coat, protruding black-nailed thumbs through the buttonholes in a manner acquired during a week in Paris. His style was geological, so to speak, consisting of various strata deposited at various periods. The surface stratum, representing the Kainozoic Time, consisted of the platitudinous bombast characteristic of the common or oratorical demagogue. Below that, corresponding to the Mesozoic Time, came the ridiculous obsequious slang of the bagman of commerce. Below that again, corresponding to the Paleozoic Time, appeared the gelded English which muscleless feckless unfit-for-handicraft little sciolists acquire in school-board spawning-beds. And these rested on stratum of the Azoic Time, to wit the native Pictish Presbyterian jargon of Mr. Sant’s sententious pettifogging spiteful self. These different strata occurred as irregularly as natural strata. They ran one into the other like veins in a fissure, causing displacements resembling those which technically are called Faults; and the tracing and stripping of the same is a task for the ingenious geophilologist.”
[8]《手稿集》261 頁。
[9]《手稿集》261-3 頁。
[12] 此即蘇州廟堂巷楊蔭杭舊宅,錢、楊二先生於 1935 7 13 日結褵於此。
[13]《手稿集》263-4 頁。
[14]of Books & Men」原作「of Men & Books」。
[15]vos rois」原作「vois ros」。
[16] 此事唯斯托勒(E. Storer)英譯誤為「Giovanni Visconti」,波焦《笑譚》原文、德譯(Die Facezien des Florentiners Poggio)及斯佩羅尼《意大利文藝復興時期雋言慧語錄》等皆作「Giannozzo Visconti」。
[17] 1948 年,英國駐華使館委朱經農、林超、錢鍾書、蕭乾、Henry McAleavyGeoffrey Hedley 所組之「英國文化委員會」(British Council)主持「英國文化叢書」(British Life and Thought)十二冊出版之事,由商務印書館刊行。楊絳所譯,為約翰黑瓦德(John Hayward)之《一九三九年以來英國散文作品》(Prose Literature Since 1939)。傅雷則任埃里克牛頓(Eric Newton)《英國繪畫》(British Painting)一書譯者。其餘十冊為:《英國合作運動》(章元善)、《現代科學發明談》(任鴻雋)、《英國大學》(張芝聯)、《一九三九年以來英國詩》(邵洵美)、《英國土地及其利用》(林超)、《英國工業》(李國鼎)、《一九三九年以來英國小說》(全增嘏)、《一九三九年以來英國電影》(張駿祥)、《英國圖書館》(蔣復璁)、《英國教育》(王承緒)。

