2016年1月13日 星期三



            T.B.L. Webster, Greek Art & Literature, pp. 7-8 Ibycus 詩中 “lovely lidded” (“sleepy-eyed”),復引 H.G.G. Payne, Archaic Marble Sculpture, p. 38 說之云:“The lids, thick & soft, disclose the eye beneath as the bud of poppy opens to disclose the flower.” 當即《呂氏春秋‧不屈篇》所謂「烟視」,後世所謂「星眼微餳」之態。然眼皮厚重,終身作此狀,細思之,竟不知其佳處。【北京人所謂「肉胞眼」。余所見動物,以駱駝眼皮最厚重難抬,如林黛玉哭腫後狀。】

            P. 53 論驕盈 (Hybris) 則昏聵 (ate),蓋天奪其魄也。按史炤《通鑑疏》引諺所謂:「福至心靈,禍來神昧。」

            P. 93 論希臘神 Sophocles 時已漸近人,莊嚴而非威猛 (more human, less terrifying, dignity & benevolence),按中世紀基督教適相反。十世紀前畫象中,耶穌年貌正少,慈悲靜穆 (a very young man, with an expression of untroubled gentleness & calm, engaged in miracles of mercy);十一世紀諸象漸蒼老威嚴,慘刻無歡 (The countenance of Christ became older, sterner, & more mournful, often truly terrible)。至十二世紀,則王赫斯怒,疾顏厲色 (the rex tremendae majestatis of our Dies irae),不啻預示十三世紀之 Inquisition (W.E.H. Lacky, History of the Rise & Influence of Rationalism, vol. I, 50-51)。【參觀 Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra: Ausser Dienst”: Als er jung war, dieser Gott aus dem Morgenlande, da war er hart und rachsüchtig.... Endlich aber wurde er alt und weich und mürbe und mitleidig,” usw. (Kröner, S. 378). 】【Blake, The First Book of Urizen: “The Son, O how unlike the Father First God Almighty comes with a Thump on the Head Then Jesus Christ comes with a balm to heal it.”

            【補第四十一則:P. 49: “The decorative value of foreign dress was exploited by the tragedious. Sophocles, as well as Aeschylus, made his tragedies colourful by dressing his choruses as Thracians, Scythians or Trojans. Stage machinery & mass groupings were employed to produce decorative spectacle” etc. Pp. 57-8: “The word explexis (consternation, shock tactics) is used more than once of the effect produced by Aeschylus... Sophocles also used ecplectic spectacle... in the Niobe (fr. 442). One at least of the children of Niobe died on the stage.” 按參觀 J. Barzun, Romanticism and the Modern Ego, p. 321: “The lyric character of Greek drama, its songs, dance, animation, mass appeal, [is] very different from the marmoreal representations we occasionally see, & also very different from the Greek marbles as we now see them; since they were originally painted in gaudy colours” etc. 頌說古典文藝之簡樸雅素者,皆耳食耳。】


            David Hume, Essays Moral, Political & Literary, ed. T.H. Green, vol. I. “The Septic”: “If these views be natural & obvious, they would have occurred of themselves without the assistance of philosophy, if they be not natural, they never can have any influence on the affections. A man may as well pretend to cure himself of love, by viewing his mistress through the artificial medium of a microscope or prospect, & beholding there the coarseness of her skin, & monstrous disproportion of her features”[3] (pp. 224-5). 按第一句與 Boswell, Life of Johnson, 20 July, 1763: “Sir, all the arguments which are brought to represent poverty as no evil, show it to be evidently a great evil. You never find people labouring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful fortune.” 語略同。【據 New Statesman, 4 Dec. 1964,英人謂之為 “Psychoprophylaxis”,法國亦有 “accouchement sans douleur” (p. 874)“Lamaze” after the name of the French obstetrician Fernand Lamaze。】第二句參觀 Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique, “Apparence”: “La peau la plus fine et la plus blanche n’est qu’un réseau hérissé... Vous ne voyez pas le réseau, les cavités, les cordes, les inégalités, les exhalaisons de cette peau blanche et fine que vous idolâtrez. Des animaux mille fois plus petits qu'un ciron, discernent tous ces objets qui vous échappent. Il s’y logent, ils s’y nourrissent, ils s’y promènent comme dans un vaste pays. Si vous aviez le malheur de voir ce qu’ils voient, cette peau charmante vous ferait horreur” (Oeuv. comp., T. XVII, pp. 332-3),即 Gulliver’s Travels, Pt. II, ch. V 寫大人國後宮粉黛肌糙毛長,有腥臊氣之意 (Skin coarse & uneven... a mole the size of a trenchers with hairs thicker than packthreads)Marjorie Nicholson “The Microscope & English Imagination”,遍引 Swift 此等語 (Science & Imagination, pp. 194-5),未引 Hume]。參觀 Jules Renard, La Lanterne soured, éd. F. Bernouard, p. 70: “‘Quelle peau fine vous avez, chère madame!’ À ces mots, il [Eloi] tire de sa poche une loupe.... Le verre appliqué, on voit des ornières profondes, des grains pareils aux pierres de la route, des veines navigables, des poils oubliés comme de mauvaises herbes, de sombres taches ici, là un point qui bouge, une petite bête sans doute, et partout des horreurs.”Nietzsche, Menschliches, Allzumenschliches, Bd. I, Hauptstück vii, §413: “Mitunter genügt schon eine stärkere Brille, um den Verliebten zu heilen” (Werke, K. Schlechta, I. S. 653).】佛經、基督教詩及 Ovid Remedia Amoris 使知有顯微鏡,必以之為禁慾之利器矣。【[補四十二則]G.F. Meier: “Le guance di una bella donna, sulle quali in giovanil pompa fioriscono le rose, sono belle finché si guardano con occhio nudo. Sì guardino, invece, con una lente d’ingrandimento! Dov’è andata ora la bellezza? Si stenta a credere che una nauseante superficie, scabrosa, tutta valli e montagne, i cui pori sono pieni di sozzure, e eh’è qua e là coperta di peli, sia la sede di quell’attrattiva amorosa, che lega i cuori?” (quoted B. Croce, Estetica, 10a ed., p. 270). 譚瑩《樂志堂文略》卷三〈顯微鏡贊〉:「即而視之,……么麼幾若俊雄,昳麗輒同俛陋。」[4]

            “Of Polygamy & Divorces”: “Man, like a weak sovereign, being unable to support himself against the wiles and intrigues of his subjects, must play one faction against another, and become absolute by the mutual jealousy of the females” (p. 233).按妙語。Josh Billings: “There is one advantage in a plurality of wives; they fight each other instead of their husbands” (cited in E. Partridge, Slang Today & Yesterday, p. 335); Graham Greene: “Convoy to West Africa”, 1 Jan. 1942: “The Pole discusses with gleaming eyes the advantage of having three wives: ‘One wife, she rule. Three, I am king’” (The Mint, ed. by G. Grigson, p. 54). Hume, Treatise of Human Nature, Bk. II, Pt. ii, sect. 4: “’Tis easy to remark in common life, that children esteem their relation to their mother to be weaken’d, in a great measure, by her second marriage, & no longer regard her with the same eye, as if she had continued in her state of widowhood... This also takes place with regard to the second marriage of a father; but in a much less degree: And ’tis certain the ties of blood are not so much loosen’d in the latter case as by the marriage of a mother” (ed. L.A. Selby-Bigge, p. 355). Lord Kames, Elements of Criticism: “I love my daughter less after she is married, & my mother less after a second marriage; the marriage of my son or my father diminishes not my affection so remarkably” (Saintsbury, History of Criticism, II, p. 466 ). 二節相發明。Saintsbury Lord Kames 而不知 Hume 語,Elton (A Survey of Eng. Lit., 1730-1780, II, p. 161) Hume 而不知 Lord Kames 語。參觀施山《薑露盦雜記》卷一:「再醮之婦,猶愛前夫之子;再娶之夫,反不愛前妻之子。蓋繼父憎繼子,不若繼母憎前妻子之甚。婦人服夫言,無如男子蠱婦言者多也。」【參觀第二七五則。】【Walter Pater: “___ of Balliol, who had never met Browning, was wont to say that the poet must be, or have been, a very unhappy man. ‘Such a robust flouting of probabilities could be due only to the inevitable law of reaction’” (William Sharp, Papers Critical & Reminiscent, pp. 196-7).】【參觀第七十四、第八十一則、第六百七十三則。】


            Karl Vossler, The Spirit of Language in Civilization, E. T. by Oscar Oeser. 偶有勝義,而不免故弄玄虛,橫生枝節,每如墮雲霧、行荊棘。

            Ch. II: “It is only speaking that is listened to with understanding & is answered, in other words, conversation, which is living & concrete speech” (p. 7). Henri Delacroix, Le Langage et la Pensée, IIe éd. pp. 149-50: “Entendre et parler s’impliquent. Il est nécessaire au langage que le sujet parlant entende de quelque manière ou s’entende de quelque manière... Tout langage est dialoque.” Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, I, 3te Aufl. S. 163: “Das Hören ist für das Reden konstitutiv.”

            Ch. III: “The angels & the blessed spirits communicate without language; for they read each other’s thoughts mirrored in the divine light... ‘Opera naturale è ch’uom favella’ (Paradiso, XXVI, 130)” (pp. 32-33). 按參觀 E. Cassirer, An Essay on Man, pp. 114-7: “Violent cries of pain or joy are not a specific property of man. We find them everywhere in the animal world... no animal ever crosses the borderline separating propositional from emotional language... Jespersen quotes an observation by Benfey that between interjection & word there is a chasm wide enough to allow us to say that the interjection is the negation of language”; Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, I 3te Aufl. S. 165: “Das Dasein hat Sprache. Ist es Zufall, dass die Griechen... das Wesen des Menschen bestimmten als zōon lógon ékon[6]? Die späterer Auslegung dieser Definition im Sinne von animal rationale ist zwar nicht ‘falsch’, aber sie verdeckt den phänomenalen Boden, dem diese Definition des Daseins entnommen ist. Der Mensch zeigt sich als Seiendes, das redet.” Cf. Hobbes, Leviathan, Pt. I, ch. 4: “The Greeks have but one word, λόγος, for both ‘speech’ & ‘reason’[7]; not that they thought there was no speech without reason, but no reasoning without speech” (Ed. Rutledge & Sons, p. 187).

            Ch. III 引一人仿尼采 “Umwertung der Werte” 之語,作哲學界說云: “Umwortung der Worte” (p. 39)。按拈弄名詞,以艱深文淺陋之弊,一語道破。【Antonin Artaud: “La dévalorisation de tous les valeurs.”】參觀 R. Eacken, Geschichte der philosophischen Terminologie, S. 85: “Unter heftigem Tadel ihres [Scholastik und Aristotelismus] Streitens um Worte eignet er [Gassendi] sich die Klage Seneca’s an: nostra quae erat philosophia facta philologia est (Exercitationes Paradoxicae Adversus Aristoteleos, lib. I, eserc. 1).” 近人主張 semantic analysis 所以救弊矯枉也。《朱子語類》卷一百三十九論歐、蘇文章云:「初不曾使差異底字,換却那尋常底字。」又云:「今人作文,大抵專務節字,更易新好生面詞語。」又云:「舊見徐端立言:『今世安得文章!只有個減字換字法爾。』」惜朱子不知,義理之弊,亦是「換字」。尤西堂《艮齋雜說》卷二曰:「朱子云:『天即理也。』張子云:『鬼神者,二氣之良能也。』(《正蒙‧太和篇第一》)後人笑之曰:『烹牛去祭理,盛服來拜能。』西蜀劉翁語從二子之言,則舜之『類於上帝』,可云『類於理』;禹之『致孝乎鬼神』,可云『致孝乎良能』乎?」俞理初《癸巳存稿卷一‧皇極》曰:「訓詁所以通雅言『皇極』為『大中』,粹然儒義。《朱子語錄》云:『都不是,「皇建其有極」不成是「大建其有中」;「時人斯其惟皇之極」,不成是「時人斯其惟大之中」。「北極」、「屋極」,喚作「北中」、「屋中」不可。有湊會之義,所謂三十輻共一轂』云云。『湊會』即是中轂,即輪中輇。《易》之『大極』,即是『大中』。《詩》『商邑翼翼,四方之極』,《周禮》『體國經野,以為民極』,正言商周建都豫州,為九州之中。凡事須持平言之。朱子嘗云:『天即理也。』又云:『性即理也。』楊慎非之曰:『「天命之謂性」不成「理命之謂理」乎?』朱子解『元亨利貞』云:『元,大也。』此粹然儒言。倪鴻寶非之曰:『「大哉乾元」,不成「大哉乾大」乎?』又有以《孟子》『不遇魯侯,天也』問朱子曰:『此何「理」乎?』朱子『皇極』之談自招致之。」(徐時棟《烟嶼樓讀書志》卷七:「余極惡毛大可以無理強詞駁朱子。一日有少年盛氣爭辯,即以『理命之謂理』相詰難,予應之曰:『訓詁之書,莫古《爾雅》,試以其開卷之文解《尚書》之「元首起哉」曰:「始始起始」,可乎?「起」亦「始」也。則〈舜歌〉四字,無一字不解作「始」,可乎?』」)他如戴東原《孟子字義疏證》等書,即以 John Wisdom 所謂 “new level analysis”【參觀第七百則】施之宋學也。Coleridge 則謂窮理盡性之學,非換字不可 (Biog. Lit., ed. J. Shawcross, I, p. 107: “Pedantry consists in the use of words unsuitable to the time, place, & company. The language of the market would be in the schools as pedantic, though it might not be reprobated by that name, as the language of the schools in the market” etc.)。參觀 Julien Benda, Du style d’idées, p. 206: “Marquons aussi en certains cas la nécessité du ‘jargon’ philosophique. Dans une page célèbre, Taine a trduit en langage courant une phyrase barbare de Maine de Biran. Thibaudet montre fort bien que la traduction de Taine lesse échapper toute une partie de la pensées du philosophe d l’absolu (Reflexions sur la Critique, p. 168)”; H.J.C. Grierson, Rhetoric & English Composition, p. 33: “Technical terms are the very juice of many passages of excellent prose & verse” etc.

            Ch. III, pp. 40-42 論古來神皆緣難字失本意,附會成名號 (born from misunderstood words),舉 ApolloNemoHerr Kannitverstann 為例。按 D. Provenzal, Perché si dice così?, pp. 104-5 Signor NoncapiscoLichtenberg: “Ist denn wohl unser Begriff von Gott etwas weiter, als personifizierte Unbegreiflichkeit?” (Aphorismen, hrsg. von Albert Leitzmann, I, 737, Bd. V, S. 133) 是其的解,然不特神 (Bentham 所謂 “fabulous entity”, C.K. Ogden, Bentham’s Theory of Fictions, pp. 16, 137, 152) 也,人物亦有之(參觀 Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, 11th ed. P. 511 Charles Dibdin, Nongtongpaw; J.G. Saxe, The Romance of Nick Van Stann 二詩),如張彥遠《歷代名畫記》卷四誤解曲解《穆天子傳》卷二「封膜晝於河水之陽,以為殷人主」,憑空添出「封膜,周時人,善畫」(《四庫提要》,又《繪事備攷》、《交翠軒筆記》卷四、《蘿摩亭札記》卷五、孫志祖《讀書脞錄》卷五)。張石洲刻凌輯《遺山年譜》,讀《夷堅續志》破句(「遊從曾大雨後」云云),而憑空添出「曾大雨」一人(李文石《舊學盦筆記》)。Virginia Moore 不識 Charlotte Brontë Emily “Last Words” 詩題傍手書 “Love’s Farewell”,誤作 Louis Parensell,謂是 Emily 所歡。Knight 不識 Wordsworth 草書 “Abuse of myself”,誤為 “A bust of myself”,憑空添出一造象(詳見前論 Edith Morley, ed., The Correspondence of Crabb Robinson with the Wordsworth Circle, I, viii)。又不特人物也,事理情欲亦有之,名學家所謂 HypostatizationReification 即是證驗(參觀 T.C. Pollock, The Nature of Literature, pp. 23-4)。Vossler 書第六章 (pp. 100-1) Thomas Mann 小說 Enttäuschung 中一人云:“Die sprache, dünkt mich, ist reich, ist überschwänglich reich im Vergleich mit der Dürftigkeit und Begrenztheit des Lebens. Der Schmerz hat seine Grenzen: der körperliche in der Ohnmacht, der seelische im Stumpfsinn, — es ist mit dem Glück nicht anders! Das menschliche Mitteilungsbedürfnis aber hat sich Laute erfunden, die über diese Grenzen hinweglügen.” 亦可作證。【Cf. Samuel Beckett, Molloy: “There could be no things but nameless things, no names but thingless names” (Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable, p. 31).】【Valéry, Cahiers, IX, p. 98: “Nous pouvons mettre des noms sur les choses, mais défense de mettre des choses sous les noms existants.”La Rochefoucauld, Maximes, 136: “Il y a des gens qui n’auroient jamais été amoureux s’ils n’avoient jamais entendu parler de l’amour.” Henri Davray: “Ils cherchent des sentiments pour les accommoder it leur vocabulaire” ( Ezra Pound, The A.B.C. of Reading, p. 90) 亦可參觀。故曰 “Es giebt viele Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde, von denen sich unsere Schulweisheit nichts träumen lässt; aber noch viel mehr Dinge lässt sich unsere Schulweisheit träumen, die es weder im Himmel noch auf Erden giebt” (Th. Lipps, Komik und Humor, S. 192 引,又 Freud, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten, 3te Aufl. S. 58 )。又 Bentham: “Beholding a part of speech cast in the same mould with the name of a real entity, no wonder if this fictitious entity thus accoutered should present itself in the character of, & be regarded & treated as if it were a real one” (C.K. Ogden, Bentham’s Theory of Fictions, p. xiii; Jeremy Bentham, 1832-2032, p. 110).(又補見第二十二則眉。)【[補第四十三則論詞浮於事]Faust, I, 1993-6. Schüler: “Doch ein Begriff muss bei dem Worte sein.” Mephistopheles: “Schon gut! Nur muss man sich nicht allzu ängstlich quälen; / Denn eben wo Begriff fehlen, / Da stellt ein Wort zur rechten Zeit sich ein” (Faust, hrsg. E. Trunz, S. 64-5); A. Döblin, Hamlet: “Man hat zür alles ein Wort Es wäre besserfür uns und unser Erkennen, wir hätten die vielen Worte nicht. Man bilde sich nicht ein, wenn man sie ausspricht oder wenn man sie hört, man begriffe etwas” (W. Muschg, Die Zerstörung der deutschen Literatur, 3te Auf. S. 140 ).】惜 Vossler 之不能充類至盡也。又按此謂「有其文而無所指」也,尚有「意有所指而無文可達」者。是以作者撰述,字斟句酌,搜詞索藻。Montgomery Belgion 以斯為 “wordlessness of thought” 之證,頗得間 (The Human Parrot, pp. 17-20),惜未引 Favorinus 所謂「目能辨之色,多於文字所能喻」 (Plura sunt in sensibus oculorum quam in verbus vocibusque colorum discrimina) (The Attic Nights, II, iii, “The Loeb Classical Library”, E. T. by J.C. Rolfe, I, p. 210)Swinburne on R.G. Rossetti: “It is like making Latin verses at school and hunting for the best adjective to fill up your line — but I fancy the right & best word is somewhere if we could hit it.” Cecil Y. Lang, The Swinburne Letters, II, p. 104.《文心雕龍‧神思篇》亦云:「思表纖旨,文外曲致,言所不追,筆固知止。」【又參觀第二十五則論不可說,又二百五十三則,又七百五十二則。】【Edward Hyams, Into the Dream, p. 132: “Was love, as Paul maintaines, no more than literature, life’s laborious effort to imitate art?” Massimo D’Azeglio, I miei ricordi e scritti politici, ed. U. Hoepli, p. 103: “L’amore... è un prodotto artificiale della letteratura. E la letteratura francese ne ha fatto un ignobile capo di speculazione.”】【參觀 Montaigne, Essais, III, 2, éd. Pléiade, p. 779。】

            Ch. V “natural” language 云:“An Alsatian Woman, of German parentage but French ‘education’ came to give birth to a child. As long as she vented her anguish in the cry ai! ai! the doctor did not take the matter seriously; only when she gave forth the German cry au! au! did he feel that her time had come” (p. 86).【按 Freud, Der Witz, S. 66 作一 Frau Baronin 事,始曰 “Ah, mon dieu, que je souffre!”,繼曰 “Mein Gott, mein Gott, was für Schmerzen!”,終則 “Ai, waih, waih geschrien”。】按《廣洋雜記》卷一云:「大兄云:滿洲擄去漢人子女年幼者,習滿語純熟,與真女直無別。至老年,鄉音漸出矣,雖操滿語,其音則土,百不遺一云。予謂人至晚年,漸歸根本,此中有至理。予十九歲去鄉井,寓吳下三十年,自忘為北產。丙辰之秋,大病幾死。少愈,所思者皆北味;夢寐中所見境界,無非北方幼時熟游之地。」日本原公道《先哲叢談》卷二:「朱舜水歸化歷年所,能倭語,然及其病革也,遂復鄉語,則侍人不能了解。」按窮則返本,病危、年老、婦人免身皆存在主義所謂 Nullpunkt-Existenz[8]Grenzsituation 也。【The Count Greffi [an Italian diplomat of 94 yrs old]: “It is easier for me to talk Italian.... So I know I must be getting old” (Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, ch. 35). O.W. Holmes, The Professor of the Breakfast-Table, II: “Foreigners, who have talked a strange tongue half their lives, return to the language of their childhood in their dying hours.”】【A.N. Wilson, Hilaire Belloc, p. 209 [Mrs. Elodie Belloc dying]: “The English accent, which she had so painstakingly acquired in 1896, began to fall away & her incoherent mumblings became, once more, unmistakably Californian.”


            Propertius (The Loeb Classical Library, E. T. by H.E. Butler). 才女之才,特色相之一種,所以昂待沽之價者。故揚州瘦馬必學琴能彈「顏回」或「梅花」一段,學畫能寫蘭竹數枝,學字能書「吏部尚書大學士」、「第一甲第一名」數字(見錢枋輯本《野獲編》卷二十三)。【萬紅友《風流棒傳奇》嘲賴參將女賴能文云:「天下才女,十個有九個假的,就是寫得出幾句,不過填脂襯粉,便思禍棗災梨。」】晁景迂《嵩山集》卷九〈胡季和送江梅山茶來〉云:「山茶有色笑江梅,無色江梅謝不才。莫言無色無才思,幾許才從色上來。」誠哉斯言!蓋美色便易見才,薄才可以增色,相為映發。至於有才無貌,則 Baudelaire “Aimer les femmes intelligentes est un plaisir de pédéraste” (Journaux Intimes, ed. Ad. van Bever, p. 10). 語雖過激,亦即此理。獨 Propertius Cynthia,反復稱其為女學士。Bk. I, vii, 11: “me laudent doctae solum placuisse puellae”; II, xi, 6: “cinis hic docta puella fuit”; xiii, 11: “Me invet in gremio doctae legisse puellae. Propertius 詩,前後所載 Cynthia 雖博學,而淫蕩很辣,有王鳳姐風,非 Juvenal 所深惡痛絕之掉書袋女學究也 (Sat. VI, 434 et seq.)Martial, XI, xix Galla 云:「我不敢娶卿,以卿乃女學士,而吾牀笫間『不阡不陌,非途非路』(《南齊書》卷四十一張融自論其文謂)【cf. 七三○則】,破律壞度耳。」(Diserta es. / Saepe soloecismum mentula nostra facit[10].) 語頗刻毒。參觀 J.L. Guez de Balzac Chapelain 書:“j’ai dit que je souffrirais plus volontiers une femme qui a de la barbe, qu’une femme qui fait la savant” ( J. E. Fidao-Justiniani, L’Esprit Classique et la Préciosité, p. 48). Kant, Anthropologie, §102: “Was die gelehrten Frauen betrifft; so brauchen sie ihre Bücher etwa so, wie ihre Uhr, nämlich sie zu tragen, damit gesehen werde, dass sie eine haben” (Werke, hrsg. E. Cassirer, VIII, S. 201).

            I. v. 24: “Nescit Amor priscis cedere imaginibus.” 為男子言之也,參觀 Fontenelle, Lettres Galantes: “Croyez-vous que je pardonne la laideur d’un visage, parce que ce Visage-là sera descendu de vingt ducs? ... Non, je vous avoue que je n’aurais pas les sentiments assez élevés pour être amoureux d’un arbre généalogique” (Brunetière, Études critiques, I, 384 )

            I. xii. 15-6: “Felix qui potuit praesenti flere puellae; / Non nihil aspersis gaudet amor lacrimis.” 已開 Alfred de Musset: “Le seul bien qui me reste au monde / Est d’avoir quelquefois pleuré.” 參觀 III, viii, 23-4: “Aut in amore dolere volo aut audire dolentem, / Sive tuas lacrimas, sive videre meas[11].” 此二句寫 Algolagnia,兩面兼到。Alfred de Musset: “J’aime, et je veux pâlir; / J’aime et je veux souffrir” 衹道 Masochism,未及 Sadism 也。【參觀第六百二十七則,又七五八則,又七九五則。】III. viii 全首為古詩中寫 Algolagnia 最佳者,而 Ellis, Psychology of Sex, II, p. 84 未能拈,亦未引 10: “Nam sine amore graui femina nulla dolet”; 19: “Non est certa fides, quam non in iurgia vertas”。按 Catullus, LXXXIII: “Si nostri oblita taceret, / sana esset: nunc quod gannit et obloquitur, / non solum meminit, sed, quae multo acrior est res, / irata est. Hoc est, uritur et loquitur”; XCII: “Lesbia mi dicit semper male nec tacet umquam / de me: Lesbia me dispeream nisi amat.” 又按 Sappho XXVIII Love giver of pain (ἀλγεσίδωρον) (J.M. Edmonds, Lyra Graeca, I, p. 201) 已一語破的矣。《繡襦記》(第四折)、《金雀記》皆有。「打者是愛,出於《嫖經》」,此之謂也。

            II. iii. 12: “Utque rosae puro lacte natant folia.”[12] 按恰到好處。Giles Fletcher: “Her cheek as snowy apples sopped in wine, / Had their red roses quencht with lillies white, / And like to garden strawberries did shine, / Wash't in a bowle of milk” 則太過矣。《內經》論人面五色曰:「色者,氣之華也。赤欲如白裹朱,不欲如赭。」正此意。參觀 Diderot Mlle d’Ette“Son visage est comme une grande jatte de lait sur laquelle on a jeté des feuilles derose” (Sainte-Beuve, Lundi, II, pp. 194-5 )。又第六百十三則。

            II. xi. 57: “Ecquis in extremo restat amore locus?” 按奇句。《金瓶梅》六十七回潘金蓮道:「李瓶兒是你心上的人,奶子是心下的人,俺們是心外的人,不上數。」【《管子‧心術下》:「心之中又有心」;又〈內業〉:「心以藏心,心之中又有心焉。」】【唐人常非月〈詠談容娘〉云:「不知心大小,容得許多憐?」】【F. Nicolim, Croce, 35: “un cuore nel cuore.”】參觀 Saintsbury, History of the French Novel, I, p. xii Astrée Hylas 語云:“Ce n’était pas que je n’aimasse les autres: mais j’avais encore, outre leur place, celle-ci vide dans mon âme.”(評之云:“the completest & most sententious vindication of polyerotism ever phrased... And the soul of Hylas, like Nature herself, abhorred a vacuum!”)余〈昆明戲作〉云[13]:「忍換他年薄倖名,情懷掩抑未分明。此心刼後殘山水,一角何堪位置卿?」

            II. vi. 42: “Semper amica mihi, semper et uxor eris.” 按已開 Disraeli 稱其夫人語。

            III. i. 8: “Exactus tenui pumice versus eat.” 與吾國「雕琢」之意正同。

            IV. viii: 奇作,大似《醒世姻緣》中情事。

            II. xv. 21: “inclinatae mammae.” Hans Licht, Beiträge zur Antiken Erotik, S. 24 所斥 “Die Hängebrüste... die bei lebhafter Bewegung oder beim Tanzen wie zwei volle schläuche hin und her schwappen oder an der Körper anklatschen.” Juvenal 咏婦人乳大於所哺兒 (“In Meroë crasso maiorem infante mamillam” — Sat. XIII, 163) 奇語無對。Scarron, Le Roman comique, IIe Ptie, ch. x: “La grosse sensuelle ôta son mouchoir de.cou, et étala aux veux de Destin, dix livres de tétons pour le moins” 無其渾成也。Ploss, Bartel & Bartels, Woman, ed. by E.J. Dingwall, I, p. 398: “A girl of 14 had breasts weighing 259 oz; a woman of 30 had breasts weighing 52 lbs... The breasts of a girl of 15 had circumferences of 94 cm. & 105 cm. respectively [i.e. hypertrophy + asymmetry]... a woman of 26 had a right breast hanging down to the anterior superior iliac spine.” p. 431 論埃及婦人乳,即引 Juvenal 此句。《嶺表錄異》:「洗氏乳長二尺餘。或冒熱遠行,兩乳搭在肩上。」




            同卷引李光壂《汴圍日錄》記:「流寇攻汴梁不克,搜婦女數百,露下體,倒植於地,向城嫚罵,號曰『陰門陣』,城上炮皆不發。陳將軍永福急取僧人數略相當,赤身立垛口對之,謂之『陽門陣』,賊炮亦不發。黃帝風后以來,從無此法。」按屠紳《六合內外瑣言》卷五〈萬人塚〉條,亦有「陰門陣」、「陽門陣」事。後來《物理小識》記李霖寰征楊應龍:「以大砲攻之,楊裸諸婦向砲,砲竟不然。崇禎乙亥,流賊圍桐城,城上架砲,賊亦逼婦人裸陰向城,乃潑狗血、燒羊角烟以解之。」又《續知冠子》記崇禎九年正月,「闖王闖塌天八大將,搖天動七賊,攻滁州不克,掠山谷婦女數百人,裸而沓淫之,斷其首,植其跗,而倒埋之,露其下竅,血穢淋漓,以厭諸炮。城上炮皆迸裂。太僕寺卿李覺斯立命取民間圊牏,亦數百枚,懸堞外向,以厭勝之。燃炮皆發。」(二則皆見《寄園寄所寄囊底寄智術門》引。)義和拳時,有盛傳:「洋人為『人皮牆』、『陰門陣』,以相壓制,有一傘為女陰三百六十具造成。」見陳陸《拳變繫日要錄》、龍顧山人《庚子詩鑑補》、高枏《庚子日記》(七月初六日)等書,華學瀾《庚子日記》六月廿七日則謂之「萬女旄」。【又第四十八則眉。[16]】【[補第四十五]此與Pantagruel, ch. 15 Panurge 謂築城事相類:“Je voy que les callibistrys des femmes de ce pays sont à meilleur marché que les pierres. D’iceulx fauldroit bastir les murailles... Il n’y a metal qui tant résistât aux coups. Et puis que les couillevrines se y vinssent froter,vous en verriez (par Dieu!) incontinent distiller de ce benoist fruict de grosse verolle, menu comme pluye, sec au nom des diables. Dadvantaige, la foudre ne tumberoit jamais dessus; car pourquoy? Ilz sont tous benists ou sacrez” (Oeuv. compl. de Rabelais, éd. Jean Plattard, II, p. 78).



[1]《手稿集》63-4 頁。
[2]《手稿集》64-6 頁。
[3]occurred of themselves」原作「occurred themselves」。「never can have」原作「can never have」。
[4] 見《手稿集》99 頁。
[5]《手稿集》66-9 頁。
[6]zōon lógon ékon」:希臘語「 ζῷον λόγον ἔχον」,即「能言能思之動物」。
[7]λόγος」即「logos」。《管錐編‧老子王弼註‧二‧一章》:「古希臘文『道』(logos)兼『理』(ratio)與『言』(oratio)兩義」云云,可作 Hobbes 此語直譯。
[9]《手稿集》69-70 頁。
[11] 一般版本「汝之淚」與「吾之淚」次序顛倒,作:「Sive meas lacrimas, sive videre tuas」。
[12] II. iii. 12: “Utque rosae puro lacte natant folia.”」重見於《手稿集》70 頁書眉與下腳,各有申說。此處併為一段。
[13] 此首《槐聚詩存》未收。
[14]《手稿集》70-1 頁。
[16] 即下文,見《手稿集》80 頁眉。
[17] 龔鼎孳此詩全題為:「歸舟過章江,雪堂先生謝病山居,輕帆出晤,并誦〈見懷〉詩,有『何人當國愁孤掌,有客還山避老拳』之句,湖上阻風,悵然感憶,因拈詩中「平」韻,賦寄八章,兼志從游歲月。」
[18] 熊文舉此聯原出《雪堂文集‧恥廬近集》卷一丁酉詩〈用簡齋韻書贈芝麓〉:「杜門高枕不須憐,拂拭青萍氣浩然。鳳鳥衹巢阿閣樹,龍蛇空蟄介山田。何人秉國愁孤掌,此子投林辟老拳。聞道甌枚虛左在,上林春暖聽鶯遷。」

