2018年1月15日 星期一


I Promessi Sposi


            卷三十六〈次韻彥達催詩〉:「老去交親渾漫與,興來終日飲亡何。」按朱竹垞《曝書亭集》卷四十三〈書韻府群玉後〉謂 :「『漫與』者,即景口占,率意而作也。姜堯章〈蟋蟀詞〉云:『豳詩漫與。』段復之詞云:『詩句一春渾漫與。紛紛紅紫俱塵土。』陰時夫此書亦采入『語』字韻。『漫與』作『漫興』,始楊廉夫,而其弟子吳復傅會。(亦見《明詩綜》卷六張孟兼〈漫興〉下[2])」胡鳴玉《訂譌叢錄》卷七謂介甫、東坡詩已作「漫興」。沈西雍《匏廬詩話》卷下謂:「月泉吟社第三十一名陳希邵詩第一首有『詩是田園漫興時』,以後各首繼之以『飲興』、『懶興』、『引興』、『寄興』、『乘興』、『盡興』、『感興』,是杜詩誤字,宋末已然。」張宗泰《魯巖所學集》卷十二謂袁易有〈春雨漫興〉詩,中有「彩筆彫零詩漫興」之句。袁為元初人,然觀張莊簡此聯及《江湖長翁集》卷二〈次前韻贈龔養正〉云:「詩就寧漫與」,卷二十〈漫與〉七絕,則南宋尚未誤也。【楊弘道《小亨集》卷四〈修武春日〉:「已從漫與寛詩律,更覔無何入睡鄉。」】【《舒藝室餘筆》卷三引姜堯章〈清波引〉「新詩漫與」又〈齊天樂〉「豳詩謾與」:「蓋所見杜詩尚未誤。」】



            Alessandro Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi (Ed. Ulrico Hoepli). Goethe who praised this novel with generous fervor made one criticism: “Ich sagte Ihnen doch neulich dass unserm Dichter in diesem Roman der Historiker zugute käme, jetzt aber im dritten Bande finde ich, dass der Historiker dem Poeten einen bösen Streich spielt, indem Herr Manzoni mit einem Mal den Rock des Poeten auszieht und eine ganze Weile als nackter Historiker dasteht... Der deutsche Übersetzer... muss die Beschreibung des Kriegs und der Hungersnot um einen guten Teil, und die der Pest um zwei Dritteil zusammenschmelzen” u.s.w. (Eckermann, Gespräche mit Goethe, 23 Juli 1827, Auflage Aufbau verlag, 1955, S. 348; cf. 31 Jun. 827, S. 379). But it is not esatezza storica alone which he spoiled the novel as a work of art. A critic less tolerant or more impartial can point out instances of what Henry James calls “a mass of seated information” and wish them excised or at least reduced; e.g. the account of the successive gridi against the bravi (cap. I, pp. 8-11), the story of Il padre Cristoforo (cap. IV, pp. 48-61), the story of Gertrude (cap. IX & X, pp. 132-160), etc. True, the dreary stretches of narrative are indeed enlivened with shrewd observations & brilliant metaphors, but they badly need “bovrilizing”. The best-drawn character is Don Abbondio; Agnese & Renzo came next neck & neck; Lucia is a “bella baggiana” in a different sense from the one in which the author uses the phrase (cap. XXXIII, p. 572); the saints Cristoforo & Frederigo, however, have as little life in them as the villain Rodrigo. It is a neat sleight of hand to convert in all senses of the word the devil in flesh, L’Innominato, into the deus ex machina, though I wonder whether, artistically speaking, it is fair play. This seem a common failing among writers of historical novel, cf. A. Bellessoit, Victor Hugo. Essai sur son oeuvre, p. 80 on certain chapters in Notre-Dame de Paris. Enrico Panzacchi, in his rhetorical lecture on Manzoni’s novel, shrewdly says: “Il gran lombardo che ricordava tutti i placiti dell’antichità, qualche volta si dimenticava di un detto sapientissimo: cave a consequentiariis. Una volta che egli aveva preso in mano un argomento, una volta che colle sua testa così sottile e così tormentatrice di sé stessa arrivava a porre certe basi e certe premesse, egli non si contentava di andare fino all'ultimissima conseguenza, ma passava il segno... Dunque tutta quella esattezza storica” (Alessandro D’Ancona & Orazio Bacci, Manuale della Letteratura Italiana, VI, pp. 263-4).According to Antonio Cippico, who noticed “the heavy feeling of weariness this masterpiece produces in many inexperienced English as well as Italian readers”, there was a large sect which ventures to mention the Promessi Sposi in the same breath with the Divina Commedia” (The Romantic Age in Italian Literature, pp. 76, 75).
            Il frate Galdino: “Perché noi siam come il mare, che riceve acqua da tutte le parti, e la torna a distribuire a tutti i fiumi” (cap. III, p. 45). A variation, but certainly not an improvement on a rather common simile: John Webster, Duchess of Malfi, III, ii: “Bosola: ‘Here is an example for extortion: What moisture is drawn out of the sea, when foul weather comes, pours down, & runs into the sea again’” (Webster & Ford, Plays, “Everyman’s Lib.”, p. 137); Johnson, Lives of the English Poets, “Dryden”: “Learning once made popular is no longer learning; it has the appearance of something which we have bestowed upon ourselves, as the dew appears to rise from the field which it refreshes”; Chateaubriand: “Les animaux de la création veillaient; la terre, en adoration, semblait encenser le ciel, et l’ambre exhalé de son sein retombait sur elle en rosée, comme la prière redescend sur celui qui prie” (Mémoires d’outre-tombe, quoted in Maurice Baring, Have You Anything to Declare?, p. 216); Gladstone: “As showers descend from heaven to return to it in vapour, so Tennyson’s loving observation of nature & his Muse seem to have had a compact of reciprocity well kept on both sides” (Lord Tennyson, a Memoir, by his son, II, p. 133); Dr. Noyes: “Our duties to God ascend like the vapors, not to refresh the sky, but to fall again in genial showers upon ourselves” (quoted in Samuel Longfellow, Life of H.W. Longfellow, 1886, II, p. 63); cf. H.J.C. Grierson, Rhetoric & English Composition, p. 11: “Gladstone used to say that the orator gives back in a shower what he gets from his audience as a vapour.” For Goethe, Keats & others, see 第六五五則.
            There are several wonderful comparaisons à longue queues in this novel, e.g. the simile of new wine in an old, badly hooped cask (cap. XI, p. 167, see 三九五則眉[5]).【[補三九八則]I Promessi Sposi , cap. XI, p. 167 (Opere, Ricciardi, p. 560): “Certo è che un così gran segreto slava nel cuore della povera donna, come, in una botte vecchia e mal cerchiata, un vino molto giovine, che grilla e gorgoglia e ribolle” ecc. A wonderful simile perhaps amplified from Bouhours, Les Entretiens d’Ariste et d’Eugène, III: “un secret dans la pluspart des hommes est semblable au vin nouveau, qui ne cherche qu’à s’échapper et qu’à se répandre” (éd. Armand Colin, 1962, p. 95). Cf. Moravia, La Romana: “Come un’acqua troppo abbondante in un vaso angusto, il segreto traboccava dal mio animo, e io ero tentata di versarlo in un’altra” (D. Provenzal, Dizion. delle Immagini, p. 793).The most ingenious is the one on Father Cristoforo’s facial expression in which native fiery spirit fought a losing battle with Christian meekness: “Un suo confratello ed amico, che lo conosceva bene, l’aveva una volta paragonato a quelle parole troppo espressive nella loro forma naturale, che alcuni, anche ben educati, pronunziano, quando la passione trabocca, smozzicate, con qualche lettera mutata; parole che, in quel travisamento, fanno però ricordare della loro energia primitiva” (cap. IV, p. 60). Though in the line of Dante’s “Parean l’occhiaie anella senza gemme; / chi nel viso degli uomini legge omo, / ben avria quivi conosciuto l’emme[6] (Purg. XXIII. 31-3, Opere, Moore & Toynbee, p. 86); Heine: “Der Brüstchen Rosenknospen sind / Epigrammmatisch gefeilet” etc. (“Das Hohelied”); Wm. Barnes, Views of Labour & Gold: “The kindness which is done by capital when it affords employment to people from whom, by a monopoly, it has taken their little businesses, is such as one might do to a cock by adorning his head with a plume made of feathers pulled out of his own tail” (quoted in G. Grigson, The Mint, p. 99), see also 第六百五十五則《倪文貞公文集》卷七〈姚孟長翰長代言稿序〉, it surpasses them all. This is almost Jules Renard writing with the pen — or should we rather say, tapping on the typewriter? — of Henry James. Cf. D. Provenzal, Dizion. d. Immagini, 417, see第七三二則。
            Il proverbio: ambasciator non porta pena (cap. V, p. 67). Cf. A. Arthaber, Dizionario Comparato di Proverbi, p. 23 for similar sayings in French, German, etc. The Oxford Dict. of Eng. Proverbs, p. 296: “Messengers should neither be headed nor hanged (Legatus nec violatur, nec laeditur)”, cf. the lines quoted by Sancho Panza in Don Quixote, Pt. II ch. 10: “A messenger you are, my friend, / No blame belongs to you” (tr. S. Putnam, II, p. 567); “兩國相爭,不斬來使”; cf. Giuseppe Giusti’s little essay on this proverb in his Dai Proverbi Toscani where he gives two exceptions (Prose e Poesie Scelte, “Biblioteca Classica Hoepliana”, pp. 121-123). The Oxford Dict. of Eng. Prov., p. 296.
            Due bravacci... giocavano alla mora, etc.[7] (cap. VII, p. 100). This game, the equivalent of 拇戰, was first mentioned in Calpurnius Siculus, Eclogae, II, l. 26: “ter quisque manus iactate micantes” (J. Wirght Duff & Arnold M. Duff, Minor Latin Poets, “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 228). Cf.《容齋續筆》卷十六〈唐人酒令〉on “手打令”. The best description of it in English is found in Holmes, Autocrat at the Breakfast Table, I.Daniele Vare, La Gabbia d’Avorio: “...[8] si gioca in Cina nè più nè meno che da noi, ma con qualche variante pura forma... I cineci... aggiungono un sostantivo al numerale per esempio le cinque virtù, gli otto tesori.”】【“The play which the Italians call cinque, and the French mourre, is extremely ancient; it was played at by Hymen & Cupid at the marriage of Psyche, & termed by the Latins, digitis micare” (Satires & Personal Writings by Jonathan Swift, ed.W.A. Eddy, p.120)[9] 】【George Soulié de Morant, Bijou-de-ceinture, p. 186: “...deviner les doigts... sorte de morra.”[10]】【Fronto, Correspondence, tr. C.R. Haines, “Loeb”, I, p. 96 ref. to mora by quoting the proverb “en cum quo in tenebris mices.” Cf. ...[11]
            Chi è in difetto è in sospetto, dice il proverbio milanese (cap. VIII, p. 112). Cf. “賊人心虛”.
            The ironical account of Don Ferrente’s multifarious learning in cap. XXVII (pp. 400 ff.) is too long & rather wasted on a character who plays only “a thinking part” in the development of events. The stock character of pedant-sciolist is as old as Holmer’s lost epic the Margites whose hero “knew many things but knew all badly” (Homerica, tr. by H.G. Evelyn-White, “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 537; The Margites, §3 from Plato, Alcib., II, 147A). The moral, “the fox knows many a wile, but the hedge-hog’s one trick can beat them all” (p. 539, §5) has taken on new significance in Isaiah Berlin’s thoughtful study The Hedgehog & the Fox which shows among other things how Tolstoy, by nature a Fox of varied interests, relates everything to “a single central vision”; H. Levin, The Gates of Horn, p. 370: “Zola was a hedgehog, purely & squarely, not a fox or a hybrid of the two.”[12] Cf.《朱子語類》卷八 & 卷一百十五: “宗杲: 寸鐵可以殺人,無殺人手段,則載一車鎗刀,逐件弄過,畢竟無益。’” Bacon, The Colours of Good & Evil: “Whereas the fox bragged what a number of shifts & devices he had to get from the hounds, & the cat said she had but one, which was to climb a tree, which in proof was better worth than all the rest.”La Fontaine, Fables, IX. 14, “Le Chat et le Renard”: “Le trop d’expédients peut gâter une affaire; / On perd du temps au choix, on tente, on veut tout faire. / N’en ayons qu’un, mais qu'il soit bon”; cf. Victor Hugo, Littérature & Philosophie Mêlées, p. 114-5 (quoted 第七百三則 Rilke).】【The Oxford Book of Greek Verse in Translation, no. 113 (p. 187) gives the following epigram by Archilochus as tr. by anon.: “Few trick there are a fox won’t learn; / Hedge-hogs have onea master-turn.”】【Ars varia vulpis, ast una echino maxima.
            Excellent apercus on group mind a propos of the plague (cap. XXXI, p. 463 & cap. XXXII, p. 465). It would be too naïve to say “Die Sache ist ex!”[13] They are full of actuality, especially the passage on “le piace più d’attribuire i mali a una perversità umana”. Think of the “Germ Warfare”! Think of the flood supposed to be a result of the hydrogen bomb. J. Volkelt cites the plague in this novel as an example of “sas Grauenhaft-Erhabene” (System der Ästhetik, Bd. II, S. 151) whose essence consists in “dem Dunkel & Nichtwissen hinsichtlich der Herkunft der vernichtenden Kräfte” (S. 150). But the effect is marred by too many digressions & disquisitions.


            卷十二〈次韻仲輔山中之作〉:「崖陰坐清暝,目爲山光注。妙意不可名,悠然與心晤。疏泉石中鳴,落葉衣上住。冷風起虛籟,還向無中去。三生聽鐘魚,偶失來時步。佛屋倚秋風,團團兩桂樹。卻疑此境中,曾是經行處。」【Die Wunderblum, 13, 457-8.


            〈氾論訓〉:「夫見不可布於海內,聞不可明於百姓,故因鬼神禨祥而為之立禁,……枕戶橉而臥者,鬼神蹠其首」云云。按此節極□通深為神道設教之意,參觀《菉友肊說》論「不出門而寫水,出門必遇雨」;《寄龕丙志》卷四論「騎貓狗者娶婦日必雨」,「屋下張蓋者軀不復長」等。參觀又 T.R. Glover, The Greek Byways, pp. 270-1(?) 引希臘、羅馬說喻。
            〈兵略訓〉:「五指之更彈,不若捲手之一挃;萬人之更進,不如百人之俱至。」按此毛奇《兵法》所謂 “Getrennt marschieren, vereint schlagen” (詳見 G. Büchmanns, Geflügelte Worte, Volks-Ausgabe, von B. Krieger, 1926, S. 381)
            〈說山訓〉:「將軍不敢騎白馬。」《陔餘叢考》卷四十曰:「蓋懼其易識也。《蒼梧雜志》亦云:『古戎服上下一律皆赤色,恐戰有傷殘,或沮士氣,故衣赤,使血色不得見也。』《甕牖閑評》亦云:『軍主不可自表暴,以防敵人之窺伺也。宋南渡以前,戎服猶皆用緋,紹興末乃變而用皂色。』薛仁貴欲自顯,乃著白衣。」Philostratus the Elder, Letters, 3 亦言斯巴達人上陣衣紅色以掩血跡  (“Loeb Class. Lib.”, p. 417)Plutarch, Instituta Laconica, 24 亦言。[22]

[1]《手稿集》617-18 頁。
[3]《手稿集》618 頁。
[4]《手稿集》618-20 頁。
[5] 即下文,見《手稿集》615-16 頁眉。
[6]ben」原作「bene」。黃國彬譯但丁《神曲煉獄篇》第二十三章:「亡魂的眼眶像戒指的寶石被摳。╱有誰在眾臉讀出 OMO 這個字符,╱就會輕易看見字母 M 的結構。」
[8] 此數字漫漶不辨。
[9] 此節字跡極為模糊,似已抹去,姑據原文補全存此。
[10] 此處字跡模糊,「doigts」原似作「poings」。
[11] 此數字漫漶不辨。
[12] 此節「varied」至「a single」間、「H.」至「Zola」間墨跡漫漶不辨,兹據原文臆補。
[14]《手稿集》620-22 頁。
[15] 即下文所云此《集》失收之〈小雲堂〉一律:「老子何因一念差,肯將簪紱換袈裟。同參尚有滿兄在,異世猶將遜老誇。結習未忘能作舞,因緣那得見拈花。卻修淨業尋來路,淡泊如今居士家。」
[17] 行間重引蘇舜欽此聯。
[18] 此處字跡漫漶脫落。
[19]《手稿集》622 頁。
[20] 本則所注諸事,先後原有小異,此處據《淮南子》章節次序調整。
[22] 此節字跡漫漶不辨,「Philostratus the Elder」、「Plutarch, Instituta Laconica」諸字,皆據考訂補足。
[24] 此處字跡漫漶,脫落「論衡」、「不同」、「音不」諸字。

