2016年4月23日 星期六



















            G.W. Stonier (ed.), New Statesman Competitions, pp. 99-101: “Not Quite Fair, Perhaps” [“Instances where a word or a phrase offer the modern reader a second, ludicrous meaning”] Henry James: “‘I shall go to America,’ said Mme Merle, & then she passed out”; Congreve: “Blooming poets”; Hardy: “Who when wooing Gave her the bird”[4] 等例。按 Bonamy Dobree, ed., The Letters of Lord Chesterfield, I, p. 169: “Critics have misunderstood the word ‘dissipation.’ Chesterfield meant it in the old sense of relaxation, as opposed to ‘concentration’”; Ivor Brown, No Idle Words, pp. 46-7: “Debauched... means, essentially, no more than lured aside or led astray. Aubrey recorded of Shakespeare that he ‘would not be debauched’ — Shakespeare, when writing, was not to be diverted by invitations to parties.” A. Huxley, Texts & Pretexts (“The Phoenix Library”), p. 50 Wordsworth: “On ground which British shepherds tread” 一句云:“Those British shepherds in the last line come very near to blighting[5], retrospectively, the whole of Wordsworth’s poem. Words change their meaning &, still more, their flavour. In Wordsworth’s day, ‘British’ was primarily associated with King Arthur & Boadicea & the Druids. Its flavour was romantic, antiquarian. The self-conscious imperialism which has made it, for modern palates, so extremely distasteful, had not yet been thought of.” W.B. Stanford, Ambiguity in Greek Literature, pp. 28-9: “Homer was not to know that the Attic for an olive tree would be ἐλἀα, rendering his μἀστξεν δἔλἀαν ludicrous[6]. Nor could Virgil have been expected to anticipate the obscenities that Celius & Ausonius found in Incipiunt agitata tumescere. (Georg., I, 357)” cf. I. Bloch, Die Prostitution, I, S. 556: “Quintilian (Inst. Orat., VIII. 3. 47) Quintilian berichtet von ihm, dass er sogar in don harmlosen Worten Virgils über das Meer eine Unanständigkeit gewittert habe. Übrigens gehörte Celsus (De Medicina, VI, 18, 1) zu der schon im Altertum recht zahlreichen Gattung der sogenannten ‘Nuditätenschnüffler’” (De Medicina, “The Loeb Class. Lib.”, II, p. 268: [on the disease of “partes obscenas”:] “Apud nos foediora verba ne consuetudine quidem aliqua verecundius loquentium commendata sunt, ut difficilior haec explanatio sit simul et pudorem et artis praecepta servantibus”). Geoffrey Tillotson, Essays in Criticism & Research, pp. xviii-xx: “The famous speech of Macbeth struck Johnson as ludicrous because it employed the ‘low’ words ‘blanket,’ ‘dun’ & ‘knife.’ In our time we see Johnson as ludicrous... No critic should be allowed a hearing on Milton or 18th-century poetry till he has washed his mind historically clean to receive blooming promise, fleecy care & the rest with the delight that was once novelly their due. The original meaning of a word in a great poem is the only one worth attending to”; René Wellek & Austin Warren, Theory of Literature, p. 150: “The standard derived from our present-day usage is misleading. We must forget the modern meaning in such lines as ‘To have a dame indoors, who trims us up. / And keeps us tight’ (Tennyson: ‘Edwin Morris’).” “The line with which Burns opens his Address to Edinburgh, ‘Edina, Scotia’s darling seat,’ will probably make most modern readers think of a lavatory bowl” (New Statesman, 24 Jan. 1959, p. 119). Cf. T.F. Higham in his Introduction to Higham & C.M. Bowra, Oxford Book of Greek Verse in Translation, p. xiv, quoting Ruskin to his heart: “Thou little bounder, rest!”; xiv, Thomas Stanley’s tr. of Bion’s “Lament for Adonis”: “His short Pants Venus grieve.” Francis Thompson: “She gave me tokens three, / A look, a word of her winsome mouth, & a sweet wild raspberry.”[7] Cf. Quintilian, VIII, iii, 44-47, “Loeb”, III, pp. 234-6. New Statesman, 9 May 1980, p. 74, Arthur Marshall: “In Motion” (on the use of the word ‘motion’ in Wordsworth). 蓋亦如〈離騷〉:「溘吾游此春宮兮。」東坡〈十二月二十八日蒙恩責授檢校水部員外郎黃州團練副使復用前韻〉:「出門便旋風吹面。」(參觀《潛研堂文集》卷三十一〈跋東坡詩集〉[8]。)

            P. 110: “Yet More Last Words”: Henry James: “Mountain your molehills, my dear, mountain your molehills.” 按此本 MacCarthy, Portraits, I, p. 152 Henry James 擅長 “the art of mountaining molehills.”


            The Table Talk of Martin Luther (“Bohn’s Library”), ii: “The books of the heathen taught nothing of faith, hope, or charity... they contemplate only the present... Look not therein for aught of hope or trust in God” (p. 2). CCXCVIII: “Everything in the world is done by hope...How much more does hope urge us on to everlasting life & salvation?” (p. 146). 按參觀第百四十則 Diogenes Laertius, V, 18

            XCIX: “The most acceptable service we can do & show unto God, & which alone he desires of us, is that he be praised of us”; C: “He asks only that we acknowledge him for our God, & thank him for his gifts” (p. 45). W. Somerset Maugham, The Summing-up, §LXIX: “Most of us find it embarrassing when flowery compliments are paid to us... When I was young I had an elderly friend who used often to ask me to stay with him in the country. He was a religious man and he read prayers to the assembled household every morning. But he had crossed out in pencil all the passages in the Book of Common Prayer that praised God. He said that there was nothing so vulgar as to praise people to their faces &, himself a gentleman, he could not believe that God was so ungentlemanly as to like it.”(據 Maugham, The Vagrant Mood[10],此乃 Augustus Hare 語。)《春在堂隨筆》卷八:「余嘗戲語諸君子云:『神祠中楹聯固多諛詞,然神像乃土木偶耳,偃然坐其上,不知愧也。余則尚非土木偶,朝夕出入恆於斯,對此諸聯視,吾色不且赧赧然乎?』」Voltaire, Zadig, ch. 6, “Le Ministre” (Romans et contes, “La Pléiade”, pp. 646-7): “Irax, était un grand seigneur... corrompu par la vanité et par la volupté... Zadig entreprit de le corriger... Il lui envoya de la part du roi un maître de musique avec douze voix et vingt-quatre violons et quatre chambellans... Le premier jour, dès que le voluptueux Irax fut éveillé,... on chanta une cantate qui dura deux heures, et, de trois minutes en trois minutes, le refrain était: ‘Que son mérite est extrême! / Que de grâces! que de grandeur! / Ah! combien Monseigneur / Doit être content de lui-même!’... Après l’exécution de la cantate, un chambellan lui fit une harangue de trois quarts d’heure, dans laquelle on le louait expressément de toutes les bonnes qualités qui lui manquaient. La harangue finie, on le conduisit à table... Le dîner dura trois heures ; dès qu’il ouvrit la bouche pour parler, le premier chambellan dit: Il aura raison. À peine eut-il prononcé quatre paroles que le second chambellan s’écria: Il a raison! Les deux autres chambellans firent de grands éclats de rire des bons mots qu’Irax avait dits ou qu’il avait dû dire. Après dîner on lui répéta la cantate... Cette première journée lui parut délicieuse...; la seconde lui parut moins agréable; la troisième fut gênante; la quatrième fut insupportable; la cinquième fut un supplice.” 此人位衹卿相,故無此大量。使其貴為一國之君,則多多益善,樂此不疲矣。Cf. 第七二三則。

            CXXXII: “The crawl... childhood approaches nearer to the state of innocence wherein Adam lived before his fall.” 按由前之說,則蛇本有足;後說則 Talmud, Hermetica, Boethius, Vaughan, Wordsworth 所昌言者也。L.C. Martin: “Henry Vaughan & the Theme of Infancy” (Seventeenth Century, Presented to Sir Herbert Grierson, pp. 243 ff.) 却未引此。十九世紀末葉,學者方知童稚野性未除,不得為人,而況天乎?(參觀 E. Jones, Papers on Psychoanalysis, ed. 1918, p. 588 Le Neveu de Rameau [“Textes litt. fr.”, éd Jean Fabre, p. 95,亦見 “Hobbisme” (Oeuv., Assézat, XV, p. 123)]: “Si le petit sauvage... réunît au peu de raison de l’enfant la violence des passions de l’homme de 30 ans, il tordrait le col à son père et coucherait avec sa mère”; p. 633 Browning: “A Soul’s Tragedy”: “The sweetest child... would be rudely handled by the world’s inhabitants, if he retained these angelic infantine desires when he has grown 6 feet high, black & bearded.” Havelock Ellis, The Criminal, 5th ed., p. 258: “The child is naturally nearer to the animal, to the savage, to the criminal, than the adult” etc.

            DCLIV: “When I am assailed with heavy tribulations I rush out among my pigs rather than remain alone by myself. The human heart is like a millstone in a mill; when you put wheat under it, it turns & grinds, & bruises the wheat into flour; if you put no wheat in it, it still grinds on; but then ’tis itself it grinds & wears away. So the human heart, unless it be occupied with some employment, leaves space for the devil, who wriggles himself in, & brings with him a whole host of evil thoughts, temptations, & tribulations, which grind out the heart” (p. 275). Grillparzer: “Antispekulation”: “Eine Mühle vergleich’ ich dem Verstand, / Die mahlt, was an Korn sie geschüttet fand; / Doch geschehen der Schüttungen keine, / So reiben sich selber die Steine / Und erzeugen Staub und Splitter und Sand” (Werke, hrsg. S. Hock, II, S. 408),又 Gesam. Werk., hrsg. E. Rollett & A. Sauer, VII, S. 90 Griibelei 亦用此喻。《朱子語類》卷九十六云:「有主於中,外邪不能入,便是『虛』;有主於中,理義甚實,便是『實』。」卷一百十三云:「有主則『實』,此『實』字是好,蓋指理而言也;『無主則實』,此『實』字是不好,指私欲而言也。」《宋元學案》卷六十五引陳器之潛室語云;「明道言:『中有主則實,實則患不能入。』伊川言:『心有主則虛,虛則邪不能入。』其所主不同,何也?蓋有主則『實』,謂有主人在內,先實其屋,外客不能入。有主則『虛』,謂外客不能入,只有主人自在。知惟實故虛。」皆可參觀。

            DCCLIV 記尼菴池中、地下皆小兒骸骨 (p. 307)。按 Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy 亦言之 (”Everyman’s Lib.”, III, pp. 244, 414) Ploss, Bartels & Bartels, Woman, ed. by E.J. Dingwell, III, pp. 271-2 記此等事最詳,育兒至擲溷圊中也 (Barlette: “O quot luxuriae! O quot sodomiae! O quot fornicationes ! / Clamant latrinae latibula ubi sunt pueri suffocati!”; Maillard: “Utinam haberemus aures apertas, et audiremus voces puerorum in latrinis projectorum et in fluminibus.” — p. 272)







            《野叟曝言》第四十七回李姓〈詠梅〉結句云:「月下朦朧驚我眼,如何空剩老丫叉?」元姓說之曰:「出神入化之筆!月色朦朧,與梅花融成一片,豈不單剩了枝梗?」按此雖本俗傳蘇小妹詩話之「輕風扶細柳,淡月失梅花」,以嘲諷斗方名士惡詩,而句中用意則固唐、宋名家所常有也。雍陶〈詠雙白鷺〉云:「立當青草人先見,行傍白蓮魚未知。」李郢〈淛河館〉詩云:「青蛇上竹一種色,黃蝶隔溪無限情。」李洞〈宿成都松溪院〉云:「翡翠鳥飛人不見松也,琉璃瓶貯水疑無溪也。」《後村大全集》卷一百七十五〈前輩咏蝶〉云:「狂隨柳絮有時見,舞入梨花無處尋。」(《類說》卷五十六《古今詩話》作謝學士詩。)尹穡〈西軒〉詩云:「草黃眠失犢,石白動知鷗。」(《澗泉集》卷十七〈和昌甫〉第一首自注引。)姚勉〈四望亭觀荷花〉云:「面面湖光面面風,可人最是白芙蓉。分明飛下雙雙鷺,才到花邊不見蹤。」(《雪坡舍人集》卷十二)以及《五燈會元》卷二十洞山付曹山詞云:「銀碗盛雪,明月藏鷺。」Marino: “Mentre Lidia premea. / Dentro rustica coppa. / A la lanuta la feconda poppa, / I’ stava a rimirar doppio candore, / Di natura e d’amore; né distinguer sapea / Il bianco umor da le sue mani intatte, / Ch’altro non discernea che latte in latte” (“Ninfa mungitrice” — G.G. Ferrero, Marino e i Marinisti, p. 361). Jules Renard, Journal, p. 309: “Noir sur noir, comme un corbeau dans la nuit.”Marino: “Ninfa mungitrice”: “né distinguer sapea / il bianco umor da le sue mani intatte, / ch’altro non discernea che latte in latte” (G.G. Ferrero, Marino e i Marinisti, p. 361).[15]】胥同手眼。嚴鐵橋《全後漢文》卷二十九馬第伯〈封禪儀記〉云:「遙望其人,或以爲小白石,或以爲氷雪。久之,白者移過樹,乃知是人也。」【第伯此文《容齋隨筆》卷十一自應劭《漢官儀》節錄,而極歎其工,頗怪昔賢無稱道者。周晉仙《方泉先生詩集》卷一〈山行行歌〉第七首云:「遠望山腰多白石,細看知是野人行。」即用此文,疑轉本之容齋者。《孫月峯先生全集》卷九補訂此〈記〉全文。陳夢錫《無夢園初集馬集》卷四〈名世文宗序〉引此〈記〉爲「文式」。】明人王禕〈開先寺觀瀑布記〉:「從樹隙見岩腰采薪人,衣白,大如粟。初疑此白石耳,有頃漸移動,乃知是人也。」袁小修《珂雪齋詩集》卷四〈感懷三十三〉:「如雪如素練,晃耀亂山赭,白者移過樹,乃知是人也。」魏默深《古微堂詩集》卷五〈太室吟〉云:「山腳仰視峯影小,數點白者出林杪,須臾移過雜樹間,乃知是人非飛鳥。」可參觀。餘見七百八十則。

[1]《手稿集》264-6 頁。
[2] 此處原文「施愚山先」至「施氏家風」間有所脫落,據本則後文臆補「生年譜四卷」五字。
[3]《手稿集》266 頁。
[4] 19 世紀中葉以來,便有以「give the bird」為「發噓聲」、「喝倒彩」之俗語用法。後來遂由聲音衍生出手勢,今日「flip the bird」或「give someone the bird」皆指「舉中指」之侮辱性手勢。
[5] 原文脫落「very」字。
[6] 此處希臘原文似誤,待考。
[7] Brian Aldiss: “It’s like the poem by Francis Thompson that ends ‘She gave me tokens three, a look, a word of her winsome mouth, and a sweet wild raspberry’; there again the meaning has changed. It really was a wild raspberry in Thompson’s day.” (Recorded informal conversation between C.S. Lewis, Kingsley Amis, and Brian Aldiss, cited in Walter Hooper, ed., Of This and Other Worlds.) 現代俗語中,「raspberry」或「razzberry」與「give the bird」涵意相同,皆指「發噓聲」、「喝倒彩」。
[9]《手稿集》266-7 頁。
[10]The Vagrant Mood」原作「A Vagrant Mind」。
[11]《手稿集》267 頁。
[12] 此處重一「章」字。
[14]《手稿集》267-8 頁。
[15] 此段重引。

